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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1150182 No.1150182 [Reply] [Original]

I have inherited 16million from a relative in Switzerland. I have no idea what to do with it, and I keep getting calls from "advisors" all of the time. I need some ideas of what to do with my money. I have no immediate need for anything as I work and own my home.

What should I do with it?

>> No.1150192

buy eth
give me some eth too, advice ain't free

>> No.1150194

dont trust anyone ,take a couple of months to get your shit together and check your options of investing it and invest it .

>> No.1150197

try r9k

>> No.1150200

Thanks. I don't trust people with my money anyway. I don't know what to do with it for those couple of months though. Should I just spread across accounts?

>> No.1150205

Search reddit for similar questions, implement what they say. Protip: first thing you do is hire a very good accountant/lawyer/financial adviser.

>> No.1150208

Did the person leaving the inheritance leave any valuable information on their investing?

If so see if it's logical or just a YOLO

>> No.1150210

They stipulated that I use it to benefit those who are less fortunate, to whatever degree I see fit.

As far as I see it, I have no personal use for it- I just have a responsibility to distribute it properly, but at the same time maintain it to pass on.

>> No.1150213

>less fortunate

well you're on the right board!

buy ethereum and hand out some ether to the miserable NEET losers on this board

>> No.1150221

Don't do this. You don't give money to gamblers. They will lose it all within a year.

>> No.1150222

all poor people are idiots with their money, anon

that's why they're poor

>> No.1150225


How much is that in actual U.S.$$$

>> No.1150228


>> No.1150229


23445443.18 based on todays rates.

>> No.1150231

Personally I'd recommend investing into a large amount of the cryptocurrency called ETH. Don't keep it liquid.
Not a NEET btw.

>> No.1150232

About $22million from my head? Assuming he's talking Great British Pounds here and not Good Boy Points.

>> No.1150233


>> No.1150235


Booze, blow and hookers.

>> No.1150237

90% in a global index tracker
10% in government bonds

>> No.1150241

How is it currently invested?

Why wouldn't you leave it as it is?

>> No.1150244


My uncle was obscenely wealthy. We're talking hundreds of millions - so its literally sat around waiting for a bank transfer.

I am nervous because I feel like this huge responsibility has been put on my shoulders and I've not got a fucking clue. I'm just a normal guy who works in a University.

>> No.1150249

If you have all your needs satisfied, become a philanthropist and help less fortunate people.

>> No.1150332

Dude you have a fortune, don't waste it helping others, invest and spend and stop working.

>> No.1150335

Buy ethereum. Not even joking you'll quadruple it and be able to buy a small island

>> No.1150346

>not even joking
mebbe not but o i am laffin

>> No.1150348

It seems like your uncle either knew or had a gut feeling that you would be the only one capable of handling this type of inheritance.

Your uncle basically trusts you, in a manner of making ethical decisions.

Looking at what you said your uncle isn't an idiot and obviously you aren't either since he chose you.

Think about what you want to do. Trust your gut intuition.

>> No.1150352

If you have no immediate need for money, you could invest some of it in London property.

>> No.1150353

acquire kebab shops

>> No.1150359
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Post your previous investments here

>> No.1150360

If I were you I'd would dress up so I wouldn't be recognizable, walk around and try to find honest or close to honest people and slip a hundred to each. Servers/ homeless/ people looking down. Honestly I've though about doing this when I start making money, but with 20s

>> No.1150362

I really fucked that up

>> No.1150363

My company specialises in helping lucky fag lords like you please contact me so I can help you with your money.

>> No.1150366
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Become an investor for Dracco and force them to change the ugly 3d models to something thinner. Get 10% from all the toy sales, netflix sales and manchildren buying it.

>> No.1150396

Save 10 million for investments and family. Index funds/bonds even, financial advisory/legal council to draw up contracts about how (if you'd like) to offer any to family/friends that way they can't get mad.
Don't let money fuck you up. If anything share with your /biz/ brothers so a few can try to make it. You can even become an investor in projects yourself given that they show a lot of promise.

>> No.1150421

Not OP, but how does one go about finding a reputable financial advisor/lawyer (someone that won't fuck you over)?

>> No.1150426

Give me some! AHAHAHAHA

>> No.1150447

Research, Research, research.

Ideally you could invest a lot and live off of dividends while never having to work living off of around 80k a year. I'd research the best advisors in your country before spending money on advisors and consultants. Don't be afraid to seek multiple opinions

>> No.1150467

Buy a TV Channel.

