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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1157870 No.1157870 [Reply] [Original]

Where are you financially, /biz/?

Net Worth
Pre-tax Income

>295k (pic related)
>NEET (just sold business and now on unemployment)

>> No.1157877
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Age: 27
Net Worth: 55k in savings, 50k in 401k
Salary: 96k/yr, 12% annual bonus
Job: Software Engineer

>> No.1157885

What % are you getting on those high yield savings accounts?

How are you not just slowly losing that money to inflation with the shit interest rates these days?

>> No.1157914

> Earning .9% on my savings, which does get eaten up by inflation. However, I'm now A) unemployed and B) accumulating cash to purchase rental property C) fairly convinced that we are at a market top right now and want to hold cash to invest once we reach bottom

If this wasn't the case, I would have much more invested.

>> No.1158173



>> No.1158183

>just sold business and now on unemployment
what was your business?
why did you sell it?
how much did you get for it?

>> No.1158190

i have been browsing biz for 5 years, it inspired me to do my own biz, the biz i am going to do is going to help other ppl do their biz, since i am a very generous human being i will leak the info here, on biz, you dont have to do anything, just be the first user of the biz app - and you will reap all the benefits brahs, u can stay updated about is release on wisdomrace. it is a website, keep it quiet, especially around your peers who are near your location

>> No.1158200


Animal byproducts

It was no longer viable in its current location and buying a facility elsewhere would have cost too much

300k (of which I got 100k)

>> No.1158203

You are triggering my OCD.
You need to Bold and Underline the "Debt" heading in the bottom left corner to match the other subheadings.

>> No.1158210
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8k cash
~3.5k Brokerage
300 Managed Fund

350 P2P lending
7k Interpersonal Loans

Cars 2k 4k
Businss Equity 500

Student Loans
Car Loans

Net Worth $140,150
Net Wealth -$45,650
Short term Risk 10,500
Risk adjusted Wealth -56,150

16k Dat Dere GI BILL/ Disability

Credit Score
avg 650 Fucking Student Loans 3 inquiries a year keep you a bitchmade cuck.

Med Student and Entrepreneur

>> No.1158214

>$90,000 in fucking savings accounts burning away from inflation
>no 401k at all
Jesus learn to manage your money.

>> No.1158767


My work didn't have a 401k and I'm saving to purchase a rental property.

>> No.1158933

Age 28
15k in bank account
30k in 401k
5k in Roth 401k
36k in company stock (just got bought out)
Cars worth 12k and 4k

Maybe 1k in random credit card debt max

64k salary

R8 me pls

>> No.1158951


Net worth
Pre-tax income

hold me /biz/

>> No.1158969
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Pretty comfy for a NEET.

Personally I have 20K college debt and a job lined up on graduation in 1.5 years managing the family business' manufacturing company in every aspect except operations.

Hoping to hit 100K saved by 25 by living in my parents' basement (it's pretty nice down there b/c renovations tho).

>> No.1158976

>Stay at home dad, wife is a pharmacist.

Still have about $120k in school loans. We own our house and cars, no payments. School loans are the only debt payment we have right now. Rest are food/utilities/etc to live.

>> No.1158992

networth Probably about $200k
$230k for this year
self employed internet marketing

>> No.1159012


Net worth
>0, but I am an only child so I'll get everything what my parents have which are:
> 600.000 - 700.000€ (House)
> 700.000 - 1.000.000€ (Agricultural land)
> 50.000€ (price of car when we bought it)
> 5.000€ (shares)

Pre-tax income
>47.000€ + 20.000€ bonus

> 1st year M&A Analyst at a top european Investment Bank

>> No.1159030

Age: 24
Net Worth: car is worth what I owe in payments so aside from like 10 grand worth of personal items, I owe $35k in student loans. I've been making overpayments on loans because I hate interest. Wiped away like 8 grand in the last year.
Income: ~30k a year but most of it under the table
Job: Chinese restaurant manager/delivery driver (under the table) and Uber driver

>> No.1159040
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~5 million
Recently retired :^)

>> No.1159045
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>> No.1159115

>I am an only child so I'll get everything what my parents have

Don't count on it. I've seen many a child lose their inheritance. Usually it happens when one spouse dies and the other remarries. Then the new spouse ends up with all the money when they die and leaves it to their biological kids instead. Happens all the time.

