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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11577896 No.11577896 [Reply] [Original]

What do you neets do all day? Can someone tell me without larping. I lost my job two months back, and literal have nothing worthwhile to spend my time on. Pic related, except that I do work out and leave the house to get food.

>> No.11578013
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>i don't know how to spend my time if someone else doesn't tell me what to do...

Congratz you just failed the neet test and just confirmed to yourself and the rest of the world what an NPC you are.

>> No.11578023

I work a job I made up.

>> No.11578030
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A job you- you made up?

>> No.11578065

>have nothing worthwhile to spend my time on
why not?

>> No.11578078

I work at job i created, along with 10 other people for whom i’ve created jobs.

>> No.11578085

Gym early afternoon when all the wagies are finally off the road and in their cagies for the day

Woodworking - building a simple coffee table right now, total beginner

Bunch of cookbooks, I try to make a handful of new dishes a week

Bike rides in the afternoon if its warm out

Clean up around my house

Read books, news, etc.

Going to buy some synthesizers and other equipment to learn how to make some music

Evenings I usually watch some movies, playing RDR 2 right now, maybe go out for a drink.

>t. bought ETH early 2017 and quit boring ass job.

I'm re-invested in LINK and hope I never have to work a boring NPC job again.

>> No.11578089

I shitpost on 4chan

>> No.11578124
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Aaaaahahhaha look at this guy. What a boring pathetic person you are, aren't you interested in ANYTHING or what?

I'm insterested in developing software so I mastered the Unreal and Unity gaming engines. After that I learned how to code Web apps with node.js and how to deploy them on aws.

When indoor bicycling in the winter became boring I built a bicycle simulator in Unity, connected my bike to, attached the Vive and made pretty sick jumps in VR. Felt real.

Then I saw and ad for a 3 month project posted by volkswagen - they wanted to built a car UI but they didn't have the coding skills. I sent them my bike simulator and they wanted to make the project with me, I earned 90k in 3 months. This was super cool because the didn't review my code and every 3d model they gave me was made by super designers and I just had to make everything work and I worked when I wanted to.

Now this christmas I'm planning to make a christmas tree hologram in my garden using glass and a Projector. I will render some nice scenes in Cinema4d (which I have learned in my neet time) and it will be super cool

>> No.11578196


Grocery store(I walk everywhere)
Crypto (research, trading, mining etc)

What more do you need brah?

>> No.11578221

>Going to buy some synthesizers and other equipment to learn how to make some music

Ah yes I also mastered making music.
Let me give you some help: I have worked with Ableton, Cubase and Logic and Ableton is the most fun sequencer to work with so use ableton as a sequenzer.

DO NOT BUY sythesizers - they are a waste of money EXCEPT one: The VIRUS TI. You actually do only need 2 software synths: Sylenth 1 and the U-HE Zebra2 - the rest sounds like garbage and is not worth the money. To run many instances of those synths with low latency on your PC need a good soundcard. Buy the "RME HDSPe AIO". Then get some soundbanks for the drums and you're set.

>> No.11578226
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This basically, I've been NEETing for awhile now and every day I feel like I don't have enough time to do everything I wanna do.

>> No.11578302
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homegrown weed will make you content with being NEET it is a blessing and curse at the same time

during one month pause I was much more productive simply because of boredom

>> No.11578315

Ah easy there jimmy neutron

>> No.11578355

well in my 9 months of being a neet i learned
javascript (plus a few meme frameworks)
and now rust

will be building a VM and my own programming language next month. it still seems pointless tho idk

>> No.11578359


Its very hard adapting to neet life. I had a extended period of time where I only worked 2-3 days a week on average. Sounds awesome but the day after you start you realize you got nothing to do and kinda miss work. Eventually I just started sleeping to increase the time I would go back to work. I had the fear of getting another job because I didn't want to lose the free time I had, but honestly 3-4 days a week of work is kinda perfect, beyond that its depressing.

>> No.11578363

for me it took a good while after dropping out of school before I rediscoverd an interest in things. now I have a job + i'm on the self improvement path, as best I know how.

