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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 1921x2190, turtlecoin_symbol_color@HD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11532824 No.11532824 [Reply] [Original]

https://coinmarketcap.com/gainers-losers/ when will biz listen to us that turtlecoin will be the next 100x

>> No.11532870

binance soon ;)

>> No.11532898

The fug? I've not seen an announcement yet. I couldn't get it to load fully so uhhhh wut

>> No.11532911
File: 72 KB, 830x734, Screenshot from 2018-10-26 13.05.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy with 150m

>> No.11533057
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>> No.11533081

TRTL's moonshot will hurt /biz/ more than reddit making it desu

>> No.11533132
File: 373 KB, 448x266, toit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRTL is the underdog coin that will rise to the top

>> No.11533140
File: 206 KB, 1346x916, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad because TurtleCoin is /biz/'s coin, hopefully anons listen this time and get in before the 1 year anniversary when major things are planned

>> No.11533159
File: 21 KB, 400x267, 1540479831856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reasonably happy with 20MM, will get more if a D follows P.

>> No.11533255


So no instamine, but the first block rewarded that nigger a bit shy 30 000 000 turtlenecks?

>> No.11533328

i thought first block was 30 000

>> No.11533393

approx 29 800, that anon cant read lol

>> No.11533497

ive got 80k. im planning on putting my "mining pc" (cues crying in the back ground) onto it later today. i started mining raven again after the summer heat finally left. im looking at this and want to finish my stack of 100k. where do you guys see this going? i know they are working on a lot of use cases for their blockchain. if does go to binance it would be floored.

>> No.11533503

err i would be floored. cant type, not enough covfefe today

>> No.11533603


The cookbook to get /biz/tards to send you money:

>get drunk
>think ' hey why wouldn't I make a shitcoin, everyone is doing it and all these dumbasses are throwing money at it'
>copy paste a bunch of code from github
>buy a 50 dollar wordpress site
>use a lot of hype words 'super fast and anonymous'
>think up some retarted name for the lulz: like flamingocoin.com/ doge/ or even worse turtlecoin.lol
>spam /biz/ that you are the next 10000x

(>cause /biz/ is fucking retarded)

>> No.11533619

I doubt it will go any exchange that requires hefty admission fees. No loss, I'd rather it grew slow and steady.

>> No.11533640
File: 8 KB, 321x135, dev score.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being poor and retarded is no way to go through life anon

>> No.11533661


>he's copypasting code from stackoverflow and github, wow, very revolutionary. Where can I partake in this coin that is definitely not a pump and dump scheme, sir?

>> No.11533929
File: 68 KB, 598x609, gaddafi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point its one of the comfiest coins.

>> No.11534250
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>> No.11534314
File: 51 KB, 543x617, 0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man you fucks just love being poor! How many of you shitheads bought into ICO's or set up masternodez that have absolutely ZERO development? That's what I thought. And here's your golden opportunity to load up while it's still cheap on a sub 1 sat shitcoin that is one of the 20 most developed crypto projects out of almost 2000. Yet you sit here and FUD on it. You don't deserve TurtleCoin

Stay poor /biz/lets.

>> No.11535098

Say what?!

>> No.11535223
File: 87 KB, 584x500, 2bnh37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11535672
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Lol have fun with ur sub 1 sat coin

>> No.11535804
File: 70 KB, 1150x594, beep boop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breaking through 1 sat atm

>> No.11535849

It’s been above a sat for almost 24hrs. Usually after it runs up it drops down again. This time feels different

>> No.11536117

ayy lads. my wallet is updating but im so far behind, any tips? im thinking i have an old one. where is the updated ones? thanks. it says i have 48 peers but uhhh yeah im loosing ground on updating

>> No.11536370

5million turtle reporting in. You guys doubted Raven, can't wait for TRTL to be listed on Bittrex & Binance

>> No.11536685

what was ath for this coin in sats?

>> No.11537099

u wot, m8? us turtles are /biz/.

>> No.11537117

>shilling a coin that can be pumped 2x with less than $40k

>> No.11537186

I believe 38 sats I think?

>> No.11537213

38? I thought it's 30?

>> No.11537331

What's RavenCoin about?

>> No.11537425
File: 1005 KB, 1146x725, __.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i dont know if this coin is a meme but you can take a look at how well its doing on /biz/


>> No.11537427

It could be, I just remember watching the first pump back in January and I swear I saw a few sells at 38 or even 41. I remember doing the math to imagine how much money I would have had if I hadn’t gotten too sketched out by the initial marketing.....

>> No.11537535

how many fucking weeks have we been telling you fucks to listen but no, you want to keep schilling shitty stinky linky memes.

the absolute state of this board post-30yrBoomer memes

>> No.11537959
File: 782 KB, 792x781, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes are an essential part of the TurtleCoin community. So, yes, TRTL itself is a meme.

>> No.11538084

Can't make trtl more awesome by trying to make link look bad.

Let us talk about how awesome trtl is. Any good news coming soon?
I know had a lot of good ideas

>> No.11538607

Isn't it that you get rewarded by the TurtleCoin network by running a node?

>> No.11538749

i assume so. i never have looked into nodes as internet up time where i live is from time to time dubious.

i do remember some people trying to work toward integrating storage in the block chain. specifically videos in case something was purged from youtube it would be held in the block chain and survive as a result.

>> No.11538880

That's some cool stuff, indeed. I hope they're going to be successful.