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11531198 No.11531198 [Reply] [Original]

1M is barely enough for a person to retire in the modern world
You need to live like a homeless without a job even if you have 1 million dollars in your bank account

>> No.11531339


>> No.11531351
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Epic meme dude

>> No.11531369

Better than not having 1M in the bank though

invest in index funds, solid 5% growth with 3% dividends will protect you from stupid decisions for life

>> No.11531376

>1MM dollarydoos
>Get 5-10% return yearly
>Muh 90k a year not enough

>> No.11531400

I wonder what kind of investment generates 10% constantly
3% is already considered as "high dividend stock"

>> No.11531411

equity gains too bruh

>> No.11531419

1M is more than enough to retire in a nation like Portugal, that's where I am going once I made it that far. Absolutely loved the three times I went there for vacation.

Also going to open some businesses there afterwards, there are so many business opportunities that nobody implemented there that will set you for life if you have big enough of a capital to start it.

>> No.11531428

Just gotta find decent accountants

>> No.11531433

That isn't considered high dividend and your dividends grow every year you shit

>> No.11531837

Don't worry, you won't ever have a million in your account

>> No.11532720

In an expensive part of England, £200k would let me retire COMFORTABLY on property/rental investments. Annual income from them - from the rent alone - would be 4x average salary.

That's a lot for me.

>> No.11532736

The thing about a million bucks is that it's a good start.

>> No.11532777

>Buy 2 300k houses
>Live in one and rent out the other one
>invest 400k
>Invest half of your rental income and let the 400k get bigger

Literally no homeless person lives like this.

>> No.11532798

at a safe withdrawal rate of 4%, $40,000 inflation adjusted without lifting a finger is actually pretty well off for a single guy in the vast majority of America

>> No.11532806

Not once all of the Europeans are kicked out and there's no more Romanians and Bulgarians to cram into room shares.

>> No.11532813

Not really if you have 1million and buy dividend stock yielding 4% you will make 40k a year without touching the million. 3-4% is a rather safe yield from stock or bonds, you can even push for more but remember those dividends are taxed less as well.

Sure, you're living an average life that way, but you are also able to do what you want. If you then have other sources of income that 1 million grows quickly with an extra 30-40k added to it each year that also generates money if invested.

>> No.11532853

no, you're just a sheltered neet that hasn't had contact with the real world.
With 1MM I can go tomorrow and buy around 9-10 properties in my country that generate between 97k and 110k yearly. Even after taxes that's a decent income in most places on earth.

>> No.11532856

In the short term you can live very comfortably off of 1 million in investments. The trouble comes when you factor in inflation, and you haven't allowed your money to compound in order to keep up. You're looking at it from the wrong perspective. You shouldn't want to make money just so you can never work again. If you think about it like that you'll end up hating money, because you see getting it as work. It's similar to how public education makes students hate reading.

>> No.11532862


Anon, which part of Portugal did you visit?

>> No.11532903

We don't want you here

>> No.11533014


1M is a meme only in the U.S because everything is relatively expensive, a lower percentage of people are making it every year, and the government doesn't take care of you.

Most people in Europe have jack shit worth of savings because they get paid a decent wage, have health insurance, and have a good pension by virtue of working at a McDonalds. 1M in savings in Europe is an enormous amount as a result and guarantees you lifelong comfiness.

Asia even moreso. Worse wages and social programs but much, much cheaper. You can live like a king with 250k in many parts of SEA.

>> No.11533258

1M ain't shit nowadays.
Being a millionaire was huge back in the 20th century. In the 1930s FDR made a tax bracket for income over 5 million per year and only 1 person in the entire country was in it, John D Rockefeller.
Nowadays due to the kikes stealing the value of your money through inflation, 1 million ain't shit. A pretty standard house in any major US of Canadian city is 1 million.

>> No.11533281

If you’re not a brainlet, you literally cannot not make money with a million dollar starting capital.

>> No.11533290

You need something like ~$10m to retire safely, if you are young.

