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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11548914 No.11548914 [Reply] [Original]

>had highly successful conference last night
>Cryptopia listing imminent
>releasing crypto's first ever browser-cache web wallet, THE. FIRST. EVER.
>you would have 10x your money already if you bought in a month ago
>price just keeps mooning and mooning and mooning in a completely stagnant market


You're right. You're not. My bags aren't for sale and won't be for sale until Dero hits $1,000 a coin or more months from now when the market turns bull during the holiday season and FOMO causes a massive Antshares-level buy-up of Dero.

Ask any questions you have about Dero and the project, and I'll do my best to answer. Copypasta questions will be ignored.

>> No.11549068

Are you the guy who was annoyingly shilling Dero when it was pumping a few weeks ago? Cause if you are, don't do that again it was annoying and I'm a Derofag. Also how much to make it, I hold 700 which isn't much but all I can afford right now.

>> No.11549127

Wouldn't it dump on Cryptopia after the 10 x it did? seems like the most logical to do for early buyers, is dump on Cryptopia which is more liquid than ogre.

>> No.11549144

You don't need too much to made it, if it go where was ETH during last December in the next 2 years, 700 will be enough for the next bullrun.

>> No.11549155

More big exchange are coming in Q4.

>> No.11549171

700 is all you need. Just hodl.

>> No.11549180

We're not in 2017 though, regular projects like Dero are good but they have no momentum, this year and next seem to be focused on interoperability etc. not just isolated blockchains.

>> No.11549192

I really doubt Dero is gonna pull an ETH, but who knows it could pump quite a bit. how much are you guys holding?
What exchanges are coming? Also does anyone know any details about the foundation and when it's coming out.

>> No.11549292


not much.
> 1500.

>> No.11549312

How much do you need to for sure make it?

>> No.11549351

Probably :
>10 000, for the 2019 EOY
>1000, 2020 EOY

>> No.11549378

if Dero reach the top100 CMC this year, that will be already a big achievement.

>> No.11549734

Why can't it pull another ETH? It is literally ETH, only with full on privacy and scalability. Plus, it has everything Monero has but better, everything IOTA/Nano has but better, and it keeps coming out with more and more.

Monero hodlers realized months ago how much of a threat Dero is. This is why they have been attacking it nonstop. Now, after the conference has aired, you'll notice they're virtually silent because they know how possible it is now that this threat will turn into a reality.

>> No.11549748

>Why can't it pull another ETH?
ETH happened at the right time and place, I don't think we will ever see something like that ever again, I could be wrong I'm just trying to be realistic.

>> No.11549758

Also where can I get details about this conference, I am very curious.

>> No.11549809

HAHAHAHA they said the same thing about bitcoin and ETH pulled a bitcoin, why couldn't DERO do the same as either of them? Solid team, solid coin.

>> No.11549875
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>interoperability etc. not just isolated blockchains.

>> No.11549876

The space has changed since the crash and a lot for money has left, I'm just saying don't pray for the moon is all. Can't ever be disappointed if you keep you expectations low.

>> No.11549892

That's true, I will give you this one Anon

>> No.11549908
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Healthy attitude. When is the conference in Berlin going to happen?

>> No.11550081

>More big exchange are coming in Q4.
Given than Haven (a complete shitcoin) got listed on Bittrex it is a no brainer that Dero will get there as soon as the Foundation is done.

>> No.11550116

shill shilling non-free software

>> No.11550123

>Also where can I get details about this conference, I am very curious.
For video search for "facebook dennexus".

>> No.11550134

Dero is free to use, just not free to fork.

>> No.11550354

Most of the stuff that Dero use are already open source under MIT licence, so technically nothing new:
> Ring Signature
> Confidential Transaction
> Bulletproofs
> BlockDAG
> SSL/TLS 1.2
> Smart contract virtual machine
> and more ...

Dero is just a unique mix of all this technology with an expert cryptographer at the head. You can follow his vision till the end or you can stay away, it's your choice.

>> No.11550734

Actually, the BlockDAG is new in the sense that, although the knowledge of possibility has been out there, it has never been done in working fashion. Don't forget that Dero's BlockDAG is still the only BlockDAG on the market today. IOTA, Nano, and Byteball are just normal DAGs, and the crypto named "DAG" isn't going to have its BlockDAG complete until Q2 2019 if my knowledge is correct. By then, Dero will be way ahead.

Also, Dero's web wallet is a first in that it's the first wallet that doesn't use a remote server to store your key but your browser. If I'm wrong about Dero being the first on this, please correct me.

>> No.11550756

I love DERO
Feel like a megawhale, even though I don't even have that many coins
This and IoTeX will be great, although DERO seems more promising ATM

>> No.11550762

But to reiterate your point, this is what Dero does better than anyone else.

Why use ETH for smart contracts if you can use Dero, have the privacy option, and have the TXs that move faster? Dero's has 12-second blocktimes and ETH has 15-second blocktimes, about the same. Dero does slightly more transactions per second. However, ETH doesn't have the complete privacy option that Dero will have. ETH might speed up in the future using off-chain solutions, but everything Dero does has to be on-chain for maximum security of privacy.

Why use Monero for privacy when Dero is just better? Its bulletproofs are 10x faster, it has SSL/TLS 1.2 in the P2P layer, etc.

