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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 83 KB, 1080x564, IMG_20181029_205439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11568077 No.11568077 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11568089
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>> No.11568119
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>> No.11568143


>> No.11568178


>> No.11568184

elix drop seems unusual too

>> No.11568203

the devs exit scammed

not a fucking drill

>> No.11568223

Fuck this shitcoin, why didn't I sell in januari. could've made 20k. fuck you bruno

>> No.11568227

Their smart contract got hacked.

>> No.11568239


>> No.11568250

Ok news is coming in,

Looks like a dev (bruno), re-opened the ICO smart contract and bought millions of PRL tokens. Market sold it all on Kucoin.

Kucoin suspended PRL, Delisted from IDEX... mroe to come.

definitely not a drill if you did not act fast im sorry to say you may be fucked

>> No.11568271

Does he really think he can get away with something like this?

>> No.11568280

Jesus Christ that's incredible

RIP to this shitcoin

>> No.11568292

Press S to spit on the grave

>> No.11568301

chill they'll refund everything

>> No.11568307

This shit was shilled on twitter pretty hard last days. Maybe they tried to pump it a little before they get out. The same shilling also happened to $DBC. Will se if DBC falls like that in the next day or so ... hmm

>> No.11568313
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implying he won't

>> No.11568315


insane how a project can just be killed like this.

rip all of PRL's hard work.

sure they might relaunch but ALOT of token holders will be fucked (or massive amount of work to reininstate all holders)

>> No.11568316


>> No.11568323
File: 12 KB, 245x206, indeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruno fucked you ober pajeets hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahah

>> No.11568328


>> No.11568329

with what they are broke

>> No.11568340
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>> No.11568383

best crypto drama for today fuck yeah

>> No.11568393

PRL Telegram. News keeps rolling through. Might be a bit of time to here Exactly what went down, but this seems to be the case for now.

Really shitty situation for anons trying to make some gains in this bear market. Sorry anons whoever you are that own this.

This move may shake the Shitcoin market.... be aware guys

>> No.11568398
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>> No.11568409

How's that even possible

>> No.11568411

Bruno my man hahahhahahaha

>> No.11568426

insider/owner of contract did it

not much you can do to prevent that, except read fully what owners can do before buying tokens.

>> No.11568432
File: 1.37 MB, 750x1334, 4987C0FF-02B3-4A5F-992A-3FDFC1294769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oyster fuckin rekt

>> No.11568435


>> No.11568437

looks like Bruno taking over PRL again

>> No.11568452
File: 309 KB, 598x438, OjT4iHz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm totally ok with this lmao if anything I would buy 100k more at ICO price right now


>> No.11568462


You mean a dev wanted to escape with the loot?

>> No.11568506

Holy shit yep this was unironically an inside job.


Transactions tab shows him sending ETH to the smart contract after he re-opened it as an ICO.

Erc Token Txns tab shows him sending the tokens the contract gave him to kucoin to dump.

>> No.11568514
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I was really sad about not catching that -30% knife.

>> No.11568520

>you see, i want to remain anonymous because this is a decentralized project and i don't want to get doxxed, please understand
>sure thing Bruno, nice just bought 100k
>*exit scams*

>> No.11568537

>muh decentralized trustless investment of the future
>fails due to being entirely reliant on trusting a single party
kek, if you bought this you're retarded

>> No.11568544

Topkek. Is anyone surprised even a little? This was always the shittiest of the shitcoins.

>> No.11568565

Damn... that shit got shilled hard back then. It fell pretty hard didn't it

>> No.11568574

Screencap this:

See you in 1 year.

>> No.11568580

Always dutchies buying this shitcoin. I told all of my friends to buy chainlink, but no they buy shit like PRL, IOTA and XVG

>> No.11568585
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>> No.11568623
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Hahahha BTFO

>> No.11568651

I'm not even sure why it caught so much hype.
Dumbass dutchfags, first tulips now pearls. They really never learn huh?

