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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 88 KB, 1102x750, s&p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11533078 No.11533078 [Reply] [Original]

We haven't had a bear div this big since 2008, holy shit. The scary thing is it's the same in all the big 5 global markets.

I also think the "money will come flowing into BTC" meme is a complete fucking lie and won't happen. In the event of a recession people will go into fiat, nobody will want to be holding meme money

>> No.11533095

>in a recession people will go into fiat
This unironically justifies ignoring anything you have to say

>> No.11533102

In the event of a crisis they'll print more money and totally devalue fiat, gold and crypto will boom.

>> No.11533107

To be fair people are dumb after, they will go to fiat and the real money will go to gold and crypto.

>> No.11533112

He should have said people will withdraw from high risk investments including crypto and fiat. Would have been a better FUD post.

>> No.11533123

He's right tho. Cash is king. That said most smart money has moved to cash already if I'm not mistaken. Boomers will be likely to hodl.

>> No.11533126

>In the event of a crisis they'll print more money and totally devalue fiat, gold and crypto will boom.
BS - QE came to its limitation...printing more and more cheap fiat paper works just fine in the short term.

>> No.11533233

To add onto this, gold usually takes a dip because it's sold to cover positions

>> No.11533301

my man, my friend, numro uno amigo
Shit will go haywire all over the globe before it finally hits the US, it will be the last one to fall.

>> No.11533345

In a lot of countries, Australia included, there is bail in legislation where the government can confiscate your savings to bail out failing banks.

confidence in fiat will go from bad to worse

>> No.11533369

I unironically think there will be a financial crash that will make 2008 look like an afternoon stroll.

>> No.11533399
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god bless the american education system

>> No.11533403

>The recession is happening soon and will make 2008 look like nothing.

Every boomer and CNBC are talking the same shit, they just argue about when and how. This is proof that we have 5 more years of bubble bath at least.

>> No.11533405
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This upcoming crisis won't be as big as 2008, at least in US. It will however speed up the demise of EU.

Crypto will tank during the first few months of biggest uncertainity, but then will start to rise again, outperforming both gold and stocks.

>> No.11533409

>I also think the "money will come flowing into BTC" meme is a complete fucking lie and won't happen. In the event of a recession people will go into fiat, nobody will want to be holding meme money

At least some money is bound to go into BTC and cryptos. And FIAT won't be safe anymore when jews print it to oblivion. Remember the last 3 trillion stolen from the pockets of the american people?

>> No.11533411


I'm seriously hoping this is the case and life will be easy enough to just 3x short all the way down and pour my easy earned money all into chainlink while I voluntarily life off ramen as a noble sacrifice

>> No.11533418

Should I just hold through w/e happens and buy at the bottom. I'm already negative at this point.

>> No.11533422


This. People will pe slaughtered, but the smart money moves to PM and Crypto.

>> No.11533427

1 year after the crash, the war will happen.
I need more time to prepare.

>> No.11533434


>To add onto this, gold usually takes a dip because it's sold to cover positions

You meant to say paper gold?

>> No.11533446

Go back to /x/

>> No.11533459

You will see :^)

>> No.11533475

nah this is a healthy pullback from 27000 to 24000 it happened in january 18 26700 to 23500
3k pullback is expected no need to panic

>> No.11533500

>government can confiscate your savings to bail out failing banks

Can anyone confirm this? Any source?

>> No.11533526


If the Don loses the house the market will likely price in the next 10 years because the liberals will only seek to impeach Trump and basically fuck over any chance of him keeping the ship from capsizing.

>> No.11533557


The laws in every countrie's constitution are very fishy when it comes to property

I can only speak for germany : during the last two inflations the government imposed a mortgage on EVERY house in order to pay debts. Homeownerd were screwed. You paid 40 years for that house ? Nobody cares goy...you have to pay again !
They called it 'Lastenausgleichsgesetz' and said it serves to share the burdens of war.

Never trust the state...in fact the state can take everything physical you think belongs to you if he wants

With gold they are more cautious...but they will start calling you a traitor and sociopath for not sharing it with the community and they will shame you in public.

>> No.11533578

Look up a “Bail In”, it's when the government confiscates your savings account to bail out the bank those accounts are in.

Cyprus has it on the law books, as does Germany, Canada, and a few other countries.

It's basically the fall back option for the “Too Big To Fail” institutions anymore since they don't have wiggle room on the interest rates anymore & Quantitive Easing has been chugging along non stop since 2008.. so what's left? Oh yeah, all the non-guaranteed/insured money in your account.

