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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11580104 No.11580104 [Reply] [Original]

Who /wagecuck/ here?

>> No.11580112

Saving up for land so I can start a garden and grow some piggers.

>> No.11580136
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my next day off is nov. 17th.

>> No.11580209
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yup 8 years and counting

>> No.11580220

just dont get a loan for it

land is the best investment you can have but no experience and a loan will fuck you up

also make sure there's water or at least the land allows you to build a dam

I had to complete a hundread captchas to post this shit

>> No.11580263
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>realized that I worked for the same wagecuck job + 6 years now

>> No.11580276
File: 517 KB, 1791x1062, CagieWagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11580304


Since I have figured out how to NPC'fy myself wagecucking is amazing.

>> No.11580445

After taxes, rent, utilities and food I net $3k/month

Have just been saving it, but thinking about going to a third world country and fucking hundreds of teenagers

>> No.11580491

kek is this from a patent drawing?

>> No.11580500

newfag detected

>> No.11580522
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turn around now

>> No.11580591

About to start working at my neighborhood Pajeet mart and it's pretty chill the kid running it smokes blunts with nogs outside so I'm happy to be included

>> No.11580635

I'm from /diy/, not up to date on the latest, or even older memes. Unless you want to talk about bunkerbro...

>> No.11580661

well you're still a biz newfag

that's a patent for a "wage cage" from amazon

the point isto avoid workers being harmed by robots

>> No.11580681

Commission only wagecuck reporting

>> No.11580696
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>tfw business owner, I make my own hours so I always pick evenings because I love sleeping in and I'm basically a night owl

>> No.11580710


>> No.11580730

Thanks. Pretty scary it is actually getting to that point. Although not too far away, when AI takes over, there just won't be jobs for those types of workers and we'll have another problem on our hands.

>> No.11580740

oh boi you gotta lurk more m8

buy LINK, we're all in for the 4th industrial revolution (just not right now, wait for a dip)

>> No.11580768
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>> No.11580816

nope. just got fired

>> No.11580826

I bought bitcoin late 2016. I sold it at 15k and did okay. I lost money thinking that ETH one was going to take off. Not much though, I sold right when it got close to what I bought it at and then it dipped more before someone would buy it.

>> No.11580833
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I want to talk about bunkers now.
What if I dig a cave and warm it with litecoin mining rigs? Assume I have free electricity. Can I live that way?

>> No.11580842
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Attorney here. 50-60 hr work weeks but I get 75k/yr and full benefits and pretty much total job security (district attorney’s office)

>> No.11580891

10 till 5 3 days a week and only £150 a month at most, who here /part time cuck/

>> No.11580892
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I fantasize about getting fired everyday. I'm too much of a pussy to quit.

>> No.11580933

how do you escape wagecuckery?
like its looking like im gonna have no choice but to wagecuck when mum kicks me out of the house but of course i only want it to be temporary

>> No.11580934

Bunkerbro was mining monero. I imagine the cooling was inexpensive. I forget what his electricity setup was, I'm pretty sure it was a generator.

I have a friend that used to live in Venezuela that was using the free power there to mine.

>> No.11580935
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>> No.11580949

just stop turning up, they will do it eventually

>> No.11581251

Find a way to get people to give you money

I don't have to work because my grandpa made a long-term investment that paid off