>> No.1159119


Who the fuck would invest over 100k in a meme like etherium? That's risky as fuck. Glad it worked out for you. I'd get out ASAP and lock in those gains.

>> No.1159154

I'm drunk but did you subtract your home loan debt from your assets to get your net worth? If so, that's wrong since you could sell your house and pay off the loan. You need to account for the full value of the house as an asset if you want to do that. It's what businesses do on their balance sheets and it's the correct way to account for debts and assets

>> No.1159155


Forgot to mention it's only wrong because you are only counting your home equity as an asset and not the total value of the home

>> No.1159157


>45k (welfare)
>NEET mixed with morbidly obesity and addiction to marihuana.

>> No.1159160


Yes, if you look at the breakdown, my mortgage is included in the debt section, so the numbers are correct.

>> No.1159163


At one time, I combined the mortgage and value in one cell as "home equity". Now I have it broken down into two sections, but forgot to change it from home equity to home value.

>> No.1159166


Ah okay gotcha cool nice work anon

>> No.1159378


I really don't see any of my parents remarrying. Honestly I have never thought about it :/ Hope they do not have any chance to remarry bc they stay together till they get old, not bc of the money, but bc I wouldn't be able to stand to lose any of my parents any time soon and then him/her being replaced.....

>> No.1159419


Like I said, it happens all the time. It is usually the dad that goes first. Then the mom marries some other guy who gets all her money when she goes. Then the kids from his ex wife end up getting the family money instead of you. It kind of sucks, but widows don't tend to stay single for long.

>> No.1159436

>not knowing what an IRA or Roth are
>telling people to learn to manage their money
stay golden /biz/

>> No.1159447
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>2% fee

>1.8% fee

Sort your shit out faggot

>> No.1159467

Where do you work?

27 SW engineer here, too.

>> No.1159855

>Like I said, it happens all the time.
Maybe he's not in the US.

>> No.1159883

Inflation is 0.7%, it's just as shit as interest rates

>> No.1159890

Eh, I'm worth about 23k at 26. Paid off my student loans 1 year ago, don't count cars because that's retarded, and I'm already counting the 5k loss from ridiculous closing costs on the mwdiocre condo I'm getting in a nice neighborhood

>> No.1159916

what whip you driving, where abouts in the UK

>> No.1159936


Used to live in the UK, but now live in the US. Drive a minivan. Not exactly stylish, but very practical.

>> No.1159988

jealous, the weather here can get to you after a while as you know.. how did you end up in the US?

>> No.1159995

Age: 27
Net Worth: 159k
Salary: 100k/yr, also 11k/yr VA disability comp (lol sleep apnea)
Job: Enterprise Engineer

>> No.1160009

If you could go back in time and take a sleep apnea vaccination, would you?

>> No.1160074


Was just sick of living in the UK and the economy sucked, so got a job and moved. Honestly pretty glad I did. Like it much better here.

>> No.1160083
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70000 gross used
10000 in checking
27000 in loans
Pretty terrible right now since I just started working.

>> No.1160140

what did you work as whilst in the UK? I'm about to finish my CS degree, poles here are ironically driving down the wages from what I'm seeing..but this doesn't worry me personally but where I live it's a bit miserable

>> No.1160173


Did a number of things. Started out working as a porter for the NHS while I was in school, then went into publishing. Finished up working in the Ghurken for SwissRe doing reinsurance. Wages in the UK are really awful compared to the cost of living, especially as you go up the pay scale. You earn much more money and things cost much less in the US, though you do have the worries about healthcare.

>> No.1160185 [DELETED] 
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>tfw ~$13,000 in the red

>> No.1160197

>no debt master race
>fork lift mechanic

I got a job as a fork lift driver quickly after I turned 18. Got a job at a lumber yard and got trained to drive it after 2 months. I took classes after work for working on them and got my certification. I got a job at a company that drives around to different plants, warehouses, etc. to fix them. I still live with my parents and save about 80% of my income. I will also be inheriting $200K soon from my Grandma. She's got stage 4 cancer and I bet she doesn't outlive the Summer. I think I'm going to buy a house in cash and rent out the spare bedrooms to friends. Or start investing. I currently have most of it in a Money Market account and the rest in CDs.