>> No.11533581

>In the event of a recession people will go into fiat
fiat will lose value / purchasing power and the only chance for the paper money to be worth more is if we see bank-runs, which we won't
if by people you mean NPC (dumb money) you are correct. smart money will flow into precious metals
>nobody will want to be holding meme money
until they see the BTC rally and realize there's money to be made in trading and holding crypto

>> No.11533590

They did that in greece and put daily limits on ATM withdrawls to keep people from cashing out.

>> No.11533594

Fucking republicans fucking the economy up over and over again. When are we going to ilegalize this bunch of idiots

>> No.11533599

>I can only speak for germany : during the last two inflations the government imposed a mortgage on EVERY house in order to pay debts. Homeownerd were screwed. You paid 40 years for that house ? Nobody cares goy...you have to pay again !
>They called it 'Lastenausgleichsgesetz' and said it serves to share the burdens of war.

This is the ultimate Jewry. Was this under Weimar republic?

>> No.11533611


>> No.11533618

>They did that in greece and put daily limits on ATM withdrawls to keep people from cashing out.

This is how they keep the jews fractional reserve scam going on. In the past the squirming jew was dragged out of his vault and promptly sodomized and executed.

>> No.11533629

>They did that in greece and put daily limits on ATM withdrawls to keep people from cashing out.
Andreas knows, that's why he loves crypto so much

>> No.11533631

The fact that we've been at peace for so long that people think war is /x/ tier, is as much proof of a coming war as you need

>> No.11533638

I think it will depend of the next democrat candidates who become the president(2020 or 2024).

>> No.11533642

Just like how in 2008 they printed money and everyone became poor? Oh wait, that didn't happen.

>> No.11533670


>Hurrr durrrrr 2008 didn't make anybody poor hurrrr durrr.

It's always all or nothing for you. Back then millions lost their house and livelihood while rich got richer. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.11533681

Meme money that has clear rules is better than fiat which the gov:t can inflate whenever they want

>> No.11533685

>millions lost their house
*lost their mortgage

>> No.11533689


>> No.11533693


1. Time weimar
2. Time this repubkic in the late 40s/50s

Every country will do this when hyperinfaltion hits...they already made laws in the european union the last years which will basically make the people debt slaves in the scenario of a crash.

If you buy gold, you shouldnt brawl about it in public. People here or on youtube that always say how much gold they own are literally retarded because now the government knows how much to take from their basement.

>> No.11533697

And without QE it would be worse

>> No.11533708


It's baffling how much influence the jews (synonymous to banks) have in the state when it is willing to cuck itself and it's people in order to keep the jew fat and healthy. All my rage!

>> No.11533715


Can confirm, Australia's big 4 are among the biggest and most profitable in the world and Australia has a tiny population of 25 million. The government is completely cucked by the big 4.

>> No.11533718


>And without QE it would be worse

Just like Iceland was?

Why don't you go and pull yourself down the pajeet hole?

>> No.11533746

GDP just came in at 3.5%, dummies. Even a 20% drop in the financial markets wouldn't knock that below 2%.

Crash =/= Recession
This =/= 2008

>> No.11533749


Nahhh...normies are retarded...its more likely their own fault

Big gov. Will give it a euphemistic name like

"United States Liberty and Progress Bond"
They will advertise it as the best financial product on earth that helps humanity and makes the US strong. People will buy that scam and perhaps be proud to pay their
United States Liberty and Progress Bonds

>> No.11533756

Can confirm, at least in Canada and Australia. Usually they go for accounts with liquid assets over 150k. Crypto is ironically the safest place to store your wealth during the next financial crisis.

>> No.11533766
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USA kind of rebounded since February fall. But rest of the World was falling whole year. We are already in the bear market.

>> No.11533768

actually you did get poorer in purchasing power, you just didn't notice it anon.

>> No.11533780

>Never trust the state...in fact the state can take everything physical you think belongs to you if he wants

Like try not paying real estate tax and see how really "yours" is your house.
Also in some countries in the EU there are these "emergency situation laws" and according to these the government can seize your assets (including bank deposits, real estate, cars etc) because there's an "emergency" situation. The laws usually states that once the emergency is over the state gives it back, but the restitution process can last several months.

>> No.11533818


To be fair the us is better off. You should be carefull when your progressive people want to make the us more like europe.

