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11553989 No.11553989 [Reply] [Original]

2k Arkie here...Don't be the bizlet that falls for the FUD. Ark is one of the best projects in crypto right now, but it is pitifully undervalued. When this thing goes parabolic and reaches the $30-50 range, it'll be too late for you to make it.

>> No.11553999
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>> No.11554041

2k ark... lmao are you wishing for ark to be like $500 so you can make it?

>> No.11554099


>Similar supply as Ethereum (around 100 million)
>More user friendly
>Developers won't have to learn a programming language no one uses (solidity)
>People staking their Ark will create intense buying pressure.

$500? I'm not selling 1 Ark until $1,000.

>> No.11554112
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>> No.11554213
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>> No.11554298

Who will buy Ark to stake when it's $1000?

You will get like 0.001 a week for having 1 ark which is a literal $1 for staking....

Who is going to afford more than a couple of Ark when it's that high? Staking won't be that much of an incentive.

Who stakes NEO for GAS?

You get better returns selling and buying the next moon mission

>> No.11554345


>Who will buy Ark to stake when it's $1000?

People forget that people bought BTC at $20k+ and ETH at $1.2k+

People buying Ark at $1000 most likely will not be staking unless they are a whale. The ones that buy now will be the ones raking in $$$ from staking. The early buyers staking will be the ones creating buying pressure, as the circulating supply will be low.

>> No.11554364

This project is rife with problems

Incredibly slow development
Horrible marketing
Team members running their own delegates ala Lisk Cartels
No actual utility for the token
Shrinking community
etc etc

Do your own research on this project. Buyer beware

>> No.11554427


>Incredibly slow development
Still functions better than most meme coins in top 100. They've sped up a great deal recently.

>Horrible marketing
Eth has an autistic skeleton that wipes boogers on the wall. Doesn't really matter...Besides, the team is actually marketing to developers. Y'know, the ones that will actually make a difference in the project.

>Team members running their own delegates ala Lisk Cartels
They are in the extreme minority, and are actually good delegates.

>No actual utility for the token
Network fees
Payment layer

>shrinking community
Yeah I got nothing. Probably has something to do with that greedy jew Moon. Anyone that reads his shit can see that he is a neet faggot trying to humble-shill his own bullshit project.

>> No.11554480

This anon gets it with
>NEET faggot who is humble shilling his shitty project

>> No.11554533

"Network fees
Payment layer"


>> No.11555127

Mike from skycoin is the ARK SCAMMER

>> No.11555410

lol, Mike isn't "from Skycoin" he gave them some hardware advice

>> No.11555422

Let me tell you something about Ark.
It's a shitcoin

>> No.11555759

Hate to break it to you but when the network broke a few weeks back it was the community , not the ARK devs that fixed it. Total larp coin

>> No.11555795

Team is too stingy to hire legit devs so they rely on the delegates to do all the heavy lifting instead of the slavs they hired for pennies on the dollar

>> No.11556117

Appreciate you both at least actually discussing facts instead of just usually weird memes around this coin.

Currently 600 arklet. Bought some last year b/c seemed like some smart people liked it and I liked the idea of passive income. Currently have it split between two delegates just in case one of them screws up. Not doing much with it, just letting it sit there and taking my staking rewards and letting them compound.

Hope it turns into something. Who knows.

>> No.11556409


I haven’t seen any of the communication between the team and the delegates. How do we know this wasn’t an agreement between the two groups?

>> No.11556447

There’s some blog posts and reddit threads on the subject, can’t seem to find them now

>> No.11557270

I sold as soon as I found out moon quit the project. Pretty fucking sad when he solves a bug that could have caused someone to empty the binance wallet and gets no acknowledgement.
Or when the network goes down and the team does absolutely nothing while the delegates are responsible to fix the network and get offered a reward so low they reject it. Lmao this project had a lot of potential, I used to be 100% in ark. What a joke this fucking team is. Thank you moon and chang for all your work and also saving me from losing money on this shit

>> No.11557302

Piss poor fucking team without a doubt. Should've gotten out as soon as those slack logs came out about a year ago where the team members couldn't even agree on what the purpose of the coin was LMAO

>> No.11557368


>slack logs

Every time someone posts stuff like this, there is never any proof. How about share the slack logs?

>> No.11557386

how about you do your own research into the project you lazy fuck. how hard is it to google ark slack logs and go from there? you obviously haven't done much digging into the project

>> No.11557417

I watched it unfold in real-time when the network broke. Discord, Slack, Telegram etc. they couldn’t keep people from making shit up. After the dust settled, they released a postmortem which said the community basically saved ARK because when the fucking network forked, the ARK development team didn’t have a backup. It’s all on Reddit of which is clear as day. GTFO out this project now while you can.

>> No.11557421

It doesn't function that most coins in the top 100. It doesn't fucking do anything. All it is is a dpos transfer value coin. Until VM and push button gui is done this project is useless. No one will ever use it without those. The development has been insanely slow. They had so much ico money and would not hire any competent devs for months

Marketing is whatever to me. I don't think they do enough of it but I don't really care, they need the project to work first

I don't think it's bad that devs are running delegates, but the team refuses to be transparent as to which staff are delegates outside of those known. This is fucking shady and makes no sense why they would not be transparent.

