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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 85 KB, 1024x604, Screen-Shot-2014-01-21-at-4.03.11-PM1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1149767 No.1149767 [Reply] [Original]

~ it's happening ~
From 8 dollars to 9.6 and counting! Get on before the train leaves to 12!

>> No.1149771

omgomgomg I can't breathe it's going up again

>> No.1149775

I'm buying the dip once funds clear. Price drop is just losing all the price action money which isn't reliable anyways. They will run on the first dip and hopefully they got bought out by real investors who understand what they are buying.

>> No.1149787

10 dollars! Whomever hopped on at 8 must be so happy right now.

>> No.1149793

Hope someone learned at least.

>> No.1149798


>> No.1149799

And it wasn't at 8 at all. How quickly the lies start to drip off of your tongues.. I wonder if you even know you're lying, or if you convinced yourself it's the truth.

>> No.1149801

my god. Buy now before the hype gets real!

the fuck... yes it was. I had 7Eu on my ticker 3 hours ago.

>> No.1149805
File: 115 KB, 397x384, albanianpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought the dip

>> No.1149807


>> No.1149809


Please read before buying.

>> No.1149814

Stop shilling your short already kek

>> No.1149828
File: 170 KB, 1850x324, hold steady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks whoever panic sold

>> No.1149829

well, it just went up by 10%. Don't you feel stupid you didn't listen now?

>> No.1149831

could be a dead cat bounce. I'm keeping my excitement in check for now

>> No.1149836

Is this just gambling or can someone predict this shit dump and pump. Someone told to sell after 03/14 and that it will go down to 10 dollars. How can this accurate prediction be made? Just curious

>> No.1149840

truthfully, it's mostly just speculation - stock manipulation and reinvestment by those who have a large wallet.

But that goes for anything in the market. The thing is to know the high and low and stay within that margin.

>> No.1149849

Only the whales can predict the pump/dumps because they are the ones causing them. Even then, they can only predict the ones they specifically cause.

>no, even someone with 10,000 eth is not considered a whale. That type of volume barely makes a small wave when moved
>the total volume is in the tens of millions of $$$ a DAY

>> No.1149859

Memes aside, Ethereum actually has the opportunity to become the 2nd largest alt-coin.

Would be nice if we had bitcoin, ethereum and litecoin as a common trade currency online.

>> No.1149868

Fuck it went all the way down to $8.30USD but I was sleeping

>> No.1149875


Who the fuck needs litecoin?

Literal clone coin.

What does litecoin offer that Bitcoin doesn't???

Smaller market cap?


Also, I told you guy to buy the dip. You didn't listen, now its time for regret.

>> No.1149880


>> No.1149884

>what does a penny do what a dollar doesn't

what are they saying?

>> No.1149887
File: 78 KB, 542x530, darkmemealbanian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ether being used in Wendy burgers as a new sauce

go check fox NOW NWO NOW FOX 666

>> No.1149894


I started watching the sell orders as the slide began from about 0.025. Suddenly there was an extra 150-200,000 sell orders of fractions of ETH. Say 0.03 ETH and they continued thousands upon thousands .00000001 of a BTC lower than the other. This continued all the way down until the price hit 0.020....then vanished,. All of a sudden 150,000 sell orders disappeared and the buy orders doubled.
Unfortunately there were a lot of sell orders of 10-100 ETH in-between while this was happening. Those are the people the wales are squeezing.

>> No.1149897

They're interviewing people outside the bank after remortgaging their house to put it all on ETH!

>> No.1149910

>what does a penny do what a dollar doesn't

Yeah, except Bitcoin can be both penny and dollar, if you didn't know yet, you can pay in 0.00004 bitcoin

>> No.1149917


>> No.1149937

you miss the point completely. no one wants to pay 0.000000000000000000000000000000x for something that's not convenient. I can pay with a 500 bill for a 1 dollar candybar too, it's not convenient.

There's still a human psychological element to currency.

>> No.1149942

that's why when the currency becomes valuable enough we will just denominate the prices in satoshis or whatever. paying 0.000001 btc for a coffee is weird, but paying 100 satoshis is just fine

>> No.1149948

maybe, but I'm still confident people will want an alternative.

>> No.1149955

You have no arguments. The only thing I see is a Litecuck bagholder gambler from the ATH pump sour graping and crying his eyes out at jealousy of successful ETH investors.

>> No.1149956


>> No.1149966

I never invested in anything else than bitcoin or ETH actually.

but yes I do wish I hopped on soooooner

>> No.1149989

>mfw getting cucked for a fourth time in a row by coin base
>could have bought in at .01 but my money still hasn't cleared
Swear I'll set up wire transfer properly after this shit...

>> No.1150058

Thanks for sharing, I've been on the lookout for something like this.

>> No.1150098

It was released today. Never seen it before

>> No.1150103

any ETH's also on SYS?

if so, why the fuck would you SYS?

>> No.1150161


SYS is definitely a pump and dump schemed up by cryptowolves or something. It's already dropping.

>> No.1150167
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Still not even close to 0.03 BTC. Looks like a dead cat bounce but I'll cross my fingers.

>> No.1150308

ETH reversal confirmed. Moon rocket is about to launch in 10...9...8...

>> No.1150314
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>> No.1150317
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>using a daily chart of usd price.

Yor fick as fuck m8

>> No.1150320

>implying that $10.11 isn't the current price
Kek. Just wanted to show people that it is still on a downwards trend.

>> No.1150323
File: 103 KB, 652x644, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you want to show people and what is actually happening on the 15 minute chart are 2 different things.

>> No.1150325
File: 16 KB, 777x453, ethercuckbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and here is the current BTC chart.
>It's recovering!
>It's a reversal!
>It's skyrocketing!

>> No.1150328

You dumbass. 15 minute chart doesn't even show the overall trend. Daily chart shows it much more accurately. Its not even like I am not using the current price. This is updated in real time.

>> No.1150333

In fact in the minute or so since I posted it now dropped to .0248. It's not like its even still going up in the super short term.

>> No.1150371

You're about to get cucked hard. ETH dipped to 0.02 already and has risen to this point. It is going to levitate gradually and before you know it you'll have missed the dip.

1 bit of good news or a random whale buy is going to cuck you out of the dip.

>> No.1150399

thats how I do it, too. For real. Thats more vaulable than my dick. Doof

>> No.1150403

>It is going to levitate gradually

>> No.1150417

Yes. Im going to sleep like a baby (UK) knowing that ETH will have risen overnight.

If you look around the internet outside of 4chan you'll notice that the Ethereum PR behemoth is cranking up in to a higher gear. It WILL have an affect. You either buy now, or miss out on pips.

>> No.1150418

>so much bullshit condensed into such a small post

>> No.1150420

>It is going to levitate gradually and before you know it you'll have missed the dip.

What Fundamental and / or technical analysis are you using to justify this statement?

>> No.1150504

I'll use fundamental analysis.

Bitcoin is a pile of shit and will not change.

Ethereum is leading in almost every aspect of cryptocurrency and now has enough liquidity to attract larger whales.

