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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 131 KB, 700x852, Pharma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1156312 No.1156312 [Reply] [Original]

post em

>> No.1156318
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>> No.1156351
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>> No.1156402


>> No.1156447

df? Neither does the dollar but without exchange he'd be broke.

>> No.1156449

What's this guys deal?
>Hi I'm dr evil stealing from cancer patients
>JKS I just give it to them for free media demonized me
>Oh I'm going to take this one of a kind pop culture "art" and waste it
>JKS I actually really appriciate it
>Now I'm just going to stream my life live to the internet, LOOK AT ME
>I give out free lessons on how to be a super rich trader like me(actually I just teach super basic stuff at a crawling pace so everyone can keep up even the borderline retarded, honestly I knew all this stuff by age 14 cause I'm abnormally smart and interested in stocks)

Is it just me or does he seem pathetically emotionally void and searching for attention? he craves social vindication and acceptance but hasn't found it yet. He's interesting but it's prolly better to follow someone who's made it financially and socially, and his approach hinged on the fact that he was more intelligent than most people.

>> No.1156462
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I hope he was being satirical or that is a fake quote.

>> No.1156466
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>What's this guys deal?
No idea, but he is a genius, so he is awesome

>> No.1156620
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Shkreli is love, Shkreli is life.

>> No.1156640

Man I was thinking today they seem like their approach to appeal to the public is beyond similar.

Trumps gained way more notoriety and power, but when you consider Shkreli has gained his fame with way less capital and expenditure, he simply manipulates current systems.

Both are very good at playing the social structure.

He's definitely smart, but he seems so fucking needy at the same time, that's what bothers me about him

>> No.1156889

New desktop background, danke anon

>> No.1156912


He actually hasn't given a single person the drug for free because he can't afford it and he isn't even the ceo anymore

Hilariously enough the drug is still at the same price months after he was fired

>> No.1156921

>tfw immortalize on shkreli livestream

>> No.1157094

Gonna be legit sad when he dies.

>> No.1157096

You guys are completely ignorant on the entire situation and it shows.

>> No.1157113

He's a meme that fedoras idolize.

One of the main rules of business is "Don't become despised by everyone in the fucking world". He did, and now he's been fucked.

>> No.1157118


Fuck off Martin

Stop shitposting and worry about not dropping the soap

>> No.1157120

"Don't let media outlets run unverified reports with large amounts of information cut out to support their narrative."

>> No.1157125


Martin pls go

>> No.1157126

The majority of the problems there are his own fault. The media rarely flat out lies, they always take a bit of truth and go with it.

The interviews with him where he acted worse than most people imagined he would didn't help either.

>> No.1157136

The only fact in those articles was the price increase. Yes the drug raised in price by over 5000% but that barely affected the end user in any meaningful way. They left out that people without insurance could get the drug for free, most people still had the drug almost entirely paid for by insurance and had little to no out of pocket expense. They left out that most of the profit went back into research for more drugs. Not to mention that the drug is a generic drug at this point and Daraprim is only a specific brand. Any generics company could start producing it today if they so chose. Any of the millions complaining about the price increase could start a generics company, get the funding, and start production on the drug and sell it under a different brand. But they don't, I wonder why. Maybe because so few people even need the drug that unless you do sell it for a higher price you won't make any money on it what-so-ever. Not to mention they completely ignore all the other drugs out there that cost way more and have way higher margins that way more people take, like certain Hep C drugs that cost over $1,700 a pill.

>> No.1157142

I was talking less about the problems over the drug than his behavior.

Instead of explaining what you just said in the interviews with the media companies, he acted like a completely unlikable, despicable ass. Lump onto that all the other nonsense he has gotten up to and it's no surprise that he's despised by everyone.

Before you go on and say "b-but thats just muh feels", public relations are part of business too.

>> No.1157151

Its pretty clear hes a psychopath

>> No.1157163

Because media companies do exactly what I said, they push an agenda by cherry picking facts rather than report objective truth.

>> No.1157170

I'm not sure your understanding my point.

The media didn't spin the interviews or mince his words to make him look bad.

They literally just shoved a camera in the room, talked with and and broadcast the results.

The media didn't make him into a despised jackass, he did himself.

>> No.1157173


Uh huh.

>> No.1157177

I work in big pharma, hes pretty much despised in the industry as well , but mostly because hes drawn more attention to how much pharma fucks people. Pro tip; its a hard fucking

>> No.1157181

Because if you're basically being hounded constantly by people you hate to talk to them about something that they essentially made up in order to make you look bad for their own personal benefit you get to the point where you just want to annoy the fuck out them as much as possible. Like the $15 MM in bitcoins lost, obviously a troll but the media because they're corrupt as fuck immediately jumped on the story without verifying a single fact for ratings.