>> No.11533292

You need at least 10M for freedom

>> No.11533349

>The trouble comes when you factor in inflation
Not if you realize the point of investments is to factor out inflation

>> No.11533353

in italy you call live off deposits that give 4% a year. actually even with 500.000 eur that would be more than minimum wage for doing nothing

>> No.11533826

Maybe in the land of the "free"
hahaha get fucked burgers

>> No.11533948

>there are so many business opportunities that nobody implemented there that will set you for life if you have big enough of a capital to start it.
Feel free to name one or two breh

>> No.11533956

this anon gets it. You are considered doing well if your investment makes 6-8% return annually. If you make less than 4% you are losing to inflation.

>> No.11533985

If you invest 1m and can live off 4% of your gains you can be /free. Basically you have to make 8%+ per year and take 4% for yourself. living off 40k is doable, especially if you live overseas (Poland, Ukraine, Thailand etc)

>> No.11533993

$300k is enough for any autist. At that point you can do some random bullshit job and live easily forever.

>> No.11534117
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>1M investment
>1M return per year

>> No.11534148
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are you braindead?
>that generate between 97k and 110k *yearly*.
where's that 1M return, retard? Or did you think I was actually talking about each individual property generating 100k yearly?

>> No.11534150

1. Equity Gains
2. Dividends

Now before you say "its risky having high yield dividends" yes, you'd be correct. However you're not accounting for dividend growth. Right now Warren buffet gets a 62% rate on his dividends for KO. How? Because KO's dividend raises approximately 6-8% every year. He's held it long enough.

By the time I have $1M in my investment account, my dividend percentage should be around 10%. Currently have an average yield of 3.2% but I'm getting 5.6% due to dividend growth. Its a magical thing.

>> No.11534185

i know of a few local companies that offer class b series 1 stock to residents within the state and they all pay 5% annually. That is actually where i plan to put trading profits to derisk my positions. There are also some tax benefits to this because you are investing in your local economy. these shares don't have a fluctuating price, not at risk of the value plummeting. I could personally live off $50k a year, thats more than most people make right out of college after getting themselves into debt.

>> No.11534367
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dont have to pay taxes over that profit?
here you do and what type of of index funds/investments would you recommend for a eurofag who has to pay 1.2% to 2% over what he owns..every..goddamn..year...

Savings accounts here dont give more than 0.3% so each year you lose money, not even counting inflation. So tell me /biz/niggers, what do?

>> No.11534432

>What is inflation?
>What is a capital gains tax?

>> No.11534454

idk what you could do in euro but for burgs trump administration recently created a new thing for usa investors called qualified opportunity zones where if you invest profits from a capital gain event into a QOZ (within 180 days of event) and you hold that for 10 years you don't have to pay any taxes. that's how desperate we are to revitalize parts of the country that have been failing for the last 30 years.

>> No.11534462

You invest the million u retard

>> No.11534483

100 million is what 1 million used to be

>> No.11534514

Interesting, I'll have a look at that, see if they offer anything similar here.
Honestly Im just trying to beat inflation and the taxation. 2-4% a year would be 'suffice'.

>> No.11534542

Oh wow OP it's almost like our country is being attacked economically to destroy us. No worries just go drink alcohol and fuck fat ugly roasties. Oh wait they even took that away from you.

>> No.11534580

There is no fucking magic in dividend growth. In reality it hardly matters if the company pays out the divs or not. In any case there is no safe withdrawal rate that is more than 4%, dividends or not

>> No.11534687

I have ~ 1 million $ in bitcoin and I have no clue what to do with it.

