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1153245 No.1153245 [Reply] [Original]

should i file for bankruptcy #7 if i have around $3600 in unsecured debt at 20

pic related what i am probably gonna get as responses

>> No.1153301


No you dumb shit. $3,600 is not a lot. 7 years of shit credit & a permanent mark this young isn't worth it.

>> No.1153441

no that's working one day a week money.

call your creditors and set up a payment plan.

>> No.1153447

>Ruining your 20s over $3600

>> No.1153448

Bankruptcy #7? So you've already gone bankrupt 6 times, and you're only 20?
Assuming your credit is already completely destroyed, you don't have a lot left to lose.
If you're talking about chapter 7 bankruptcy you don't have enough debt for it, the courts will recognize this claim as abusive

>> No.1153450

do this, also cut expenses to necessities

>> No.1153696

>No you dumb shit. $3,600 is not a lot. 7 years of shit credit & a permanent mark this young isn't worth it.
I don't have any way of paying back. Can't work. Waiting on getting neetbux which is the only possible way I could ever pay any of this back. Already have an eviction on my record so I don't see why a bankruptcy is going to matter much. Credit score is 300 but at least this way I could start building it back up.

A bankruptcy suddenly makes it impossible for me to go to grad school? That's where most of my 20s will be.

>Assuming your credit is already completely destroyed, you don't have a lot left to lose.
Yeah it's 300.
>If you're talking about chapter 7 bankruptcy you don't have enough debt for it, the courts will recognize this claim as abusive

>> No.1153763

>Bankruptcy #7? So you've already gone bankrupt 6 times, and you're only 20?
No I meant Chapter 7.

This http://www.alllaw.com/articles/nolo/bankruptcy/do-i-have-enough-debt-to-file-for-bankruptcy.html says there is no minimum debt amount so I don't know what you're talking about with this abuse claim. I'm collecting neetbux and have no reasonable way to pay off the debt... It's not abusive.

>> No.1153787

lol why can't you work? how the hell is your credit 300. holy fuck thats bad

>> No.1153790

>lol why can't you work?
schizo. medicaid doctors won't or can't help me. (kill yourself i know i know)
>how the hell is your credit 300. holy fuck thats bad
because when I was 17 i made a poor decision to ignore a bank account my single mother made me open and it ended up being overdrawn. the fees for overdraw were 2x whatever the amount was so i ended up with $400 in debt to a bank with no credit history which instantly crashed my credit score to 300.

the radiology bill is from the hospital not processing my insurance correctly and refusing to do so after i called them. it's in collections now and has been for so long that i doubt it's possible to fix.

the other debt is from an eviction.

>> No.1153793


>its not abusive

My computer and radios are worth more than $3600, and those are hobbies. Are you fucked in the head? Get a job you fucking retard, you can freelance unskilled labor and make $3600 in a month or two.

What the hell is your problem you faggot?

>> No.1153796

Just to file for bankruptcy is nearly half your debt.

>> No.1153802

>Get a job you fucking retard
i can't leave the house and in interviews i'm shaking and scared the the interviewer is going to kill me at any moment. it's not possible. hence the neetbux.

>> No.1153807

>Just to file for bankruptcy is nearly half your debt.
well the options here are
>pay for bankruptcy lawyer, probably somewhere around ~$1000; neetbux and may be able to get a lawyer for free since i'm so poor. this removes all debt at the expense of a bad mark on my already shit credit, but gives me the chance to improve that shit credit
>save neetbux and let my bank account be seized every time it goes over a certain amount because of liens (is that the right term?) until debt goes away and don't have bankruptcy on credit report, but still have shit credit.

the first one seems more favorable to me but i don't really know how badly bankruptcy is going to impact me. assuming i'm eventually fixed and can return to school i'd be in school for like 9 years. plenty of time for credit rebuilding after a bankruptcy.

or am i more delusional than i thought

>> No.1153821


>plenty of time for credit rebuilding after a bankruptcy

It's not. A bankruptcy mark is very serious.

>I'd be in school for like 9 years

Doing fucking what?


Then freelance manual labor. Mow lawns. Cut trees. Help people move. Make something and sell it at a flea market. Learn code and write it or something. Lemonade stand.

Do anything but bankruptcy.

>> No.1153826

>you can freelance unskilled labor
how do you do that, no one uses craigslist in my area

>in b4 "kneepads"

>> No.1153828

>>It's not. A bankruptcy mark is very serious.
In what way? I don't ever want to own a house and I don't want credit cards.