We are very good at taking something people naturally do, finding novelty. reading / trying to become more productive in their chosen field - and turning that interest into something to feel guilty about not doing. What? You haven't read the books we gave you as homework?

Continual self improvement is key. Meaningful work is in the steps you take towards a particular goal you have yourself. Where you feel like you are moving forward in the world. we don't start from this intrinsic motivation but instead go to work because we have to. rarely because we want to. There(work/school) we live in a structured environment - where you are not the one making decisions on where to go. This is how we end up with OP's that don't know what they want with their lives.

? because most likely they've never been asked to

>> No.11578381

>it still seems pointless tho idk
I have a terminal case of this. As a long term NEET I've pretty much failed out of society, which is incredibly demotivating. It's shocking how much anything that requires work starts to seem like pointless effort when you no longer feel like it has any potential to lead you somewhere in a social sense.

>> No.11578411

I push money around, usually profitably.

>> No.11578436

if you have a reason to work you become more productive. sense of wellbeing goes up too.
reason being - a family to support. a house you want to buy. a new interest you want to spend time on.

This is true for everyone
not only the programmers itt.
they are the most vocal about it, programming is something you have to learn to learn yourself. that skill of learning is useful in the rest of your life too

>> No.11578455
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well if the NEET lifestyle really is nice and full of free time, take a sec and check out this crypto tool for biz


if this is something you'd use, share your ideas on improvements

>> No.11578570

Read finance books/articles and shitpost on stocktwits.

I dont know if informal education counts as NEET.

>> No.11578585

That pic is how wagies imagine neets but believe it or not, there are people who absolutely enjoy being alone and free of responsibilities. I'm like that and have only a friend which is enough to hang out a few times a month and do cool stuff. I feel like a wild horse who just wants to be free and not be told what to do. When I was writing essays for uni I kept thinking "What the point of all this? I could be doing something I enjoy instead and if I need money, there's some online methods."

>> No.11578765

Jesus christ. You npc's belong in your wage cage. Find a fun hobby that you can master and turn into a career.

I'm a neet who spends all day programming. Main interests are making multiplayer and vr games in unity and unreal similar to >>11578124 and machine learning. It's just a shame there aren't more hours in a day. 16 hours a day programming isn't enough for me. I have billions of cool ideas for things i want to make and learn. Not just programming. So many other creative/science based interests i wish to pursue.

>> No.11578944

>Aaaaahahhaha look at this guy. What a boring pathetic person you are, aren't you interested in ANYTHING or what?
>Jesus christ. You npc's belong in your wage cage.

>game designers

>> No.11579011


> merv.tech

Good stuff

>> No.11579027

When I was at peak NEETdom I was working out every day and writing a book and working on art every now and then. Now I'm back to wageslaving and I'm nowhere near as productive. I want to die.

>> No.11579085

Lost my job 5 months ago. My daily routine pretty much is:

1. wake up at 8 am, get breakfast
2. check crypto news (browse coinmarketcap, youtube, biz and reddit kek)
3. browse job portals
4. lay down on couch after exhausting work and read books
5. fap
6.1 go running (only twice a week) or
6.2 go for a walk (atleast 30 minutes daily), buy groceries btw
7. work on private design/music projects
8. fap
9. browse crypto news again
10. eat dinner
11. play counter strike 1.6 or watch movies/series until 12 am
12. go to bed around 12 am/1 am
13. fap before falling asleep

point 6 varies on wendesdays and fridays, sometimes (i have to force myself) i take trips to cities nearby or go to museums, meet friends or such.

seeing you other neets on biz really is like a cure, i'm not the only one that has a boring lazy life atm kek
i enjoy it though :)

>> No.11579120

>and machine learning.
Of course I mastered that too, the best book is Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning. I don't like neural networks so much.