>> No.1160206

Every single thing on that chart would be 0.
>where do you get internet
I steal it from a neighbor

>> No.1160209


>> No.1160230

> Age
> Net Worth
>Pre-tax income
0, studentbux of 7k/year
> CS Student

>> No.1160860

> Age 26
> Networth 1000.00
> Income 30000.00
>Customer service/biz student
Feels kind of pathetic

>> No.1160873

Nope. So far it hasn't negatively impacted me very much. Never even affected my sex life, and my wife gives zero shits.

... Now, talk to me again in 25 years, when I'm a stroke risk, and...

I really should use my CPAP more.

>> No.1160987
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90k in physical cash
10k in ethereum
250k in gold bullion
40k in bank account
About to receive 150k from selling off investment property.

Total: $540k AUD.

Who else is hunkering down for the happening?

>> No.1161151

tell me your secrets

>> No.1161156

250k in gold bullion
lol wot?>

>> No.1161159

I'm a dumbass but if you're thinking about investing you should read up on it heaps in advance, learn as much as you can way before you make your first investment.

>> No.1161170

What kind of school is required to be a stay at home dad?

>> No.1161181


34 y.o.
~25k euro net worth (1 bedroom apartment in a commieblock+savings+really old car)
~200-300 euros in monthly income (just enough to buy cheap food and pay utility bills+internet)
Unemployed (no point to go to work full-time to get ~500-600 euros net a month).

>> No.1161183


>$250k AUD in gold coin bullion
For the happening.

>> No.1161186

Age: 28
Net Worth: 650k
>300k in online gambling sites
>85k in banks
> 43k BTC
> 35k pending withdrawals
> 140k Ewallets
> 3k I owe to others
> 50k stocks

About 200k per year
Professional gambler

>> No.1161191

>professional gambler

what sport? what market?

what system do you use to identify value and predict scorelines?

>> No.1161304


american sports. system is just modeling events and betting when the odds are off.

>> No.1161347

About 30k
Unemployed, small time hustling, gambling and investing.

Shit, I had 400k but then my countrys currency collapsed compared to USD. And then I lost everything. Just starting to rebuild.

>> No.1161896

Have a BS in Mechanical Engineering and my PE.

>> No.1161902

which country

>> No.1161915


>about 2k gbp
>£60 a week
>current dish washer, bike messenger job starting next week.

I have a few useful good paying skills but I just need cash right now.

>> No.1162086

Mind sharing some of your best advice to an aspiring professional? I'm developing models for Football(soccer) Asian Handicap's where i believe to be a huge opportunity.

much appreciated

>> No.1162096


Your Car, Home Equity, and Business Equity aren't real. Those are your assessments of them, not what people are willing to pay for it.

You only really have 49k liquid cash if you were to really need it. That's pretty bad at 30.

>> No.1162099

software engineer

>> No.1162112

>-10k a year because student
>i got a summer job killing mosquitoes

>> No.1162115

you do have money sir, dont get me wrong
your cars arent worth shit though
im 19 and im already planning on getting a nice 20k car coming up.
credit card debt bringing down your rating too

>> No.1162120

are you in school, anon?

>> No.1162156


>> No.1162167

>nervous laugh

>> No.1162201
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>tfw the decline in the market has lowered my net worth to 750k

20 btw

>> No.1162205

How are you on unemployment if you didn't get laid off or fired? What country you in senpai?

>> No.1162207

this fucking guy

>> No.1162244

i know you can get a jobseeker's allowance in australia, might be the same thing

>> No.1163050


You really need to work on your reading comprehension. I sold the business and have that 100k cash. It wasn't my own random assessment of the value.

Sorry, home equity is a real thing as well.

And where do you get that 49k number from? I have 191k in liquid cash.

>> No.1163052


>putting that much money into a useless depreciating asset

whoo lad

>> No.1163055


I orchestrated it so that I was "laid off" the day the company was sold.