>> No.11534757

>there's no fucking magic in dividend growth
oh, its the "he doesn't understand compounding interest or dividend growth" episode

>> No.11534770

sell it and put it in an index fund that generates ~10% yearly over 10 year average and retire in 5 years

>> No.11534788

fucking based. with 1 million in a bank account would get you 50k minimum interest a year. SO you would be rolling in 50k a year minimum, but if ur smart then ud invest at least 800k into stock index/bonds/crypto and flip that at least 20% a year. if u cant figure out a way to live with 1 million u dont deserve it. this is y u dont ahve 1 million

>> No.11534792

this anon LMFAO

>> No.11534796

You can live on $10,000 a year very comfortably in Thailand or Cambodia or whatever

Even taking into account inflation, that's enough that you could spend 10 years there and still have over 75%+ of your cash

Or if you put that $1,000,000 in an investment that earns you an average of 3% a year, that's $30,000 annually right there, even if you live somewhere expensive that's enough to survive on easily

>> No.11534822

Nigger are you retarded? Where the fuck did this meme start? Dividend based monthly ETFs, real estate investment either individual level or fucking firm based, you would rake in a retarded amount of money. Jesus

>> No.11534830

Is it better if I wait until the market crashes?

>> No.11534918

Please direct me to a savings account that pays 5%.... the credit union type bank that i use (just for a checking account now) pays something like .05% annually on small amounts, if you have over 250k in savings they will pay %1.6 which is not bad, but a far cry from 5%.

>> No.11535005

timing the market is difficult. you can try but it is difficult.

if you plan on holding for the long term, it doesn't really matter. average every 15 days the market hits an all time high (some times it takes a year or two and some times its every day for a month).

put it into a safe index fund with vanguard getting a dividend (and probably some cap gains) and reinvest the income automatically and you'll be set for life when you want to take it off DRIP and live off the passive income. probably 5-10 years if you don't add any new income to it. you could live like a NEET off it now

>> No.11535027

online banks have the highest savings accounts and they're like 2-2.5% max.

>> No.11535078

Nice. I've only briefly looked into online banks in the past. If you know what are the good most popular ones people use in usa? how would you deposit physical cash?

>> No.11535103

can't deposit physical cash, have to put it into a normal bank then transfer it. you might be able to provide a bank with cash and get a check and mail it but i'm not sure.

I use Ally as my online my bank and investment broker.

>> No.11535202

Cool, thanks.

>> No.11535381


you have a lot of money tied up in a very risky and volatile asset. unless you are diehard bitcoin guy, sell off 33 percent into fiat to reduce risk and slowly invest it into s&P 500 index or etf. indexes cost less if you want to dollar cost average because they do not have a per trade/deposit fee and you can often set up automatic deposits but etfs allow you great flexibility, lower minimums and lower management fees. with your amount of money, the even a 7 to 10 dollar per trade fee shouldn't be too bad.
I'd recommend dollar cost averaging but that's up to you. assuming you transfer 50% of your holdings into an s&p 500 fund and assuming a 1-2 year period of decline with a 2-4 period of recovery
a once or twice a month deposit with ~400k of capital and you should aim for a minimum 5k deposit between once and twice a month.
just don't forget about taxes when you consider pulling your money out of btc
at least that's what I would do in your position. take out 1/3rd, dollar cost average into the s&p 500, cover my taxes, keep a couple thousand in a bank account as an emergency fund, and look into getting a financial advisor to help with it all

>> No.11535513

It's actually enough to retire, not just enough to live like a king. In order to live the millionaire lifestyle you need 10 millions min.

>> No.11535612
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you can work 20 years and make 80k a year (more than most people, pic related) and you will still only have 1.6 million BEFORE taxes and living expenses

it's a losing game anon

this unironically

>> No.11535689

>oh, its the "he doesn't understand compounding interest or dividend growth" episode
You are so stupid it is hurting my head. I have a degree in finance and know exactly what compound interest means. It does not change anything that I said.

1. "Dividend growth" is not magic. It is not a magic money printing machine from nowhere. Dividends are just earnings and the only reason a company should pay them out is because they are not able to generate better returns on them than you can.

