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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11566885 No.11566885 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best ways to earn crypto directly and legitimately? I'm willing to work for it (coderfag), but I'm not willing to buy into it, given the massive markups involved in doing so. I'm also not willing to run scams or defraud anyone.

>> No.11566921

>First if was White boys BTFO with BBC
>Then it was black boys BTFO with BHC
>Now its Big Elephant Cock

Whats next? Are woman literally just going to start fucking whales?

>> No.11566951

you can make about $300 a week with CityOfZion (NEO). ARK pays. DAG will have bounties.
NEO is most profitable as tjey got 2 mill from the Chinese. It's about 70 devs, most are pretty good too

>> No.11566959 [DELETED] 

any decent white woman doesnt fuck niggers only degenerate pigs do that. Sorry you fell for the jewish lies anon.

>> No.11566968

Yeah they moved on to horses now.
>Huge penis and no risk of human STD's > than BBC

>> No.11566969

h-he does not know

>> No.11567190
File: 28 KB, 450x300, Screen_Shot_2018-03-15_at_2.07.21_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odin, PivX and I believe Phore all have Masternode networks that can vote on your proposals. So you can say you will do X thing for X coins and you should be expected to be paid every X milestones. PivX is worth the most right now and Odin is expected to be on exchanges soon.
It is worth checking out each of them and decide if you want higher risk for higher return or lower risk for lower return. I'm fairly active in the Odin community and they're looking pretty hard for some decent proposals. If you want to think about joining the Odin discord try to talk to one of the core team or a mod and they'll help you out to the best of their abilities.

>> No.11567525

>not circumcising your elephant

>> No.11567549
File: 24 KB, 400x400, nJ1oOxtG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll cut right to the chase, the community at ODIN Blockchain actually wants another developer to be paid for with the community funds (that masternodes vote yay or nay on). You don't have to buy anything, and you could probably even make more just by staking your profits when you get your coins. You just need to put forth a proposal for your work you plan on doing, then you'll get paid. More info in the ODIN discord.

>> No.11567581

Yeah they don't fuck horses, just dildos casted from real horses dicks.

>> No.11567655
File: 20 KB, 301x285, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either by the end of this year or Q1 2019, you'll be able to earn BAT by opting-in to advertising on the Brave browser. You can DYOR but basically the browser will give you the option to watch ads in return for a certain amount of Basic Attention Tokens.

Alternatively, you can register as a Publisher with the Brave browser (for the moment you'd have to go through KYC) and if people like the content you produce, they'll donate to you/pay you anonymously via BAT.

There's a lot of FUD about BAT but I only wrote facts and these are indisputable. The Brave browser will offer one of the first legitimate ways for the public to earn and subsequently spend cryptocurrency.

>> No.11568377


>> No.11568404


>> No.11568791

I think the H is for horse

>> No.11568843

Close the blinds tighter bro, reality is coming in

>> No.11569739


>> No.11569848

DAG is fucked

>> No.11569911 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 680x434, 1538179696168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine that elephant cumming a huge load on her face.

>> No.11570162

The elephants have won, niggers. We are outmoded.

>> No.11571163

talk about a sticky situation

>> No.11571184


>> No.11571225

how can white boys even compete?

>> No.11571505
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>> No.11571521


>> No.11572034

>literally risking your life to show the world how much of a whore you are

>> No.11572795 [DELETED] 


>> No.11572826

woman in one pic