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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11527625 No.11527625 [Reply] [Original]

Theres a global recession coming that is going to make 08 look like childs play. We are going to see a complete breakdown of the system. food shortages. riots. armed gangs patrolling streets. complete shutdown of the telecommunications infrastructure, race wars and martial law. what are you guys doing to prepare?

>> No.11527651

Nothing of this will happen.
A breakdown is too risky for the elite.

>> No.11527662

The elite are building bunkers in new zealand as we speak.

>> No.11527684

I disagree. The elite in times of hardship deflect against other countries. Economic collapse is the number one trigger for war. It is used to fuel narrative. Hitler knew this well and used it for his agenda.

>> No.11527693

Thanks trump and your fucking low iq voters

>> No.11527694

And war is often a time of adrenaline rushes and achievement in the power hungry elite.

>> No.11527704

Go home goldbug boomer... You're drunk

>> No.11527706

One president cannot cause this. Our countries spending has been out if control. We run on debt for every purchase. Eventually people stop wanting to commit to a life time of debt slavery so the floor falls out from under the bubble.

>> No.11527712

Its not going to happen because biz is a perfect counter indicator

>> No.11527713

How is this trumps fault.
US Dept is skyrocketing like forever.

>> No.11527715

Shut the fuck up boomer I'm going to continue gambling my life savings away on options

>> No.11527744

I live in New Zealand but no bunker, am I safe?

>> No.11527766

41 year old boomer here, I've been hearing this "total breakdown" shit endlessly and without a single lull since I was a teenager in the 90s.

>> No.11527773

The crisis will be short. Central Banks will start buying up stocks just like in Japan and Switzerland. Golden Bullrun confirmed.

>> No.11527782
File: 258 KB, 960x1280, photo_2018-05-26_23-18-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my version of ready

>> No.11527785
File: 155 KB, 832x768, mHpqZoBrKdMueN37i5WSAq_yjm8PKxtdxka19u0cM58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another "victory" for the orange buffon

>> No.11527797

88 year old Boomer here. You ain't seen shit son.

>> No.11527801


>> No.11527802

>teenager in the 90s
JFC I'm old :(

>> No.11527817

Let me guess, you own BAT and support Trump

>> No.11527826

can you faggots go back to leftypol already?

>> No.11527832

Yeah this, along with Nibiru and Alien Invasions.
Anyone remember the Fema Coffin story a few years back.

I only see one threat for 90% of the population and that is, when AI and robots are ready to take over 90% of the jobs.
Maybe in 20-40 Years.

>> No.11527844

Unironically I think I'm about to buy my first gun I want a semi automatic that wont make me look like a terrorist or serial killer. What do I get.

>> No.11527906
File: 250 KB, 1570x724, MW-GP053_DlZB0r_20180828062302_NS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It started to ramp up in the late 90s, but has never really stopped.

Y2K, 9/11 leading to WW3, Bush concentration camps, numerous alien invasions, Planet X, Fukushima, 12/21/2012, about three dozen others that I can't think of right now, and of course the eternal "financial collapse" prediction.

>> No.11527908

Taking ammo into account a .40 caliber or 9mm. For a rifle .223 like a Ruger ranch rifle if you don't want it to look like an AR15. Or just buy a shotgun as you probably won't be able to shoot very well for some time and if it's just a defensive weapon hard to beat a good shotty.

>> No.11527964


Depends on what it's for and which situations where you need a gun you actually think are statistically likely to happen to you. I recommend a 12-gauge shotgun.

>If the entire world economy collapses and the world devolves into chaos, you can use it to shoot people and animals and defend your turf.
>If it doesn't and the stock market continues to make you rich, you can use it to shoot skeet and hunt pigeons with other influential millionaires.

>> No.11528008

Ummmmmmm we were 20 trillion in debt before trump got elected let alone decided to run.

If you idiots think trump is the cause of this you make public educated niggers who can't read at a 5th grade level look like geniuses

>> No.11528011



>biz thinks BTC will go up
>it crashes
>biz thinks BTC is gonna crash
>it goes up
>biz becomes divided equal parts bear and bull
>side ways


>> No.11528020

Thanks biz bros. I've been looking at the ruger mini 14. I think I would practice shooting a bit so a shotgun doesn't seem as fun

>> No.11528022

It collapsed in 08 bro. We are in borrowed time becaus the Jews re-inflated the bubble with 0% interest rates.

>> No.11528041

>Yeah this, along with Nibiru and Alien Invasions.

As a kid in the 90's, those alien shows they played endlessly on TV were fucking terrifying. With all the testimonies they had, I was sure at some point I would be abducted in the middle of the night and probed and prodded.

>> No.11528058

on the contrary, shotguns are fun as a motherfucker

>> No.11528066

I got like 4 AK's with 30 round mags.....

Shotgun is super short distance.

I figure if a pack of niggers start coming close I start shooting in their direction. I don't have to hit them for them for ten to not want to fuck around.

I don't know how to shoot worth shit and couldn't hit the broad side of a barn but if you can start unloading 15-20 rounds at a fast pace I figure nobody will fuck with you.

I figure that's much better than keeping a shotgun in your hands and waiting for them to get close

>> No.11528071

How do they keep getting away with it? Could you imagine a weatherman constantly telling everybody "A hurricane will hit Florida by the end of the month!" and then saying I told you so when it finally happens? Everyone would call him insane. Why do TV economists get a free pass?

>> No.11528081


>> No.11528088

'Shotguns are way more fun. Shooting orange flying UFOs out of the sky is much more satisfying than shooting holes in a piece of paper.

>> No.11528089

Thanks anon, will vote 100k times for teump.

>> No.11528095

Fucking A. This is exactly how it goes.

>> No.11528253

Get some kind of compact, but still double stack 9mm handgun that's not garbage and build an AR. Go shoot a few handguns before you buy one. Stop caring about what they look like

>> No.11528300

You think us debt is the only issue? I have news for you

>> No.11528354

You’re all by psyoped by (((them))) to flip the house and the senate this election season. NPC sheep

>> No.11528372

If you just want a gun to plink around with, it is hard to beat a .22 with its cheap ammo. Can take down birds, rabbits, squirels, raccoons and all sorts of small critters. If you want a gun for self defense, a pistol or a shotgun have their places. If you want to look cool at a shooting range, you're a douche.

>> No.11528377

you're going to want of these. not that it will save you, but you're going to want one.

>> No.11528461


>> No.11528543

this desu can i retreat to the wopwops and survive

>> No.11528618

Which is why they bought up massive amounts of property anywhere but the US so when the time comes they can fly the fuck out of here. (New Zealand, Malta, Bahamas, that small island north west of Italy etc.)

>> No.11528640


Yea I don’t like trump either because he’s a racist so I’m blaming this on him too because it makes my little feelings better. Fucking faggot.