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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.43 MB, 2154x2154, IMG_20181029_164508_475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11570530 No.11570530 [Reply] [Original]

$7.37 for a grande coffee.

That's more than minimum wage.

>> No.11570545

And you paid for it. Kys

>> No.11570552

Be thankful you weren't carjacked.

>> No.11570556

Starbucks coffee is strong. Who the hell needs a grande? If I go there it’s a tall or an espresso.

>> No.11570557

You are full of shit. A grande coffee is less than two bucks.

>> No.11570565


That can’t be true. It’s not even 5 bucks for a grande latte in uptown manhattan. Wtf is up with Memphis?

>> No.11570566

You could've bought iced coffee at a grocery store for a buck or two if you really had to have it

>> No.11570568


The only redpill in the coffee world to learn is fucking make your own with cheap strong beans. The rest is straight NPC shit, even worse if you're one of those bulletproof coffee salesman (muh coffee mold, muh butter).

>> No.11570577
File: 2.99 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20181029_165252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the cocao protein blended cold brew. I promise you it was $7.37

>> No.11570584

Grande coffee in Chicago is less than $3 and I'm assuming it's the same everywhere.

Absolutely no way in hell you paid over $7 for a Starbuck's coffee.

>> No.11570585

It probably wasn't a coffee you got but a sugar drink laced with coffee.

>> No.11570586

Ok, you didn’t get “a coffee” then you fucking retard.

>> No.11570588


Stop fucking wasting your money, just stop. I used to do this all the time too, just blow $5 here $10 there aimlessly.

>> No.11570589

you bought a milkshake

>> No.11570596

Wow and it tastes like literal dog shit

>> No.11570603

an espresso is stronger than a coffee and costs less

dont be a pussy ass bitch, drink espresso

>> No.11570613

Oh, so you got some artisan sõyboy faggot drink at (((Starbucks))) just to come here and bitch to us about how much it costs. Get yourself a regular coffee like a real man.

>> No.11570625

Wtf is wrong with your thumb nail?

>> No.11570633


Black coffee only. I can't take anyone else seriously. Why does anyone fag their perfectly bbc coffee with bullshit like sugar? Faggots you should be drinking it for CAFFEINE, and being frugal about it. It's coffee, it's a drug, get it strong and cheap. Don't be gay

>> No.11570634

S. Second Street? You got a stammer?

>> No.11570645
File: 29 KB, 451x411, doomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying coffee at starbucks
Literally just make a pot and fill a thermos up with it and drink it black you stupid fucking faggot

>> No.11570648

Enjoy your discolored teeth.

>> No.11570662


Keep investing in your diabetes sugar boy. Discolored teeth are an easy fix to what you're goin' down.

>> No.11570684

>enjoy your (insert nonexistant or easily fixable side effect here)
Is there a lazier argument against things you don't like?

>> No.11570698

I drink my coffee black and I do have discolored teeth that whiten occasionally. Just saying. I’ve seen what years of the habit have done to my parents.

>> No.11570708


He has toe thumbs. Google it.

>> No.11570726

mmmm so I was wrong and you are in fact woke. gg. stay black

>> No.11570757

anon... Just because you bought a drink at a coffee shop, doesn't mean its an actual coffee...

>> No.11570776
File: 2.38 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20181029_171119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with my thumb. Just have skin coming off my finger. I'll snip it later. If you rip then off it bleeds bad.

>> No.11570927


If that’s what’s keeping you from getting laid you got bigger problems

>> No.11570939

It ain’t. But I do notice the teeth of the people I’m talking to. Especially bad or discolored teeth are pretty gross and distracting.

>> No.11570941

This is proof we need a gold standard. Because the Jews continue to confiscate our wealth through inflation

>> No.11571051


You just donated $7.37 to an illegal economic immigrant caravan headed to a town near you.