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File: 56 KB, 1280x720, photo_2018-09-16_20-13-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11533560 No.11533560 [Reply] [Original]

Masari is one of the best projects in crypto. Uncle mining scheduled to be released in Q4 2018 and blocktree sharding whitepaper scheduled in Q1 2019 will make this project special.

If you can't see that this is one of the most unique tests in the space right now, and aren't hoarding this like you do BTC, I think time will show you to be a fool. Speculation alone will drive this to 10x from here, in short order.

I know there's been a lot of shilling of privacy coins, but this one is a keeper, and it has not taken off remotely relative to what it will do. Ignore this like the others and you will be quite unhappy in a week or two.

>> No.11533606

It will go over 6000 sats tonight.

>> No.11533650

Bought $500 more today !

>> No.11533672

grabbed 300 of these when it first hit the whatever exchange, should I have got more?

>> No.11533734

Don't buy now, i want to get at least 4000 MSR :-)

>> No.11533800

I think this should go to Bittrex soon. Is it true that is already used on black markets ?

>> No.11533822

I think it is best to have between 2k and 5k just to be sure

>> No.11533828

ah fuck, oh well, I won't buy during a pump, maybe I'll grab some more when it comes back down if I remember

>> No.11533898

I'm not sure if/when it's coming back. Look at these buy-walls

>> No.11533922

Have my orders around 4500 sats, would be lucky if filled.

It’s my safest bet to 10x my btc.

AEON was 80k ath, this one is just 5k now.

>> No.11533924

Stop posting legit good projects on biz don’t you know these faggots only want to be shilled shitcoins with no future?

>> No.11533928

yeah I've heard that before, I'll wait.

>> No.11534000
File: 32 KB, 683x444, Vendor MSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yah good luck. Just wait for the cocaine fuelled fomo to kick in.

>> No.11534018

This shits bein accepted on darkweb markets now? You're making me feel le fomo here...

>> No.11534029
File: 47 KB, 677x487, msr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on desu

>> No.11534039

Really good project, thanks for the tip

>> No.11534044


>> No.11534123

There's still time anon. It's only 1 or 2 markets so far and only since a few days they started accepting msr.

Still some time before vendors and customers stock up. Lot more interesting selling for msr than xmr atm.

>> No.11534165

Cant believe how under the radar this still is. Unreal.

>> No.11534194

Looks like that's changing... I wasn't done buying goddamit.

>> No.11534362

Holy shit this desperation. Just sold 100k.

>> No.11534386

What exchange do you recommend ? Tradeogre or Cryptopia ?

>> No.11534421

Nevermind the schizos you'll find them anywhere
Tradeogre seems to carry most volume but both will suffice
I'd recommend the gui wallet for safekeeping

>> No.11534573

I am reading about this, very very interesting project you got here...

>> No.11534583

I'm not desperate nor schizo but in a hurry and if you're not right now you hate money look what market adoption did for monero.

>> No.11534638

Sounds like you didn't scale in from the bottom up. I'm /comfy/ as fuck. Msr the recession proof tax proof stealthcoin.

>> No.11534780

Masari is one of my fav underground coins :D

Do you guys think it can reach $10 until end of 2019 ?

>> No.11534898

New ATH is possible sat wise. Not sure about btc or dollar targets.

>> No.11534904


>> No.11534945


Whatever they’re paying you, Sandeep, it’s way, way too much.

>> No.11534978


>> No.11535010

Just bought in, i hope this will have a Haven-like ride

>> No.11535071

i fell for this pajeet and bought 1k yesterday at 5k. lets see how fucked i get

>> No.11535171

you are up 4% :)))

>> No.11535193

I bought in yesterday at 5250. It will never pass that number again. Sorry guys.

>> No.11535307

has already passed

>> No.11535665

why so serious ?

>> No.11535737

I don't see what this offers over Monero other than a smaller blockchain right now since it's so new.

Monero isn't like Bitcoin. They will hard fork, soft fork, do whatever they need to do to be at or near the cutting edge of Cryptonote privacy coins, so if Masari makes some nice upgrades to the protocol that work well, they'll just be absorbed upstream. Not saying it can't or won't pump in a nice market (look at fucking Sumokoin lmao) just not sure it can ever displace its big brother and it remains a risk that its founders lose interest (aeon).

>> No.11535752

>increased inflation isn't on the table yet

>> No.11535776


Dude for the last fucking time: NOBODY is going to buy the monero fork you mined and have a shitload of worthless bags you’re trying to unload.

FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11535832
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Nice try, Sandeep. I can smell the curry on your breath from here.

>> No.11536103

Monero will not implement things like Uncle Mining or blocktree, those are drastic changes to a big coin. Their intention after BP is to scale on second layer.

>> No.11536121

Get back to your useless ERC20 token thread, fucking brainlets. This is not the place for you.

>> No.11536326

It was never the case, who the fuck cae what Monero does ? uncle and sharding are unique for Masari and will differentiate more from other coins

>> No.11536333

the fucking ER-20 tokens are cancer
yeah ETH got us the bullrun but right now ETH is just cancer today

>> No.11537088


>> No.11537401
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interested in how well you're shilling masari?



>> No.11538052
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>> No.11538067

fuck off, as soon as you try to get people to FOMO in you lose legitimacy.
Masari is a good hold

>> No.11538286

>Monero will not implement things like Uncle Mining or blocktree
Says who? A year ago nobody thought they'd hard fork for an algo change yet here we are. Monero is flexible.

>> No.11538337
File: 171 KB, 2156x1120, riccardo-spagni-2156-1120-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boss said.

>> No.11538513

This has to be the Gayest coordinated Pajeet threat I have ever seen. your shitcoin is averaging under 10k a day guys. and this "I too use this excellent coin, popular with all the drug dealers, and only wish I could buy more". style of comment? Fuck sake lads if your going to sock puppet anon comments at least don't make them look so blatantly like a spazzy telegram group shilling their bags. Fucking faggots.

>> No.11538635

Go back to your high cap coin thread with less than 1% daily value variation.

>> No.11538985

I see that Masari market-cap is barely 3 MIL..there's plenty of space for creativity in the privacy space

>> No.11539007


>> No.11539443
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>> No.11539640

What market is this?

>> No.11539716

Source. Regardless, he doesn't speak for all of Monero.

>> No.11540166

This. Only an idiot would fall for such a perfectly coordinated thread with 7 shill heavy comments in a row.

>> No.11540178
File: 315 KB, 473x473, dplovesmsr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he missed Haven
>he missed Dero
>he missed Nerva
>he will miss Masari too

>> No.11540182

It's OK, we still have Blur to look forward to. And then AmityCoin after that.

>> No.11540529

As a Masari holder, you guys seem really desperate and retarded.