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11586464 No.11586464 [Reply] [Original]

>you didn't buy bitcoin at $100 in 2013
>you will never ever make it
We're all a bunch of lost souls

>> No.11586498

TFW you bought 100 and never sold

>> No.11586516

sup,wojaks? *sip*

>> No.11586521

what's your sell window, gii-san?

>> No.11586529

You have a shot at redemption by accumulating link at <$1. Its when you fuck it up twice that you can safely commit suicide

>> No.11586594
File: 172 KB, 631x595, mcwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link is the last shot at making it and it won't even moon hard enough to matter
It's really fucking over, I had ONE SHOT AND I FUCKING BLEW IT

>> No.11586611

Invest in alts where the devs have their fucking heads on straight and a working product and hold.

>> No.11586650

Caltech grad here, I met vitalik during the 2013 bullrun before he published the whitepaper.

I looked at the price of btc, didn't even bother studying what Bitcoin was, and then told myself "oh well it went up to 1000 the opportunity is over"

That depressed "it's all over" mentality made me lose out on the biggest bullrun in human history. The next time i bothered to take a look again at what crypto was, it was October 2017.

Now I understand. This is a revolution. The real money has not entered. The real adoption has not even come close to occurring. Once the current financial system crashes an entire new world will be built on decentralized protocols.

The real opportunities have probably not even passed along yet. This mentality of believing it's already over will just prevent you from getting rich, that's literally all it will do, just like it did to me. And I paid the price. But I'm still gonna make it. We all are at this point if we choose to.

>> No.11586686

That's unironically a cool story, if you're not LARPing. Hopefully you're right, and hopefully we're all buying the right shitcoins for the next historic bullrun.

Here's to never cashing out, retards

>> No.11586717

buttcorn cuntfirmed 100k

>> No.11586728

Not a LARP at all. Look up vitaliks speaking schedule in 2013 when he was the writer for the Bitcoin magazine, he had a talk at caltech

I actually didn't even know it was vitalik until Feb of this year. His presentation was pretty terrible and I didn't even think he knew how to code. Then I asked a friend a few months ago and he said "oh yeah it was him"

I still haven't fully recovered psychologically, but I'm battling to screw my head on straight and go full steam into this.

This is the financial revolution all nerds, basement dwellers, neets, the outcasts are owed. We are owed it and you just need to reach out and grab it if you want a piece

4chan winning the 2016 election was only a taste of the power computer nerds are going to have. When the internet of money arrives we arent just going to be memeing, we will have real currency and capital at our disposals to effect change in the world.

Just pick your shots and be careful gentlemen, the opportunities are still ahead

>> No.11586749

this is how I feel about coss dusunai

>> No.11586773

figure out how to run a profitable business and do that. then you won't give a fuck what happens with btc. that's when you will actually make real money, when you trade with no emotions

>> No.11586775
File: 14 KB, 225x225, images (58).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are having time still to makeit with bazinga. New Dev team. New roafmap. Many good exchange come soon. There are time still to buying bazinga before late. Do not miss chances of lifetime.

>> No.11586793

Sir tell me where purchse coin

>> No.11586801

>This is the financial revolution all nerds, basement dwellers, neets, the outcasts are owed. We are owed it and you just need to reach out and grab it if you want a piece


>> No.11586826


You give me hope

>> No.11586853

>tfw bought DAPS at 3 sat so i'll still make it

>> No.11586855
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vitalik is a fag who doesn't get it
only bitcoin will make it

>> No.11586858
File: 90 KB, 900x1042, DarkWojak2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I didn't even know bitcoin had a price in 2013

>> No.11587241

How do you plan on scaling Bitcoin ? I still haven't seen a serious global cash proposal.

Btc will probably scale by having lots of local currencies and side chains, similar to how the currency markets exist today. The difference is the monetary policies will be open source and transparent.

