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11518091 No.11518091 [Reply] [Original]

I'm all in BAT.

>> No.11518103
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>> No.11518175
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>> No.11518192

comfiest hold. only selling at $20+

>> No.11518208
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>> No.11518243
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Do you really think $20 is all that euphoric normies will manage to pump this to? Pic related.

>> No.11518284

definitely BAT!

>> No.11518305

Comfiest hold tbqh

>> No.11518429
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same here fren

>> No.11518823

The tech seems good but why do you think normies will pump this? Average normie uses chrome because it just werkz and has no idea how to invest let alone invest in crypto

>> No.11519008

Holding 300k, extremely comfy.

>> No.11519061

I've just thrown a hundred bucks at this token. More would be insane.

>> No.11519377


Go to bed, it's a school night

>> No.11520022

I'm gonna buy some BAT soon, which means the price is going to crash and never recover.

Heh, nothin' personal.

>> No.11520867

Get out before a correction. It's overbought on Coinbase hype.

>> No.11520930


whatwill the best price be b4 the dump?

>> No.11520951


>> No.11520953
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>selling one of the only sure things in crypto to avoid a small and temporary fluctuation in value

>> No.11520967


but im a poorfag and my stack is so small. its the only way

>> No.11520969

Who said anything about normies pumping this? Their role is basically just to get crypto retards to pull their heads out of their asses. Crypto retards will buy BAT once they realize how many normies are using it. That or some other news like fidelity.

>> No.11520986

adding to my post, normies might buy a couple hundred through the browser with a credit card, and that will be the extent of their investing unless some of the based ones see it as the next google or something and invest for that reason. Normies are just good for adoption and locking up supply

>> No.11521001

>my stack is small

All the more reason to unironically hold. Give this a year.

>> No.11521066

> Tech seems good.
Nigger this faggot has the strongest history of winning and delivering success in tech.
Created JavaScript and started the moon mission of firefox to become the comfiest browser before it turned SJW.
He also stated intention to crash the Google's revenue income using as much of their own code as possible for the lulz.
Eich is the best you can get in muh tech.

>> No.11521174

Wait until people find out that KYC is required.

>> No.11521202

>muh browser plugin token

>> No.11521238

No. It's supposed to be going down. I'm in charge here.

>> No.11521419

Thanks, just bought 100k CVC. Normies will do anything for free money, the fact that Brave ads will require registering with Civic for KYC means that BAT isnt the only token that will see mass adoption from this project.

>> No.11521542

Mom, look I posted it again!

>> No.11521551

KYC is a bad thing huh? Feel bad for whatever coin your holding because it will never be added to fidelity.

In addition to storing cryptocurrencies, Fidelity Digital Assets will use an existing internal crossing engine and smart order router for trade execution. This order router will allow Fidelity institutional customers to execute trades for bitcoin, ether and other assets at multiple market venues. While Jessop didn't say which ones, he said cryptocurrency exchanges have to comply with the same "Fidelity standard" applied in other parts of the business.

"We have a pretty extensive onboarding procedure for these types of counterparties, which involves diligence on their financial strength as well as their regulatory procedures like 'know your customer' and anti-money laundering," he said. "We are certainly only going to connect to those counterparties that we feel good about."

So much for kyc being shit.

>> No.11522072

plz sir tell us what a plugin is. You can't because you don't know what the FUCK you're trying to talk about. please never talk about something you don't know about again.

>> No.11522089

why are you tired anon? only a few more months

true $20 is probably low balling it

>> No.11522127

Near the top of bollinger bands on the Daily. Good price to sell, will rebuy when it goes back below .0003. Notice ZRX did same thing and is now down 20% from its peak pump price. Waiting to rebuy that lower as well. Bear market aint over yet.

>> No.11522232

i bought this shit because trend following or something

>> No.11522672

As long as it isn’t like Funfair BAT will be okay

>> No.11522733

This guy gets it. Bat is fantastic, but buying in right now is a poor mans decision.

>> No.11523141
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Funfair has the issue that no potential customers exist yet, and there is a long process for a stranger to crypto to even use it, but any normie who adopts Brave ads will have:
>A metamask compatible wallet (coming soon)
>Blockchain based KYC through Civic
>BATERC20s ready to be swapped for FUN
Any Brave user has all they need to go adopt dapps. If FUN changes it's KYC partner to Civic, Brave will create it's userbase.

>> No.11523191

The shill is strong here

>> No.11523356

Sell wait for dip, buy back in, keep doing this, watch dexs, wait for peak pump, sell all at top

>> No.11523467
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yall ready fo dis?

>> No.11524171

Is it too late to get in on this? I just bought 26 BAT but I'm not sure I should "invest" any more. I'm trusting you goys but it doesn't seem to be doing as well as everyone said it would.
>just wait til Thursday!

>> No.11524246

You've "invested" a 4 by 4 meal at Wendy's into BAT at this point.

>> No.11524347
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Youre at still early, but for real Anon you have a shot at investing in what could be the next Google; headed by the guy who created Javascript and Mozilla, and could be a new online economy where all users get to participate in and you throw your POCKET CHANGE at it????????

>> No.11524362

I only had a tiny amount of bitcoins and I'm skint til tomorrow, wanted to get what I could before today. I will put more into it then.

>> No.11524894
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>> No.11525096

is this a brain virus?