During homestead ETH was added to bitfinex and a couple of other exchanges, ethereum is now the most widely traded cryptocurrency after bitcoin and has over half it's trading volume.

There is STILL no major chinese exchange that has added ethereum.

Ethereum is virtually unknown outside of the english speaking world

Ethereum related google searches continue to rise at a huge rate

The general trend of the chart is stil UP

Panic selling has already occured and the bear trap was sprung. ETH has bottomed out at 0.020 and has spent the last 12 hours gradually rising to over 0.025

The ethereum PR machine is now VERY well funded.

Consensys and ETHdev have no lack of funding.

More and more anouncements will be coming next week

Slock.it ICO will begin end of march and will convert thousands of bitcoins in to ETH

Ethereum still has zero viable competition and leads in all fields.

>> No.1150507

Digix ICO will also begin soon and will convert thousands of bitcoins in to ETH.

>> No.1150541

See, at least this is not blatant shilling anymore.

Post like this should follow every time a cuck says BUY or SELL for any cryptokek.

>> No.1150551

I don't shill. I just genuinely know that Ethereum will be worth more than bitcoin very soon.

Anyone looking at the facts would objectively see this. It's a shame that bitcoiners are trapped in a bubble of censorship so 4chan is the only place they ever get exposed to reality.

>> No.1150554

Yeah but the title of the thread is Ethereum pump. So what exactly is it you're doing here, Mr. reasonable reasons?

>> No.1150557

>I just genuinely know that Ethereum will be worth more than bitcoin very soon
You KNOW, huh? Topkek. This is what every shitcoiner has ever said. I dont even own any bitcoin and I think you're an idiot.

> 4chan is the only place they ever get exposed to reality
That sounds like you and all your little shitcoin forums that you frequent and all the shitcoin youtube videos you watch. It's called "indoctrination". You might want to look into the meaning of the word.

>> No.1150558

when you put it like that I don't feel like such a bag holder anymore

>> No.1150567

Now replace everything he just said about ethereum with "litecoin" 2 years ago.
>b-but muh fundamentals

>> No.1150568

Kek as much as you like faggot. I made sweet fucking gains on ethereum and soon anyone who ever bought ETH even at $15 will be making sweet gains while bitcoin bagholders wait for the mythical halving pump that will never arrive and shitcoin holders continue to cling on to their terrible choices.

>> No.1150571

You cant compare the two. Litecoin was knocked out in an afternoon and has zero dev or corporate support

>> No.1150580

get ready to prep the bull, its taking another dip to the low 20s,

>> No.1150584

>sweet fucking gains
You sound like one of those douchebags at the blackjack table who get all cocky when they double down on a 12 and happen to get a 9.

>> No.1150591

>corporate support
So you mean like Ripple which also had tons of corporate support and tanked? The same Ripple who has also BTFO ethereums market cap and trading volume at one point? Oh wait, it is centralized so we cant draw ANY comparisons at all right, even though they both are into smart contracts and trying to cater to the banking/finance industry. Even though Ethereum was premined and uses the premine to fund development. Nooooo, nothing at all alike. Lmfao

>> No.1150604

litecoin does not have any innovations
It is literally a BTC clone, not even figuratively. It is literally cloned code with higher quantity.

EThereum is made from ground 0, blockchain was just their inspiration.

>> No.1150606

Litecoin did not host augur.net and ton of other dapps

>> No.1150607

all the halving is already weighted in the price.

>> No.1150608

So you think Ripple is better?

Theoretically you can diversify in all 3, but Ripple devs have full control over the price and decisions. Ethereum still works on the same idea as Bitcoin.

>> No.1150615

I don't think its better. I think they are the same, minus the centralization aspect. Since nobody outside of the crypto world cares about decentralization, they both peaked at around the same marketcap. I just dont see Ethereum going to $20 like the shills here are making it seem. Once Microsoft and R3 consortium was interested, thats as peak as you can get. It only goes down from there.

>> No.1150617

You done with your gish gallop yet?

>> No.1150620

Ok, Ripple disregarded, because of this simple thing:

VOLUME 24h RIPPLE: $ 233,543
VOLUME 24h ETH: $51,481,400

>> No.1150622

I think this image says it all. How the fuck could I have missed it before.

With Ripple, it is basically like this: one guy buys for price X, market cap is set Price X * Qty

But the volume is TINY.

With ETH, it has 1/2 of BTC volume ALREADY. HOLY SHIT.

>> No.1150624
File: 133 KB, 1012x471, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're using your eth to go long on eth

strap in for the moon boys

>> No.1150625

Thats the point. Ripple used to have the same volume that ethereum has today. Ethereum is Ripple 3 years ago.

>> No.1150626

So what is your counterargument for DApp development, potential "killer apps" and switching to Proof of Stake, thus limiting the supply and issuance?

>> No.1150627

Nope. You are missing the full picture. Ripple had $50 million trade volume at one point.

>> No.1150630

if you remove decentralization from blockchain you have nothing

>Since nobody outside of the crypto world cares about decentralization

people outside crypto world dont move the price of crypto

>> No.1150632

DApp development is a new gimmick for sure. Until I see actua mainstream use and not just vaporware, I'm not sold on it. It seems really niche to me because most apps actually benefit from centralization and having a point of authority for dispute resolution.

>> No.1150635
File: 47 KB, 439x471, 1423325036194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 1.00 BTC = 37.5282 ETH on shapeshift right now and only dropping, while it was like 41 earlier today

Should I wait it out some more, or buy now before it gets worse?

>> No.1150640

I just dont agree with you and neither did Ripples billion dollar marketcap and tens of millions in VC funding. They STILL to this day have banks using their networks. I dont think the marketcap suffered because of centralization, it suffered from speculators who pump n dumped it just like ethereum. They proved that a centralized model works.

>> No.1150645


>Until I see actua mainstream use and not just vaporware, I'm not sold on it.
Well, no shit. If it goes mainstream it will have a stable price and you won't be able to make huge gains anymore. That is the whole point. Sure there is risk, but what better alternative than ETH is there in crypto market right now?

BTC is dying, what else?

ETH also solves all that bitcoin blockchain lag issue which makes it unusable for micropayments.

>> No.1150659

no one gives a shit about a centralized decentralized ledger except the banks

the people who are interested in crypto are trying to move away from the banks. If you want to see the support for centralized vs decentralized blockchain, add up the market cap of all the coins that aren't ripple, and compare that to ripple.

>> No.1150668

>but what better alternative than ETH is there in crypto market right now?
Not being in the crypto market right now? There are plenty of other ways to make money. I don't like investing in something just because "it is the best we have at this point". Cryptos are still niche and may always be niche. Blockchain tech may take off but I think banks are going to be leaving the currency (coinmarketcap) aspect out of it because it involves too much outside risk. Even if decentralized apps do become useful, I'm not sure you can monetize them that well because the whole point is to not create monopolies. Eventually some other crypto will come along to improve on ethereums model just like it improved on ripples smart contract model and just like other altcoins are improving on bitcoins payment model.

