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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 3 KB, 200x200, 1027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11519638 No.11519638 [Reply] [Original]

You guys are aware of the fact that it was an artificial dump and that the price is being suppressed?
You guys are aware of the fact that when the BTC ETF shit show ends, everyone will buy back its ETH and you could have doubled your money by buying right now?

You guys have short memory. It's fucking ETH fucking ERIUM.

>> No.11519647
File: 46 KB, 499x485, DpOh22yU8AEuQlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nocapped, premined, centralized shitcoin with an aspie as a leader


decentralized, tiny capped, no premined real digital gold without an aspie leader

oy veeeeyyyyyyyyy

>> No.11519653
File: 17 KB, 378x378, 68747470733a2f2f7062732e7477696d672e636f6d2f70726f66696c655f696d616765732f3937373439363837353838373535383636312f4c383678794c46345f343030783430302e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11519675
File: 24 KB, 480x360, vitalik-buterin-ethereum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11519683

Eth is a mess. 'Muh dapps' can't save it and they will all migrate first chance they get.

>> No.11519688

Migrate to where? ETH has the first mover and network effect advantage.

>> No.11519694

>BTC ETF shit show ends

>> No.11519699

Whales will pump altcoins around November 5th while you noobs have your bags filled with obvious BTC

>> No.11519711

Litterly back to China FUD levels, I love it.

>> No.11519713

have you ever used any eth dapp? it's never going to see adoption.

back in january I showcased an image board dapp on eth to people. It was two lunches worth of $ for me to post 10 messages on a board.

eth is going down. ICOs was the only thing that drove it up

>> No.11519734

Price is not correlated to current dapps. You'll learn it soon enough.

>> No.11519751

Whats the correlation then?

>> No.11519758

of course it's not. I was reply to dapps comment.

>> No.11519761

Whatever news, FUD, FOMO. People don't care about fundamentals. Big guys lead the show.

>> No.11519766

You don't even know how to spell Ethereum. GTFO

>> No.11519773

>price correlated to news
You really falling for this?

>> No.11519775

lol ark is going to be the new eth so come on guys

>> No.11519874
File: 232 KB, 1186x697, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is going to make it. It's the only blockchain people are actually building dapps / tokens / contracts on.

Yes, the system needs improvements. But it has the first DEXs and has all the major assets tokenized. (USDC, DGX, DAI, etc)

It is one of the only several sure bets, especially given that we're 7x down from its ATM.

With the next upgrades, staking etc. At some point this will reach new ATMs.

You still have a guaranteed min 10x op on ETH in next 1-2 years.

>> No.11520506


>> No.11520856

I'm not buying any more ETH(well, except to buy Holo and BAT)....but I'm not selling any either.

>> No.11520882

ETH will be #1 platform for a while for the same reason BTC is still #1 crypto. People don't really use it yet and market doesn't care if there's a 10x faster solution out there. It will stay as the platform coin for years to come.

>> No.11520958

Lol daps and muh scaling.

Fucking retards

>what is nft
>what is smartcontract
>who is backed by industry leaders building future infrastructure on it(binance, coinbase)
>who is ONLY crypto mentioned besides BTC by institutional platforms
>ony crypto with planed futures and etf besides BTC

U would give bunch of niggers to assfuck you for 200$ eth a while ago.

Now its here thx to scammy icos dumping, fud and emotional retards.

But you scared now and go to buy bitshares 2.0 instead.

No wonder anons are not able to make any money


>> No.11520994

what artifical dump? are you aware of the fact that its inflationary by nature. and its just being printed by miners, thats why gpus went up 2x last year and were sold out everywhere.
wtf are you holding eth for? i mean if you want to use eth fine cool. but its not a store of value. your investing in the potential of an app store. but now there is many other blockchains that have smart contracts. so eth isnt the only one anymore. tezos is the future btw.

>> No.11520995

that's because you're a brainlet pajeet who can't code for shit
for example, peepeth is batching tweets and they can send thousands of them for a few cents
everyone has been working on scaling thorough 2018 and this will likely be the focus of 2019 as well
you bandwagonners are only vaguely aware of sharding while there's several working sidechain and state channel implementations
now this is where the typical idiot replies "but where are muh commercial billion dollar dapps if scaling exists?!". that shit is cutting edge, developers are building the railroad tracks as they explore, and the public is WAY behind. we're past mania phase on the valuation of ether the currency, but we're barely at early awareness on the technology of ethereum the blockchain

>> No.11520999


>10x in 1-2 years

Cute. Also it has to survive that long first. 2 years in crypto is a fucking millenium senpai.

>> No.11521063


Based and respilled.

Frens here are newfags and poorfags they cant get it.

>> No.11521288

I believe in ETH, but calling any of this a "sure thing" sounds naive

>> No.11521442
File: 128 KB, 1515x593, eosdapps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the only blockchain people are actually building dapps

it's not even the main dapp platform anymore

damn, ETH shills are clueless

>> No.11521486

fucking amen

bear market has gotten to way too many people it seems.

bitcoin and eth are brands. the masses will ALWAYS go for them. masses dont care about tech, they care about branding.

also unironically money skelly is a genius who focuses on the tech in his autistic world.

eth will be 1k in q2 next year

>> No.11521559
File: 5 KB, 185x272, GloriousEOSCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH has the first mover and network effect advantage.