>> No.1157193

>basically being hounded constantly by people you hate to talk to them
So naturally instead of doing the rational thing and explaining why they're wrong, he digs himself a pit and hands them a gun to shoot him.

>> No.1157216

Fuck off Martin.
Dont you remember you need to stream a "finance" lesson (actually just doing super basic valuation for meme blue chip companies and showing off 1337 excel hotkey skills) to make your fedora followers happy.

>> No.1157223

That was yesterday, today is all about chemistry.

>> No.1157229
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Nobody outdoes walker

>not invading a country because it's profitable
fucking casuals

>> No.1157264
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What else does he have to do? He refuses to reply on his stream to anyone with an IQ over their shoesize and bans people would could make him look bad. He was cool until he took on fully the clown act and started banning people for no reason, his fanbase is full of fedoras, underages, ugly gaymergirls and dickriders.
He sits at home, so he shitposts. But because he is an insecure, little 5'5 manlet albanian he has to shitpost about himself in hopes of having getting approval.

Dont you have a reddit page to manage Martin?
Dude I know you lurk here and probably you or your obviously in closethiding glamrock buttbudy is behind the spamming, you are cool and yeah you are le epik trole man, but can you shut the fuck up, stop being so obvious that it is you. This is an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.1157832

Np anon, I loved it too

>> No.1157842

/pol/ how many times do we have to tell you to get out?

>> No.1158674
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80s Trump was based as fuck desu, now he's too clownish

>> No.1158677


So how did that asshole acquire his wealth?

>> No.1158990

You seem to have been made upset by what I said.

>> No.1158999

Hedge fund stuff that lead to starting pharma companies

>> No.1159021

No, I'm agreeing with you. He shills here way too much about himself. Had at that time all three threads about him on the frontpage so I was just extremely annoyed at that.

>> No.1159071

I'm not the person you directly replied to in your first post.

>> No.1159132

Lastly, To the person that jumped on shilling Martin immediately after he is posted; Martin I know its you. Your videos are whack. Le Evaluation for the tenth time. Martin pls go.

>> No.1159841

This boys and girls, is a complete idiot and leftist scum.

If you open your phone, you'll find that there are bits of gold being used as superconductors.

So, the gold is dug out o the ground, melted down, put into technology, and then that technology is traded and used to increase commerce.

>> No.1159865

Gotta give the people what they want.

>> No.1159867

Fuck off Martin. Your "lessons" are utter garbage.
You are telling your personal preferences as facts and doing the same fucking valuation thing for 10th time a row.

>> No.1159902

You seem upset? And yet people still watch it by the thousands and give thanks everyday because people are learning something.

>> No.1159905
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M a r t i n

Your shitposting is just as embarrassing as your height, manlet. You should move to Australia, maybe you can pay someone to teach you and then try again.

>> No.1160124

You seem pretty sure that I'm actually Martin Shkreli.

I think the truth is you're just uninformed and let your emotions guide your thoughts and those emotions are given to you by the media.

>> No.1160143

But what portion of gold I wonder is being used as jewlery or semiconductor? It seems like such a huge amount is literally being buried and sat on. What other resource do we do that to? It's like if most crude oil that's extracted being held in banks.

>> No.1160590

And I am sure if youre not Martin you might as well email him and ask can you suck his dick.
Look, we know he dindu nuffin and seems like a decent guy, but do we need to really have three threads about him and a fangirl club where you guys just list the things you most like about him offtopic on random threads?
Martin FanGirl Club goes on autistic tirades the second someone says anything not 100% positive about him. If you can't handle the banter, reddit might be more your alley. If you don't really get calling Martin FanClub Martin is a meme because it at this point sounds like it's the same guy on a cokebing convinced if he shills the guy enough he might let him suck his dick a bit.
If it is you, pls go Martin, you have stretching to do, you can give yourself soon a reach-a-round. You could make a financial lesson on that too, would be the hardest thing and most beneficial to make money with, that youve taught this far.

>> No.1160755

he's specifically referring to the vaults and vaults and vaults across the world of gold bullion that will never be used for jewellery or electronics
it's clearly tongue and cheek banter at goldbugs who don't get the kind of returns he gets from his investing style

>> No.1160756
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forgot pic

>> No.1160834
File: 263 KB, 3212x2409, report-george-soros-is-pulling-all-of-his-money-from-bill-ackmans-hedge-fund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this one man triggers /pol/ that much

>> No.1161771

I love soros as an investor. And I see what he is trying to do with the whole bilderberg and NWO, I just don't agree with it.

I would define soros as a savage