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11556701 No.11556701[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>severe depression at 15, drop out
>one girl always made my life difficult, got the teachers to have a go at me over nothing, called me retarded
>I'm now going to a world famous uni (where she really wanted to go) and have 250k at 22, no one I knew before 16 knows
>out of boredom look up everyone from hs, both people I liked and disliked
>she seems to have failed the last few years of hs
>she works about 20 minutes away from me in a crafts store

Give it to me straight. Should I go there and flex on her or just leave it. By flex I mean discreetly just going and asking for directions to some nearby shop, before pretending I recognise her and we "catch up", not 6ix 9ine autism.

>> No.11556712


wrong, dont meet her

use this hatred to only fuel you more

250k is fine, but 250M is better

flex on her then

>> No.11556716

leave it anon, not worth your time

>> No.11556722

If not pasta, I'd laugh at her face, troll her by calling the manager, etc.
I'm actually not petty, but people like her should have their souls crushed before they attempt to do the same to another innocent human.

>> No.11556728

You should hate-fuck and dump her.

>> No.11556732

If you have to ask, most likely you're an insecure loser who will fuck everything up and cry yourself to sleep. So, while I would normally say yes, I will have to say no. Your $250k ain't shit, either, chump.

>> No.11556741

t-t-thanks bros

I guess I should just put it to rest, certainly seems like it would be satisfying though

>> No.11556742

If it’s good pussy go get on it duh

>> No.11556778

waste of your time to flex on idiots

>> No.11556779

She wasn't a complete piece of shit, but I do remember her always looking down on people less academic than her. One guy in particular who clearly slow but not special needs she used to take the piss out of loads.

I can speak and show confidence without appearing insecure very well. You'd have described me very well about 3 years ago though kek.

>Your $250k ain't shit, either, chump.
Lol. I know this is exceptional at 23. Probably top 0.1 to 0.01 percent self made.

>> No.11556784
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Also, if she's been shitty to you you definitely don't owe her to maintain her privacy in front of strangers.
So post a goddamn pic of her before we evaluate the situation

>> No.11556801

I know you can find people if you post a picture through backwards image search. Not getting doxxed

>> No.11556807


her own anger of back then was maybe caused by personal issues.. and she probably already regrets being a cunt in HS.

Do good around you anon, it will feel much better.

>> No.11556823

this. press Y to hate fuck the witch.

>> No.11556871
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She kind of looks like this. Don't think I'm anywhere near chad enough either lol

>> No.11556947
File: 42 KB, 318x300, nigga pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way you can pull it off and be convincing, she will straight up see through you and see that you only went there for her, the biggest compliment you can do to a cunt is acknowledging her existence and giving her attention, after all those years she is still something you think about daily and you care and value her opinion even if you don't want to admit it, its obvious.

There is only 2 things that are possible here:

1. you flex your shit and get shot down because in her eyes you are a beta orbiter loser thats still stuck in the highschool years, you become a joke in her circle of friends. your money means nothing to her as you are a loser.

2. She actually charms you in and you get weak and fall for her shit, ending up paying for her

you can't win as you lost years ago, the only winning move is to forget about her and all the other losers from your school days, move on and stop looking back.

>> No.11557031
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>Caring about what other people think of you
>Pretending to accidentally meet up with some slag who fucked you over

>> No.11557086

Genius! Buying 100 btc for a few bucks each in 2010 really shows your business skill. 100% self made dude, you really earned your right to brag!

>> No.11557101

Lol. I bought 30ks worth at 20. How many 20 year olds could afford that?

>> No.11557107

I endorse this OP

>> No.11557367


Leave it. You’re a better man now and seek rewards from your accomplishments by your own actions; don’t taint your self-earned gratification by mixing it with face rubbing. You’re better than that so don’t stoop to her level.

Congrats on what you’ve done anon. Keep trucking.