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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 367 KB, 1125x1356, 14539F7B-62C5-43F0-8422-593FDA21A12A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11547300 No.11547300 [Reply] [Original]

Finally made it biz, $900 winter jacket paid for my yours truly. Couple people including women already complimented me.

why don’t you own one biz?

>> No.11547327

Why is it so small? Are you a child?

>> No.11547338

yeh I’m a genetic man let with fat pockets. Tbh size doesn’t matter anon, women like confidence and money

>> No.11547361


Also because the north face jacket I bought at TJ Maxx for 90 dollars looks and works fine. How's it feel to pay 10x what I did for something that's marginally better and even that's debatable?

>> No.11547374

feels great because I’m loaded enough to buy it and not care about the money. Meanwhile you are collecting stamps and coupons to pay for shit tier north face lol

>> No.11547379

are you supposed to be special? every other person in chicago wears a canada goose jacket

>> No.11547387

are you from Chicago lol?

>> No.11547403

canada goose is played out. literally 80% of people I see walking around in nyc have that same logo on their arm.

>> No.11547409


I have this baby waiting in my wardrobe to bust out when it gets cold enough. can't wait women are going to cream so hard at a young successful city man like myself being able to drop £800 on a jacket, and they will admire even harder the fact that its black label, because it then seems like i don't want to flaunt. but i do. i do.

>> No.11547410
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you have no sense of fashion lol... youre literally bragging about buying some overpriced jacket that every normie desires because of some retarded goose logo?

>literally caring what normies think about your appearance

consumerism brainwashed faggot kys and get off my board

>> No.11547414

>He doesnt own a black label Canada Goose

>> No.11547416

yes, and every single business person you see on the streets has a canada goose jacket you're not special lmfao it's a standard item if you live in a cold non homeless area

>> No.11547417

fucking NEET copes lmao

>> No.11547425

what do you wear anon, I’m curious?

>> No.11547428
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Never gonna make it

>> No.11547437

this is a heavy cope
i live in london and this is just not true
i am assuming you live in a poorfag shit tier city and couldn't afford to buy one if you wanted to

>> No.11547445

>thinks being frugal is a sign of being poor
M8 nice jacket proof that you really made it, meanwhile you probably rent your apartment while I own 3 houses

>> No.11547450

>press X to doubt

>> No.11547458

Pretty cool jacket

But I don’t live in Antarctica. So I’m fine

>> No.11547463
File: 72 KB, 1000x1000, NC1DJ58C_primary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canada goose/north face, moving onto the asian hype trend when I visit Korea/Japan this winter and buying those long down coats instead of being a normie npc. also probably gonna purchase something from northface purple label just cause it's unique to japs

>> No.11547473

go to the business district in chicago, youll literally see 75% of the people wearing a canada goose jacket. This is America where people like to buy things they can't afford on credit in order to impress others were not eufags.

>> No.11547544
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>he doesn't wear all BAPE

a thread died for this cancer Canada Goose Jacket

its not a NEET COPE lmao..

look maybe you think its good jacket or whatever, but literally you are paying a 10X fucking premium, JUST SO YOU CAN FIT IN, AND YOUR PRECIOUS LITTLE EGO FEELS OKAY WHEN THE NORMIES TELL YOU THAT YOU MADE A GOOD DECISION PURCHASING THAT JACKET.

but guess what, you didnt..

i literally don't care how much money you think you have to /make it/ or not,



no matter how much god damn money i make, i make sure to not get absolutely JUST'D and cucked by blowing money on retarded shit.

i could come up with a million better ways to spend money than on that fluoride tier goose jacket

pic related, this is what actual DRIP looks like faggot

>> No.11547570

>living where it’s cold
Absolute cuck tier. Lol.