>> No.1163672

Air Force Security

>> No.1163694

a time will come when you need outs more than you need models. don't forget to maintain outs.

>> No.1163803

can you please elaborate more?

>> No.1163826

>Web Admin/SEO

My goal is to build a tech company and pay myself a small wage of about 35k per year and reinvesting tjhe rest into the company. But I will still invest 10-15% of that 35k into funds.

>> No.1163828

>15 million dollars (technically my parent's but I'm the only one in their will)

>> No.1163942


>falling for the "my parents are definitely going to leave me this inheretence" meme

>> No.1164368


>> No.1164398

specify? drugs?

>> No.1164405


How'd you come across that job? Did you have a degree? I'm interested in your position, please share anything else about it


>> No.1164412

So biz
I was thinking of buying small cost properties in the UK and renting them out, pretty standard

Anyone has a opinion though? Really feels like properties will crash if brexit goes through

>> No.1164451


>buying before the bubble bursts


>> No.1164465


>> No.1164473

10k cash 30k stocks 15k car
30k a year
Delivery Driver

>> No.1165290

>110k liquid/accessible, 240k in a 529, ~800k in a trust locked until i'm 35

its a mediocre kind of feel

>> No.1165460


>> No.1165745



>> No.1166451

>Software developer

>> No.1166647
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>> No.1168325


Never had a highschool/college job anon?

>> No.1169328

I want to. But am a 22 year old poorfag right out of college with $12k in savings and no debt. Just an associates degree and no job

>> No.1169338 [DELETED] 


>> No.1169340 [DELETED] 

test 2

>> No.1169341

test sorry ill delete when im done

>> No.1169343

test 3

>> No.1169346


>> No.1169347

test 5

>> No.1169350


>> No.1169352


>> No.1169385

how did you get all that money to even invest? Idk, I think your just fuckin around. need more proof

>> No.1169412

CTO of a software business

no i wont say which one faggots.

>> No.1169440


How'd you get your start? info pls

>> No.1169497

Yeah, for real though what do you do exactly? I'm 22 and finishing up my biochem and math degree, major and minor, but literally have no fucking clue what to do. Do you own a blog and direct traffic through ads to your site which also has ads, and then get paid from that? Seriously interested.

Also net worth is about 60 k from saving

0 debt

>> No.1169515

over $100m
started a couple hedgefunds and biotech companies

>> No.1169578

lmao yeah right

>> No.1169583

Roth IRA then; just because your employer doesn't have it doesn't. Unless you're planning on risking it for the biscuit on that realty.

>> No.1169587

$1211.00 USD
$60000 USD
IT Admin

Some shit went down last 18 months past I burned through whatever savings I had, I was unemployed for a long time (blame myself for that), feels good now that I'm just now opening an IRA with my new company and pay some bills, save some cash, and not starve

>> No.1169898


IRA limit is $5500 annually, which I've been maxing.

>> No.1169929 [DELETED] 

>Net Worth
2 million USD
>Pre-tax Income
chef at Michelin restaurant

>> No.1169931 [DELETED] 

>Net Worth
$15 million
>Pre-tax Income
fluctuate year to year
Hollywood actor

>> No.1169947

Schrekeli pls go

>> No.1170361
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Age: 23
Net Worth: around minus 9k euro
""""Income"""": Around 12k annually in student loans
Job: EE student

>> No.1170705


>> No.1170718

>in college
>$800 in checking account
>$91.45 in savings
>$100 in wallet

>> No.1170730

$20k in the bank
Full time college + 50 hours a week at my job

>> No.1170730,1 [INTERNAL] 

loan offer

Do you need a loan or you are looking for a legit loan offer, and you can not find one? We want you to know that we are here to give you the best out of our way to make sure that you get out of this poverty , contact us today celyndestine@gmail.com we guarantee when you get back to us you will be smile when you get your loan

>> No.1170730,2 [INTERNAL] 


Looking for a debt consolidation loan, unsecured loans, business loans, mortgage loans, car loans, student loans, personal loans, venture capital, etc! I am a private lender, I provide loans to companies and individuals with low interest rates and reasonable interest rates of 2%. Email to: creditclearance4@gmail.com or text us via whatsapp +19782277925