So the use for the token is to stake it to get more, and send value? There are not going to be any dapps on this until they figure out the dev issues. There will be an end use of the token, at least if they follow the plan, but right now it's fucking useless.

There was a huge Reddit post about this with a bunch of drama. A lot of people sold because of the slack logs, lots of delegates got involved. This is when they pivoted. Originally ARK was advertised like a universal payment token using smart bridges then they decided they wanted to do the push button shit then everyone was freaking out about the tokens value. That's where that fud comes from in particular. How did you miss this? Just fucking Google it you'll find all the posts

>> No.11557541


Ok little faggot, I'll humor you. I wanted to see which specific portion of slack log you were referring to. I have researched this project pretty thoroughly. I have never seen anyone reference any sort of slack log drama. I have seen Slack logs of technical discussion on how the ecosystem will operate. Do you really these sorts of discussions aren't happening on every crypto project out there?

If you think dozens of programmers just start typing away and forge a blockchain with no prior discussion, than you are a fucking retard and deserve to stay poor.

>> No.11557596

If you've researched this project pretty thoroughly and didn't see anything about slack drama then you're legit braindead. Good luck to you.

>> No.11557717

the slack stuff is real, to call it drama is exaggerated, to say delegates ran away cause of it is false.

>> No.11557883

I've read the slacks. If the conversations scared you away, I don't know what to tell you.
The worst one I've seen is someone asking:

>what will stop a bridge chain from overtaking the Ark main chain

This is like asking what is stopping Litecoin from overtaking Bitcoin, or Ethereum Classic from overtaking Ethereum. The strength of the development team is what is stopping it.

Ark wants every side chain to be completely self sufficient. To make them reliant on Ark would go directly against the goal of decentralization. If Ethereum were to crash right now, how many businesses would be fucked? 100s?

Ark wants to be the "omnicoin" that links projects. When a project is started, they automatically have the capability for their token to be seamlessly traded for Ark.

>> No.11557900

this desu

Also read this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ArkEcosystem/comments/8znboh/the_ark_coins_value/

>> No.11558000

based chang. how much is needed to get into biz private these days? i used to get 33/week now i get 30/week. quit letting all of the peasants into our fine society or else im gonna knock u tf out

>> No.11558048

i don´t fucking carte about the fundamentals. the price chart from a technical standpoint looks super bullish. it s already charted by one of th ebiggest crypto influencer on twitter. Cred.

>> No.11558149
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Guess what fags, I bought ETH mid 2016, had been stocking up on BTC since late 2015 and bought in ARK after the April 2017 dump.
I fud and shill ark on all platforms, as do others. I know its going to be a hit just a little while to wait.
Also buy BAT for your own sanity. Forget link its a meme.

>> No.11558500

15k, or 10k if there's enough room.

>> No.11558785

What happened to ark being used to buy other coins decentrally?

>> No.11558875



>> No.11558961

Wow that is seriously weak stuff

>> No.11559170

this is peak delusion if real. either way, if there are any newfags in here, stay the fuck away from this coin. this project became irrelevant a year ago and some people are too emotionally attached to move on. sad.

>> No.11559251
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>> No.11559288
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people have been saying this shit will moon for over a year now. truth is you're desperate fucks who've been holding onto one of the worst performing alts of the past 15 months. your in denial if you think ark v2 will give you anything other than a 10% pump followed by a subsequent harder dump, just like everything else they've released. face it arktards, even though it appears like a solid project, this one just ain't a money maker.

>> No.11559309

im sad to say this is the case. this team is unprofessional as hell and there will never be adoption for this project. ive been holding for well over a year now and i kick myself every day for not selling at 100k sats. just hoping for a nice pump to get rid of these bags. fuck this coin is the worst

>> No.11559321

and just lol at the ark newfags on leddit defending the coin until they're blue in the face. they have no idea what's been going on for the last year

>> No.11559459
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Thanks for FUDing, Shlomo "kys alrdy" McMoon

A mixture of not sourcing ur claims and "lol dude trust me bro r u retarded?XDD go google" makes me sleep at night not some shit written down on reddit. If you really want to make us holders sweat then open a thread with some material to prove your points. Because only millenials, people with a low attention span and maybe boomers/geezers fall for such low-effort FUD.

Pic related shall be your trusty companion for the (hopefully) near future.

>> No.11559517


This is stupid and complete fud. This article is completely cherry picked to fit the narrative. It doesn't show anything but some brand new reddit account fudding, and doesn't show any replies to the fudding at all. This article was clearly written and or paid for by the same fudder. Read the reddit post for yourself. The user spreading the fud is a brand new account. All of his statements are unfounded and twisted to his narrative. The fact that he wasted this much energy and time on this is nuts. There is NO centralization issue in ark and people like this just want to destroy a project because its fun to them or they have a vestment in a competing project or they are really trying to crash the price to buy more. Either way this is complete bullshit.

>> No.11560025

There was communication between the team and the delegates. The team did some work, mainly testing whether the issue would be resolved if they went to v2 (which it wouldn't, which is why they didn't just go to v2 during the outage). However, the majority of the work was done by Moon, Chang, and another three delegates that I will not name but were recognised for their work by the team publicly. The delegates that fixed the network received a nice donation of 30,000 ARK from the community but declined the 20,000 ARK bounty offered by the team.