Ask them kindly to move to europe and abandon their citizenship.
Most people only see the good things of europe....while everyone living here sees its a dying giant with laws explicitely aiming at disowning its citizens.

>> No.11533881

You guys do know the trading of crypto can be stopped, right? Sure you may still have your private keys hidden somewhere but what good will that do?

>> No.11533882

gold, not crypto, faggot

>> No.11533988

Governments may hamper fiat/crypto conversion and pull the plug on internet. An inconvenience, but less effective than bail-ins or ATM limits.

>> No.11534069
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Reminder that the stock market is much lower than it seems when you take inflation into account.

>> No.11534204

Op you very stupid, that money will come to crypto

>> No.11534234

Reminder that inflation is consistently understated by governments for (((reasons))).

>> No.11534246
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and the orange buffon is in twitter complaining about his twitter followers WTF this baboon is insane

>> No.11534368

lol shareblue

>> No.11534406

where can i short this anonymously using crypto deposits only? i dont have a credit card

>> No.11534420

Go back to leftypol and lose more money on gold

>> No.11534448

Not here in Europe. I keep hearing about the increased prices in the news, but its definitely not a bubble. Things will rise for another 2 years, then go sideways for a while and interests will go up again, a small correction will come because of the interest rates but there won't be something as big as in 2008 again and it will most definitely not be for the next 2 years.

^that's all according to what I read and hear here in The Netherlands.

>> No.11534456

You are in for a rude awakening

>> No.11534460
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>fiat isn't meme money
>this collapse isn't caused by everything being based on this meme money

>> No.11534467

I dont depend on the US to pump crypto in recession, but asia..yes. then usa after.

>> No.11534475

what will cause the recesion?

>impying stock prices mean anything anymore

>> No.11534478

No I'm not, but my country is.
I'm comfy waiting for the crash so that I can finally buy a house when they become affordable again.

>> No.11534500

To add to that: I'm planning a big trip with my saved money/gains from crypto.

>> No.11534527
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Time to hang out with Sayori!

>> No.11534592


no BSE; no recession

>> No.11534629
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It never fails

>> No.11534632

You have all that fiat for house ready in a bank account? It's losing value as we are shitposting.
You have it in crypto? GL&HF with AML.
You said you want to buy house? So, it is out there in countryside? You just played yourself, long-term value of real estate is gonna go down the drain along with population numbers.

>> No.11534666
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>mfw trumpcels destroyed the economy in two years

>> No.11534702
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It’s all in the natural rhythm of the world

>> No.11534708


inversion occurs 6-9 months before a crash not during or after

>> No.11534771

>reads chart

Can't tell if bait or just stupid

>> No.11534800

This is like that website where you can plot yearly number of rapes per capita and number of postmen or whatever
>Within 2 years of a solar minimum
That's a pretty big timespan
Could it be instead that the economy just follows it's own cycle with a crash every ten or so years that happens to kinda sorta line up with the sun's period of solar cycles?
No! That would be ridiculous!

>> No.11534803
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>> No.11534823

No I don't have that much money. Not some kind of richfag. Just not going to get a mortgage in the current situation. Thus I'm just gonna do some stuff in the meantime like traveling. My country doesn't bother with AML and even can't do it with my amount (anything under 25k they don't even care about, and I don't have anything above that on paper).

I just graduated a bit over a year ago for an engineering degree and started to work. Got a lot of raises already and my skill is always in demand, even in a recession.

So basically, I saved a bit but not too much to wait out the crash and won't be jobless. Even got my current employer so far to give me a half year unpaid leave for me to travel while keeping my contract (which they also just voluntarily made an early indefinite contract after me only working there for a year).

I'm just comfy no matter what. I feel comfy in my own confidence as well, and I'm not over confident or something. Feels good to be an autist when it comes to being good at stuff but at the same time be very social and have a lot of connections as well.

The only thing I don't feel comfy about it the current markets. And even if it won't fall for some reason, I won't fomo in and get a house/mortgage. I'll just rent instead if it won't fall to a level that I feel is reasonable.

>> No.11534843

>he fell for the cash is king meme

>> No.11534871

>doesn't understand economics at all

>> No.11534885

>doesn't understand anon just wants to argue over internets

>> No.11534902

Bad goy!

>> No.11534925

Markets did go apeshit for Mr. Business running the country though.