>> No.11587270

i bought my first near $60
sold most of it too early though

>> No.11587274
File: 63 KB, 426x426, D69B16E2-D62E-48B8-A206-ABDAE0AC220C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11587372

>Still haven't recovered psychologically
Lol wtf do you have to 'recover' from? You are not special, almost every other person on the planet missed out on the previous bull run. You were never 'close' to gains just because you heard of ETH.

>> No.11587378

serious question at how much will any of you have no choice but to sell?

>> No.11587446

Kind of sad when it's all over if you think about it! This is one of the most exciting things to happen in my life! Right next to Disney Land!

>> No.11587490

>doesn’t post his face when

>> No.11587502

Enjoy the wagecuck boiiii

>> No.11587508

and you don't buy xmr right now.

>> No.11587539


Can I interest you in Nimiq anon? It's basically Bitcoin back in 2010 in the early stages of its life.

>> No.11587954
File: 75 KB, 633x772, 1540802025279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought BTC at 100$
>in the end only made 500k

>> No.11587964

I think this is pretty common. I was surprised to hear that a lot of super early buyers (like under $30) aren't even millionaires. Makes me feel better about getting in at $900 anyway.

>> No.11587991

you could get in at $0.10, but how could you know, are you all fucking retarded?

>> No.11588020
File: 34 KB, 540x378, 1371937103102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's thinking about buying bitcoin
>Time travel back to 2013
>Make him buy
>Then dump it
>Let him cash out then pump it
>Activate cern
>Pump it
>Make them all buy
>Make them buy out all
>Keep pumping
>They are now in the point of no return in debt
>Kill them all

>> No.11588039


>> No.11588065

even just recenelty when I heard about the wannacry virus I was like bitcoin is criminal shit man no ones ever going to want it now

>> No.11588071

lol you have a delusional view on how much the average person makes

dumping 5k into this shit in 2013 looked insane

>> No.11588208


>>you didn't buy bitcoin at $10 in 2013

>> No.11588225

Who’s number is this

>> No.11588267

>muh active devs
>muh working product
None of this even matters anymore. See

>> No.11589197
File: 16 KB, 579x329, ada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard about Bitcoin back in 2010 when checking out silk road, but I never ended up actually buying any Bitcoin or drugs. I got justed precisely because I wasn't ordering drugs off tor.

>> No.11589551

Sir please DO THE NEEDFUL and grab some rope and a chair, instructions will follow

>> No.11589571

thanking yous

>> No.11589763

Even if you did buy the golden bull was so fierce and strong you would have sold on the Intial pump

>> No.11590125
File: 15 KB, 290x174, nimiq future price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could buy nimiq below 30 sat. it will be worth 10000 sats one day.

>> No.11590179


>> No.11590188


I bought Chainlink at $0.30 though

>> No.11590209

You niggers don't you see a pattern? In 2025 BTC will be 200k and you will be those idiots saying "I saw it at 6k but didn't buy T_T"

Or even fuckiNG WORSE - "I saw it at $100 and didn't buy... then i didn't buy at 6k" - you WILL kill yourself then. Buy BTC now and forget about it for ten years.

>> No.11590648

tfw when bought btc at 60 all the way up to 500, move it to mtgox because i think it's most secure. a month later i lose it all, about 12 or so. I'm getting USD back but it will be lik 3000 because my last order was a sell into usd. THen i bought 5 more btc at around 700 or so. i somehow got all the way down to .5 by trading. lmao

>> No.11590687

note this applies to everything in life, not just crypto
if you think there's not a thousand opportunities to make money, you're literally mindcucking yourself into slavery

>> No.11590699

I forgot to mention how last week i broke my phone and lost my 2fa for my btc and mtgox redemption account. i almost fkn lost everything. i got some guy to microsolder the motherboard. i'm just a complete fkn mess boys. it just makes me laugh though

>> No.11590700

There is ONE project that already shows promise for redemption to some of you fucks that missed out on good gains. But god I hate you all so much I will keep that shit to myself.

>> No.11590702

Good. Your skin is probably brown and that coin is probably a scam