>> No.11568668

So, is this a function that literally any team could call on their ICO contract? Is every ICO project one disgruntled employee away from crashing their price to zero with an infinite token dump-and-run?

>> No.11568669

Not a prl holder, is Bruno the Ceo? Or just a team member?

>> No.11568688

>a fucking oyster

>> No.11568704

Now it’s Confirmed that IOTA only partners with Scam shittokens.

Says a lot
First this paragon shit token by with this roastie ceo and now that

>> No.11568705


Not the CEO, just "Chief Architect"

>> No.11568715

PRL always had the dumbest fucking shills. Not a surprise

>> No.11568738
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>> No.11568782

Architect of your financial ruin lmao

>> No.11568787
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Seeing scams like this happen just reminds you how fragile the whole crypto ecosystem is. Buying shitcoins is some Wild West shit. At least this is more exciting than
>BTC go up .64%
>BTC go down .78%

but goddamn I'd be heartbroken if my shitcoin of choice went belly up like this.

>> No.11568832

My fucking sides
Almost bought this shitcoin back when swissjew was shilling it. I wonder if he still holds a bag.

>> No.11568872
File: 117 KB, 510x510, 1534927625028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up this shitcoin
>it nearly went x400 late last year

>> No.11568880
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>> No.11568904


i'd say 50% of ICO's have some owner shit in them.
we could see afew more like PRL happen once ICO runs out of funds.

>"oh no contract was hacked, see ya"
screenshot this will happen to about 20+ projects before end of 2019

>> No.11568920
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This is good for BAT

>> No.11568944


>> No.11568953

Dunno how these pearlets are going to cope


>> No.11568981

Yes. Hence why people call them scams

>> No.11568983
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>> No.11569031

Why does not Oyster announce anything?

>> No.11569037

>my guess...hard fork if they cant patch the exploit
oh nononono

>> No.11569067


Because the anonymous CEO took full control of everything and dumped shit to death.

>> No.11569165

Bruno is still known to the team but anon to the idiots (the typical pajeet crypto "investor")

Would be stupid to pull such a scam for him

>> No.11569175

I will take anyones oyster scraps.

>> No.11569179


That's about as likely as Taylor French being actually named Taylor French.

You all got duped by anonymous hackers on steroids. It's like that POW pyramid shit, except this wasn't an ironic scam.

>> No.11569214


>> No.11569234
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>> No.11569235
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Ok fuckers, which one of you posted this?

>> No.11569261

hahahahahahha that is some classic /biz/ right there

>> No.11569276
File: 257 KB, 604x613, 1504643493521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-what if sergey decides to go rogue one day...

>> No.11569277

Which will be most likely useless.
>Snapshot of the Block before shit happens
>Deliver same amount of new tokens to the same adresses
> back to daily business

>> No.11569287

It was probably you cuck

>> No.11569290

I guess it wasn't such a smart contract after all.
Seriously though, I hope you anons are keeping shitcoins like this on an exchange. There are some devs writing sneaky code into wallets and backdooring people....

>> No.11569299

Yes, welcome to the Crypto Wild West. We're at the mercy of nerds who go their heads slammed in toilets in high school. Just remember you can pay these guys a "visit" if they exit scam you

>> No.11569301
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Just buy in the reopened ICO

>> No.11569306

who else here buying the dip? literally stealing at these prices

>> No.11569307

oh no no no no

>> No.11569310



>> No.11569327

t. cz

>> No.11569355

Double edged sword I guess. Can you really trust these exchanges either?

>> No.11569366


>> No.11569367

It's not me.

>> No.11569401

No and no.
If you don't have the private keys you don't own shit.
And if the owner of the Smartcontract can reroll everything in the contract at any time you are fucked, unless all the team is legit, identified and hold the company in a country were they can be legally prosecuted for fraud

>> No.11569458

>he thought scamtokens would make him rich

>> No.11569464
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>> No.11569534
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how decentralised!

>> No.11569568

Lmao that explains the 'pump' this useless shitcoin had

>> No.11569615
File: 33 KB, 432x361, nigger thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kuckoin exchange will enforce KYC in november.
>'hack' happens on the 29th of october.