>> No.11534947

the recessions are in grey you moron, it shows the inversion happening when it touches red zones and you see the recessions occuring

>> No.11534956

>long-term value of real estate is gonna go down

Never read more shit, but then again that's what zoomers believe and are coping with. Hopefully your boomers have one, otherwise you will never own one. Sorry. Or hope for another Hitler

>> No.11534974
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kekk never change america, never change

>> No.11534990
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>never change america, never change
Oh it'll change alright

>> No.11535011

>Looks similar to the Hilary vs Trump prediction

>> No.11535032

Could you try again, but this time be actually coherent?

>> No.11535046
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>> No.11535066

>This chart only shows that have occurred close to a solar minimum.
>This chart only shows data that confirms to my theory

>> No.11535109

Retail debt & the collapse of brick and morter.

>> No.11535134

Most crypto holders are young males between 18-30.

This means that most of us are young boomers or zoomers. And if a recession were to happen, most of us wont have the need to cash out.

What I'm implying is that crypto wont crash that hard because most holders wont need to free any capital. Crypto will then moon hard as fuck because its a safe haven.

Any thoughts?

>> No.11535504
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Fucking kek, people don't realise there is actually no difference between the government confiscating 20% of the savings in your bank account vs inflating the money supply by 20%. They are both stealing 20% of your wealth in cash.

As for the former, governments have already done this in Greece and Cyprus. They are doing the latter in every country around the world.

>> No.11535512


monero doing what its supposed to do

>> No.11535553
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anon, things crash because of sudden loss of liquidity. in such a scenario crypto will inevitably crash, because no one will be buying and stop losses will be out in the open, unprotected.

>> No.11535556

Day of the shoah one day

>> No.11535595

I'm only aware that there was legislation in America which allowed the confiscation of gold during the great depression up to 1974.

>> No.11535602
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>> No.11535650

Sure, there was absolutely no inflation.

>> No.11535654

Ive been telling people this for a year now, this is going to be great depression level recession we eroded away any fundamentals that made our economy worthwhile these past 10 years. People assume if you peddle economic doom your a zerohedge reading brainlet though and nobody listens. Why do you think trump was allowed to get elected faggots we are heading for a modern war, just like ww2 brought us rocket technology and tanks this war shall bring us AI and biosynthetic implants. Get ready for hell on earth rich ass kissers. War is how technology grows not capitalism, you really think touchscreens in mcdonalds is how we are going to reach the singularity?

>> No.11535755

Also medicine has become the militarys bottom bitch, the technology to make edible biotransmitters has been around for decades now and there are even pills on the market that will analyze and transmit your stomach contents right now they are only used for medication compliance though. If you think big brother is against chemically lobotomizing people and then controlling them through the food they eat laced with technology that will alter gut bacteria in a way they want, lets just say your going to have a bad time during this next war.

>> No.11535826

take your medication buddy

>> No.11535848

What are the big 5?

>> No.11535872

Nah im not crazy, I can just see the writing on the wall. I come from a very old and important bloodline, I know how these people think and they have been sowing the seeds for this a while now. One world government is not a meme, they desire control. Mark fuckerberg is a less intelligent but more power hungry version of these people to put it into perspective.

>> No.11535886

>t. zerohedge

>> No.11535920

yeah this was a big deal a few years ago
I think I sprung bitcoin from $13 to $266 or something like that
They were searching cars leaving the country and looking for valuables like gold

>> No.11536009

Lol. Nah. Everything will get artificially propped up and then back to the moon we go. The REAL recession will come when boomers die and the world is left looking at all their debt they've created. Still have 5-10 years before that.

>> No.11536015

(Insert quote about shoeshine boy buying stocks.jpeg)
Governments take out a mortgage bassically on your life when you are born, it is one of the most tightly kept secrets of government banking. The more potential for wealth creation in your country the higher you get for each citizen which is why some countries prefer quality of citizens over number of citizens, this is also why they push immigration hard because it will economically cripple a countries central bank if they are paying for citizens that have left for another country. This is all kind of a tangent and barely related to your post I know, but bassically its reached the point where the US is failing to increase productivity of each citizen and needs birthrates to spike and at the same time have people die younger so that they get maximum value for each citizen. They are trying to rebuild the economy into a state of constant collapse to produce maximum value out of each citizen while paying out minimum to each one. Zerohedge is doom porn, our economy is entirely planned however it is planned to fail so they are right in a way, but zerohedge is like the slow kid with retard strength playing peewee football and running across the entire field smashing everyone else but running into the wrong end zone.

