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11519225 No.11519225 [Reply] [Original]

>he plays videogames on the same computer he uses for trading
>he plays PIRATE videogames on the same computer he uses for trading
>he watches porn on the same computer he uses for trading


>> No.11519234

No nigger, I happen to trade on the same computer I play vidya. Also, porn is for degenerates.

>> No.11519250
File: 134 KB, 805x1200, AD48963C-29CD-45D5-B59E-56CB25425441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol enjoy getting your shit stolen fag

>> No.11519253

>what is 2fa
kys you low iq specimen

>> No.11519264
File: 266 KB, 2048x1504, 56171AEC-0A7C-43CA-AF5F-9C19E2841750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2fa is something that doesn't exist on btc or eth wallets retard
Enjoy getting your shit disappeared mysteriously

>> No.11519275

You realise that somewhere on your computer are drawn pictures of girls showing you their feet? I'd ask you how life is with autism but you probably think you're normal and there's nothing wrong with you, you virgin nigger. Or is this you trying to show off security prowess? In which case, ha, nice one faggot.

>> No.11519375

doing all that save for pirating. who the fuck pirates stuff in 2007+11? between netflix, prime, gog and steam, pirating is literally more costly than buying stuff in terms of opportunity cost

>> No.11519411

Not really. Pirate first then buy something. The way you should think of it is if you save £20 then that's likely an hour of work saved. Most shit isn't worth an hour of my work. Plus you should look at your budget. Your entertainment expense probably passes £100 a month.

If that's the case imagine that £100 in a crypto that gives you 10x return. You just spent 1k on movies.

Netflix has a point yes but prime just makes you spend more. And steam is great for multi player games but why pay £27 for a single player game when you can get it for free in 30 minutes and you might even find you don't even like it that much.

And if you pirate it and you like it then fine, support the developers and buy it. But don't spend money before you know.

>> No.11519419
File: 83 KB, 640x902, FDDFD660-9B37-4118-B788-E4E4F56DE5EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my toes scumbag!

>> No.11519433

Thanks for reminding me.

Btw you forgot one thing
> he uses windows

>> No.11519440
File: 355 KB, 1273x1800, IMG_20181024_230732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and red pilled. Except I do watch porn on the same pc. It has linux tho, I'm not worried.

>> No.11519453

Video game cracks are full of rootkits these days because the gargantuan filesizes coupled with repacks make it super easy to make it slip through. So please don’t pirate on the same PC you trade

T. Retard who got backdoored from a bad crack

>> No.11519517

HSM to the rescue?

>> No.11519526

>he uses windows and leaks his private keys to Microsoft
not going to make it

>> No.11519661

>debian pc for vidya
>torrents only from private tracker
>trading on a thinkpad running freebsd on a separate vlan
Get on my level

>> No.11519897

So what if it's on a separate VLAN? Do you have any kind of routing restriction on the box connecting the two VLANs? If not and both lans use default gateways located on the same box then different VLANs means absolutely jackshit.

>> No.11520427

U can refund a game on steam if u dont like it. Limit is 2hr of playtime

>> No.11520452
File: 7 KB, 219x230, varg kick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he watches porn

>> No.11520465

I play games I pirated before 2012 because new games fucking suck will I be alright?

>> No.11520472
File: 662 KB, 1280x1022, 1540170539164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he needs to pirate something to know it will be shit
You need more training.

>> No.11520503

I have a Bloomberg terminal.

>> No.11520902

you're doing it wrong
netflix/prime = 0 euros (subscribe first month on new acc, cancel ad infinitum. prime mentioned purely for video, not for buying shit)
gog/steam = 10 euros maximum per game (never buy shit that's not on sale, that's NPC behavior. and if you buy shit you don't even like, on steam you could refund it)
these costs are negligible, the real cost is the time you lose finding a properly cracked version and ensuring its integrity over simply download=>play
trading time for money is wagecuck mentality, and it's the best way to ensure you'll never break out of the slave loop

>> No.11521058
File: 104 KB, 800x1028, fullsizeoutput_164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