>> No.11547590

>northface purple label

my niggggg

>> No.11547622


also no need for a jacket when you drive everywhere

captcha: cars

>> No.11547626

>be me
>punch anyone wearing this jacket on the streets
see you anon

>> No.11547630

>women like confidence and money
false, woman like money only

>> No.11547644

found the virgin

>> No.11547650

> buying clothes to impress people I don't care about

>> No.11547651

Jap fash is fucking normiepc af, they literally all wear the same bullshit

>> No.11547658

found the autist

>> No.11547674

America is basically copying Asian aesthethics, except they're a year behind. It took America a year to learn how to tuck in their shirts for streetwear while all of Korea was doing it in 2016. Long Down Coats has been fashionable since the end of 2017 and it's probably not gonna catch on until America until 2019-2020. If you're fashion forward you look to Korea and Japan for inspiration, although I do admit a lot of Japanese fashion is weird as fuck.

>> No.11547689

>Thinks owning a 0.14 BTC jacket means he's "made it"

>> No.11547691

I live in NYC you think I'm a NEET? I'm saying you bought a generic brand that everyone else already has. And you're bragging about it. It isn't cool nor is it even expensive like you apparently think. Which is how I know you're larping about "making it". You're a pleb.

>> No.11547696



You spent 900 on some shitcoin jacket??

BRO, wtf were you thinking buy an Arc'Teryx Puffy like a real man or a Boss Patagucci Puffy with a sick wool sweater underneath to layer if it's actually that cold. or a Montbelle Puffy.

You didnt get a puffy???????? FUCK MAN you have ZERO taste.

Return this RIGHT NOW and get a 900$ equivalent puffy and you'll be golden

>> No.11547702

you do realize that I have enough money to not care about buying a .14 BTC. jacket? I didn’t aspire to buy this, I just had a eureka moment where I realized I fucking made it family

>> No.11547710

Is right, if you live in any major city that gets relatively cold canada goose isn't special like I said in my first post.

>> No.11547711

Canada goose is almost 3000 linkies right now.

I'll buy when I can get one for 1 linky.

>> No.11547718


biz is pathetic copes all day

>> No.11547732

>you do realize that I have enough money to not care about buying a .14 BTC. jacket?
Mate you don't have as much money as you think you do. You haven't "made it" Theres people who spend .14 BTC on fucking lunch.

>> No.11547742
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>he doesn't wear all Rick Owens/drkshdw

>> No.11547749

damn this boi sweating a few compliments. not blowjobs, compliments! good luck loosing the virginity bud! lets pray 4 him guys!

>> No.11547758

women like height and face only

>> No.11547760

My wife bought me the same jacket for my birthday. First thing I did was remove the logo from the sleeve. I appreciate the gift but the people who wear Canada Goose are largely cunts.

>> No.11547764

I'm just trying to help you anon. Really man... A puffy is really the way to go. The jacket you got is pretty basic... regardless of its cost.

Rab, Patagonia, Montbelle, Arct'ryx are all super nice. Pair any of those with some wool layering options and you're gold. plus wearing wool socks--- fuuuuuuuuuckin comfy.

it's just the truth and its literally THE comfiest

>> No.11547773

>Caring this much about what a piece of clothing says about you.


>> No.11547774

wow you're a dipshit you just turned that jacket basically worthless.

>he doesn't keep his shit in good condition to later sell it and recoup most of it to buy something new

never going to make it you ungrateful autist

>> No.11547783

> showing off money for women
Congratulations my npc fella. You are just as retarded as the rest of this shitty humanity.

>> No.11547789

Poorfag trying to look rich wearing poor quality jacket.

>> No.11547802

Says the lonely faggot contemplating suicide lol

>> No.11547842

Btw buying canada goose exactly fits the wannabe chad. Real money buys different brands

>> No.11547862

Says the broke cunt who has to resell his clothing. At least now I can wear it in public without people thinking I am gay.

>> No.11547873

can confirm. have both

>> No.11547948

>north face duster
why does Japan get all the cool stuff?

>> No.11547950

>I can wear it in public without people thinking I am gay.
Why would you be worried what other people think of you? Even more why would you be worried that other people might think you are gay.... Unless...

>> No.11547962
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wow, that's hideous. u actually paid for that?? u couldn't pay me to wear it. yikes, thats embarrassing.

