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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 740x380, btc-vs-bch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11581128 No.11581128 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is smart money buying?
Which one is /biz/ buying?


>> No.11581141

Clearly BCash, Craig Wright is definitely not a fraud.

>> No.11581173
File: 30 KB, 306x550, 3254C5FF00000578-3499358-image-a-38_1458335294173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimme a real argument

>> No.11581335

anybosy still buying BCH? Really? BTC is a shitcoin but one with a long history, the other is a chink scam. Roger stop posting these alright

>> No.11581372

unironically not roger this time

>> No.11581400

Litecoin is more of a copy of btc than bch is and doesnt even share the genesis block as btc. And bch has way more billionaire support anyway

>> No.11581458

Not to mention it has a much much higher ceiling to do many more multiplies than btc might have. If u remember bch was trading at 4k during dec jan

>> No.11581472

Just spend literally one day reading as much as you can about BCH. Then you'll be equipped to make the decision.

>> No.11581501
File: 302 KB, 2340x1440, bcashonbrigade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when bitcoin was $50 or so, all the NPCs were trash talking it in exactly the same way they now talk about "le bcash"
>Buttcoin is a scam for autistic lolbertardians, lololol
>Never going above 266 again, lololol
Now the normies of the cryptosphere regurgitate the same script about BCH. If you are smart, you know which one is more undervalued, anon.

>> No.11581516

Tell me your opinion, man. I've been watching Roger videos lately and he has the right mindset, a clear libertarian thinker and sensible economist. Probably that's more important than being a good coder but I don't know, something feels off, still. Maybe it's really that core propaganda making its effect.

>> No.11581529

>he doesn’t know about the development going on at BCH
The infighting going on at BCH is a bitch, though. Hopefully CSW will fuck off come mid November

>> No.11581550
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Also, holy fuck the votes are constantly 50/50. That doesn't help forming an opinion.

>> No.11581549

Go see what @_unwriter is up to on twitter

>> No.11581560

Smart money is buying pets.com right now

>> No.11581581

Why hate csw? Abc is trying their hardest to assasinate the guy on rbtc its obvious. His message and vision is very consistent just watch his older youtube videos

>> No.11581593

Was just shitposting. Shorted my BCH last year for great profit.

>> No.11581618
File: 157 KB, 1024x566, blockstreamlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infighting is good. It's healthy for an anti-fragile system to endure as much bullshit as possible as early as possible in its development. If there was no infighting you can effectively infer that there are no really important decisions to be made regarding the future direction of the ecosystem, which means the system is already dead.
Such is the nature of anything meaningful, much less something as meaningful as crypto. People who cannot think for themselves do not deserve to make it and any system that allows people whose only skills are effective social signalling and following the herd to succeed (in other words, the current farce that is the legacy financial system) will fail eventually because it elevates and puts a bunch of morons in charge.

>> No.11581622

Roger sounds good when he argues. The thing that feels "off" is his blurry definition of peer-to-peer. Watch his talk with Charlie Lee that came out a few weeks ago. Roger's definition of peer-to-peer transactions gets slippery during their talk.

>> No.11581629

Wherever he goes, infighting and bad shit follows. He’s trying to patent troll to control BCH and bluffing into getting his way. He has a long history of lying and plagiarism and is just a complete cunt on top of all of it.

>> No.11581648

I've watched that when it came out in multiple videos. Not sure if I saw the entire thing they posted now. How does that relate to BTC vs BCH?
I guess a 50/50 is an answer too, I wasn't automatically implying that my plan was to follow the herd. Just wanted to know what /biz/ in particular thinks so I can factor that into my conclusions, of course that doesn't have much weight.

>> No.11581742

bitcoin because it is digital gold. but what a fucking stupid false dichotomy poll. why not a poll between bitcoin and ripple, or bitcoin and stellar, or bitcoin and cardano, or bitcoin and ethereum, or bitcoin and enigma, or bitcoin and link, or bitcoin and EOS, or bitcoin and litecoin, or bitcoin and zcach, or bitcoina nd dsah, or bitcoin and walton, or bitcoin and neo, or bitcoin and Qtum, or ripple and tron, or bitconnect and bcash.
>cashies - so desperate to paint crypto as a 2 coin world.
>dumbfuckery at its finest

>> No.11581816

bcash is just easier to pronounce, get over it

>> No.11581896

Okay I've found the part again, I think I understand what you mean. True, BTC isn't peer-to-peer anymore. It was when everyone who used it also ran a node which makes it bizarre that he is riding on that title of the white paper so hard and doesn't realize that fact. I guess he can shut his autism on and off, also that bit about the LN was pretty dumb by him. Really lost me there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjPnYITWOjU& 49min) But I guess that hasn't to do with the fact that BCH is objectively way better money than BTC right now.

>> No.11582368
File: 40 KB, 500x500, Lil Windex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil Windex - Bitcoin Ca$h (OFFICIAL VIDEO)


>> No.11582926

BitcoinLNT faces eternally downward, with no true bearing on what is to become of it.
BitcoinCash exalts its angle eternally upwards, knowing the true fate of crypto.

>> No.11582983

>Contentious fork in November
>Going to get chinked by Jihan or bag holds 1 million Bitmain cash he cant sell because of lack of liquidity.
>whole point of BTC is that actors cant take over and determine Bitcoins future. Immutability.
>If you are white and in BCH unironically KYS.

At this point if you just want to make gains with a useful undervalued coin why would you not just buy Monero and ignore all the bitcoin BS.

>> No.11583014

Buy BCH for free Bitmain BTC in Nov 15 fork

>> No.11583115


>> No.11583178

Calvin and Jihan will have a hash war for the BCH ticker. Jihan has less hash but will probably keep the Bitmain ABC chain alive, i.e. it will fork off BCH

>> No.11583345
File: 218 KB, 1080x1350, #@#.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can compare their popularity on this board on here


interesting though, would you guys be interested in a poll system on the app?

>> No.11583436
File: 151 KB, 1200x1200, 59702956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das rite