2. It does not matter whether you get dividens or not, your safe withdrawal rate should still never be over 4% p.a.

Of course there is evidence of historical overperformance with factors like BAB/QMJ but these would go so far over your head no need to even talk about them

>> No.11535715

Don't listen to a single thing that retard tells you, and definitely do not go all in some index fund right now

>> No.11535724

>with 1 million in a bank account would get you 50k minimum interest a year.
40k maximum

>> No.11535735

Literally the only hope to retire is to move to a safer 3rd world country like Thailand, no joke

My boomer grandpa was an aerospace and mechanical engineer his entire life, better than what most of you and definitely better than what 99% of society can hope for. He had a good savings going into retirement from what I heard. Medical expenses and cost of living add up quick. Now him and my grandma ride the bus, that's how poor they are.

>> No.11535840

I will actually help you even though I know you are most likely larping. For now you can either keep it in btc but you need to set up a trading account and get comfortable shorting futures so you can hedge your stack. The other option is to convert maybe 5% into precious metals and as much as you want into USD. Then you can simply keep them in 1-month treasuries and earn a solid interest rate on a risk free investment. If you like risk you can just move your USD to a georgian, cambodian, mongolian etc bank and earn very high returns. There is for example a Canadian bank in Cambodia paying like 10% I think. This is of course a lot riskier than a US bank.

Then start learning finance and investing. Start with the basics and read through a finance textbook (fundamentals of corp finance for example)

After that learn to value companies and build yourself a nice portfolio instead of doing what everyone else does and just buying muh vanguard etf.

>> No.11535922


We're full, FUCK OFF!

>> No.11535945

cala-te caralho

>> No.11535962
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If only there was such an investment opportunity

>> No.11536083

>buy duplex in decent neighborhood for $300k
>live in one half, rent the other
>technically haven't spent any money because a house is an asset
>have $1.5-2k/month cash flow
>invest remaining $700k into dividend stocks
>if we assume 5% roi that's $35k/year
>with rent income is $53k/year
If you can't live on $4.5/mo with no rent expense then you fucked up big time.

>> No.11536147

>invest 700k into stocks
>stock market tanks
>you have no money

great plan anon

>> No.11536221

Then invest in whatever you think isnt going to tank you giga nigger. Op said you have to live like a hobo to retire with a million in the bank which is disproved by basic boomer tier wisdom. A properly diversified portfolio is immune to temporary economic downturns.

>> No.11536276
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>money doesn't devalue
I hope you plan on only being alive for 5 years post-retirement
>what is capital gains tax
You fucking kids on this website just make shit up so you can feel good about being "right"

I bet you're still on the dole from Mom and Dad

>> No.11536281

You people are pathetic. I could live in a cheaper US city as long as I had a paid off house (without outrageous property taxes) and 300,000 in index funds.

Matter of fact this is my plan in Pittsburgh. If it isn't enough money you could always work part time somewhere you frequent like a gym for the discount.

>> No.11536331

the discussion is retirement
and 80 year old retiree isn't going to work at the gym and often times people that old physically can't work at all

>> No.11536371

Holy fuck you're retarded.
>b-but money devalues
No shit, that's why I said to invest it

>you have to pay capital gains taxes
No shit

Do you need an itemized list of how to specifically allocate ops hypothetical investment and a plan for how to minimize his tax burden by taking advantage of tax law, or can you just read between the lines and see that $1m is a fuck load and only an actual retard couldn't find a way to live comfortably off of it for the rest of their lives.

>> No.11536408
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Yeah, I know. I expect the market to crash within the next two years. Everything seems fucked which is why I have all my money in btc. I'm just trying to find out what to do with it.

Nah, I have the btc

>There is for example a Canadian bank in Cambodia paying like 10% I think. This is of course a lot riskier than a US bank.
Why is it riskier? Also could you give me more information on that Canadian bank in Cambodia?

>> No.11536428

in America it takes $2.3m for a person to be considered lower rich class. let that sink in for a minute.

>> No.11536453

>lower rich class
literally what?

>> No.11536463

Yes, invest it so you can break even on the rising cost of inflation. Great plan anon.