>> No.11569691

this is when you buy faggots. gonna scoop up all this PRL on discount, worst case scenario i double my money

>> No.11569705
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>> No.11569753

ERC tokens, never again

>> No.11569778

you do realise if they do reboot the smart contract you'll be fucked pretty hard in the ass? better to do nothing if you didn't touch your coins before and after the hack. best case scenario - most people get there money back from a new smart contract which uses a snapshot of the "environment" just before the hack.

>> No.11569793

They can still mint another 500m PRL @ ICO prices. The coin is legitimately fucked for good. They'd have to start from scratch.

>> No.11569817

could somebody explain this for a retarded person?

>> No.11569819

exactly - make a new non-fucked smart contract which reflects the state of pearl or whatever this shit is called, just before the hack. start up trading with this coin - best case scenario most people don't get fucked.

>> No.11569840

>code as law
no thanks

>> No.11569853

thats gonna be a alot of work

>> No.11569880

it's the only thing they can do really if they have good intentions. not too much work assuming exchanges are cooperative.

>> No.11569906

Guess you should have bought a Skyminer for your decentralized internet instead

>> No.11569910

not only that, but who would you trust to do it? the market dictates the price and the anonymous dev already ran off with reddit's money.

also the oyster smartcontract was audited by quantstamp which is fucking hilarious considering how QSP is posturing to be the industry leader on smartcontract security.

>> No.11569975

He printed magic internet beans with a few clicks and sold them for real money

>> No.11570065


He recently enabled himself to buy tons of PRL at ICO prices (which is much cheaper than current price). This means he created more PRL than the amount that is supposed to be circulating.

Also he tried to sell them on kucoin, which crashed the price.

>> No.11570122
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LMAO it couldn't have happened to a nicer group of pajeets. PRL faggots fucking wrecked

>> No.11570141

FUCKIN REKT how did you guys not GTFO after half the team left last month, btw you're retarded if you think you're getting your money back.

>> No.11570154


>> No.11570179

What is this, OP's first exit scam? I'm just upset that Prodeum still have made the best exit, and that was getting on for a year ago

>> No.11570264

got it, thanks bro

>> No.11570328

philosophy degree doesn't look so dumb now, does it?

>> No.11570628

You're an idiot.

>> No.11570631 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11570689
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>> No.11570693

business as usual.
panic sellers rekted as they outside of snapshot, hodlers will gain after fork/kucoin refund

>> No.11570696

I put 5.8 ETH into this a couple of days ago near the top thinking it was due for some kind of big run.

RIP my fucking bags.

>> No.11570778

Oh look it's an ERC shitcoin getting completly destroyed. Who would've guessed ERC's are useless pieces of shit?

>> No.11570794
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Once again 0xBitcoin lead dev being the only person in the room that's not an absolute retard

>> No.11570913
File: 1.73 MB, 1536x2048, 43665014-FE15-4B0B-A77A-63C6FCC4A4E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look like they're taking it very well over there

>> No.11571102

>literal single point of failure
>hacking one private key gives ability to print coins and take over supply

see now if only we had something called decentralization

>> No.11571141

>what is satoshi's private key

>> No.11571176

This. ERC20 tokens and bitcoin clones are the fucking devil.

>> No.11571187

Dabbling in literal pajeet shitcoins instead of just buying Link

>> No.11571206
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>exit scam
>QUICK suspend the trading so we can sell our bags first!

>> No.11571288

Fuck. Scared me for a minute. But it's only for withdrawing more than 2 btc. I don't know why anyone would keep that much on there, but still

>> No.11571427

>And if the owner of the Smartcontract can reroll everything in the contract at any time you are fucked,
there was no ico contract

>> No.11571436

>So, is this a function that literally any team could call on their ICO contract?
No, it was explicitly added into PRL. There was even a comment explaining what the function does.