>> No.1150675

Ripple used to have well over a billion dollar marketcap. Your point is not valid.

>> No.1150684


So not even close to bitcoin?

>> No.1150691

>people who are interested in crypto are trying to move away from the banks
Thats why the r3 banking consortium and ethereum connections were not hyped up for months right? Because cryptos are moving AWAY from banks and large corporations? Come on.

>> No.1150697

Neither is Ethereum? Thats the point. Bitcoin was the first of its kind and a lot of the marketcap was achieved by bots and manipulation. The second highest marketcap of any crypto of all time is Ripple, which is centralized. Even most crypto fanatics do not care about centralization or anonymity. If they did then 99% of you would not be using centralized exchanges that feed your personal information to the government. You guys only care about the crypto that will make you MONEY. All the rest is secondary and "nice to haves" and looks good when you are trying to hype your coin or explain why it is "fundamentally" different than Bitcoin so you can justify price and marketcap.

>> No.1150702


>> No.1150713

This can only happen when bitcoin becomes introduced to the majority of the public and is no longer backed by the dollar.

>> No.1150717

For fundamental and technical analysis please use this thread:


>> No.1150721
File: 40 KB, 854x480, Let's Shoot This Baby To The Moon (2000) HD.mp4_snapshot_00.20_[2016.03.11_19.41.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ETH will be how half of the world buys electricity in 5 to 10 years.


vid related.

>> No.1150729
File: 3.03 MB, 359x202, 1457908523001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Investing in some turing-complete overhyped coin
Not investing in Agoras and Tau-chain.

>> No.1150735

Please explain in bullet points, using fundamental and/or technical analysis why Agoras and Tau-chain are better alternatives.

Thank you.

>> No.1150740

Lol tauchain is a scheme bro. Can you not tell?

one jew on youtube does not a blockchain make

>falling for this

Oy vey

>> No.1150752

go invest in ripple then. enjoy holding the bag.

>> No.1150754

Alright, so what are your suggestions then?

You think blockchain technology is shit and will die off and no killer app will ever be found?

>> No.1150755
File: 218 KB, 1021x1021, 5a724a1070d437177c682a53d051afe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please explain in bullet points, using fundamental and/or technical analysis why Agoras and Tau-chain are better alternatives.
1. Ethereum client is fixed, meaning the network's protocol cannot change with time. It is hard-coded, and if one day users would like to change its behavior, they will probably require a hard-fork of Ethereum's blockchain. On the other hand, Tau client's behavior and code is itself on-chain. Think open a GitHub repository with a code and all it is doing is downloading from GitHub its own code and executing it. This is exactly what Tau client is doing: every block contains its own code, including the conditions for accepting the next block. Therefore we get maximum flexibility not only for apps over Tau but for Tau itself.

2. Ethereum's rules are predetermined by their developers. Tau will come out with no rules at all. Its users will set its behavior. At this sense, tau begins with total equilibrium among its participants, a priori.

3. Ethereum's applications are written in a Turing complete language, which disables the whole magic of proofs over a given code, as emphasized in many places.

4. Ethereum does not support separate contexts: everyone executes all code. Therefore, it is impractical to supply general purpose or HPC software over Ethereum. On the other hand, Tau has separate contexts, so one may subscribe to a context (like installing an app from Appstore/GooglePlay) without interfering with other contexts. Yet, that context can reference other existing contexts and reuse their code.

4. Ethereum's model requires a coin ("fuel"). Tau doesn't need a coin: the users can agree on the economic characteristic of the network and define any kind of incentive they find adequate, whether globally over the whole network or over their local Tau client.

>> No.1150758

Why would I invest in Ripple? That ship has long since sailed. I was just making comparisons to the 2 cryptos. You guys act like ethereum is the first coin with a billion dollar maketcap, banking connections, corporate sponsors and smart contracts. You also act like it MUST go to the moon because of these things. Its my opinion that this is the highest ethereum goes. There is no more news to hype it up.

>> No.1150762

Agoras is the main market application that will run on tau

Agoras will support true peer-to-peer contracts too: business that don't need a public arena to take place, can take place between two Agoras clients.

In addition, Agoras will offer several markets besides being merely a currency, like hiring programmers in a innovative way that eliminates the need of trust like it was never possible before ( see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SXfYgQxsOA)), renting computational resources (see Zennet super computer project to get impression of uses and market size), and decentralized yet incentivized search engine.

>> No.1150763

Alright, where can I read more about this Tau and where can I buy it?

>> No.1150764

Should I keep my Syscoin?

>> No.1150765

I told you guys this would happen this morning. I fucking told you guys.

I hope those who said I was wrong feel horrible:^) When are you gonna step out? I'm looking for the 12.4 range but that might be a bit too far.

>> No.1150778

just bought 3.7 eth when do i into Dan Blitz mode

>> No.1150789

ETH rebound has almost run its course. Prepare anuses for Eth Dump Part Deux.

>> No.1150793

>Alright, where can I read more about this
Their Bitcointalk thread is probably a good start.

>and where can I buy it?
The devs are selling pre-sale tokens that will be replaced by the actual coins once Tau and Agoras are ready. The can already be traded on Bittrex but could be cheaper if bought directly from the dev since they have introduced volume discounts on their pre-sale on Bitcointalk.

I think they are probably a bit underfunded since their pre-sale has been very slow and they also only plan on keeping 2% of the coins for the devs and 1% for other projects. I don't know if this is really enough to get the project finished.

Their whole concept is also much more difficult to understand than most other coins.

They say that they will be ready in a few months but I actually doubt that we will see anything meaningfull coming out of this in 2016.

>> No.1150800

This is based on... what, exactly?

>> No.1150803

You know if they really want coverage (or ETH for that matter) the developers should start working together already. It'll take a good innovative team to convince the current market of an alternative to bitcoin and their chain

>> No.1150816

Fucking coinbase. I wanted to buy this morning at 8.8 and all day my BTC isn't arriving. I'll still get in as soon as possible but it's going to cost me 10ETH damnit

>> No.1150817

Which is why it's back up to eleven and the sticks indicate upward momentum right? See you when it hits $15 and you're crying for missing out on an easy 50%.

>> No.1150832

Goddamn it

Satoshi nakamoto (nick szabo) himself has over 500,000ETH

Can you not see?

Can you not understand the earthquake thats about to happen?

Do you know how far and deep ethereum goes?

Do you have some kind of inability to observe the obvious facts around yourself?

>> No.1150835

nigger it goes up and down stfu

>> No.1150837

> Buy ETH at $15, sell at $9
> Buy Counterparty at 0.007, sell at 0.005
> Send the few remaining BTC i have to satoshi dice and lose it all on a coinflip

Life is suffering

>> No.1150840

another stupid nigger bites the dust, should have bought a 40 of malt liquor instead, it would have served you better

>> No.1150861

>that feel when you're tipsy and you go $8000 long on eth

dont be like me kids. dont drink and trade

>> No.1150863

>the earthquake thats about to happen?
You think Szabo might dump it all? Its possible I guess.