Why use IOTA/Nano when Dero is actually better optimized with speed and security for its BlockDAG?

Dero is a combination of multiple other technologies from other cryptos, only better and with additional features. When Dero releases those private smart contracts, Dero will makes 99% of other cryptos technologically obsolete.

>> No.11550785

>its actually a coin and not token
>its mineable
Ok OP I'm listening, what about ASICs? Devs got a plan or don't care?

>> No.11550790

No. It's the same pajeet who posts here every Saturday t

>> No.11550798

Literally dont care if it is a pajeet, just show me the money niggers

>> No.11550815

Dero has openly accepted ASICs on its network. If you watched the conference, they explain very clearly why they are allowing ASICs on its network. The ASIC argument used by Monero hodlers is growing tiring at this point.

>> No.11550816

Atomic Swap are coming too and the Dero File System will store manage real world data so we gonna avoid the Oracle issue.

>> No.11550834

What is the ASIC argument? In my opinion, ASICs are pure shit. It was a really dumb decision to remain with the old CN algo.

>> No.11550849

so how does this compare to every other privacy coin out there?

keeping in mind that most of them have extremely low fees, and the TPS argument is moot because there isn't much congestion in the privacy coins.

>> No.11550867

heres a list of privacy coins


>> No.11550877


>> No.11551016


Captain is cryptographer expert that have been working since 2010 on looking a solution for The Bitcoin scalability issue.

Bitcoin Core devs are already using their own solution called LN. (Why they choose this one ? Maybe because that doesn't touch the first layer : the consensus rules.)

Bitcoin Cash use their own solution too for this issue too (A naive solution.)

Ethereum working on PoS + sharding.

Captain is like Vitalik, other devs rejected his ideas, so he built his own PoW Blockchain with fresh new ideas.

You can mark my word, Captain isn't an average devs he has a team of System and Embedded Engineer they are ninja in C and ASM, They know how to build compiler and virtual machine in no time. Even with their big premine they gonna reach the Top5 MC.

>> No.11551069
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this coin is doing alright on this board

I'll bump this thread and ask a question if you try


Why is a dero smart contract better than an eth smart contract?

>> No.11551086


>> No.11551105

The difference is Dero isn't a "privacy" coin. It's a privacy coin with smart contracts using a BlockDAG. Correct me if I'm wrong, but none of the coins you listed currently have private smart contracts out RIGHT NOW, do they? If Dero gets its private smart contracts out by Dec 2018, then they will be ahead of Enigma and anything else on there that will be using private smat contracts in the future.

Also, it cannot be overstated that Dero is the ONLY crypto out there right now using a BlockDAG. The only other coin that I know of that plans on using a BlockDAG is DAG, and that isn't coming out until Q2 2019. Again, correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.11551118

>>you would have 10x your money already if you bought in a month ago
kek u wouldn't even break even if you bought the first time it was shilled on biz

keep ur bags pajeet

>> No.11551162

So they arent actually going to be able to be mined by normies, and it wont be really that decentralized?

>> No.11551219

It was first posted back on /biz/ in February when it was 25 cents. This was before it was even on CMC before the first run up. Just because the first time you personally saw it was when it was at an ATH doesn't mean it was the first time it was posted on /biz/.

The first few months the coin was out, it was mined by normies, and that's when the majority of the coins were mined. Also, most miners are selling the coins as they get them in order to get a profit, and normies are buying those coins. As Dero gets more and more exposure, more people will be mining.

>> No.11551734

>Dero has openly accepted ASICs on its network.
Not really. They went back on a promise to fork the algo eventually and caused a lot of strife among early GPU miners that were supporting the coin.
>they explain very clearly why they are allowing ASICs on its network.
What possible reason would that be? They own ASICs mining on the one pool controlling the hashrate?
>The ASIC argument used by Monero hodlers is growing tiring at this point.
And what argument would that be? That the current state of ASICs being a ridiculous centralized point of failure is a bad thing?

>> No.11551751


>> No.11551756

shillers will shill

>> No.11552803
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>> No.11553092

hy to buy dero and not ENG?

>> No.11553209


No, he was talking about serious projects such as ICON, Polkadot and Cosmos. ChainLink is only an adapter for real world to blockchain world, not an interoperable protocol.
Learn the difference.

>> No.11553217


Reason : They are only 3 devs for now, looking after a good algorithm take times, and that times isn't spend on the mainly features.

They even try equihash and much much more but it was already too late...

>> No.11553493

Msr had the first fully client side web wallet.

>> No.11553502
File: 269 KB, 684x469, DERO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, you goblincoiners are more trashy than Monerocucks.

>> No.11553625

Just wanted to clear things up.

>> No.11553654

Nerva has much more potential than this, and is much, much cheaper (normie friendly).

Sell the top of Dero, and all-in Nerva.

>> No.11553670

Not to mention, 5% of the market-cap, not on CMC, etc. You'd so well to sell now. After all, this very well could pull a TOMO and fall right back to 40 cents, or 20 cents. The amount of TOMO nerds screaming at me when I begged them to sell was C-L-A-S-S-I-C.

>> No.11553679
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>>11553654 >>11553670
Shitcoin, nobody cares about.

>> No.11553786

7060, basically accumulating since March.

>> No.11553883
File: 14 KB, 300x300, DERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1k Derelict here. Going to buy more when there's a correction below the price of a dolllar.