* Director can open the crowdsale
function openSale() public onlyDirector returns (bool success) {
// The sale must be currently closed

// Unlock the crowdsale
saleClosed = false;
return true;

PRL was _designed_ to allow reopening the sale.

>> No.11571462

If the contract is shit and unadited, yeah. It's possible to close a contract permanently if you write it so.

>> No.11571500
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Holy fuck anon, you were spot on. Well done.

>> No.11571532


Also no joke they're basically putting a bounty on "Bruno"'s head, LMAO. What a fucking mess.

>> No.11571604

i have all brunos info
i tracked him down for research purposes when i originally bought from the initial etherdelta sell walls and i ended up selling my holdings at a good profit not long after
how much are they offering for his info?

>> No.11571616

I will open a bottle of expensive champagne if that retard gets killed by some holder

>> No.11571632

I know you're larping, but I guess someone balls deep on it would pay 6 digits to know it.

>> No.11571645

fuck off faggot let anon enjoy his vacation now...
he did more for anon community than any of you fags combined

>> No.11571650

im actually not
he is “anonymous” but has a very large footprint

>> No.11571659
File: 17 KB, 420x410, murder bitcoiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you have the money to murder a shitty scammer who called himself Bruno Block, you probably weren't dumb enough to fall for the Bruno Block meme in the first place.

Start an ICO for his assassination instead.

>> No.11571664

then just fucking post it here for the lulz and see his life get absolutely wrecked

>> No.11571672

live by the sword die by the sword
he made me a lot of money as is but i want more

>> No.11571891

Alright boys I bought PRL back in February and this is my first exit scam. Finally completed my initiation into the cryptocommunity.

>> No.11571938

at least it was only 5.8 eth?

>> No.11572032
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I guess so, that's like 15% of my portfolio though... :(

>> No.11572078
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At last BOUNTY will have it's day!

>> No.11572164

Can someone please tell me what to do with my prl and shl?

Do I sell now or wait?

>> No.11572177
File: 1.45 MB, 2304x4608, IMG_20181022_224706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing this shit as a dev makes me want to scam stupid people myself.

No-one read the open source contract code prior to investing.

Nobody checked that the ico_closed flag remained false months after the ico

Fuck you, you illiterate retards. You deserved it

>> No.11572188 [DELETED] 

I've considered it before as well, but then i'd be no better than a nigger. Is that you want to be anon? a nigger?

>> No.11572207

Dude come on, this is literally free millions of $s

>> No.11572217

>this fucking assumptive bottomless brainlet too fucking stupid to know ICO director flag had to be shared between 2 people to change peg value
just fuck off kido

>> No.11572222


>> No.11572237

What happened to Tron cash? ;)

>> No.11572246

>anonymous asking for money.

Where the fuck did my beloved 4chins of 2004 went? When people did it just for kicks?

>Go fuck yourself kid, you have no clue who Bruno is.

>> No.11572260

Check the OPCODEs of the contract. The flag only needed one Signature to change, the "director" one.

Also nobody says "peg value".

>> No.11572416
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You can't fucking sell it. You should never have gotten involved in this nonsense in the first place.

Wait and see if they do anything even remotely related to 'making their backers whole.'


I personally feel that I've wasted a lot of chances to scam the fuckers on this board, but the sum of money I could have made would probably not have been worth the effort I'd put into it. It'd have been a better idea for me to make some kind of actual project. Minimal effort and scams get you money in crypto. A real project that does something would could have made me a lot of money.

>> No.11572417
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>Should I purchase 100% secure code by a proven project like Fabric Token's Tokengen for a grand total of $100?
>Nah I'd rather pay millions to a coder whose identity is unknown to me
This CEO is not even qualified for a burger flipper

>> No.11572736

Sometimes a $100 are worth more than a million for an anonymous programer.

>> No.11573754


was thinking this also, i probably wouldnt have but i can see myself going all in on a shitcoin like this and then losing everything. what a disaster

>> No.11574035
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, Sayori_After_Story_2018-02-04_20-41-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to hang out with Sayori!

>> No.11574599
File: 122 KB, 1181x1227, PRL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy the dip?