>> No.1150938

What site is that

>> No.1151662

>has 16 millions

>> No.1151764

>wasting money giving out 20's to people that might look a little sad as an excuse to crossdress
Unless someones begging in the street you don't hand out free money to random people. They will think your trying to buy sex or get insulted that u think they look poor
Actually don't even give homeless people cash as you may as well include a them a free crack pipe and a few needles (just offer food if u wanted)

>> No.1151785

Op please donate to a THALASSEMIA foundation . I have the disease and it costs 80k+ every year just to live. There are children who like me are dependant on blood transfusions every 2weeks.

I know people who can't afford the treatment and just die. If you're donating anyway please donate to this cause. Unlike other chronic patients, THALASSEMIA patients are not eligible for a disability certificate.

>> No.1151801

Remember no amount of money is enough if you spend recklessly. Richer people than you have gone broke simply from not watching their spending.

>> No.1151805

DON'T TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT. Your wife if you have one, and make sure she doesn't talk about it either. 16 mill is a lot of money, and a lot of money can make people do unsavory things. Don't get yourself robbed or turned into an ATM for your coworkers.

First things first put a nice chunk of it in savings, so if everything else goes south you still have a fallback plus you'll passively make interest. Then buy large amounts of stock in solid companies that pay dividends (Apple, Coke, UPS etc)

After that, do whatever the fuck you want with what's left. Donate to a charity, pursue whatever passion real life made you ignore, really the world has become your oyster.

>> No.1151806

>Has over $20mil USD


Top lmao desu

>> No.1151812

spend your good boy points on tendies

>> No.1151831

I could tell you how to invest where after 1 year, you make your money back and recieve that same amount every year thereafter.

But it'll cost you helping me make large amounts of the same investment. At least you'll know I'm not scamming you.

>> No.1151833

Also I'd make you sign an agreement not to share it with anyone.

>> No.1151843

make sure when you have kids they still know how to work for money and that you dont just set them up for life.

>> No.1152094

>send me $2000

>> No.1152108

Send me 100k. My mom is clinically insane and I'm handicapped. You'd do me a favor and I'd bless you. Its also what your uncle would have wanted.

asbngbgbdk@gmail.com is my PayPal.

As for what to do with it. Just put it down in government bonds, you'll be helping the government and it would be a safe investment. The government does more good than any individual can by himself, you could just pretend to do charity by going around dressed as a self obsessed faggot who thinks he's better than others and gives handouts. Buts that's just feeding your ego. If you invest into your country you are investing in your veterans, in all those social welfare programs and all those government run orphanages.

Also invest some in high liquidity investments. You never know when you'll need money. I remember having to sell my house for half price to pay for medical bills.

And obviously stay the hell away from alcohol, drugs, hookers, gambling, pyramid schemes and meme stocks.

Its your money now anon. Do with it as you will.

>> No.1152116


Throw your PC out the window and burn down your apartment. Go to the airport. Go to Ibiza. Stay there and use up everything on coke and hookers.. You will get 10 fucking awesome years down there for that sum.. After that just kill yourself or sometin, idk.

>> No.1152124

Put 50% into Stocks, low cost index funds diversified over US, Europe, Asia, Developing markets. (heavier on the US/Europe)

15% into bonds
20% into real estate
5% commodities
10% cash

>> No.1152128

buy high stocks that pays high dividends. You'll get like 200k a year just from divinends. Diversify that shit well. Like 10 different stocks

>> No.1153072

Use momentum trading tactics. And read books on the impending economic crash coming in 2016/2017.

>> No.1154222

Why invest equities that pay dividends when he could literally buy in on the top end of the real estate market, savings account idea is good, especially with so much money in it.

>> No.1154227

>trying to give financial advice while begging for 100k

>> No.1154241

Make the next Minecraft. It's a sure win.

>> No.1154365

keep most invest some enjoy life dude. let me trade a small amount like 100,000 or so forex4chan@gmail.com

>> No.1154395

Well OP... if you would like to come to the US and fund/help run my cannabis brand, feel free. We have barely enough capital to start but could pretty much dominate our state's market with $5million more.. with even more funding, the possibilities are limitless. Currently a $10 billion industry, gonna be $100 billion by 2027. Every single presidential candidate left endorses legalizing it, so this train has no brakes.

email me at
hilohiloshutuphilo@gmail com if interested. Or even if you just want to discuss the industry in general, I can point you towards the best medical/recreational states to start in.

