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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 113 KB, 929x1150, sexy babe blonde 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11508735 No.11508735 [Reply] [Original]

Now that crypto is dead its time to brush up on our job seeking skills.

How do you explain having a 2 year gap on your resume (I was basically crypto trading)? I can't say I was just sitting at home with my parents trading internet meme money, I need some better answer.

>> No.11508749


You don't.

>> No.11508754

Say i was studying someone online classes trying to better yourself. Immediately sign up for those free ones like coursera/brilliant.

>> No.11508800

2k16 to 2018 - Early adopter of CryptoCurrency and BlockChain technologies.

During this period I participated in the development and consolidation of thriving ecosystems in a brand new technology that promised to revolutionize the way we trade, grow, build relationships and prosper. From technologies directly related in finance to blockchain technologies aimed at providing identification in countries where the governments have either collapsed or turned on the people. From doing research on teams and products to spending whole nights for months reading white papers, I feel I have learned how to break new ground and tame the unknown. If you were to give me this position I promise daily blowjobs as my experience with the unknown will enable me to perform blindfolded, in complete darkness.

>> No.11508852
File: 14 KB, 317x307, pinkwojaking harder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why would you want a job?
you did crypto trading... then you're rich, and you're just retiring.

>> No.11508854

RIP Denmark
Thousands of years to evolve that skin hair and body in a freezing climate and she throws her genetic heritage into the toilet to race mix
Tbh I'm not sure how her parents can cope with the audacity of this nigger loving slut.

>> No.11508890
File: 415 KB, 1920x1080, 5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwBb5LCmBzXoivs5BtOMqXkM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto is dead

why dont you learn how to scalp instead of chasing pump n dumps?

>> No.11508891

I wonder what this guy wanks too

>> No.11508942
File: 287 KB, 1828x854, crypto wojak pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you did crypto trading... then you're rich

>> No.11508966

you fucked tho.
did it properly, turns out, when you are good banks will actually fucking hire you when you tell about blockchain experience. You just need more than "browsed /biz for 2 years keklol"

>> No.11508980

You sound mad, this is what happens when Scandi girls go to the US. Never let your girl go to the states, she will get blacked.

>> No.11508981

are you mad that there are a lot more guys more attractive than you, or what exactly is it?

>> No.11509003
File: 347 KB, 1385x917, Interracial mixing baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mad whiteboi?

We gonna BLACK the entire planet soon.

>> No.11509044
File: 465 KB, 1920x1833, 1539905033116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shagging is mutual mate, just saying

>> No.11509050

god what did she breed with to make that thing?
a brown chinaman?

>> No.11509066

baby looks asian

>> No.11509076

Even the mods of /b/ wouldn't fuck that child holy moly it's hideous.

>> No.11509090
File: 107 KB, 750x937, 1539905350376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah to be honest it's not a good looking baby at all.

>> No.11509111 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 1700x1133, interracial cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah like any queen would want a lil dick whiteboi. You gotta be at least 8" to hit a black girl ass.

Your women are constantly hearing about the sexual prowess of the BBC, and they're looking for it now that they're empowered and independent.

>> No.11509118

>10 months old
>5 o’clock shadow

>> No.11509125
File: 77 KB, 768x960, 1539992420280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you're memeing but my girlfriend definitely likes my "lil whiteboi dick". Stay mad friendo.

>> No.11509140 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 493x524, 0 CNbADXmlpNOQMWFd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try blackie, not even black women want "bbc"
everyone craves superior BWC

>> No.11509179

Lel btfo

>> No.11509193

You lads spend a lot of time thinking about the best cocks?

>> No.11509204

just say you day traded, boomers love that shit, pick up some meme terms from /smg/ and you'll be fine

>> No.11509209

Say you were doing freelance consultation work in the industry of your choice and have a friend you trust be used as an client who hired you.

Lie, lie, lie. It's what working for other people is all about.

>> No.11509231

> I can't say I was just sitting at home with my parents trading internet meme money
Yes, you can.

>> No.11509267

I am basically in the same situation. And will soon have a one year gap. A friend runs a online biz parttime with a actual LCC and shit. Can he just set up a PDF with his signature that I did some graphic editing/design and web dev for him? Anyone experience in that ?

>> No.11509332

baby already has a moustache and wherever you aim youre going to hit it right between the eyes lol

>> No.11509352

fake news

>> No.11509372

Just lie and say you had a job during that period. Nobody will ever check if you're good.

>> No.11509379

> Traveling
> Volunteering
> Studying irrelevant courses
> Freelancing through hobbies

All three filled 5 years of gap and got me job.

>> No.11509384

starting today, i will not fap for atleast a week!

>> No.11509397
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>> No.11509437

And what is that more? Following crypto Twitter and blogging?