>> No.1150866

same btc wont arrive in my account until the 22st fucking bs

>> No.1150870

So this is where my profit comes from. I knew people like you had to exist, i just didn't believe it.

>> No.1150872

ETH won't dump again until Monday.

>> No.1150945

You will not regret

>> No.1150946

Do you even have a clue son? Ive met all the bitcoin higher ups, do you even realise what ETH is? It will make bitcoin look fucking crappy.

>> No.1150953

what ya predict it will go to?

I kept holding even after 10 euro, but I feel like it would've been smarter to sell and buy back low.

>> No.1150959

>Ive met all the bitcoin higher ups
So what are you trying to say? Spit it out autist. Is Szabo going to dump or not? This is important information if he is.

>> No.1150975

Of course not. You think anyone would dump this total gold mine? This is the opportunity to entirely remake the monetary system.

Nothing like this opportunity existed since the rothschilds bought british war bonds during the napoleonic wars.

Ethereum is backed by goldman sachs

Fucking get to know.

Everyone i chat to, city boys, know about eth now. Jesus christ the bubble beyond All bubbles is about to begin motherfuck

>> No.1150988

>Ethereum is backed by goldman sachs
You got a chuckle out of me.

>> No.1150991 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 225x225, 0048 - 8zW530X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ethercucks not buying into rare pepecoins

>> No.1150996

>most crypto fanatics do not care about centralization or anonymity
99% of bitcoin transactions are for illegal drugs and maybe a few porn passes

>> No.1151011

Are you dumb bruv are you dumb? Buy buy buy with both hands

Bitcoin 2.0. Mad profits sunshine!

>> No.1151014

Wrong. 99% of crypto transactions are speculatory trades back and forth through exchanges. Go and research how much bitcoin was spent on silk road and you will see it is a fraction of the total daily volume done through exchanges. Only 1% of bitcoin use is towards something pracrical like buying drugs. Hardly any of you care that exchanges are 100% centralized. You still use them. Barely any of you also seem to care that you are doxxed by exchanges.

>> No.1151021

Why would anyone buy "Tau" if it doesn't have any use like ethereun fuel. I read about it a while ago before investing in eth but from what I could understand it sounds sort of similar to how bittorent works (I could be wrong tho)

>> No.1151027

I mean aside from trading no one buys shit with bitcoin. Ethereum will soon replace them witha decentralized market when a dapp like safemarket comes out, making bitcoins pretty much usuless outdated technology with 1+ transaction times and hijacked by the greedy Chinese miners. Also have you ever heard of PGP? only idiots dont encrypt their info

>> No.1151067

I don't disagree. I just think that improvements to decentralization and anonymity don't seem really that important to crypto traders who dictate the marketcap and level of support. Miners may set prices but ultimately the buy support is determined by the market. It's obvious that it is mostly libertarians creating the tech and driving innovation but I'm not too sure most of the market cares about the same features they do. If the market was mostly comprised of libertarians then localbitcoins would be crushing most of the centralized exchanges in volume, which is not the case. Also, a centralized currency like Ripple would not have so much support and volume to where it had the all time highest marketcap of any altcoin next to Bitcoin. Ethereum did not really have any increase in marketcap until a large corporate entity like Microsoft gave them the stamp of approval. I'm just too sure people cate about decentralized apps or else Ethereum would have gained traction much sooner and not just hype from the r3 banking consortium news. People want to make money on this crap. Stuff like decentralization and anonymity is cool but only if it doesn't detract from the goal of making money.

>> No.1151070

not too sure people care*

>> No.1151130

Give up pham
Ripple is yesteryears news.

>> No.1151137

People do care about the centralized exchanges btw when they charge so high fees, slow af, get busted or straight up steal your money. People that just trade might not give a shit but if they are smart they will know that others do. Better technology greatly effects the marketcap and support since the only thing that makes bitcoin different from monopoly money is the people buying drugs which will be switching to better alternatives making btc worthless. Also you can't compare the volume from exchanges from local bitcoins to others. one is usually for buying once then spending it on whatever ur purchase is or holding long term and sites like polo/kraken are constantly day trading shit tons of transactions back and forth to try and make a profit which is is why there is such big volume.
Microsoft didn't drive up the recent eth price increase it was really the 4chan shilling for the past months. Really tho its because of homestead news which means a stable release which is why now exchanges are adding it and more dapps are doing to be released
I believe turning-complete is what is going to relapse bitcoin and currently they arent much commotion

>> No.1151143

Also aside from just an anonymous currency it has a lot more uses and potential. Strong team, funding and a face behind it unlike fake anon jap guy

>> No.1151147

Huh? I thought I already said that earlier in the thread. Ripple was abandoned by the market pretty quickly after it was pumped. Considering it had a marketcap higher than Ethereums at one point this is not something that should be discounted. All the Ripple fanatics at the time were "confident" that XRP would pass BTCs marketcap and make everyone millionaires like BTC did with the early adopters. I wouldn't even be bringing up Ripple if there wasnt so many parallels between it and Ethereum. Both have corporate backing. In Ripples case it was Google. Both developed smart contracts. Both got interest from banks. Both got interest from Microsoft. And yet Ripple tanked. I will tell you right now it had nothing to do with centralization. If it was then it would have never gained so much support in the first place. It was that there was no hype left for investors to get excited. Why do you think Ethereum has been tanking in price for the last week? No more news. Homestead is already released. Microsoft already added it to BaaS. R3 banking consortium already showed interest. It needs some other hype news article for people to rally around. This may never happen.

>> No.1151149

>it was really the 4chan shilling for the past months
I hope this is a joke. I think it is.

>Microsoft didn't drive up the recent eth price
Actually if you go back and look at the timeline, Microsoft news and R3 consortium news correspond directly with the increase in price of ethereum. Homstead release actually caused a small dip.

>> No.1151160

Just like Ripple. The CEO of Ripple was the guy who founded Prosper. They also Jed McCaleb who was a well respected bitcoin dev and tons of executives from banking sectors and federal reserve.

You will find that a good team, although cool for the Ethereum Foundation, does not necessarily mean MOON. That would mean that cryptos have to be successful just because they have smart people behind it. Plenty of smart people were behind Bitcoin and it hasnt reached anywhere near its ATH in years.

>> No.1151208

Cryoto doesn't have corporate backing, microsoft will add any blockchain
The way that went back up after the pump and not tank after homestead switch is just one reason why this isn't just a pump and dump and has potential
Every feature that altcoins create devs can code it themselves on etheream network
I believe you can even create a centralized coin on the decentralized network if you wanted
Anyways look what happened to the price of syscoin when they released their decentralized market, you will see a bigger increase when one does get released on ethereum and it has a high chance of being the goto market because of its many uses making bitcoin/drugmarkets/altcoins obsolete. Syscoin market also accepts btc tho so I see as much use with actual SYS
Ripple is nothing like ethereum

>> No.1151223

Ripple is centralized garbage and isnt turning-complete which is etheruems its main feature. Ripple was trying to build a business model to make blockchain available to banks. Ethereum is a global computer and already has many devs getting onboard making whatever they like on it or even starting their own business with it.
http://dapps.ethercasts.com/ (list of dapps being developed so far, more to start now thats its out of beta)
hypothetically a country could make their own currency on the ethereum network. while that might be a bit far fetched a decentralized uber isnt

>> No.1151225


>Wrong. 99% of crypto transactions are speculatory trades back and forth through exchanges.

trades on exchanges don't use the blockchain you dumb kuk. the majority of funds are in cold storage and only come out when someone wants to withdraw.