>> No.1154536

I have an idea for a backpack that will utilize only limited pieces of cloth but will be
> lighter
> customizable
> quiet
> waterproof
> durable and will protect inner contents better than cloth
> able to tap into every area of the bag/pack market
> cheaper than expensive packs, cheap to maintain and fix
If you feel like investing in a future company

>> No.1154541

Well OP, I'll say this. Keep working. Keep doing what makes you happy. Or leave your job and follow a passion. That's alot of fucking money. idk, start a scholarship, make some investments, buy shit. whatever you want. And I suppose I'll jump on the bandwagon of these other schmucks and say, I could sure use just about anything right now to change my entire life around, pay off most of my student debt and take a month off to figure out wtf I'm going to do with my life. Im not offering any big investment prospects, I'm just a college senior in debt with no idea of what to do in the future. If you want to help me out, respond to my post. Hell I'll even provide proof of who I am, where I'm from the whole nine yards. If you don't want to help me out, that's cool too, enjoy your filthy riches.

>> No.1154590
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Convert it all into pennies and then shove them up your ass.

Way to keep biz looking stupid everyone, by responding to this troll faggot.

>> No.1154737

so your uncle wanted you to help people?
>invest in dividend stocks, aim for about 3-4% annual return (make sure to diversify incase an industry or company loses value)
>get 480,000 to 640,000 a year in dividends
>live off 30k (assuming living expenses are similar to australia 30k pounds should be plenty)
>use remaining money to form a charity and help support your cause.
e.g I personally dislike homelessness
So I'd start a charity to help combat homelessness. I'd keep 1mil for startup costs and an emergency fund.
I'd aim for about 500k/year in dividends with the remaining 14mil.
With the initial 2mil
1mil: build economy hotel, aim for the most rooms you can afford in the city with the highest amount of homeless (Fremont, CA according to google)
300k: fund raising, sell wristbands, shirts or anything that you can put your brand on
host events where you can receive donations and talk about your cause
200k: smaller charity events like handing out food or clothes to homeless (It'll help build your reputation which will help with fundraising as well as helping you start tackling your issue)
500k: emergency fund. You never know what'll happen
once the hotel is built you can hire people to hand out the food and focus on managing the hotel, allow homeless to move in and have security guards to make sure no drugs enter the building, no fights start or anything that may need preventing.
once the hotel is running smoothly start a service to help make them presentable and help them get jobs
after that's all achieved focus on expanding to other cities

>> No.1155092

First thing : hire a juden to be your lawyer
Second thing : hire another juden to be your accountant and financial advisor


>> No.1155097 [DELETED] 
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Invest 100k into pepecoin for lulz.

>> No.1155098

Don't change your spending habits until you have a high income stream.

>> No.1155103

>first thing you do is hire a very good accountant/lawyer/financial adviser

Aren't these the people that always steal people's money?

I would never let another person have access to my money.

>> No.1155126


Keeping a load of homeless people in one area is not how you solve the problem. A lot of them will be addicts and even if you have good security they will still be using drugs and justifying their own behaviours.

>> No.1155151

Wow! Just put most of it into one-year treasury bonds to give yourself a year to figure out what to do with it all (and spend a bit on a nice home if you don't already have one)!

>> No.1155170

Want to know how I know you're poor?

>> No.1155294

Quit your job,
Buy a nice place to live,
Put half into whole market index tracker
Put half into UK government bonds (they're not taxed), and just live from the income they pay out.

>> No.1155532

I don't know if you're still here OP, but I just want to say this to you.

Buy Ethereum. I don't care how shill/meme it sounds, but do it. It's growing at the speed of sound, and it's about to surpass bitcoin in volume (and bitcoin is worth 40 times more than ETH at this moment) !!!!

>> No.1155770

Imagine all the tendies you could buy with that many Good Boy Points

>> No.1156660

You should give me 1k€ so I can see my father's grave for once in america

>> No.1156666

By the way I'm failing out of school so if you need a bodyguard, I'm a boxing assistant

>> No.1156669

create a reverse ponzi scheme and initiate true trickle economics.

>> No.1156682

Work out how much you would need to buy in government bonds to reach a yearly income level that is equal or double of what you're earning now. For instance, to earn $100K per year AUD I would need to invest about $4 million in government treasury bonds.

With whatever you have left over, invest a bit in a couple of other places, buy a few houses in places you like the look of. You can get nice houses, but don't go too nuts. It would be a waste to buy a £4 million apartment in Paris, for example.

>> No.1157483

OP, you should begin by informing yourself about duties and rights around this inheritance. Most likely, the laws of the canton where he died have something to say.
It's also important to know whether those generic stipulations actually bind you or not, chances are you're free to use the inheritance however you see fit.

