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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11569986 No.11569986 [Reply] [Original]

I now own 1% of all circulating supply of a microcap. Am I a whale yet or does that not count?

>> No.11570010

You are

>> No.11570059

Which micro cap?

>> No.11570121

GET, the dutch ticketing company one.

I could do some whale things but I'm not sure what because it really doesn't have much volume and I don't actually have any more money to accumulate more so no point putting a wall in.

I'll give you the shill copypasta on it if you want but I'm not here for that and I'll probably have to write it myself and I'm lazy.

>> No.11570594
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If your chin don't look like this you ain't a whale.

>> No.11571248

One might say:
>You have a lot of GUTS

>> No.11571539

> :smirk:

Don’t know if you own any but this one is better unshilled in the long run. The longer that ICO investors keep selling into the buy back events the better. Proven to be a utility but will behave like an aggressive security.

Fucking thing will end up being what BNB was meant to be.

>> No.11571591

How the hell is a token for event tickets anything like BNB

>> No.11571610

Oh, because of the buyback. Nevermind

>> No.11571734

I’m not gonna spoon feed you it but I do realise my claim is pretty out there, so I’ll give it the short version:

Binance runs token burn events every quarter but because everyone is expecting that to guarantee a profit, lots of people have bought into it pushing the price up. Even though binance is running millions in fees, the burn doesn’t have that much of an effect on circulating supply because the price is high per unit BNB.

GET run buy back events with a fixed minimum that effectively* takes those tokens out of circulating supply. The difference is at this rate they’re going to be buying back around 1% of supply a month from the volume of their own ticketing company alone. Once they get multiple ticketing companies pushing volume through the protocol, more GET needs to be bought back. The difference is that because the price per GET is so low they will end up buying back a greater percentage of circulating supply than most other securities that do token burns.

Heck you can even buy in now, wait for the next buy back and double your money on the guaranteed price floor, and they’ve already proven themselves to be honest with the first one. Lack of belief, wash reading and huge exchange has created the whole situation and I love it the way it is.

*in v1 of the protocol. v2 will heavily incentivise holders of bought back tokens to keep them to prevent them returning to circulation, although this isn’t going to be enforced so it can maintain a utility status.

>> No.11572415

Bump for docker

>> No.11572479

> he still buys premined forks

Try being a top wallet on the next XRB.