>> No.11536036

Fiat makes shit cars

>> No.11536086
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>I come from a very old and important bloodline
oh shi

>> No.11536167

Tell me more about this biotech.

>> No.11536184

Based Monero poster

>> No.11536202

yes, buy the bottom after the midterms

>> No.11536232
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>moving into fiat
Tell me more about this unique method of suicide.

>> No.11536252
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The company that is producing the most advanced versions right now are called myciteabilify, they wre producing the medication compliance pills which is a little funny when you think about it. Pic related is what our government has though, nearly half the country is on prescription medication at the moment, and that is not including non prescription medication like simple ibuprofen that everyone pops. Pills are how they will convince you to use this tech, its so accepted in society it will be easily adopted. You will feel like its a choice because you can just stop taking it at any point, until one day if you stop taking it you will not be able to log into your computer because your person specific ID pill was not taken that day so you are not broadcasting your biointegrated ID code to your computer. It will be the blockchain of humans really.

>> No.11536273

>I come from a very old and important bloodline
Igor? Grichka?

>> No.11536313

The 4th turning is upon us, prepare yourselves lads

>> No.11536322

No, Johnson. I know its very common surname however that is how we are hidden so well, the knowledge travels through the firstborn bloodlines unless they reject, im going to be the only firstborn to reject in 4 generations but I am at ease with my decision, my family are vile psychopaths.

>> No.11536398
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What happens after the midterms? Are we gonna make it?

>> No.11536423

They say its a correction. Strong sell signal.

>> No.11536467

Interesting theory re: citizens being mortgaged.

What I want to know is how do they account for the real economic productivity of citizens. IE 1 person digging holes and a 2nd filling them in both contribute to GDP, while neither contributes anything of value.

>> No.11536500
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the heavy sell will begin when Italy goes bankrupt. No more italian pizzas

>> No.11536534

Rich people always go into fiat via bonds during a recession, dummies

>> No.11536584

End of time is near my friends. Brace yourselves, 30-50 years left at most.

>> No.11536593

what does that mean, buy bonds?

>> No.11536652

I believe they dont count the real economic productivity, they count your assests and education vs debt and then compare that to your parents because a lot of a persons projected value is determined by their parents and grandparents, mostly to determine your real economic input to their economy. Its a very compartmentalized system so no one can actually tell why they are collecting certain economic indicators.

>> No.11536677

The game industry usually sees growth during a recession. All crypto needs to do is keep pushing towards getting some good games out.

>> No.11536706

I read this somewhere years ago. It could be true. Probably is.

>> No.11536726

yea, instead everyone became rich. and by everyone i mean the banks and t heir friends. how can this ever blow up in our faces

>> No.11536767

hes right tho? wtf are you saying?

>> No.11536783

>Implying fiat dies because of a recession
Maybe you can buy something with your worthless stocks, bonds or crypto once everything implodes

>> No.11536789
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You are correct. Follow the picture and you will learn a lot about our actual society. Remeber, royalty had to speak common language, religious language, their neighbors language, and on and on. Language isnt the be all end all of power but its a much bigger part then most anyone realizes.

>> No.11536815

The only evidence I've heard of this was from that whistleblower Ronald Bernard through his series of videos. I believe the man though. He talks about other things the elites were doing in the financial sector with sex rituals and eventually children. They essentially invited him into the club, but due to personal experiences in the past he had a mental breakdown. He couldn't hurt a child. He said he was evil in the past, but apparently it had limits. He almost died, lost everything, was on the run for years, left his family for fear they would be in danger, and then eventually found God. Bernard says finding Jesus and standing up raising awareness to the financial slavery is step one.

>> No.11536828
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>the economy is the same thing as the stock market

>> No.11536842

. While I respect what many of these gold and silver analysts have to say, they exclude the most important factor in their forecasts. This critical factor is the Falling EROI – Energy Returned On Investment.

I asked Bedford if he agreed with me that the hyperinflationary collapse of Venezuela was due to the falling oil price rather than its corrupt Communist Government. He concurred. Bedford stated that the total BTU energy cost to extract Venezuela’s heavy oil was higher than the BTU’s the market could afford. Bedford went on to say that when the oil price was at $80, Venezuela could still make enough profit to continue running its inefficient, corrupt government. However, now that the price of oil is trading below $50, it’s gutting the entire Venezuelan economy.