>> No.1151229

Its friday night and there are quite a few drunk people here. Me included.

The idiot that keeps going on about ripple should just stfu. Ripple is dead. There is no demand for a centralised shitcoin.

Ethereum is a decentralised blockchain. Completely trustless which allows smart contracts to actually work as intended.

People. Ethereum is a innovation on par with the invention of the clock.

A whole new form of economics is dawning. This is the true black swan.

>> No.1151244


the problem is that even if we see the innovation it could take many years to catch on with the normies, just like the internet

>> No.1151263

This isnt a whole new form of economics. Calm down. There is literally no difference between this and fiat. That chart is pretty much wrong except this has no recourse to adjust for business cycles. its purely a day trading avenue.

>> No.1151267

Yeah the bottom line is that shills are scammers and liars who perpetuate fraud to bilk people out of their money. To me that's the basic fact here, regardless of whatever else might or might not be true about etherm.


>> No.1151275

>reason why this isn't just a pump and dump
I never said it was meant to be a pump and dump, thats just how the market treats it. Microsoft announcement, pump. R3 consortium, pump. Homestead, dump. Of course it probably has potential for decentralized apps but the market does not care. These same apps have been available long before the pump in price and Ethereum remained under $1 for a long time. It doesnt mean anything. I wish I could agree with you that it doea, but I dont see it.

>Ripple is nothing like ethereum
They are exactly alike. The only yhing different is the centralization. In fact, Ethereum was in a race to get smart contracts developed first because they knew that Codius made what they were developing redundant. Go look back at any of the ethereum posts on the forum about 2 years ago. My guess is you werent even aware of ethereum, let alone jump on the bandwagon yet.

>> No.1151281

>Ripple is centralized garbage
Centralized, yes. For sure this probably offended your libertarian instincts but the rest of the market didnt mind since they all rallied behind it pushing the market cap well over 1.2 billion, which ethereum has never accomplished. Like I said earlier, crypto developers may be mostly libertarian but the majority of the market is not. If the market was truly libertarian then they would be all using localbitcoins instead of centralized exchanges that give their personal information to the government. I'm just not too sure that there is much demand for decentralized apps. If there was then ethereun would have gained traction long before banks announced they were interested in smart contracts.

>> No.1151283

100% wrong.

>> No.1151289

>Ripple is dead
Exactly. But it had nothing to do with it being centralized. It had to do with a lack of demand for smart contracts. People like new innovative things but when it really comes down to it people buy shitcoins to sell later for more money than they bought it. Anything that will hype up coins short term is jumped all over until the price has bubbled way more than its current value. Ethereum does not have enough use to justify a billion dollar marketcap and it may never.

>> No.1151309

>market does not care
If people believe it has potential to have a higher value and use in the future then that will affect the price now. All investing is a gamble but I personally think that based off the facts it will be better then bitcoin ever did
Most people don't know how to connect to the ethereum network and run dapps from a gnu/linux terminal, it will get easier when the mist browser gets released(not just the wallet)
I was aware of the race and have done a lot research, are you aware that ripple discontinued its smart contracts because it didn't work with centralization, also don't get how you think centralization isnt a bad thing
Ive made thousands on the bandwagon so far and im riding it out long term since im betting it will be big

>> No.1151313

Why does polo hold 11,029,999 ether in one wallet

>> No.1151315

>think that based off the facts it will be better then bitcoin ever did

All that Bitcoin fanatics ever did was state "facts".
>bitcoin is creating a decentralized marketplace
>when bitcoin is mainstream it will be worth $10,000/ coin
>Overstock.com accepts bitcoin. Soon there will be a million merchants doing the same
>bitcoin will take over the trillion dollar drug trade and this will make it useful
>bitcoin infrastucture is expanding rapidly. Hundreds of millions of dollars are pouring into VC funding
>bitcoin is going to replace USD as the next reserve currency
You know what the problem with all that was? It was all based on promises and "could-be"s. Now that a few years have gone by most of it sounds rediculous but bitcoin shills were adamant it was going to happen. They were confident.

Now you have ethereum shills that are making the same promises and predicting how Ethereum could be. The thing you guys are missing is that there is no proven demand for it. It could be very well that cryptos remain niche and blockchain technology moves on without it.

>are you aware that ripple discontinued its smart contracts because it didn't work with centralization
Untrue. It absolutely worked. In fact, they still have banks like Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo testing the system. They scrapped Codius because it was too niche and they realized that there isnt enough demand for smart contracts yet to be able to monetize it. Digital assets are not enough fully realized to be practical. Maybe a decade from now they will see more use. This is something that Ethereum has not been able to acknowledge yet because they dont have fully working smart contracts.

>> No.1151323

Which proves my point. You do realize that the volume traded through exchanges is recorded right? Even if bitcoin is moved around on their private ledger it is notated as transaction volume. If it wasnt then my point would even be stronger because it would mean there is higher transaction volume through exchanges then is actually being recorded, making silk road use pale even more by comparison. How are you disproving my point that bitcoin has little real use and mostly speculation?

>> No.1151332

>also don't get how you think centralization isnt a bad thing
I dont get why people who do think centralization is a bad thing do the majority of their trades and buying/selling through centralized exchanges meanwhile giving them more personal information than it takes to open a bank account. You swap real world banks who charge fees for "crypto banks" that in some cases charge more fees than real banks. How is this an improvement? At least real banks are accountable if they scam you and run off with your money.

>> No.1151351
File: 250 KB, 675x694, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invested $3,000 into ETH when it was at $14 because someone on /biz/ told me to

>> No.1151353

>The idiot that keeps going on about ripple should just stfu. Ripple is dead. There is no demand for a centralised shitcoin.

>> No.1151356

Lol. I like how these guys think I am shilling for Ripple when I have agreed at least 5 times that yes, Ripple is in fact dead, and yes, I believe that Ethereum is in a path to follow it. Also, there used to be way more demand for this "centralized shitcoin" than there ever was for ethereum even today. I guess only die hard libertarians really care about centralization. Yet a lot of these diehard libertarians are hypocrites because they use centralized exchanges to cash out their cryptos instead of using them on what they are shilling (i.e. buying something with bitcoin or running a DApp with Ethereum). At the end of the day I guess they are human and it all just comes down to money.