>Doing fucking what?
Before I turned schizo (since it manifests usually at 20-21) I was in school doing pre-med and have a 3.8. I would continue this once I'm "fixed" enough to be able to leave the house.

>can't leave house
>tells me to do jobs that involve leaving the house and to spend months learning how to code so I can be a freelance programmer and make peanuts
that doesn't seem like very good or useful advice.
i'd probably make more money doing nothing and collecting neetbux until i get fixed by my psychiatrist (and later therapist).

>> No.1153896

>how do you do that, no one uses craigslist in my area

You go outside with tools, and you ask people if they need work done. Knock on doors and ask. Flyers through doors.
Y'know, how shit got done before the internet.

Seems to me you're in debt because you're stupid and lazy.

>> No.1153997

That wasn't me if you read the ID.

Please respond to >>1153828

preferably without a /b/ tier kill yourself response.

>> No.1154004

You actually can't file for any chapter of bankruptcy, your debt is far too low (< 12,000), you're of able bodied working age, and you're not handicapped
You'll literally just put yourself deeper in debt for even trying, trust me, just get an easy job somewhere
Accounting Major

>> No.1154006

>You actually can't file for any chapter of bankruptcy, your debt is far too low (< 12,000)
Where is the proof? I posted proof of the opposite here >>1153763

>you're of able bodied working age

>and you're not handicapped
Disregarding the pending disability claim, you think schizophrenia and a few other disorders aren't handicapped?

>> No.1154010
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>no limit on bankruptcy charge
You have to understand that the courts are going to look at it from 2 perspectives, the reasonable person view, which is what would a reasonable person do with minor debt (get a job) and whether or not this would be an abuse of debt reorganization, plus it'll get added onto your taxes
>Able bodied working age
Meaning there is actually nothing stopping you from getting a job as a cashier
>But muh Schizophrenia
If it's not documented by a doctor or a psychiatrist, good fucking luck claiming it, and if you even did have what you say you have, you'd be too scared to show up to the case anyway, you'd lose by default, if you can't handle a basic interview, how the fuck are you going to stand in front of a JUDGE and tel them you deserve neetbucks?

>> No.1154013
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you'll notice the words
>no REASONABLE way to pay off the debt

>> No.1154015

>If it's not documented by a doctor or a psychiatrist,
3 psychiatrists, actually.
>good fucking luck claiming it
I don't have to. These people are risking their medical licenses if I turn out to be lying.
>Meaning there is actually nothing stopping you from getting a job as a cashier
Except the crippling mental illness that doesn't allow me to leave the house for days at a time because I think everyone who looks at me is plotting to kill me.
>you'd be too scared to show up to the case anyway, you'd lose by default, if you can't handle a basic interview, how the fuck are you going to stand in front of a JUDGE and tel them you deserve neetbucks?
1. you don't have to go to a judge to get neetbucks unless you get denied. if i get denied i'll get a disability lawyer who will stand before the judge for me while i sit there catatonic or barely holding it together.
2. this is about bankruptcy.

>no income
>mental illness
>on every welfare program i can be
>waiting on a disability claim
>thinks i have a reasonable way to pay the debt off

If you're not going to read the posts then just don't reply.

>> No.1154023

You've been evicted already and have no income, so what assets could you possibly have that could be worth $3600?
Chapter 7 is selling off your assets to pay off your debt, if you can't do that you'll likely get thrown into chapter 13, which means you work and they take the money directly out of your paychecks

You tell me m8, even if you do get the chapter 7, how do you even plan on settling the debt, because if you had assets worth that much already, you'd have sold them to pay this off.
with that safely assumed, tell me again how you're not going to end up working as a cashier anyway?

>> No.1154026

>so what assets could you possibly have that could be worth $3600?
I don't have anything. I wasn't aware you can be too poor to file bankruptcy if you can afford the lawyer fee. It was my understanding that you sold the non-exempt shit (which I have none of) to the debt collectors in exchange for discharging the rest of the debt.
>You've been evicted already and have no income
Hence why I am considering bankruptcy.

>You tell me m8, even if you do get the chapter 7, how do you even plan on settling the debt, because if you had assets worth that much already, you'd have sold them to pay this off.
with that safely assumed, tell me again how you're not going to end up working as a cashier anyway?

Explain to me where I'm wrong with sources that I am too poor to file chapter 7 if I can pay the lawyer.

