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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11567335 No.11567335 [Reply] [Original]

Who /wagecuck/ here

>> No.11567359

I make six figs. Do I still count?

>> No.11567394

Do you slave away 40 hours a week for someone else?

>> No.11567399

Yeah but I have a fat LINK stack and my job is slow.

>> No.11567419

six figures to shitpost and work from home.. have to go back to the office in 8 months tho, how will i make it then

>> No.11567487
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>> No.11567868

I just got a new job as a principal engineer writing automation software. Is the path to true success removing the ability for wagecucks to wagecuck? When can I burn this all down?

>> No.11567892
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>> No.11567893
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>> No.11567904

working for more link and req

>> No.11567911

I make 1450 euros per month
I really work 3 hours a day / 4 others hours I browse /biz/
I have a good amount of money from crypto but it's not enough to stop working
Just waiting for 2022
I cant stand it anymore
January / February I go to Bangkok
I hope the bullrun will have began
I m tired of this shit

>> No.11567937

At this point im just working to buy some crypto. It's going to take way too long to "make it" by wagecucking.. Fuck that there has to be another way.

>> No.11568765
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>tfw under 700eur a month
>tfw cant cover basic expenses like a shitbox car and healthcare
>tfw work 40 hours a week and not enough time for school
>school costs 200 a month
Never ever did i think life could be this unfair fucking help me please there is no end in sight
I fucking hate computers and management which are the few well paying jobs here, aside from being a corrupt goverment official.
It's a never ending loop, im wearing out fast and i cant even make ends meet.

>> No.11569095

honestly the wagecuck meme gets old, i mean yeah sure if youre in a dead end miserable job then that sucks but at least you have a job. i try and try to find work and cant get hired, cant even get interviews. hell in my small town of 400 people there's no jobs anyway so i have to travel several miles to town, with no transportation of course. oh and when you get there its pointless because no one is hiring, employers want workers but are too picky. so basically im just stuck in rural hell until something happens.

tl;dr be grateful for what you have

>> No.11569108

req? You seriously cant be that dumb

>> No.11569119
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>tfw $15 an hour to shuffle some papers
>tfw work is 5 mins from my house
>tfw to complacent to find a higher paying job

>> No.11569152
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>works 3 hours a day
>I cant stand it Im tired of this

The absolute state of lazy euros

>> No.11569273

That sounds like a nightmare. Have you thought about joining the military?

>> No.11569402

i dont qualify atm

>> No.11569438

inb4 some fag says its because im fat i weight like 160-170 pounds.
not that i want to serve the zog anyway, the government actively seeks to fuck people over like me on a daily basis

>> No.11569480

Me and I fucking hate it. I was also hacked last month, so now I cannot even dream about making it anymore.

>> No.11569500

I am slaving at minimum, feelsbadman, what are good methods of income other than slaving, non crypto related preferably?

>> No.11569561

euros are fucking retards bro

>30 hours considered full time
>paid sick/holiday/prayer time
>union always on strike
>waaa my job sucks

>> No.11569588

What should we call it when you're a wage cuck but you take two weeks of vacation so you are in this place where you are making money but not working....temporarily.

>> No.11569612

comfy IT wageman here. 5 tickets in today, 5 tickets out, 8 hours paid.

>> No.11569613
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Management fucked up my schedule... again. Working at McDickholes is as bad as it seems

>> No.11569630

I call that purgatory mode, as you are in that place before you go back to hell.

>> No.11569637

The things you mentioned are not enough. I get 6 weeks holiday, can take three days sick leave in a row (unlimited) without a doctors note, but it still sucks to wagecuck.

>> No.11569664

neet here

I may be rich and attractive and have a big penis, but I'll never a have a cute gf who doesn't want me mainly for my money, no educated working girl wants a neet boyfriend

>> No.11569688
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surrounded by spics

>> No.11569694

I work 40 hours a week for a goverment agency in Sweden. I´m okay with it. My boss does not really know what I´m supposed to be doing so I work around 30% of time, the rest i watch movies, play games or work on private projects.

Not gonna get rich though.

>> No.11569703

Just started riding my bike to my wagie job. Didn't realize how much my ass would hurt because of the seat. At least I'm saving 100 bucks a month. How you wagies hanging in there?

>> No.11569723

Who spends their time making these, the cia or some autist?

>> No.11569737


>> No.11569764
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Please go back.

>> No.11569765

Sounds comfy desu

>> No.11569774

I'm not sure if it's the case for him, but it's not very pleasant to not being challenged at work but having to pretend to be working.

30 hours is usually not considered full time. unions are not always on strike. wages are low and the tax rates are high. 100k usd (before tax) is pretty rare. it's very difficult to build up a substantial net worth (like 2 million usd) with wage slaving.

>> No.11569777
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I just cleaned out my locker. I'm quitting tommorow. I'll be done being a wagecuck for good. It feels great. It's goin to be fun whenever I go into a store from now on and see a poor wagie slaving away. I'll say thank god that isn't me. Watching other wagies slave away has always been a source of amusement for me, and it's going to be even better now that I'm not a wagie myself. I'll probably visit stores just to watch the wagies break their backs for $9 an hour. I'll ask for stuff that I know the store doesn't have, then when they tell me it's not there I'll ask them to go check in the back. I'll ask for the hardest item to prepare at a fast food place, then stand at the counter glaring at the wagie the whole time he makes it. I'll go to lowes at 5:30am just to watch the wagies struggle to push the lawn mowers in front of the store. Yes, it's gonna be great not being a wagecuck.