>> No.11547999
File: 1.21 MB, 1647x2240, Sigmund_Freud,_by_Max_Halberstadt_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have successfully psychoanalysed OP.
From OP's posts he is insecure about others thinking he might be a homosexual. This means he is not confident about his sexual identity. So he bought a $900 Canada goose jacket to make himself fell better due to his repressed homosexual desires.

>> No.11548001

long downs are actually only hyped in korea right now, you won't find it in Japan although it should be catching up soon with the whole hallyu hype spreading all throughout asia.

>> No.11548003

The materials and labor for your jacket were probably 20 dollars. Enjoy your rip off.

>> No.11548006


>> No.11548016

checked but theres nothing wrong about buying a $900 jacket if you truly like it. it's just nothing to brag about since anyone can buy a $900 jacket if they truly wanted it.

>> No.11548021

You paid 900 bucks for this? Has to be troll

>> No.11548055

Exactly only those who feel insecure about themselves feel the need to seek approval from others. OP would have been better off spending that money on therapy sessions instead of a stupid coat.

>> No.11548134

what color is this jacket /biz/?

>> No.11548190

Looks like a jacket from walmart with a goose logo.
Looks like the fashion flavor of the day for early 20s late teens kids with more.money than brains.
Grats on making it OP, boomer here waiting for the next bull market
Honestly Ill take a peacat or brown leather jacket

>> No.11548207

>claims he made it
>buys the most normie NPC clothing imaginable
>not buying bespoke shoes and suits instead

What are you going to do when Canada goose jacket goes out of style in two years? Waste close to another, $1,000 on another jacket? Also, if you think a fucking jacket is going to get you pussy, you'll be an incel forever. People who truly make it, get bespoke suits on Savile Row, and one of a kind shoes from Antonio Meccariello and other expert craftsmen from Italy and France. A woman is going to be infinitely more attracted to a man who dresses sharp, in timeless, classy clothing than some wannabe hype beast faggot.

>> No.11548288
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>he doesnt wear all satanic symbolism

never gunna fuckin make it

>> No.11548319

Lmao so the jacket is gay only if the logo shows? Wow anon you're all fucked up. Taking care of your things shows that you aren't some low level piece of shit- and selling them once you don't use it anymore is called being smart with money instead of throwing it into the fire.... which means you'll be broke in no time continuing in that way. Enjoy your bags anon

>> No.11548329

>not buying Chinese reps

Not going to make it

>> No.11548359

>hasnt gotten countless compliments on a literal wehrmacht jacket from a thrift store that cost 20$

Get on my level faggot

>> No.11548379

Literally looks like the shit you buy in army surplus stores or generic vintage shops for $50. Congratulations.

>> No.11548429

imagine being this lonely and salty

>> No.11548462

cope harder

>> No.11548504

you can’t even spell losing you fucking retard lmfao

>> No.11548580

last three posts op. HA virgin/10

>> No.11548607

another one

>> No.11548619

did you finally figure out how to spell “losing” retard kek

>> No.11549527

Buying things to impress people is pretty sad.

>> No.11549557

Nice I bought a 2k Moncler jacket last year with my winnings. Feels good man

>> No.11549587

/biz/ is the new /fa/

>> No.11549632

know who gives a shit about this stuff anon?
>poor people
dropping a bag of sand on a fucking jacket? fucking beggar move you spastic

>> No.11549649

cheap ass Canada goose... step ur game up and get MACKAGE DIXON

>> No.11549662
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>mfw my link stack is worth less than that
life is suffering frens.

>> No.11549697

It'll be over soon, after it moons and you realize you could've made it had you bought more

>> No.11549738

I literally have 0 money to spare. Everything goes towards my moving-out fund what i dont spend on absolute necessities. Being poor sucks ass.

>> No.11549782

self expression is for fucking idiots

the boldest and manliest thing you can do is not express yourself

>> No.11549921
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Live in climate that does not necessitate the need for such outer garments.

>> No.11550327

Faith Goldy? More Faith Cutey.