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1153033 No.1153033 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: shitty coworker stories

>me and other new guy start working around the same time
>he thinks he's gods gift to the working world
>says shit like "I'm not going to just do my job, I'm going to reach for the stars"
>constantly trying to impress everyone with his vast amounts of "oilfield experience", later find out he doesn't even know the difference between sweet and sour gas or even know what the element sulfur is
>we're the same age but he's always lecturing and trying to give me workplace advice like some fucking old sage
>starts trying to boss around and micromanage people who've been doing the job for years
>goes to the supervisor constantly to rat on other coworkers over stupid shit(ex. people going on their break 5 minutes early) and boast about his superior work ethic
>eventually gets a notepad and starts recording people's work habits
>other coworkers find out and tell him to fuck off, he starts freaking out and goes to HR over "workplace harassment" as he's freaking out he literally shouts "I'm not here to make friends I'm here to do what's best for the company"
>everybody is pissed the fuck off at him at this point even the supervisor
>dude is completely delusional and thinks he's going to be promoted to supervisor
>I have to work with him 10 hours a day

>> No.1153043

try r9k

>> No.1153046

robots don't have jobs

>> No.1153048

Kill yourself then

>> No.1153057


>> No.1153058

People like that either
A) Get promoted, get shit on, chill out
B) Get tired of spinning their wheels at a company that won't promote them, and quit

>> No.1153075

>co-workers start dating
>eventually their shitty relationship spreads to the job
>continually arguing with each other
>work barely getting done
>frequently storming off the job to get away from each other
Makes me want to quit. I'd complain to the boss but finding people for the job has been difficult.

>> No.1153153

I know a lot of you don't like "company culture" and checking if someone fits into it but this thing exists exactly to keep retards like OP's coworker out.

>> No.1153165

Hide wageslave threads.

>> No.1153187

workplace accident

>> No.1153193


We don't care, go post on reddit or something

>> No.1153248

Fire him fire him fire him
Then kill him.

>> No.1153311

Worked in an office
Im 6ft 150lbs
300lb woman worked in the office as well
She made sure to keep the AC at 65f all year, even winter


>> No.1153315

>Makes me want to quit.
be me, same situation only the shitty relationship is between the two bosses.

>> No.1153357
File: 105 KB, 784x728, troll_602886_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> job

nah this is a troll.

>> No.1153487
File: 17 KB, 409x409, taka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to the supervisor constantly to rat on other coworkers over stupid shit
>boss rats on boss

>> No.1153492

fat people actually need to expend more energy to keep their body temperature up.

>> No.1153503

Call him out on it. Alternatively blow him out of the water with questions you know he can't respond. i.e. read a fucking book.

>> No.1154087

go to hell halpert

>> No.1154525 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 500x500, REEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's 0ne of my co-workers
*sigh* "aaannnoootherrr monday"
"Is it Friday yet?"
"It's hump day!!! " *recites the fucking camel*
"It's Friday eve!!!"
"It's finally Friday! Woo Hoo!!!"

>> No.1154529
File: 39 KB, 500x500, REEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of my co-workers
*sigh* "aaannnoootherrr monday"
"Is it Friday yet?"
"It's hump day!!! " *recites the fucking camel*
"It's Friday eve!!!"
"It's finally Friday! Woo Hoo!!!"

>> No.1154912

Not even bad

>> No.1154915

Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays

>> No.1154918


I am awkward as fuck. I dont follow sports and suck at co-worker small talk. Commenting on the day of the week is the only safe conversation topic besides weather.

Why did my main intrests need to be politics and economics? If I added religion to that list it would be a trifecta of NO-NO topics for the work place.

>> No.1154922

>all of my coworkers are elderly grandmothers (60+)
>treat me like I'm their grandson
>constantly bringing me cookies and other baked goods ruining my cuts

It's infuriating how they treat me like a child, I am 25 years old, though I will admit I have a baby face and look 17 but still.

>> No.1154937

Boss with Toxic attitude thats so out of touch with her own business.

>anon why did you order so many casks of wine
>doesnt look on her system that we're selling shitloads a day
>constantly says bitchy condescending stuff right at the end of phone call

Im only there because i promised to stay on for one more year and it's like ultimate business school. Im considering leaving My bosses have good hearts but are retarded and frustrating to work with.

>> No.1156023

Are sports really used to distract people from shitty lifestyles? It seems the lower in the industrial food chain you go, the more people love to discuss EVERY sport of EVERY season..

I have people ask me all the time shit:
>have you ever been to a professional game? Why don't you go?
It doesn't interest me to watch people play a sport I could play myself.
>what do you do in your free time if you don't watch football or basketball?
I go outside, drink, shoot guns, work on cars, shop, eat at restaurants, explore new places...

Tbh it seems like sports are for lazy degenerates with no ambition. I imagine them sitting on their couch getting excited when some dude scores that makes 35 million a year, just so they can return to work and make $11 an hour and worship them to everyone.