>> No.1154030

Here's one that disproves your claim that I need to have 3600 worth of nonexempt assets.

>To qualify for relief under chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code, the debtor may be an individual, a partnership, or a corporation or other business entity. 11 U.S.C. §§ 101(41), 109(b). Subject to the means test described above for individual debtors, relief is available under chapter 7 irrespective of the amount of the debtor's debts or whether the debtor is solvent or insolvent. An individual cannot file under chapter 7 or any other chapter, however, if during the preceding 180 days a prior bankruptcy petition was dismissed due to the debtor's willful failure to appear before the court or comply with orders of the court, or the debtor voluntarily dismissed the previous case after creditors sought relief from the bankruptcy court to recover property upon which they hold liens. 11 U.S.C. §§ 109(g), 362(d) and (e). In addition, no individual may be a debtor under chapter 7 or any chapter of the Bankruptcy Code unless he or she has, within 180 days before filing, received credit counseling from an approved credit counseling agency either in an individual or group briefing. 11 U.S.C. §§ 109, 111. There are exceptions in emergency situations or where the U.S. trustee (or bankruptcy administrator) has determined that there are insufficient approved agencies to provide the required counseling. If a debt management plan is developed during required credit counseling, it must be filed with the court.

>> No.1154031

specifically this part:
>relief is available under chapter 7 irrespective of the amount of the debtor's debts or whether the debtor is solvent or insolvent.

Why are you giving me advice on something you clearly don't understand?

>> No.1154032
File: 53 KB, 292x257, 5392365+_c4baef1dc67525aa126f71b2f6f86fd6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The means test

which means, if you have no assets, you move onto chapter 13

Scarier yet, if you can make $11,000 within the next 5 years (likely) you'll get hit with an abuse charge

>> No.1154036

The form on that page leads to a 500 error. Please find a real one so I can fill it out.

>> No.1154040


if that one doesn't work, we'll know why America will always have debt

>> No.1154053
File: 33 KB, 640x469, ss+(2016-03-20+at+07.34.54).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this per month or total amount owned?
They want me to calculate the value of all my clothing and toothpaste, or how much I spend per month on it?

Also filling in 0 for food as I receive foodstamps

>> No.1154056

woops. missed monthly in there. my bad.

>> No.1154067

There you go

As far as I know, the food stamps count as $0 unless 2016 changed that

>> No.1154079
File: 72 KB, 1180x430, ss+(2016-03-20+at+07.47.40).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, now what

i don't actually receive neetbux yet. i have 0 income at the moment of filling this out.

>> No.1154094
File: 92 KB, 1189x504, ss+(2016-03-20+at+07.51.03).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to play devil's advocate, if I do receive my SSI payments, and I receive it when they claim I will (May 15th) I will receive ~3000 in back pay because I filed it in January. Obviously having this amount of money would allow me to pay down the vast majority of my debt and I would have another 733 coming next month to pay down the rest.

So you are right, if I get neetbucks then bankruptcy is abuse according to this, but I wouldn't need bankruptcy if I had neetbucks.

>> No.1154096

Well, given that you're reasonably unlikely to make over $11,000 over the next 5 years, you're eligible for chapter 7, though they'll likely push you towards chapter 13, unless your condition is far worse than I think it is
At which point, the creditors will receive no dividend, your credit score will likely drop below 100 and any hope of getting any kind of loan or credit card in your 20's will be impossible
Talk to a lawyer or delve deeper to find out more

>> No.1154098

Also true, it can't be more than like $80 a month for the next 5 years depending on your interest rate for that loan
trust me, pay it off with the neetbux as quick as you can so you can save money on the loan

>> No.1154102

I don't know how to go about getting neetbux, but it's definitely a solid option here, though I'm not sure how you'll handle that

>> No.1154105
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You little bitch.
I have over 35k in credit card debt.

>> No.1154108
File: 31 KB, 654x374, ss+(2016-03-20+at+08.01.09).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, given that you're reasonably unlikely to make over $11,000 over the next 5 years, you're eligible for chapter 7
> though they'll likely push you towards chapter 13, unless your condition is far worse than I think it is
Being unable to be around people or leave the house or leave my windows (when I was renting) and peephole uncovered/boarded up without intense feelings of fear and paranoia is not severe to you? Maybe it's just because it's the internet and I'm not typing word salad that you think it's bullshit or something. It may not be schizophrenia. It may be a combination of severe social anxiety and a paranoiac personality disorder. Those don't turn you into blithering retards, but they do inhibit your ability to function in normal society.
>At which point, the creditors will receive no dividend, your credit score will likely drop below 100 and any hope of getting any kind of loan or credit card in your 20's will be impossible
The people who publish the credit scores say 300 is the bottom, which is what I am at right now. I already said my goal is to get back into school. Credit scores are irrelevant to federal loans and school loans and grants. It would only effect my ability to get anything but a secured credit card (which I do not want) or a private loan (which I will not need because of how poor I am and financial aid from the school).