Most of the bigger dapps were never possible on ETH anyway so it doesn't matter. Coins like EOS will have first mover advantage for things ETH could never do.

>> No.11521651

Yes, but why would anyone try to build any useful dapp in EOS. Since a 21 man cartel can stop your app or freeze your coins.

Might as well just build something on AWS or Digital Ocean if you don't care about people shutting it down.

>> No.11521771
File: 4 KB, 250x88, 1506188573559s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled. Ruski cyka coin will go to hell!
Pic related will be their reaction :^)

>> No.11521802

>Yes, but why would anyone try to build any useful dapp in EOS. Since a 21 man cartel can stop your app or freeze your coins.

Because that level of decentrality is optimal. You are just as likely to have your ETH wallet frozen by mining pools as you are to be directly attacked by a 16/21 consensus on EOS. Basically zero chance.

EOS gets things into roughly where it needs to be as far as security and gains free 3 second transactions. The reason you think ETH is more decentralized is because nobody uses it for anything. You have no basis to compare where the bar actually needs to be for things to be effective. In practice both coins hit the mark well withing the threshold that is needed to be secure. The difference is that ETH gives up everything to achieve useless levels of decentrality that cannot ever work from a pragmatic perspective for anything substantial.

So what is ETHs solution?
> Use a super centralized shitcoin side chain instead of course. LOOM!

So in the name of useless levels of decentrality you are now directed to use a shitcoin like that instead. Thats INSANELY AND OBVIOUSLY FUCKING STUPID. A side chain used to make up the weakness of the main chain is bullshit wrapped in more bullshit. You have to choose what chain you are using to sign each transaction. Don't be fooled by people telling you that this makes sense at all.

> Might as well just build something on AWS or Digital Ocean if you don't care about people shutting it down.

You have been inflicted with massive degrees of bullshit. Perhaps stop going to places like r/cryptocurrency ...

>> No.11521876

Also one of the main things that is fucked up about this entire topic is that. Lets take for example a situation where EOS gets fucked by the CIA during a massive government crackdown.

At that point crypto is fucked anyway. The CIA will have been 100% effective at driving people into a shitcoin like ETH that cant do anything anyway. Then just put Vitalik in a suitcase and its fucking GG. But we already know that the CIA isnt going to be able to fuck with EOS because it would be too hard to do. The worlds most powerful agency for subterfuge is unable to even fuck with even XRP in a way that would kill the fucking coin. And you fucking idiots keep screaming about

> Muh decentralization

ETH bag holders are deluded to the max.

>> No.11521904

Based and wokepilled

>> No.11521914

Cope harder, EOS is centralized just like any crypto with delegates or anything like that

>> No.11521944

>Cope harder, EOS is centralized just like any crypto with delegates or anything like that

Your the one in massive cope mode. You still using reddit bro? Sorry about your bags man.

I am not saying this master race shit for the fun of it. I and dumping fucking truth and it hurts people like you mentally. You getting all wojak on me for simply explaining a very logical argument.

EOS master race crushing NPCs endlessly. I fucking HATE bullshit. If you resign to use LOOM as your second chain then you might as well fucking use EOS instead. And LOOM is the only hope ETH has.

This shit is so obvious its painful you don't understand.

>> No.11523045

>memespweing word salad
>reddit spacing
>no actual rebuttals

>> No.11523067


I think ETH is a good buy, i give it a 80%+ chance that the ratio will be higher than now when the PoS hype starts again but it's more of a 1-2 years gamble now. It doesn't have shitcoin gains potential anymore but the risks are also rather low by now.

>> No.11523097

reminder that link will save eth

>> No.11523111

ETH is only top 25 i can see doing 10x before end of 2019

proof me wrong

>> No.11523484

based and redpilled

>what is first mover adventage
>what is thousands of developers
>what is big corporations already building on your platform
>what is stay poor fucking faggots

>> No.11523573

You're trusting a retard who tried to raise funds to simulate a quantum computer on a normal computer before he got rich with the eth scamXD
>Muh sharding will solve everything.
>muh apps, eh I mean scam icos and ponzi games
Eth is an unscalable, centralized mess

>> No.11523676

Based and redpilled.
Ethtards think their script kiddies are "devs" and won't migrate to whatever other hot shitcoin. Lmao, these cucks will jump ship soon enough.

>> No.11523680

Load russian scamerm fud pls poorfuck
Last time it was launchpad for bullrun from 7$ to 300$
You have no idea about software development

Yes eth is mess but it is mother of fucking market and and its allways pulling ahead while others follow

You literally have to just follow smart money its not rocket sience.. Whos invested and building on eth and who on eos?


>> No.11523694

Can't wait to post screen of this in 2021.

>> No.11523725

Wtf? Where did I mention eos?
Eth is a ponzi and it's only held together by vitalik's technobabble and promise of scaling with xyz. There's no smart money in this shitcoin.

I would post the compilation of "muh PoS soon" and all its delays, but I'm too lazy to search.

>> No.11523753

>would post the compilation of "muh PoS soon" and all its delays, but I'm too lazy to search.
I could post compilation of fags like you when ETH was $5. I won't. Not because I'm lazy but because you don't deserve any of my time.

>> No.11523763


I can tell you are new and poor.

We been trough this allready 2017...

>No smart money in

Ok anon i hope you triple your lunch money

>> No.11524190

what are the other sure bets? OMG and LINK?