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File: 840 KB, 1888x838, 654bff_6791865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11527111 No.11527111 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone outside of America so poor?

>> No.11527125

because america controls their resources in some manner and benefits from it.

>what is an empire

>> No.11527162

We don't call them yuropoors for nothing.

That's the price of socialism btw.

>> No.11527210

>What is PPP?

The absolute state of mutt education.

>> No.11527245

>minnesota at the top

>> No.11527300

>minnesota at the top
You mean North? Maybe geographically.
I see Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts doing better

>> No.11527314
File: 601 KB, 721x570, 1533368552876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because we have free heelthcare and free education and pay 90% tax on our income of which half goes to ahmed, so he can start a family instead of us and the other half towards being smug and arrogant towards 'stupid americlaps'

>> No.11527375

>muh fiat is a jew scam
>why are all these countries measured in fiat so poor

>> No.11527386

What is cost of living

Also check out Australia and Japan.

>> No.11527397

based eurobro

>> No.11527410
File: 305 KB, 500x208, 5049fafc4a445b401513edd1962acd46f82a44dd_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in europe salaries come after pensions + health insurances except swizerland. in america they get salaries but have to pay/invest those themselves

>> No.11527435

This is an interesting follow up to that US property tax thread from yesterday.

>> No.11527462
File: 337 KB, 960x768, rPwNS1PEjpbYYnFAH5IwIBFRAEDR4UbhK-2kv8UN4xI[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PPP adjusted. 2015 figures. US is equal to Finland... lel. Did this work out the way you wanted it to?

Also: you have to pay for healthcare and education out of your own pocket. Do you even get free food in regular school these days? I am sure Finland gets loads of "freebees" that the American working man can only dream of.

>> No.11527499

the hubris of the eternal american
autochthonous people, living in high trust, low power distance communities, entirely sufficient in themselves are "poor", and as a consequence, "weak"
agonistic tribes of mutts increasingly dependent on the transfers, infrastructure, bureaucracy and violence of the federal state imagine themselves to be well off and powerful

>> No.11527513

I don't buy the whole empire spiel
You don't have a real empire unless you have annexed or direct control over land.
Maybe we need a new name for this inbetween empire shit

>> No.11527557

Your words are too fancy and that was too clever for 4chan. Who do you think you are, some kind of urban elite?

>> No.11527575


>> No.11527835
File: 448 KB, 992x1988, Screenshot_20181026-023131_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The USA site is without taxes
The Europe picture is with taxes

This is fucking stupid
Here is the real list


>> No.11527865

kek, I bet you unironically think you're some kind of intellectual for regurgitating a bunch of drivel from reddit and leftypol
I can smell the euphoria from here

>> No.11527945
File: 40 KB, 431x450, 1529126691883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11527951

Nailed it.

>> No.11527993

>visiting the czech republic for a week by myself
>going to be living like a God-King for less than $2000

Feels good man

>> No.11528010

The difference becomes even greater when purchasing power is included.
U.S. ranks #1 followed by Japan surprisingly

>> No.11528269

Facts make baby jesus cry

>> No.11528337

>Look at my unsauced claim

>> No.11528481

Why the fuck is everyone so poor. My girlfriend and I already make more than the median household income for every state and I’m 27 and she’s 24 lol... What the fuck are people doing their entire lives

>> No.11528514

>bragging about making more than the average household
Have you ever met an average person... You should be ASHAMED that they make anything remotely close to what you make

>> No.11528520

They don't have the drive us burgers have to succeed

>> No.11528526

Report back when you are both 60+ and suffering from the side effects of HIV medication. Let's do some calculations on how you skew the average then, you genius you.

>> No.11528555

My link nodes will support by then, when breathing is executed through smart contract

>> No.11528561

these are pre-tax income figures.

>> No.11528565

australia has highest household income adjusted for ppp
America average is highly inflated by the mega wealthy, 30% of the population lives in poverty

>> No.11528582

yes anon, but one's growth has far outpaced the other's

>> No.11528659

30% of our population is nigs and illegal mexicans. What a coincidence.

>> No.11528714

Looks like per capita data for EU compared to household income for US. Why are americlaps so stupid?