Explain why bankruptcy, in the event that my neetbucks never come through, will hurt me given these factors.

>trust me, pay it off with the neetbux as quick as you can so you can save money on the loan
You do realize I could be denied neetbucks forever or receive far less than the maximum that I used ($733), right?

>> No.1154116
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>I have over 35k in credit card debt.
People with this amount of credit card debt always astound me as a poorfag since birth. In order to have that much debt you must have had a good credit score and at least a few, if not many, credit cards with high limits.

You must have been smart and able bodied enough, or managed the money you were given, well enough to have built up a good credit score or you would not have had the ability to have those credit cards.

How is it that you took when analyzed seems like success and fuck it up so hard that you owe what the average Burger owes for college?

I know I'm not really in any position to criticize, but I just want to understand how this happens.

>> No.1154121

They won't even let you file bankruptcy for $3,600.

Bankruptcy isn't just something where you throw your hands up and magically erase all your debt.

You have to get a lawyer and go to court and talk to a trustee to do a means test.

Unless you have some kind of disability, he's going to tell you to get a McJob and fuck off.

>> No.1154125

>They won't even let you file bankruptcy for $3,600.
We've already had this discussion. There is no proof of this claim.

>Bankruptcy isn't just something where you throw your hands up and magically erase all your debt.
That's exactly what it's for. When you're buried in debt you can't reasonably pay off.

>You have to get a lawyer and go to court and talk to a trustee to do a means test.
I just filled out the form here, in my current state >>1154079 where there is no presumption of abuse, and here >>1154094 where if I were to receive the maximum amount of NEETbucks available to me there would be a presumption of abuse, but I wouldn't file bankruptcy in that case because it would be easy to pay off the debt.

>Unless you have some kind of disability, he's going to tell you to get a McJob and fuck off.
Oh you didn't read the thread. Sorry for responding to you.

>> No.1154182
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>I could be denied neetbucks forever or receive far less than the maximum that I used ($733), right?
sucks to suck, i don't know what it is that you want me to tell you
>300 is bottom
Okay, that works. now the real question; if you can't even pay off $3,600, how the flying fuck are you going to finance college? They just started arresting people with US marshals for not paying their loans, how are you going to handle that kind of encounter with autist level reactions around people, people with GUNS no less pointed at you?

>> No.1154188

>can't work

You mean won't, don't you?

>> No.1154199

What kind of hospital will hire you if you arent even fit to work at McDonalds?

>> No.1154209

>if you can't even pay off $3,600, how the flying fuck are you going to finance college?
Well I won't need to pay off anything if I file bankruptcy in the event I don't receive shit in neetbucks.

Federal loans can be deferred for economic hardship for years and years. I assume that I will be able to attend school and actually work (finish pre-med etc), which not only would freeze the loans, but I would actually be able to get a job where I can pay them back for real.

Also I remember reading somewhere that the really, really poor with no hope can get even federal loans discharged. It's really rare but I mean if I end up having an income of 0 and live in my car on foodstamps and shit in a decade then maybe debt prison or being a ward of the state might be better for me anyway.

>> No.1154211

read the thread before posting please.

>What kind of hospital will hire you if you arent even fit to work at McDonalds?
hospitals don't request my complete psychiatric history. when i am "fixed" and return to school all they might ask if why I took some time off from school, and the only answer they're entitled to is "I had a medical issue that has since been resolved."

>> No.1154456
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>explain why bankruptcy will hurt me given these factors
Please Respond

>> No.1154469

dude if you can't handle a fucking $7/hour job interview there's no way in hell you can handle med school interviews let alone pressure of medical school, LET FUCKING ALONE THE PRESSURE OF RESIDENCY AND CLINICAL PRACTICE.


a former med student.

>> No.1154472

>doctor won't treat my issues
>i'm fucked up as a result
the point is to go back to school when i'm NOT fucked up. i know i couldn't handle it right now.

>> No.1154716

I was wrong my credit score is 600 according to credit karma.