>> No.11574633

Sure, if you also enjoy catching falling knives too.

>> No.11574681

How? I've been looking all day for a way to buy. Do you know of one? I would absolutely love to put $1,000 into this right now.

But the token holders will be reset on a 1:1 basis with a new token dated to right before the hack. How could we buy now?

>> No.11574726


>> No.11574768

Because this will literally kill prl, and yall will leave us the fuck alone. We never saw prl as competition. prl niggers have always just been annoying ankle biters. Now that prl is dead you can go focus your energy elsewhere. Or you can buy the dip and watch this coin bleed out.

>> No.11574802

more like short the dip

>> No.11574841

wait, iota partnered with paragon, wtf?

>> No.11574871
File: 65 KB, 380x570, bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope fags are trying to DCA into this holy shit bagholding knows no bounds.

>> No.11574912

Saw this over on reddit

"I'm still on board. I will say, even though negative, this fiasco has provided the advertising PRL needed... maybe something will come of this."

This is the absolute state of a prl holder.

>> No.11574954

Can you answer the question? Does PRL compete with BAT? I don't know a fucking thing about PRL and have been holding massive fucking bags of BAT for almost a year now.

>> No.11574964
File: 42 KB, 150x221, IMG_6644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going to be so fucking rich!

>> No.11574965


Now tell me where I can buy some fucking PRL. God damn it is CHEAP!

>> No.11574988

Bruno, I see you...

>> No.11574998

Only place allowing trading right now is Coinexchange.io

>> No.11575002

PRL uses some weird browser miner to pay for storage in place of ads. PRL bois will tell you that prl and brave can coexist, but this is a lie considering their community uses every chance they can to make up lies about BAT and talk shit. Site owners basically have the option of choosing the BAT model or the PRL model. The BAT model gives the site owner more money by a very wide margin. The PRL model bricks peoples cpu's. Prl holders will tell you that the miner doesnt put a heavy load on the computer, but we havent even seen a working model on a website yet so we cant be for certain.

BAT has always been the clear choice, but we have just had annoying prl niggers spreading fud so we are by default competition. BAT holders never actually looked at prl as legitimate competition. Its like a handicap kid picking a fight with you. You know you will win and you dont want to waste your time and energy so you try to ignore them.

>> No.11575013


>> No.11575015

Also you should do me a solid and post when you're about to buy so I can put my sell order under the cuck that keeps undercutting me.

>> No.11575075

>we both agree on a conversion rate
>write up a quick smart contract
>I send ETH to your personal wallet
>immediately receive agreed upon amount of PRL to my personal wallet

Isn't it fucking crazy that we can't do this? I have to create an account on some random ass crypto exchange, send my funds to the exchange, and put an order for some PRL. What the fuck is the point of Crypto? What are we even doing? This is so fucking crazy.
>smart contract
>be your own bank
What a load of horseshit.

>> No.11575094
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>> No.11575101

I think you actually can do this with that protocol that 0x created but unfortunately I have no idea how

>> No.11575120

I do wonder about that. If all of these tokens get to the point where they are completely interchangeable.... Wouldn't all the apps just use tiny tiny amounts of ETH? Same thing with BTC and atomic swaps.

I mean the fuckers go down to like 8 decimal places. We have quadrillions of sats. This shit scares me.

>> No.11575130

posting a 'kek' for historical purposes, kek
do people ever "read contract" on Etherscan? kek

>> No.11575208

daily reminder that LINK is either an ERC223 token, which was created by Ari just for LINK, or an ERC20 token with ERC667 functionality, developed by Steve specifically for the ChainLink project, and you never know... kek

>> No.11575218


>> No.11575254

Tomorrow you might regret buying PRL, you’ll find out why

>> No.11575299

Oh, thanks

I already do, don't worry

>> No.11575841


>> No.11575867

This. For him anonymity mattered more than being called a non-scammer. I salute him. Respect

>> No.11575872
File: 13 KB, 400x400, 0xBTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My no ico scam token.