>> No.11509460

Just lie and say you were living off personal investments and traveling.

>> No.11509499

I wish to be white in the next life so that I may experience the love of a white woman and have the high iq of a white person

t. Filthy non white :(

>> No.11509572

ok same

>> No.11509643


>> No.11510187

that has to be the ugliest fucking baby I have ever seen

>> No.11510197
File: 65 KB, 800x526, le-whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasting dubs for a /pol/ LARP
sad times

>> No.11510202


> I can't say I was just sitting at home with my parents trading internet meme money, I need some better answer.

Say you were "exploring blockchain technology".

>> No.11510266

both look like shit, absolute cringe

>> No.11510269


Just a little last one fap... give me a minute, I'll check OP pic...

Ok done, now I stop

Until tomorrow

>> No.11510307

You're literally a faggot if this is your genuine thought process

>> No.11510360

This isn't about other men being better looking then me. By your logic she should ditch that negroid for a more attractive negroid ad infinitum.
The point is women are the gate keepers to reproduction and determine the size of the next generation.
Technical civilization requires at least an average IQ of 90-100 to be self sustaining.
Nigger IQ is so low that for much of the 20th century the average negroid was medically retarded, Europeans had to change the definition because of how many blacks fell into that category (even with European DNA admix present in "African Americans")
The only issue I have is that high profile people who race mix promote the behaviour and normalize an abnormal coupling which is on a slippery slope
As soon as mulatto children out number white children the civilization that her ancestors built will be destroyed and the only people left will be chinks and Jews running the planet.

>> No.11510387

It isn't normalized.
People say blablabla, oh it's beautiful, but they don't act on it.

>> No.11510511
File: 60 KB, 510x679, 1538450261665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11510519

Not gona lie dude it's pretty great
T. Tall white loser

>> No.11510523

boutique venture capital?

>> No.11510531

how do I get a girlfriend with a body like that?Seems unreal

>> No.11510734

This is what you do. You apply to some kind of financial related job. You tell them you are familiar with trading and when they ask you what you trade you simply say speculative trading with digital assets.

If they ask for more information you tell them you trade futures and swaps on virtual currencies like bitcoin and so on. Tell them you are also familiar with quanto derivatives and they will think you are smart.

Of course you will need basic finance knowledge or they will see right away you are clueless

>> No.11510777

>Assuming a /biz/ anon may have even the slightest financal knowledge
Are you new here?

>> No.11510819

Be gentle, whale.

>> No.11510831

you can be aryan even if you are dark.
there are many white, sinful non-aryans who despise the dharmma. cheer up, my nigga

>> No.11510851
File: 2 KB, 117x124, 1538556704726s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahahahhahaha kek, the insult. He insulted the entire /b with that one

>> No.11510858

I would spam icos for opportunities as a “community manager”

There’s 2k/mo to neet it up

>> No.11510896


interviewer: so what were you doing the last 2 years?

you: making magic internet meme money to escape society's enslavement via fiat currency

interviewer: wow you sound like a loser, sorry we only hire NPC brainwashed slaves

>> No.11510944

i put that i was managing a fund lol

had a gap for 2+ years

got a 100k job in san francisco in app advertising tech shit no problem. interviewed at 3 companies.

the ceo was asking me about the bitcoin fork at the time and all these meme questions about stocks.

part of the interview ended up being a 'project' where they asked me to analyze a company and whether i as an investor would buy or short it and make a powerpoint presentation

all was super easy

but i already quit it again to trade

fuck real jobs imagine getting one right as we approach the golden bull run

>> No.11512080

Kek, just telling what I did and it actually got me a job

>> No.11512473


>> No.11513282

wtf is up with her face? kek

>> No.11513310

how the fuck does a baby girl have a mustache already AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.11513326

they look like video game characters, wtf lmao

>> No.11513328

love it, i'm stealing this for my own CV

>> No.11513790
File: 120 KB, 1100x733, imgonline-com-ua-Piconpic-MhCCBFrh2GTs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11514195

Just say your uncle/dad/grandpa needed help on their family farm. Say that you took online classes or learned finance or something in your free time.

>> No.11514347

I can't find a female that looks like her in any modern western game, its all man faces with shrunken tits and barely any blondes.

>> No.11514837

They call those "Fillipinos" Some of the worst creatures ever shat upon civilization

>> No.11514872

Be gentle, whale

>> No.11514881

What do you think her ass smells like?

>> No.11514941
File: 2 KB, 125x125, chicken_fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you don't have to be white to experience the love of a white woman. I'm nonwhite and experience it.
>High IQ, asians have higher IQ on average, blacks have lower, don't assume that just because someone is white they have "high iq".
>Filthy non-white. fucking cuck, man up and stop hating yourself. There is nothing more pathetic than a low confidence faggot

>> No.11514966

god i wish that were me