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11536602 No.11536602 [Reply] [Original]

>finish at 5:30
>boss calls me up at 5:25 to give me urgent work
>usually have to stay another hour or so
>this usually happens a couple of times a week
>no overtime

What do?

>> No.11536618

Grow a pair and don’t work for free. Talk to HR and stop working for free

>> No.11536632
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>no overtime
Guess no paid overtime means no overtime at all, no?

>> No.11536651

Sure but if I start clockwatching and be like "yeah nah I work til 5:30" I'll get shitcanned.

>> No.11536658

Say you will get to it in the morning and look for a new job

>> No.11536668

>I'll get shitcanned.
What keeps you from looking for another job?

>> No.11536856

I'm 22 and this is my first proper job, if I left before doing at least a year it would be career suicide. I also like the job a lot, pays well, I get a bunch of benefits and it's a huge firm which will look good on a resume.

>> No.11536866

IP changed because I'm a dumb phoneposter*

>> No.11536888

Go to the toilet at 5:20.

>> No.11536902

Actually, where are you from? I often hear this "career suicide" around me and cannot repeat it more often, that this depends on where you live and in fact is wrong very often.

>> No.11536923

UK, norf.

>> No.11537015
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My condolences, then this is actually correct. Tories fucked up the UK the royal way.

Try keeping the job for the year and drop it asap afterwards. No need destroying yourself over an entry-position.

>> No.11537051

>Sure but if I start clockwatching and be like "yeah nah I work til 5:30" I'll get shitcanned.
How do you know you will? Just because the other cucks in your office do it doesn't mean you have to. I've been the one leaving on time but I also didn't waste time during the day so didn't get called out.

That said, if you want to stay there and move up you might have to tho.

Next time your boss asks just say sorry and that you need to leave. See what happens.

>> No.11537340

If your boss is a reasonable type, get with him/her about giving you a task list one hour out. See if he'll agree to email/call you by 16:30 with a do or die list (with a one hour expected workload) with the caveat that nothing can be added to the list. I usually go with an either/or suggestion:

Hey boss, how about either:
A) A list by 16:30; expected to leave by 17:30.
B) I get to cut any extra time that I've accrued by Friday.

If he/she is reasonable they'll work with you. Especially given the job market right now. If they aren't the reasonable type, start looking for another job. People who take advantage do it habitually. You need to get away. Also, HR works for your company in order to protect them both from themselves and you; they do not work for you. Pursue HR solutions at your own risk.

>> No.11537381

This helped me stop being an unintentional asshole (well, helped me tone it down) when dealing with my associates. It's easy to get lost in the forest and just forget about other peoples problems/needs when you get overwhelmed with issues. If you think it is unintentional, it very well may be.

Without knowing anything, I assume if you ask you'll get the "Huh, I thought you were dedicated, but I guess you're not." soniamdisapointstare.gif

>> No.11537387



They are reasonable, so maybe. Last Friday he messaged me on Skype saying I didn't need to stay to finish the work he thought I was working on and to go home, it was maybe 6:30, I wasn't working was just chilling at the office for a bit as I had plans after work.

>> No.11537422

You could also first take a moment and ask yourself if there is a pattern to what's being asked of you (or straight up call him/her at 16:30 and ask if there's anything extra that needs handling today). If there is, take the initiative to tackle it before being asked and when it's brought up at 17:00 let them know you've already had it done for an hour.

>> No.11537435

Me on the bottom.

>> No.11537802

Stop answering the phone

>> No.11537886

What do? You tell your boss that you're only going to do the work if you get paid overtime. If you let him make you work for free, he will lose all respect for you and you will never get anywhere at that company. If you want your boss to see you as anything more than a pathetic cuck he can walk all over and will never have to promote or give a raise, then you have to stand up for yourself anon.

>> No.11537891

demand pay for it you fucking cuck whats wrong with you?

>> No.11538406

Are you a temp? If you are an employee of the company he is playing you. you can't get fired for doing your contracted hours you dumb fuck. If you're a temp ask for a print out of your clock in & out times and get your agency to demand payment. The most important thing for a bully is to convince you that standing up is worse than taking it. call his bluff you gay bastard.

>> No.11538419

leave at 5:20

>> No.11538459

jesus christ i would pay all my savings to be that guy holy shit

>> No.11539241

No I'm a proper employee.

I guess what I'm really asking is if this is normal or not, to be working unpaid overtime I mean. I don't have a lot of workplace experience and I don't want to be the dumb 22 year old kid who stamps his feet about something not knowing it's normal.

Clocking out at 5:30 when I have urgent work seems like a huge fuck you.

>> No.11539310

Dont pick up at 5 :20 call back at 5:40 when ur clocked out