>> No.1157940

best option so far

>> No.1158152

Help me start a business OP. I will return your investment & then some in 4 years! :)

Here is a throw away email for you to contact me if you are interested.


>> No.1158193


Everyone who wants to hop on the train before it leaves in 2 months, surely, it will make someone a millionaire this year, it is a biz app i am developing, you can stay updated on wisdomrace.com about it. Thnx /biz/ for inspiration, and this is my way of thanking you. The initial users will reap the most bonuses.

>> No.1158198

I am not OP, but no we don't. We want you to answer his question.

>> No.1158202

Please tell me what makes your backpack better than a ziploc bag.

>> No.1158215

Not sure if this is a troll post or not. Though I will give it a go.
>>Things to Consider:
>Right now is an extremely bad time for investment. Whatever profits you may see from investment and markets is purely due to speculation. There has been not enough growth/ return to growth to any of the major sectors and in some cases loss (energy/finances/technology/medicare/industry).
>IT IS YOUR freaking money. You have no obligation. Noblesse Oblige was well intentioned but ill conceived chivalric ideal. Even with 16 million franc, it is but a temporary stanchion to any specific problem. The meat of the matter rest in political/ overpopulation/ religious issues and those require a change in mindset. When those people get their shit together, that's when the money comes in, anything before is only prolonging the situation at hand.
>Live normally or as you see fit. Live your life as you would of, albeit with a large safety net. >Political idealist? Build a clinic, find a firebrand you like to start a news media pay as you go ofc, or build a park.
>16 million even Euros is not alot in the more affluent circles. Hang with them and you will be bankrupt 8 years on. These people have a massive income as compared to your lump sum.
>I do not know why the hell the fact you received 16 million inheritance reached every backstabbing investment group and why they are out to contact you. But this information id dangerous. Hopefully it blows over and everyone forgets or tell them you already chosen a financial management. 16 million is good ransom money, wherever that information falls to.

>> No.1158222

Had it been in the 80s this would of been fine. Not sure about UK but US treasury bonds took a big hit in reliability these last few years. I have little to no confidence in yielding returns. It's now actually better to have them changed to a strong currency and leave them in bank with modest interest. Market index tracker is way to dodgy, the more I read into it, the more it scares the bejesus out of me. US oil glut will probably last another 3 years, not sure what that will do to you North Sea folks with the job reportings, growth, and all.

I'm here in Houston, and I'm seeing every dog, cat. and mechanical engineer being tossed out as companies left and right cancel future projects, downsize. Words also out they will even retire another refinery. I'm am planning to be an accountant and that seems relatively safe for now until I pay off my college debt (250k, fck UScolleges ;/). I am so damn'd lucky I didn't go for an energy sector job. There is ridiculous competition

>> No.1158246

consider making your own prop trading firm or hedge fund?

Just hire a bunch of analysts, get a graduate programming and what not

>> No.1158259


You have your whole life to make good on his request. No need to hurry. I'd suggest creating a cookie cutter business that's easy to run and start a franchise. You'd be creating jobs.

>> No.1158295

Don't forget to put some of it into pepecoin for some dank m(emes)ullah.

>> No.1158297
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Forgot pic.

>> No.1158751

A ziploc bag provides zero protection against shock and heat

>> No.1158765


Leech on the system, kill yourself.

>> No.1158965

Find a good attorney, because people WILL try to snatch a piece of it. Remember that girl you broke up with recently? Well now she's accusing you of sexually assaulting her, and she wants payment for "emotional damages" she received. Talk to the bar for recommendations.

DON'T TELL ANYONE. Nobody. Not your mom, your friend, or your bro tier uncle. Whoever you tell will instantly become your "best friend" and try to milk you of your money.

DON'T keep it all in the bank, at the very least don't keep over 15% in there. It loses value just sitting there.

Invest 60% in stocks that pay dividends you can live off of.
20% bonds
10 or less% in bank
10 or more % in other investments like commodities

>> No.1159129

if you agree to give me some i'll write down my paypal
I'm dead serious and seriously need some money
At least 300000£

>> No.1159226


I'll actually one-up anons offer and would take just 299500€.

>> No.1159751



>> No.1159960

It's only about 20000000x more stylish, duh?

>> No.1160006

Buy appartments so people give you rent every month. Don't buy one near ocean if it's a place with hurricanes etc..

>> No.1160017

Send me 10'500 $ USD and I'll write you full plan with description how to save your money.
For details:

>> No.1160037

16,000,000 good boy points is a lot of tendies