>$1m is a fuck load and only an actual retard couldn't find a way to live comfortably off of it for the rest of their lives
Let me know when you join the real world.

>> No.11536513

we are coming, and we are not asking you.

>> No.11536531

Buy a cheap house for 50,000 dollars, now you never have to pay rent again and still have 950,000 dollars

Half in the bank, half in blue chips, even if you average a modest 2.5% return that’s still 19,000 dollars a year or 1,600 dollars a month which is certainly enough to survive on if you don’t pay rent, even if you’re not living large

>> No.11536550


You can buy a nice house outside of london for 500k USD, put the remaining 500k USD in the stock market, and spend 35k a year or less.

This 1 million isn't enough meme is fucking pure unadulterated cancer, I had 800k in January and I didn't cash out because everyone kept saying you need 4 million. I now have 150k, and I regret it every day.

500k+ below 30 y.o is made it tier. Anyone saying otherwise is a doom and gloom NEET, listen to them at your own risk.

>> No.11536557

$1M is plenty to have a decent dividend income. I could retire right now and be making like $6-10 an hour 24/7 off dividends if i had $1M.

>> No.11536587

Minus half for capital gains

>50k house
Kys retard

>> No.11536655


Move to Finland, one of the safest and cleanest countries (environment and race wise) left.

Buy a decent house with 50k from countryside with a plot of land having fields and forest.


Marry a beautiful blonde. They are everywhere and love foreing (white) people.

With 950k left you can spend rest of your life fishing, hunting, fucking, BBQing etc.

If you have kids, they get the best education in the world, for free.

Healthcare is also free.

>> No.11536713

how do I get a visa

>> No.11536733

my job gives me 12 k yearly, might as well move to fucking thailand if that gives me a chance to live happily

>> No.11536927

Cool I believe you, congrats

I can look up the details for you and post them soon. It is riskier because of lack of regulation on banks in Cambodia, and the banks themselves give out riskier loans so higher default risk.

Yeah I would not suggest this... I am Finnish and moved away from that cold, dark, socialist shithole. Everything is expensive as fuck.
>Marry a beautiful blonde. They are everywhere and love foreing (white) people.
Finnish girls are not wife material

>> No.11537664

my dad gave me a small loan of a million dollars and I have nod idea what to do with it. Can you help give a brainlet some ideas??

>> No.11537793

So like I promised I looked up some info on those banks, seems like they have lowered interest rates so not as attractive anymore on a risk-reward pov



These are legit banks and I'm probably going to open a savings account with some of them in the future if I ever happen to be in the country

Bonus: these countries are not participating in CRS information sharing agreement (not sure abput FATCA) so if you want to keep your money somewhere where your home country cant see it...

>> No.11537901
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>house is good investment

>> No.11537943
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>0% apy

>> No.11538160
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>tfw you can retire before 30

>> No.11538162

Cool, that's interesting. Thanks for the info. Either way, getting 3-4% annually is pretty much the life, no? Especially in Cambodia where everything is cheap. I was wondering what to do with my money because as much as like living in Canada, I have to pay ~ 25%. Cashing out there and not having to pay taxes would be preferable, although I have no clue how to do it. I wanted to do it in december during the crypto mania but didn't.

>> No.11538211


62% rate?

>> No.11538257

Yeah you would live like a king on that in Cambodia. There is one more good bank in Georgia called TBC bank with similar rates.

Fuck you actually had like 4mm at the peak. You have to be oldfag like at least pre 2016 right? Any reason for not cashing in some gains?

>> No.11538306

>he thinks the capital gains rate is 50%
t. Has never paid any other taxes that a w2

>> No.11538377

>Any reason for not cashing in some gains?
I don't live extravagantly. But mostly my mother says that I need over 2-3 million to properly retire, so I'm just waiting for bitcoin to move up in value before cashing out.

>> No.11538440

it is if you can negatively gear the property and get loyal tenants that dont fuck shit up

>> No.11538583

pretty sure the profit/investment rate is lower than basic fixed income investments plus headaches and low liquidity