>> No.1151376

I listed fairly reasonable arguments of why it might be big, your just listing 4chan hype/memes(they were obviously shilling, they didn't honestly believe that and were overexaggerating) even tho it really did grow a lot.
If I would of listened to those people and done my research when I had money to invest back when it was like $20 it would of made pretty good returns.
You are probably a ripple bag holder, it was terrible from the start. The owners own over half of the supply (You could argue eth was premined up to extent but it was sold for development at much lower price)

Ive said from the beginning bitcoins are only for buying drugs, not disproving that
I wasn't sure but I was speculating that exchanges might not actually transfer every trade for btc/eth between their own wallets (polo) if they have a lot which would cut down on transaction fees (so not on blockchain)

>> No.1151382

It's the only way because of the money laundering laws, a decentralized fiat/bitcoin exchange isnt possible. Unless u want to pay an extra %10 and go for a drive to a bitcoin atm

>> No.1151394

>I listed fairly reasonable arguments of why it might be big
"Might" is the operative word here. "Might" is the main argument you guys use for why any crypto is going to be "worth 100x what you paid for it!" one day. I haven't even seen ONE crypto that has come through on its promises and actually had significant use outside of speculation. The reason that you guys shill here day in and day out for hours and hours on end is because you realize that "might" doesnt mean anything and in order for you to be able to sell your crypto for more than you paid for it you have to convince other people that this thing isnt a total pipedream. Most of you have convinced yourself that your shitcoin will balloon up like bitcoin did in 2013 and make you rich. It hasnt even crossed your mind that bitcoin was a once off anomaly created by a perfect storm of market manipulation, bots, and shady exchanges that interacted with a ton of investors who were blindsided by greed. You think that if there ia a crypto that actually has real innovation then it HAS to exceed bitcoins marketcap... right? Your mistake is in thinking that these markets react reasonably and can be predicted.

>You are probably a ripple bag holder
This is like the 5th strawman posted in this thread already. Usually people start giving up and resorting to strawman arguments much earlier so kudos to you. No I am not an XRP bagholder.

>> No.1151400

>but localbitcoins is more expensive
Exactly. Which is how you can tell who the true die hard libertarians are because they would never sacrifice privacy for a little extra money. Everyone else is fine with centralized exchanges because they are cheaper. Again, centralization is only a secondary concern to the first one which is making money buy selling your shitcoin for more than you paid for it. Most crypto fanatics will shout the benefits of decentralization from the rooftops but when comes time to put their money where their mouth is they will sacrifice their ideology for a buck every single time.

>> No.1151427

I have never bought into any altcoin until ethereum because I predict ethereum will replace bitcoin since of how poorly btc is doing, competition, the technology, team behind ethereum and I calculate what the price would be if replaced based off of the available and future supply
I've said many times that its just my personal opinion all investments aren't guarantee which is why no one should dumb to dump their living savings into it or take out a loan
You can invest your money however you like it doesn't effect me, im just returning the favor to fellow anons that were talking about ethereum since under $2
if you have a good investment idea feel free to share

>> No.1151437

Why do you have to be libertarian to invest in a blockchain technology. I think the die hard ones are more interested in gold
Decentralized ethereum network can have many benefits such as censorship resistant, used for voting... theres not one person that can manipulate it and it welcomes anyone to develop whatever they want

>> No.1151439

>I have never bought into any altcoin until ethereum
This just means you are new to crypto. You will get it eventually. Give it a few months and you will understand some of what I am talking about.

>if you have a good investment idea feel free to share
I have plenty but I'm not trying to derail the thread. Just offering a counter-viewpoint to some of the extreme shilling here. I probably wouldn't have even responded if you guys hadnt infiltrated every single thread and shove it in my face every day. I dont think I ever reasoned with PND or Doge shills but thats because they mostly stuck to their own threads. If had maybe they wouldnt have learned the lesson on their own.

>> No.1151446

>Why do you have to be libertarian to invest in a blockchain technology
You don't. That was what I was getting at. I doubt a large percentage of the crypto community is libertarian. They just play the part so that they can justify why they buy some (99% of the time its to speculate and sell it for more later) but they would never admit to that. Its always more along the lines of "I bought some because I believe in the technology". These are the same people that say they will never sell which I think is pretty funny. You guys know damn well you would sell at the absolute peak if you knew what that peak was. Call a spade a spade.

>> No.1151474

I said altcoins not crypto
Well this board was created because of too many bitcoin shilling threads on /g/
A sticky would be nice tho to cut down on the "how to buy threads" at least

>> No.1151496
File: 72 KB, 205x255, 1415180297312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to understand something about ETH

Basically it's like bitcoin, except it's code in the blockchain.

Does that mean ALL the compiled ETH programs existing in the world will be in the blockchain? Doesn't that mean the blockchain will be getting fucking HUGE very soon?
Tell me if I'm missing something.

>> No.1151509
File: 216 KB, 1487x866, 20160319090645782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really hope this all works out.

anyone with a degree in CSCI want to talk about ethereum with me? I'm not pursuing a computer related degree, but I have some understanding of it.

>> No.1151530
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>> No.1151545

>Doesn't that mean the blockchain will be getting fucking HUGE very soon?
yes, and bitcoin wasnt doing it fast enough.

>> No.1151552

thanks eth, I made enough money to buy a 4chan pass, now I can shitpost more efficiently

>> No.1151559

>turning-complete which is etheruems its main feature
That's the only thing I dislike about ETH. For me its pump & dump, but not a long hold, because of this major design flaw.

>> No.1151598

>tfw I thought it was tanking
>tfw was gonna hold my position anyway
>tfw didn't buy the mother of all dips

s m h

>> No.1151606

guys I just had a dream that eth dumped to like $2 :(

>> No.1151609

I had the same dream. 2 days later it was $14

>> No.1151610

Turning complete

You mean Turing complete. Turing complete, it's named after WW2 british computer scientist Alan Turing. Alan Turing, computer scientist, code breaker and famous homo. So come on guys let's stop misspelling his last name. K thx

>> No.1151751

He wasn't a famous homo. He kept it to himself almost his entire life and when he didn't, he got sentenced to chemical castration

It ruined his life and ultimately led to his death.

>> No.1151760

Thats how it happened. Then to add insult to injury they made a shit film about his life starring bendadick cumbersnatch

>> No.1151768

point being that no one anno 21th century should be tooting anyone's horn for being a 'famous homo'. In the past it was insulting, today it's degenerate to class someone according to his sexuality.

What you want another parade and dance around in a thong?

>> No.1151903

I had a dream that it kept going sideways at $10

>> No.1151921
File: 219 KB, 498x378, 1394593665599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so touchy?

>> No.1151935

>smoking 65 bongs a day
I'm very confused by this. Do they mean he smokes out of 1 bong 65 times a day? Do they mean he smokes out of 65 bongs 1 time a day each? 65 is really odd and specific number so the assumption has to be that he has 65 bongs right? Why would anyone have 65 bongs?

>> No.1151942

It's like he's spoking cigs, he smokes them until they're used up.

>> No.1151962
File: 162 KB, 1100x782, shareyourumbrella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means he smokes 65 bongs a day. what's so hard to understand

>> No.1152280

How's your weekend pump going, assholes?

Daily reminder that all shills are liars and cons.

>> No.1152340

it's alright. Waiting for it to go up. I should've invested in the fluctuation but instead I was hoping for a big peek.

>> No.1152369

>Tfw patiently waiting for it to go back down to $3.