>> No.11575875

I was all in, should I kms?

>> No.11575914

They'll swap it don't worry. They're rolling back the chain to old price

>> No.11576045

You'll probably get SOMETHING back, but you'll have to sell faster than everyone else. Tons of people are going to unload their bags as soon as trading is opened again.

>> No.11576133

I think you should wait and see where the project goes.

They will probably rebrand. People here can call this a shitcoin all they want but in the end they'll change their minds. This is just 4chan echo chambering.

Oyster is one of THE ONLY (I can count them with my fingers) real projects out there, if you are willing to wait 2-5 years to see it's conclusion, you'll be handsomely repayed.

>wait for rebrand
>price will stabilize low because confidence is low
>buy strong
>wait 2-5 years

>> No.11576146

You have no clue what you're talking about.

I'll help you with simple analogies.

BAT: Imagine that you have a hole. To cover that hole you dig another hole and use that holes dirt. Voilá: BAT!

Pearl: Imagine you have a problem and your brain to solve it without digging more holes.

I hope I cleared it up for you and remember, womens studies won't take you far in life.

>> No.11576152

>Oyster is one of THE ONLY (I can count them with my fingers) real projects out there

This is getting old. Somehow every shitcoin is "one of THE ONLY real projects out there".

It's literally in every other thread for petes sake!

>> No.11576156

or just buy another fucking thing and make more money in less time

>> No.11576169

>Pearl: Imagine you have a problem and your brain to solve it without digging more holes.

Yeah Pearl imports thousands of Pajeets to shit the hole full of pajeet shit. Way to use your brain.

>> No.11576239

I’m not surprised. It’s been obvious this retard coin was a scam from the start.
“Make money on your website by diving for pearls”
Yea no one wants some fucking website to stutter up their computer by being a micro server for a ton of crap. And the idiotic shell made to pump prl even more. It was obvious from the start this was a terrible idea.

>> No.11576246

I'm going to bed happy knowing you lost over 60% of your money today. I'm going to be even happier when you lose the remaining 40% as people panic sell your faggot ass into the poor house.

>> No.11576284

I'm glad you morons got scammed. Good riddance.

>> No.11576292

Also, this is why smart contracts will never be used for a serious purpose.

>> No.11576293
File: 19 KB, 802x381, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So stable it should be adopted as the ultimate crypto currency

>> No.11576806

That was a terrible fucking analogy. Not even sure if english is your native language.

You were so close to fooling me Patel.

>> No.11577374

kek, kek

>> No.11577598

Yes, """HACKED"""
Lmao having so much fun watching those fucking smug redditors getting anally destroyed.

>> No.11577656

>Their smart contract got hacked.
nothing "hacked" about it.
Contract always allowed for creator to sell more tokens. He/She/They did.

Code is law.

>> No.11577698

>legally prosecuted for fraud
how can it possibly be fraud? "Smart" Contract allowed for it. And it happened. Fraud implies the contract was broken somehow.

You can't sue someone else for you yourself being a dumbass ponzi schemer.

>> No.11577715

i have all (ID: uU+Fx5I7) 's info
i tracked him down for research purposes when i posted in this thread
how much is someone offering for his info? Can get to him to give you Bruno's info.

>> No.11577720

>im actually not
u actually are

>> No.11577729

he gets prison time. now what? the state cant confiscate crypto. once he gets out hes a multi millionaire. you got exit scammed

>> No.11577770
File: 37 KB, 600x600, le sweaty man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, let me help you with that analogy:

>Pearl: Imagine you have a hole and the creator of the hole steals $300,000 from you

>> No.11577976


>> No.11578017

Fuck all the haters. PEARL at least $5 before EOY

>> No.11578056

Why does he keep getting away with this!? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

>> No.11578077

Are you fucking kidding me? i put everything into this garbage fucking SHIT COIN. we need to start a community fund to dox bruno. idgaf about money anymore NOBODY does this shit to people and gets away with it.

>> No.11578130

just use kekdelta u fucking brainlet