>> No.11569779

Look in catalouge for entg general

>> No.11569931

The only non-wagies are neets and aristocrats. Even people who own their business are wagies. It's sad

>> No.11569941

>work with computers
>90% of coworkers are pajeets
>no overtime
>had to work on sat 4-6pm due to an urgent call
>didn't feel well on wed so took a sick day but boss still made me work remotely from home

i need to look for new job but too exhausted to do it after work or weekends suprisingly. the stress drains the shit out of me. honestly getting tired of the IT field...

>> No.11569984
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>mfw all night staff are russians
>they drive away all the other slavs

>> No.11569992

Until recently, I've had an easy job, I could sleep during the day too, but it was still awful:
- low pay
- office at 5th floor with no elevator
- everything is dirty, 4 people use it, but no one is cleaning
- everything is fucking dirty: if you slap a couch a couple of times, your hand will get covered with a thick layer of dust, and I have to sleep there
- everything gets even dirtier in the winter: the weather is so shit, and NO ONE IS CLEANING ANYTHING, because you don't even get "thanks" for doing it
- equipment is in a bad state
- I have to cross the road with a constant danger of being hit by a car and severely injured - no insurance whatsoever
- if other people fuck up and not notice things - it's my fault
- boss says he owns me for 8 hours, so I have to do additional unrelated tasks for free without being paid a dime
Wagecucking is a literal slavery, because your bosses treat you like slaves.

>> No.11570016

he's probably a german, they have it easy
the mediterranean job market is hell though

>> No.11570076

What was your savior? Perhaps a nice Shopify site?

>> No.11570126

Management always fucks up schedules no matter where you work. It's hard to believe, but the truth is theres a lot of fucking dumbass managers out there.

>> No.11570431

I sell stuff on a couple different sites online. Also gonna be driving for lyft or uber because I like driving. Haven't started that yet because I'm soon going to be moving out of the current shithole town that I was born in. I don't spend much money. I live within my means, and I've got some money saved up. My dad is a millionaire and sometimes he sends me money. I've got some other ideas to make money as well, but I don't want to set up camp in my mom's house especially since I hate this town. My savior then, is not one thing in particular. The important thing is the strong desire to not be a wageslave. If you have that, then you can escape from wageslave hell.

>> No.11570606

I feel that feel brother

>> No.11570620

Just asking

>> No.11570704
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I am and I think I'll never stop being one.

>> No.11570765
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i have enough money to do this but i am scared of quitting

>> No.11571000


“Muh six figures”

Lmao @ how people still think making 100k is some sort of baller salary. Reminder that making 30-40k in 1985 is the equivalent of 100k today. In 20 years we’ll have janitors and bus drivers bragging about how they make six figures. 100-200k these days isn’t shit, you have to make 300+ to be considered well off.

>> No.11571025

being well off has nothing to do with your income and mostly to do with your health. that said youre either a jew or a faggot from a shithole like sanfran or new york

>> No.11571054

That's funny because I was a bit worried about it too. I was going to put in a two weeks notice, but my coworkers and managers would probably annoy me about my decision to leave and ask me all kinds of personal questions that I just couldn't give a shit about answering. Two weeks is a lot of time for people to hassle you with their dumb shit. Anyway I was still going to put in my two weeks, but yesterday one of my managers hit me with some bullshit. He forgot that a particular person happened to be off the next day and right when the store was closing and we were all leaving he remembered and asked me to cover their morning shift. I said okay, but I said to myself, fuck a 2 weeks notice I'm just quitting after this.

>> No.11571072

what a waste of trips. six figures is the starting point of being wealthy, once you get there you start hodling and investing till you are a millionaire

>> No.11571114


A million is not rich tho, you still have to wagecuck unless you live in a third world shithole


In any top 20 metro area in America, 100k does not go far, and it’s quite hard to make 100k+ if you don’t live in one of these areas

>> No.11571118

I am NEET but I pretty much just got £1.5k in the mail, bringing u savings to above £3k. In living with my parents, so that is like my "fuck you" money, for now

>> No.11571157

Same here in Aus, nearly at the end of my degree, been looking for work since I started. Can’t get shit. Just have to wait until I graduate to get work, hopefully I’m not fucked.

>> No.11571172
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>> No.11571189

What studying anon?

>> No.11571196

Commerce degree

>> No.11571200

What's your point? By the time janitors start making $100k, I'll be making close to $400k if we assume that income inflates by 3x in 20 years.
I live quite comfy as a single man in Atlanta

>> No.11571217

Looks at grad programs at banks. I know all the big 4 have good work for smart grads

>> No.11571223


sounds like even an engineer would only have a couple hundred a month to save. What a fucking JUST’d continent. You have no choice but to slave for 50 years and hope the government keeps its promise to support you when you’re old with no capital

>> No.11571231
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>> No.11571269

Okay man, I’ll have a geez.

>> No.11571298

Surrounded by pajeets.
I have died and this is hell

>> No.11571311

Wagechad reporting in with 6 figure do-nothing job. I just earned $7 while typing this post.

>> No.11571384
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What is your job supposed to be?

>> No.11571387

If your labor is making someone else profits you are cucked no matter how much you are making.

>> No.11571448
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>Monday night

>> No.11571605

i think youll be okay, maybe. idk but it sounds like you have direciton and know what you want to do, or at least have been studying something. fuck i wish i could afford some kind of education but idk what to even study, cant afford to go to any school and shits far as fuck anyway so yeah.