>> No.11528715
File: 330 KB, 1200x1963, Unironic_83716b_6440302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12% nigs
22% mexicunts
literally 1/3 of the population useless

>> No.11528740 [DELETED] 

median is not inflated by the mega wealethy, but 'household' income depends on the size of the household, and also is a rather useless measure of wealth for similar reasons GDP is.

if in economy A all people providing services charge each other 2 times higher than in economy B, the median income (and roughly the GDP) of people in economy A will be 2 times higher than in economy B if they have the exact same wealth.

the more consumption oriented an economy is, the more income is skewed higher in comparison to wealth.

not saying higher consumption doesn't normally result in higher wealth too, but very often it's just waste.


median WEALTH per person shows a much more accurate picture of the actual wealth of a society, than median income per household does.

>> No.11528749
File: 638 KB, 1300x1300, wealth-per-adult-median-europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous (ID: 3xr5x5BM) 10/26/18(Fri)04:00:45 No.11528740▶
median is not inflated by the mega wealethy, but 'household' income depends on the size of the household, and also is a rather useless measure of wealth for similar reasons GDP is.

if in economy A all people providing services charge each other 2 times higher than in economy B, the median income (and roughly the GDP) of people in economy A will be 2 times higher than in economy B if they have the exact same wealth.

the more consumption oriented an economy is, the more income is skewed higher in comparison to wealth.

not saying higher consumption doesn't normally result in higher wealth too, but very often it's just waste.

>>11527111 (OP)

median WEALTH per person shows a much more accurate picture of the actual wealth of a society, than median income per household does.

>> No.11528752

>why are americans poor if they're so smart bur bur bur
>point out there's a ton of undesirables brought in recently and breed like rats

>> No.11528806
File: 44 KB, 1024x576, 140610150449-average-median-net-worth-1024x576[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>median wealth is more fair
then USamericans are even more BTFO
t. Finnish

>> No.11528839

Australia also has high as fuck costs of living, and the second highest income to debt ratio in the world

>> No.11528841

And abos.
dank ass abos

>> No.11528845

didn't try to argue the wealth of US vs. EU there, just pointed out that comparing wealth based on income/GDP is dumb.

>> No.11528847

*avoid starvation

>> No.11528851

I know. Thx

>> No.11528880

man those numbers are upsetting as fuck
I'm 25 with a $75k salary and I really wish it was double, only because I don't want to be the mediocre American

>> No.11528893

We have food banks that give out great food and meals you literally can't starve in America

>> No.11528906

>depends on the size of the household

meant that countries with larger median households will obviously have larger wealth per household than countries with smaller median households, if the wealth of the people is the same.
i don't see how 'per household' measures are ever accurate to comparing anything

>> No.11528914
File: 26 KB, 640x428, 19460_00071871546744[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess the drive comes from the desire not to be forced to eat pic related

>> No.11528943

Cause american's get taxed to death and insurance is expensive as fuck. did you not read the news about how a guy couldn't call the ambulance cause he couldn't afford it if it was declared it wasn't a medical emergency, so some jimmy johns guy ended up sending him to the hospital

>> No.11528950
File: 163 KB, 960x960, 14222310_1716187098706657_7749789272984797226_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>larger median households
>implying that larger households have more than 2 breadwinners.

This is not early industrial age Britain. You can't just send your children away to sweep chimneys.

>> No.11529002

in america ppl often work below 18.
but also there it depends on the ratio of people living alone and living together with no children for example

not saying average median household is often not more healthy, but it has no place in comparison of wealth. you could use other arbitrary measures, like 'median income per city'

>> No.11529011

>average median household
larger median household*

>> No.11529067
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Release the Spyce - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.17_[2018.10.20_16.27.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even the richest european country is poorer than fucking MISSISSIPPI
Damn, they really are yuropoors

>> No.11529107

lower standards of living so salaries are priced in local costs.

>> No.11529143

Please explain Iceland here

>> No.11529337
File: 58 KB, 645x729, 80c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11529380

This looks like a Donald Trump bragging piece. Statistics can say anything if you want them to.

>> No.11529585


>> No.11529704

kek NH is going to become the seat of the NWO because it has no income or capital gains tax at the state level. incredible that it's the highest. it's basically still a backwater. get in now boys. after I did my tax return I decided I'm hopping the border up there ASAP if I ever make big gains again

>> No.11529955

>annexed or direct control over land
Half of the US itself is annexed land.
Then puppet states all over. Its classic empire

>> No.11530016

Reminder that you should probably adjust all these things demographically. Europe's 5% Muslim population or America's 15% black population dilute the numbers we should actually care about when benchmarking.

>> No.11530033

And that includes adjusting by age. If European Americans and European Europeans have a median age that differs by just like 5 years, you're talking thousands of dollars in salary and tens of thousands of dollars in wealth accumulation.