>> No.1152589

How does someone even get that mad?

>> No.1152605

>nobody gets the connection that it's literally aether, ie AIR
>inb4 pump n' dump chumps

>> No.1152630

losing a LOT of internet arguments

>> No.1152768

just hold lol

>> No.1153460

Is ETH gonna rise before the end of the weekend or are people already massively dumping?

>> No.1153498

Just dumped my ETH. Anyone gonna ride it for another week?

>> No.1153548

Only a moron wouldnt have seen how painfully obvious it was to sell when it hit $15

its true value has been 100% hit

any more rising other than if there is real news about its application and backing from big business etc is a bubble

this shit is not worth anywhere near $10 right now, pure speculation

>> No.1153552

>Only a moron wouldnt have seen how painfully obvious it was to sell when it hit $15

Wow, highnsight sure is 20-20 here.

If you are so smart I guess you levered a hell of a short at 15$ and are a multi millionaire by now?

>> No.1153557

no I didnt touch it

my funds were being blocked when it was $8 before the jump, once that happened I wasnt going anywhere near it, that 30% rise or whatever it was should have scared the shit out of anyone invested, came out of nowhere

If you think it can still rise please explain its current price, dead in the water m8

its shown everyone its volatility now and people will be very reluctant to invest

>> No.1153560

mfw I just panic dumped at its lowest and now it bounced back a bit.

bye bye 10 dorrar;-;

>> No.1153564

>muh $10 investment
Why didn't you just put a stop order just below Friday's low? It's not that far away, and if it remains above the low you're still in the game, if it drops below, you haven't lost that much more than now anyway.

>> No.1153568

How would you possibly lose your entire investment, where do you get that I invested only 10 dollars?

I'll buy back tomorrow if it drops really low

>> No.1153584

it's not so bad. rebuilding confidence after a big correction

>> No.1153586

>rebuilding confidence
>deep on the reds

>> No.1153590

>Babby's first dip.

Didn't you hear the saying "Buy when there is blood in the streets"?

Those red lines are blood trails, time to BUY THE DIP that you guys have been waiting for so much.

>> No.1153668

these internet bux are a fucking month old

They arent dips in a traditional sense, its pure specualtion at best and a scheme at worst

A dip would imply under-confidence in the market and therefore an undervalued currency but the problem is that there is no investment value in this shit

the volatility will only increase until everyone abandons ship

>> No.1153721

>the volatility will only increase until everyone abandons ship

Great, since you are so confident, are you shorting on leverage?

Also, this isn't a "month old".

Ethereum has been in development for a long time.

>> No.1154799

Why the fuck didnt it dip

God I feel so bad panic dumping a dollar back. Couldve made 20 dollars but took 10 loss.

>> No.1155007

Looking good today, heavy on the buy side. Looking pretty good for the rest of the week lads

>> No.1155027

It did dip, you all fags were just crying its a downtrend and didn't buy.

>> No.1155553
File: 42 KB, 268x268, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I bought 250 ETH for just a couple of hundred dollars back in October and forgot about them on my exchange until you guys went apeshit about it on here

>> No.1155718

How do Into Ethereum? I genuinely want to get start trying it

>> No.1155730

wow thats funny seeing as eth wasn't even a buck till around feburary...

>> No.1155740

Sign up for Poloniex, honestly the easiest way
Just buy some BTC and exchange it for ETH

>> No.1155749

Oh boy shit goes up a dollar and suddenly it's THE RETURN OF ETH JESUS!

How about you poor fuckers who were saying last week that if only etherm goes back up a little bit, then you'll sell it all and never do this crypto pump and dump shit again..

well now's your chance.

>> No.1155756

okay I'll try that, thanks.

>> No.1155768
File: 80 KB, 691x346, li.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Lies and liars. BEWARE.

>> No.1155775


>Could've made 20 dollars

High roller over here. That isn't even half a blowjob,

>> No.1155787

I am liking the look of this graph. Sitting comfortably right now.

>> No.1155790


Thats an interesting thought. Any whale who wants to increase the ETH price has to buy all of the current ETH holders a blowjob. Might make a good indicator.

>> No.1155805

I think others will find it useful for their libertarian ideals, and I'm okay with being a late adopter. I also think ETH will make me money. There is no reason for me to feign libertarianism in support of eth

>> No.1156229

This shit is going back up. So is the entire market.

>> No.1156276

what do you mean by entire market?

>> No.1156285
File: 57 KB, 374x394, 1386060438274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The children are still frantically monitoring charts and skimming fractions of ETH in profit but mostly losing


>> No.1156303

what do you mean by going back up?

>> No.1156555

Looks good.

>> No.1156592
File: 85 KB, 840x672, neckbeardlaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips don't lie.

>tfw $700 worth in ETH

Should I buy more?

>> No.1156629

Depends. Do you have balls made of cold hard steel

>> No.1156631


>> No.1156639

Heh newb. 10k ETH and planning on buying more.

This shit is going to BOOM

>> No.1156648

I've got 50k in ETH, but I can't prove it because I'm also lying.

>> No.1156700
File: 25 KB, 1361x201, fucking finally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, Finally got the 30 day gag removed.
I've been lurking /biz/ because /b/ is no fun without posting...

Anyhow, I guess I'm way too late for the ETH boom?

>> No.1156726

I can't seem to find this information anywhere, but where will you get ETH once they switch to POS? I'm just used to mining.

>> No.1156748

there is like staking pools so you can generate eth forever, the requirement is 1500 etherererer,but I guess you can join people like hobos huddling while sleeping.

>> No.1156751

mistakenly sent all my ETH instead of 1 to the local ponzi pyramid, missed the 15, and will probably never see my sweet eth ever again

>> No.1156766

HOW Do i change bitcoin into a Ethereum?


>> No.1156785

it tanked last week and now its making a comeback to 12 you dumb mongrel

>> No.1156788

Too bad you can't even buy a coffee since the confirmation takes 15 to 30 minutes

Lmaoing @ BTC bagholders

>> No.1156816

what were you banned for m8?

>> No.1157201


Make an ether wallet first.

>> No.1157349

> tfw will make $1300 when eth hits $100

>> No.1157351

>Anyhow, I guess I'm way too late for the ETH boom?

I think a great shorting opportunity is still ahead of us. I'm generally bullish about ETH, still have some from the presale, but it has grown too big, too fast. A couple of slowly accelerating dumps, with big falls in the last minutes, then easy 20%-30% bounces will be nice.
Given, Bitcoin needs to hold its shit together.

>> No.1157363

I'm not seeing the comeback. Are we looking at the same chart?

>> No.1157387

it went down again. also dont expect it to come back in one day.
with that being said be skeptical of meme coin, it might go up, but it will surely go down agains, its highlu volatile and speculative

>> No.1157938

Daily reminder that etherm is still wandering around in no man's land for over a week now.

Is this still a dip.. or what do call it? Maybe you guys just aren't generating enough HYPE! HYPE! HYPE! How about you get to work.

>> No.1157978

fuck off with the eth posts

>> No.1157998

So what's the trajectory now?

