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11542097 No.11542097 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11542109

XRP hodlers are annoying as fuck. they think their centralized scam can compete with decentralized networks. they are the biggest most gullible retards in the market. it's like taking candy from a baby for the whales. anything that advertises themselves as a "standard" when in reality they are just a bunch of pajeet marketers.... /end rant.

>> No.11542366

Nice doge poster sirs

>> No.11542373

Perhaps, but I still hold a small portion of xrp. You know, just in case.

>> No.11542376

buy more of your linkies and shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.11542390

How is XRP centralized?

>> No.11542421


>> No.11542448

Cause validators are not selected in a decentralized manner

>> No.11542468

ripple (the company) literally owns way more than half of XRP

>> No.11542696

I cannot wait for the day I come back here, just like I did with ETH, to violently shit on all you fucking handicap tech illiterate retarded meme pump coin holders. It was sweet with Ethereum and it will be sweeter with XRP.

>> No.11542946
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Hi there.

I was one who "come back here after ETH did his thing" and I made it, but I did not "violently shit on all fucking handicap tech illiterate retarded meme pump coin holders" beacuase i discovered btc and eth tnx to biz.
>every anon whos not newfag can tell you are larping newfag and poorfag thinking you discovered your ticket to "lamboland" in xrp.

Thats why you will not "come back here to shit on hendicaped tech illiterate retards" you jsut stay poor.

>> No.11543216

Shut the fuck up pajeet I can barely understand your poopbabble. I did not find about about Ethereum from this board.

>> No.11543426

'this board'

>You have to go back fag

Anon is rigjt you are some few k xrp lunchmoney newfag and poorfag

>> No.11543484

What the fuck do you call a board you cock gobbling Indian? This isn't the only place I browse. I've been on here since inception you dumb cuck. Check this tripcode on /g/'s archive. You'll see this trip alone has been used for nearly a decade.

Kill yourself pajeet.

>> No.11544287

the same way bitcoin is over 50% of all mining for bitcoin is operated by 2 organisations, ripple controls 13% of its network validators which is down over the past 2 years from 80% so as ripple becomes more decentralised mining coins like bitcoin are becoming more centralised on the ledger side of things atleast

>> No.11544549

This is a weird post

>> No.11545308

Accumulating XRP on BitMex with x5 leverage
This is going to be the best trade of 2018 you should do the same /biz/ bros

>> No.11545567
File: 128 KB, 757x502, science-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is the only decentralized crypto in existence. POW/POS are centralizing failures that suck billions of dollars from users to "secure" the network. In reality, they are never actually secure and no transaction is ever final. We have countless examples of censorship and re-written history even within Bitcoin and Ethereum.

XRP takes miners/block producers and strips them of all their power. It eliminates double spending, orphaned blocks, and 51% attacks. It does not give any control of the network to users based on the number of asics they run, how cheap their power is, how many coins they own, or how many buddies they can pay off to vote for them.

The most influential company pushing it's adoption has no administrative functions, backdoors, or ability to force users to run code they don't want to run. The community could at any point in time strip them of their XRP and carry on because we aren't limited by the need to incentivize millions of dollars per day in block rewards.

XRP is about voluntary interaction. Each node is its own authority. The node operator chooses the validators he wants to listen to for transaction ordering and the consensus rules he wants he enforce (and thereby the other users he wants to interoperate with). This is true decentralization. Not only is it better for individuals, but it is much safer from an institutional perspective as well.

The only way forward for crypto is with truly decentralized distributed agreement protocols. XRP is way ahead of it's time despite being created in 2012.

>> No.11545652

XRP $10 EOY dubs confirms