>> No.11579134

I am convinced that you literally don't know what the word "mastered" means

>> No.11579180
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>> No.11579259
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lmao I know it very well fag. I'm currently MASTERING Structural induction


>> No.11579274


all for biz

>> No.11579284

Serious question, are you larping as a middle schooler larping as a NEET? That's all I can think reading your posts

>> No.11579310
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I'm larping as your gay ass dad, asshole

>> No.11579322

1. wake up
2. shower if its been more than two days without one
2. make my mug of coffee
3. go on my computer until its bed time
4. sleep and repeat

>> No.11579326

I guess you're literally underage. Fuck off kid, you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.11579346
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>> No.11579358

> connected my bike to
You say that like it's the easy part but didn't imply you learned about machine interfacing at all and I don't know any bicycles that have USBs. I'm gonna call bullshit on this one unless you post a pic of your bike setup

>> No.11579371

practice/learn code, it's generally a useful skill to work on, especially if you have no life. Otherwise, go read books, learn stuff, whatever you like. Just pick a thing and stick to it, that's how you save your ass from the cycle.

>> No.11579443
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Here you can see the pressure sensor on the break and the pressure sensor on the pedal. A raspberry pi colletcts the data and sends it to the pc.
To read the rotation of the handlebar you need a compass module with accelerometer and some math.

I've put a 5$ wooden rotator thingy under the front wheel (people use it normally for breakfast) so that I can turn the bar

>> No.11579457

People still play 1.6? Man Euros are fucking weird

>> No.11579462

I spend ~6 hours a month managing my rental business (literally renting out flats). Besides that, I pretty much do jack shit. Sometimes I start working on something but I never finish;
>wesnoth.org custom campaign
>translation of letterboxing (outdoor activity)
>>>/tg/ cyoa pdf lovecraftian cyberpunk ruleset
>EvE online corporation (failed miserably)
>youtube channel with curated vidya music (have like 150 subs, zero added value)
>discord/chans rpg ruleset for organization management (actually finished but its autistic as fuck)
>discord channel curating music (one other perma-offline person except me on it)

>> No.11579564

>Here you can see the pressure sensor on the break and the pressure sensor on the pedal. A raspberry pi collects the data and sends it to the pc
and anon delivers. good shit, carry on my dude.

>> No.11579648

if you're an alpha geek it's still very funny to play, you amerifat

>> No.11579943


For me it's just passive hobbies like reading books and gayming/listening to music/watching documentaries.
I only read non-fiction books now, unfortunately i've realized that i need to read the book several times before i memorize its contents.

I stopped reading fiction because i've realized that a couple of months after reading a book i can't even remember the names of all main characters. And after several years i can barely remember the main plot.
It's probably because i spend too much time reading shitposts on 4chan and that fills my memory with too much trash. Sort of informational noise.

I've also tried to learn foreign languages (on Duolingo + other online resources) - but found out that because i only speak with myself it's kind of useless.
Tried out to learn coding too (on Coursera and Codeacademy), finished several courses, didn't really used what i've learned and forgot all of it several years later.

>> No.11579985

Try writing other languages instead of bothering speaking them and start shit posting on international boards without speaking a lick of the language

>> No.11580185

Dude that's exactly my life fuuu

>> No.11580204

get a hobby and work on skills
you're clearly unemployed for a reason (lack of motivation to be a self-starter, lack of skills).

if you take up trading you can easily work a full 16 hr day. its never ending.

>> No.11580222

>Sort of informational noise.
the best thing for everyone is to get off this site
there's no more hot tips left on /biz/
everyone knows about btc + shitcoins
we're just here to torment each other

>> No.11580226

I feel this everyday but lately I'm trying to set aside specific things to accomplish with the time I have.

>> No.11580242

wake up
drink some coffee
trade a bit
eat some food
trade a bit
go to store
trade more
eat more food
trade a bit
repeat x100000

>> No.11580270

Sounds comfy as hell, I want to try and really learn how to cook well but have no idea where to even start.

>> No.11580364

i work on my movie script.

by sunset i watch two movies everyday

on the weekend i watch a tv show

>> No.11580406

Man is condemned to be free

>> No.11580439

>I lost my job two months back, and literal have nothing worthwhile to spend my time on. Pic related, except that I do work out and leave the house to get food.

Are you me?