This thing will die a meme if it doesn't go commercial.

What's next on the horizon for the development of the technology?

>> No.1158006

I will be the next litecoin if it doesnt capture normie attention (news coverage) like bitcoin did.

>> No.1158016


So $3?

>> No.1158032

Right now its in purgatory, there was big hype for what it offers, now people are just waiting for people to deliver on the system.

>> No.1158071
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>> No.1158097


that's a shark tho, lol

>> No.1158460
File: 973 KB, 611x900, image_0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's about to blow through the recent .28 ceiling
See you at at $14

>> No.1158488

0.03 is within reach

>> No.1158504


what makes you guys believe that?

>> No.1158511

The chart. And the funnamennals

>> No.1158516

Most recent sticks show strong resistance to a lower price. We're going to the moon. I hope you bought in already.

>> No.1158528
File: 70 KB, 725x483, 1457213769064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must promote ETH to the news, and spread it asmuch as possible..

>> No.1158574

1000 ETH masterrace here

What about you guys?

>> No.1158617


What are the fundamentals. So far, this thing has no applications or utility. It's just code, out in the internet ether.

>> No.1158635

It does have applications and utility. You can apply or use ethereum in any way you want.

>> No.1158650


Name one economic use for it.

>> No.1158654

fleecing retarded goyim

>> No.1158714

so where do I buy this?

>> No.1158716
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>> No.1158717

up up and away!!!

>> No.1158725

Eth is obviously doing a bulltrap for all the shills and nerds, it's going to dump just watch.

>> No.1158727


>> No.1158729

by the time it gets applications and utility it will be to late to buy

>> No.1158737

.04 soon gents

>> No.1158766
File: 322 KB, 1666x1078, BUY_THE_DIP_GUIDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you fucking cucks but no. Le how can you tell maymay.

>> No.1158769

I have 400$, should I buy now ?

>> No.1158774

It's a little late now son. You'll just cuck yourself with a high buy in. Wait for it to hit $16 then buy after that dip.

>> No.1158778

When do you think that will happen ?

>> No.1158784

Who knows! Thats the fun part!

>> No.1158787

No clue. Last indicator was a resistance to going to high so we might stabilize around 32 for a few days. Just wait it out and get your bitcoin ready so you can buy when the price looks nice.

>> No.1158788


How to actually buy, I have no bitcoin, I just have 400$ to spend.

Can't I but eth directly ?, should I buy bitcoin and then trade it ?
And where to buy ?

I have more money that I am willing to invest because YOLO.

>> No.1158791

use bitfinex

>> No.1158797

As far as I know. Nowhere allows direct fiat to ether. Buy bitcoin now and hold it until you're ready to buy ether. Either now or later if the price dips again.

>> No.1158799
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>my fucking face when

>> No.1158800


Kraken allows you to buy ETH directly with USD or EUR.

>> No.1158805


The site looks sketchy.


I think kraken allows direct buying, I am looking through exchanges right now, and I think I am will go with kraken

> Can I trade digital currencies other than Bitcoin?
> Yes. You can trade Bitcoin (XBT), Litecoin (LTC), and Ethereum (ETH) with cash currencies. You can also trade Bitcoin with Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (XDG), Ripple (XRP), Namecoin (NMC), Stellar (STR) and Ven (XVN).

So what is /biz/ opinion on kraken ?

Also how much will the dip be ?

>> No.1158817

After you wait 2 weeks getting tier 4 verified

>> No.1158819
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>eth will never go above $14

>> No.1158829

Misinformed amphibian poster.
Meanwhile in reality, ether is up 9% in the past hour and climbing.

>> No.1158832

kraken has a too much downtime and bitfinex has a better reputation that's why i use it.

>> No.1158833


>> No.1158834
File: 22 KB, 819x611, THEDIPISIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1158835


I don't follow bitcoin a lot, so is it safe to buy btc now and hold it to buy eth later ?

does the price not change that much ?

>> No.1158837

BTC has been recently stable from $400-420

>> No.1158840

no the rocket gif is from a pump and dump thingy bahh nvm

>> No.1158841

It's been "stable" around 410 USD for a while now. Don't think it'll plummet too hard on you. But I'm just done fuccboi so don't take my word on that. Look at historic data on bitcoin and see if you're comfortable with it.

>> No.1158844


Thank you guys, I am buying tomorrow, all my fucking money.

We all gonna make it.

ayy lmao.

>> No.1158850


jesus christ when will you people know that it was alt coin season after bitcoin went down and all the alts went up all at the same time

there playing vise versa good cop bad cop there all working together kek, bitcoin only stagnated when altcoin news started booming so no one manipulates the price when alt coin crap is going on

>> No.1158853


>> No.1158859

Stop posting please.

>> No.1158864

I am a programmer, how can I make eth using my skills ?

> inb4 exchange your skills for eth.

No, I am interested in a business, I already have a couple saas apps that make money, and I am interested in developing dapps.

Are dapps a meme ?
Can dapps actually make money ?

>> No.1158882

eths going to dump

>> No.1158889

Look at highly controversial software that was eventually forced to be taken down by some government. The obvious choice is torrent trackers to rival the pirate bay but without the need for a central server. Run ads to make money.

Web Advertisement service for dapp that pays out in ether. Actually I like this idea so I want to try it out.

>> No.1158910

eths going to DUMPPP

>> No.1159013

Apparently not

>> No.1159017

It's about to rocket up more.

>> No.1159018

>Can dapps actually make money ?

probably not for the creator, more for users.
afaik all the code has to be open source since it'll be running on other nodes in the network. so if you made dapp uber with fees someone would just copy paste it with fees removed

>> No.1159022

i hope so, is it actually available for chinese to trade?

>> No.1159035

watch out also for EXP, there's like 80% of chance to get it's blockchain integrated in Azure...

>> No.1159052

get the shit done, took me 3 days when the frenzy was already high here

>> No.1159056


>> No.1159161

Troll harder faggot

>> No.1159167
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ASK a Eth Pre-sale owner anything

>> No.1159169


How do I turn my bitcoin into ethereum?

>> No.1159171


>> No.1159172

Poloniex, Kraken, or Shapeshift.

>> No.1159175

ETH had a period where it would rise dollars by the hour before calming down

>> No.1159180

Can we get married? Can make pasta nightly

>> No.1159181

I just had a baby! I don't think my wife would be cool with that!

>> No.1159182


Which is the best/safest?

>> No.1159186

shapeshift requires nothing!!! no email! no bank info. no nothing. just a destination wallet. But you can only do up to like 2.x bitcoin at a time.

>> No.1159199

kraken lad

>> No.1159457
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>> No.1159462
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>> No.1159594

bumparoni and cheese : )

>> No.1159935
File: 2.20 MB, 2200x8200, etherguide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1160038

Where did everyone go ?

>> No.1160138

What if fees just cover gas?

>> No.1160566
File: 24 KB, 592x235, tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will focus on EXP for the moment as it's about to start an upwards trajectory. Whales are going crazy over at poloniex. Maybe it's all the recent positive announcements.