>> No.1156055

>be one of the only ones that can drive a forklift in my department at home depot
>have been working my ass off because its summer time and busy as fuck
>about to finally take a break
>bitch co worker demands me to take HER kayak down, which is up in the racking (she bought it and thats where the only remaining one was kept)
>I tell her fuck no
>she tattles to our supervisor and I have to do it
>its fucking 1 pm, and im now on my 8th hour without food or a break.
>I have to get 6 gates to block off the busiest part of the store to get it down.
>end up waiting half an hour for customers to get out of the way because muh safety.
>get it down and she doesn't even say thank you.

She also calls in sick because of being hungover and has no consequences.

That was the turning point for me at that job, literally give no fucks anymore.

>> No.1156099

Nobody fucking cares you worthless retail pleb

You were put on this Earth to serve

>> No.1156109

>shitty coworker stories

good thing you contributed

oh nvm

>> No.1156120

tell the boss you get paid to do your job, which doesn't include doing someone elses job. until, that is, you get paid to do so.

keep doing your job and take that break and get fired if it comes down to it. if you can't risk being fired, then you're the bosses bitch and you should honestly reflect on that.

>> No.1156163


> people who live for Friday

Just fucking quit already. If all you can think about all week is not working, then you hate your job.

Anons, man was not meant to suffer.

>> No.1156165


That's not bad though. I love old people.

>> No.1156168



>> No.1156184

Yes he was, man is biologically codes to be happy when he thinks he has achieved the best of all alternatives, and to be sad during constant failure.

Making money means you alternatives become choosing a yacht or a new house instead of having a car or internet

>> No.1156187

Everyone hates him, including his supervisor, but still has the job, even when you claim he is incompetent? Yeah, seems bullshit or there are stuff you haven't said

>> No.1156194

The boss wants somebody easy to control. If he promotes him, this guy will suck his dick for life.

>> No.1156202

Knock down shelfs before u quit

>> No.1156210

True story. I work at a notorious grocery store in Florida known for serving its customers. I consider management but I know everyday that those people in this area make on average six figures, so I get abused and torn apart everyday. Its made me cold, I don't even like socializing outside of work anymore because of it.

>> No.1156216

This just happened to me
>be 20
>have 1 yr of college finished
>working 2 jobs, 65 hrs/wk to save money for school because two unemployed parents
>3 o'clock in the morning at night job baking doughnuts.
>coworker pulls out pic related in 5 minutes when they take 15-20 at 350 to bake
>completely white raw dough
>hes like 38 and throws a titty fit that i put them back in oven
>says i went over him and his authority
>H cusses me out
>ive been there 2 months longer than him.
FUCK OFF, i dont get paid enough to deal with this. Image too large to post... fuck

>> No.1156223

publix is great to work at. i had to quit however and sell shit on amazon, play poker, go to school because i just couldnt be cucked anymore.

>> No.1156228

>tfw working dispatch in a small campus police dept
>whores constantly calling for rides home from parties drunk
>tell a girl no one day since she wants an off campus ride home
>security guard sees her crying, asks her why, tells the supervisor I told her no
>comes and smugly tells me that he let the sergeant know

>> No.1156234

It seems like situations like these are what's worth working hard and becoming a dependable employee for.

>she shows up to tell you she got you in trouble
>spit in her face
>walk off and tell your coworker that she freaked out at you for no reason and tried to attack you
>no camera or anything to disprove your story and it's so outlandish and out of character that nobody buys it

>> No.1156239

Ahhh I never got in trouble. It was probably this security guard that told her to call me and ask for a ride. He's been known to be a fat useless slob who chain smokes cigarettes at the gas station all night long.

>> No.1156684

Fucking bitch sitting there for an hour and a half saying she wants us to speed up cooking so she can go home.

>> No.1156686

do you watch movies or TV series? same concept

>> No.1157091

> Get hired
> Along with ~14 other people
> 4 left after a month, the rest just aren't retained after xmas
> One leaves for a better job
> One is a brown-nosing chav
> The other is a black girl with ludicrous amounts of sass
> Serious issues with all the female managers
> Laugh my ass off at her arguments and bitching and sass for years
> She just vanishes one day
> Shrug, carry on

> Manager starts dating one of the team leaders
> He leaves for Japan for a year
> She vanishes for a while, returns, dating ANOTHER of the team leaders
> First guy returns
> Drama is delicious

> Drive to work
> Sideswiped by idiot on the way in
> Get his details
> This makes me late

> Given odd jobs to do
> Do them
> Get given more odd jobs
> Eventually the odd jobs become my job
> My old job is thrown in as an odd job
> Simply doing my job properly gets me a reputation as a hard worker who does a great job
> Literally just making improvements in efficiency
> And only then so I can get the job done with minimum effort
> Get bored, learn everyone else's jobs as well
> Even get my very own supervisor
> Label broken shit
> Told to knock it off after a while
> Couple of months later, get official 'this shit is broken' labels because people have been complaining about broken shit not being taken out of use properly
> Because nobody labeled it as such.