The market price of oil is determined by its cost of production, rather than supply and demand market forces.

Years ago, these large investors saved up capital that came from burning energy. They took this stored economic energy (capital) and gave it to the U.S. shale oil industry. Without that capital, the U.S. shale oil industry would have gone belly up years ago.

So, what does that mean? It means… IT TOOK MORE ENERGY TO PRODUCE THE SHALE OIL than was DELIVERED TO THE MARKET. Regrettably, the overwhelming majority of shale oil debt will never be repaid. As the oil price continues to head lower, the supposed shale oil break-even price will be crushed. Without profits, debts pile up even higher.

Do you all see what is going on here? And let me say this. What I have explained in this article, DOES NOT INCLUDE INSIDER INFORMATION, which suggests “The situation is even much worse than you realize…

>> No.11537282
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4th turning bullshit is literally written by jews. Its part of their social engineering bullshit.

>> No.11537368
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I've had suspicions on that whistleblower. The very fact they allowed him to speak and the videos are not immediately deleted should be a tip off.


>> No.11537413

What agross

>> No.11537426

Not in the zone yet

>> No.11537578

What's wrong with zero hedge? Great source of alternative news and viewpoints on the economy. Seriously, what's not to like? You can go back to the WSJ if you'd prefer Wall Street to keep you in ignorance.

>> No.11537749


your right we are .25 away from that sweet drop

>> No.11537760

If republicans take control of everything then perhaps stocks will rally, as your picture shows.
Even if that's true, it's still a boomer kike market and will take years to even double.
I'd rather crypto and metals which will go up faster as fiats burn.

>> No.11537863
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Public law 111-147
Section 6047 (d)
Defention change relating to 1247 (d)(c)

>> No.11538040

ya this. the people holding right now are, generally, strong holders with strong opinions on the necessity of this industry. If crypto can hold it's own while everything else goes up in flames, investors will flock. thank god the previous crypto bubble popped as early as it did.

>> No.11538559


You guys don't seem to understand. Once people lose faith in banks capital controls will take place ie atm withdrawal limits.

Do you think they'll let just let you keep buying crypto on Coinbase goy?

Fuck no. They're gonna shut that shit down so fucking quick.

No new money will be enter the market because the fiat gateways will be closed. You'll be forced to only hold your good goy bucks.

>> No.11538679

You know that bear market and recession is two different things right

>> No.11539113


95% of people lives dont change whether the market is up is down. I think most people would say the economy was better for them in the early 2000's yet the graph would suggest they were eating from the gutters

>> No.11539152
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nope, we're about right on schedule

>> No.11539235

Think god I don't got a lot tied up in the market so if it all turns to shit I ain't hurting to bad. Feel bad for those with 70k or more invested though. No wonder back in the late 20's people offed themselves after the crash. But the one bright spot is that the little Pharma company I'm in with has thus far held it's own, it closed almost beating the 52 week high. But Nov 10th will be the deciding day. That day, either the results will show the drug has merit and bring in loads of profit and send the stock sky high, or it will show the drug is shit and take the stock with it into the shit hole. Needless to say if it does end up in shit I'll be selling fast.

>> No.11539245


>(((they))) are going to shut down a decentralized currency

kek good luck with that jews !

Crypto is here to stay, i dont understand how most retards cannot grasp this, that crypto is a new form of money, what the jews fear most, is the people in mass's taking their power (money) and investing it into something (((they))) do not control. This isnt 1842 anymore folks, shiny rocks are intrinsically worthless... boomers will probably buy that shit up anyway to hedge against the inflationary currency we have now, but crypto is actually a usefull technology we can use to combat the currupt Fed that manipultaes the economy.

the world unironically needs decentralized currency.

>> No.11539351

Based anon is right. Inflation is taxation without representation and can bump people up to the next tax bracket as well. Watch milton friedman to understand more.

>> No.11540066
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what other anons aren't mentioning is that Bail-Ins affect creditors of large institutions, and typically creditors with a shit ton of cash. Instead of the government robbing the poor by spending their taxpayer dollars on the banks, its robbing the rich by spending their bank money on the bank.

Worried about the government taking your checking account? Put it in a regional bank, a credit union, or another institution that will not need to be bailed out after taking on shit debt. Is a Bail-In ethical? I'd say no, but certainly a lot better than a bail out

>> No.11540232

>the chart is kind enough to explain in its last sentence how and why it's bullshit