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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11507142 No.11507142 [Reply] [Original]

I only have one question for you guys:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?

>> No.11507162

>> No.11507171

+0 !

>> No.11507192

We already got profits from buying low and dumping on normies with FUN.

The main question is mah maaan. Why need FUN if you can do the same thing with ETH and BTC. The answer is, no we dont need it.

>> No.11507216

I have nope of this shitcoin but did try to use their casino the other night because I was board and wanted to gamble a couple hundred dollars on blackjack, but fucking couldn't because would allow my country to use it. What a total piece of shit. Is their a decentralised or online casino I can just use ether that has blackjack?

>> No.11507259


When the fuck is this shitty casino going to be legal in Australia? I have 42k of these shitcoins and don't want to sell at a loss so I may as well gamble them away.

Fuck Jez.

>> No.11507304

hopefully this will have a quick death and serve as an example to others. centralization and regulation in crypto is death

>> No.11507336

What is the fucking point of a crypto casino if it isn't decentralized?

>> No.11507961

Luckily this wasn’t my main stack, but I was hoping they would have their shit together and have an accommodating platform. But nope, it’s pure fuckomg retardation. No point in selling now, but I’m stromgkt considering gambling it all away. Great games, stupid accessibility.

>> No.11508126

same situation, same idea. this is the only thing I lost $ on.

>> No.11508167

Same. I’m fucking pissed. I’m going to open up a Star Fox cartridge and drop a massive shit right on nigger sans sfx chip.

>> No.11508176

i bought in at .04, I feel for the fuckers that paid like .10 or whatever ATH for this POS.

>> No.11508209

I bought in around there too. .04-.06. I feel bad for hyping my buddy up and consequently exciting him to buy in at 10 cents. I almost sold near it’s peak too, but I was too confident in that fat fucker. How long you plan on holding, anon?

>> No.11508285

>How long you plan on holding, anon?

Well, whichever comes first:
1) the hand of God reaches down and miracles this piece of shit back to 4 cents so I can get out and get my $ back
2)Burgers can use their faggoty KYC "casino" and I can piss these away on one single hand of blackjack.

Till then I will just hold my bags and be sad.

>> No.11508350

The most artificial of artificial conversations

>> No.11508359

>tfw bought only 100K of this at ICO and just don't have the heart to sell

>> No.11508378

God I wish I was LARPing about holding FUNbags.

>> No.11508382

USA is NEVER happening, there's been numerous questions about this and the bagholders in the group just say "who cares about USA, we have 14 countries"

good luck

>> No.11508388

Today, I will remind them.

>I was excited.
>Found out i needed metamask.
>No problem, downloaded, installed, signed up.
>Found out i also needed a fun pass. No problem, ill sign up.
>Whoops, need to download an app called yoit or voit ot something. Sure, ill do that.
>Need to upload a video of me reading some words, kinda fun!
>Ah, now i need to wait for it to be approved. 5 minutes, i can use this time to buy eth which i can use to buy FUN.
>Oh, its done, now i need to upload my passport.
>Need to wait for approval, sure.
>Now my eth is in binance, i can buy fun now.
>Ok got my fun. Now i need to use the app to get approved for a funpass!
>Got it! Now i can wait for my withdrawal to metamask to clear.
>Finally i can join the game lobby.
>How fast should i set it up? Dont want to wait up to 30 minutes so I'll go with medium.
>Ok, setting up a session! Should be in any minute, ill go grab a beer.
>Error, session not found.
>What? No problem, ill refresh and set up a new one.
>No tokens in metamask?
>Error, session in use, please wait 2 hours for session to be closed.
>Finish beer, go to bed.
>No casino for me.

>> No.11508399
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Of course.

>> No.11508430
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Anyone hoping to make a profit off this is screwed.
Jez cucked out to regulators and now the supporters are left with the weight of the paradox that is regulated crypto gambling.

>> No.11508503

Read this copypasta before

>> No.11508508
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We will make it another way, buddy. Good luck my man.

I fucking wish.

Dubs of pain

>> No.11508512

>Why need <insert shittoken> if you can do the same thing with ETH and BTC. The answer is, no we dont need it.
This trule will save your money

>> No.11508786

you havent been keeping up i can tell. their "casino software" is basically broken. in order to even gamble on the platform you have to pass thru literally 8 kyc gateway concepts. there are literally only 6 registered players in their current casino. the whole project is a massive failure which is why the devs dumped so hard on everyone. its over before it even began. no one is going to use this shit and their games are brainlet tier. not even fun.

>> No.11508952


>8 KYC gateways

Christ why so fucking many? I thought >>11508388 was a fucking meme, do you actually need to do this to use the casino?

Why did Jez think cucking to regulators was a good idea? What the fuck is Jez doing with Funfair right now? Are they even still supporting it or has it been abandoned? This is unironically turning into the worst project in crypto.

>> No.11509016
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>> No.11509019

Its just going to be a long process. Or in other words Jez is a fucking faggot.

>> No.11509045
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*Ahem* fuck niggers. Is that all?

>> No.11509180

Bought 100k at 13 cents, sold at 4 cents and bought REQ.