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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11516971 No.11516971 [Reply] [Original]

My father just told me he isn't going to let me inherit his house
What the fuck should I do?

>> No.11516976

Burn it down

>> No.11517010

Make him regret saying that!

>> No.11517025

>if I can't have it, nobody will

>> No.11517037

Who cares? U gonna let ur dad decide ur life? Patetic

>> No.11517042

Win the lottery. Make him regret turning his back on you

>> No.11517046
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>> No.11517049

buy an oz of gold

it will be worth 1/20th of his house by 2020

>> No.11517055

My scumbag boomer mother did this shit to me when I was a teen. Haven't talked to her in twelve years now. Cut all toxic people out of your life

>> No.11517062
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the house is worth 600K

>> No.11517128

Put itching powder in his underwear. That'll show him

>> No.11517234

Kill him before he puts it in the will

>> No.11517276

Sue for your cut when he dies

>> No.11517330

shit down one of the vents

>> No.11517342

Don't be a useless neet leech?

>> No.11517358

For some reason the Boomer generation seems to think that any money inherited is undeserved. I love my parents, but when it comes to money they can get weird. Most boomers have millennial children, the first American generation that has a lower income average than the previous. This bugs them because they are so programed to expect success that they freak out of their kids for not meeting this magic standard.

>> No.11517369

mortgage the house without him knowing and all in LINK

>> No.11517389

Kill him. Not even joking.
His existence means nothing if he isn't willing to let you inherit his properties

>> No.11517402

Boomers are the generation that created the hippies. They were the first generation to believe in the equality lie

>> No.11517455

>passing down property, money, etc
Do white people really do this?

>> No.11517460

Not anymore. Only jews do

>> No.11517878


>> No.11517892

yes because they actually have things unlike minorities

>> No.11517919

Why does he have to give it to you? Did you help him pay for it? Did he inherit it from his family or did he buy it himself?

>> No.11517921

This. /thread

>> No.11517944

Thats cute OP, my step mum took everything after my dad died and somehow became the executor of his will.

>> No.11517977

lol, a jew once told me you keep the gelt in the family
they've destroyed the whites so badly you can't even be proud of yourself in public

>> No.11517996
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>tfw this happened when my granddad died and my step-grandma took his multi million dollar investment property portfolio

>> No.11518001

who is getting the house then? His mistress?

>> No.11518019
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he keeps talking about his future daughter

>> No.11518547

Oh god.

>> No.11519389

Move on and build your own success.
Either that or poke bits of raw meat into the central heating ducts.

>> No.11519725

respect it
its his money and he can waste how he wants
you gotta take care of your own

w-what you say? your father inherit a bunch of shit from his parents and they from his?! but your dad is special, he earned his so there's no argument...

>> No.11519763

He's a piece of shit.
Tell him that and don't bother with him after.

>> No.11519782

Grow the fuck up you loser and get an apartment.