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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 291 KB, 1666x1078, BUY_THE_DIP_GUIDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1149982 No.1149982 [Reply] [Original]

Listen, KEKS, I'm not going to repeat it again.

This is how you buy the DIP.

There is an ongoing ETH dip in process and you nearly missed your chance on the train.

Make it count or stop trading crypto altogether.

Fucking losers I swear.

>> No.1149986

this is a great dip phamily
but all the losers are too spooked to buy

>> No.1149987
File: 79 KB, 410x540, 1391203027256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1150069
File: 2.41 MB, 499x499, crepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shaking weak hands, now we go into over drive

i bought dip

100$ coming

dont believe me?

>> No.1150072

Nice try scammer. The peaks keep getting lower, so there's an overall downward trend. It's been dropping continuously for the past hour.

>> No.1150074

>i bought dip

Good job.

Look at the chart in OPs pic fucktard, where the fuck do you see the peaks getting lower?

>> No.1150077

I'm looking at an actual real-time chart, dipshit. OP's pic has been posted before.

>> No.1150090
File: 15 KB, 303x346, kindajewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It went almost 50% down, looks at that sexy shoulder mate !

neck and shoulder confirmed needs a head on that

>> No.1150097

Wooooow... ethercucks must be crying right now. Just think, some of these retards actually hold longterm.

>> No.1150099
File: 209 KB, 1752x928, Screen Shot 2016-03-18 at 19.36.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is equivelent dip to when Bitcoin went from 1$ to 30$ and then back to 5$ again.

Oh wait, but you are a crypto newb and wasn't even around back then.

Yeah, sure, sell in panic, but don't cry crocodile tears later when other MEN with mental fortitude will have held and sold at true peak (which will be at about 50-70$ due to equivalence with BTC market cap)

>> No.1150102

>Wooooow... ethercucks must be crying right now. Just think, some of these retards actually hold longterm.

Argument where?

How is not holding ETH long term a good idea.

Please, list all the problems with Ethereum right now, preferably in bullet points and hard numbers. No shilling, no coiner pleb!

>> No.1150106
File: 48 KB, 714x46, Screen Shot 2016-03-18 at 19.40.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, sure am crying at my 300% gains lol

>> No.1150117

Do you recommend buying or waiting?

>> No.1150125

Im on ETH, SYS and XCP
See you in St Tropez

>> No.1150132

These retards are going to tell you to buy now because they got antsy and thats what they did, bought in way too soon. Then you are going to have the "muh fundamentals" long term holders that will twll you to buy at any price. These idiots were even on here telling people to buy at $15 because "its going to $20 tomorrow!". Dont listen to these dipshits either. In reality, ETH will continue to go down much lower. Its been on a downward trend for almost a week now. If you must buy, wait until it goes below $7 or shows signs of a trend reversal.

>> No.1150139
File: 16 KB, 300x390, twist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not going to repeat it again.

>> No.1150140


what is the St Tropez thing?

>> No.1150146

It's the place where we will all meet once we get rich

>> No.1150147

Literally will.

Buying, because of an obvious DIP and /biz/ whined how there wasn't a DIP. Well, there is a DIP now, go and BUY THE DIP

>> No.1150149

>Then you are going to have the "muh fundamentals" long term holders that will twll you to buy at any price.

Counterarguments to "fundamentals" in the studio or GTFO!

No counterarguments to DApps and decentralized platform and positive news: automatically rendered as nocoiner sour graper shill.

Enjoy your poverty.

>> No.1150150

You're literally retarded. Anyone who was going to panic sell has already panic sold.

They had a week to panic sell. What happened 6 hours ago was a reversal.

If you dont buy this dip you're a wife sharing cuckold

>> No.1150152

Ignore him. He is a whiny weak beta who lacks T to make decisions that could lead him a life of Dan Balzerian one day.

Not all men are born to be fighters and risk takers.

>> No.1150154

why is it taking so fucking long to confirm the btc i sent from coinbase to kraken wtf how do you buy eth with usd on kraken?

>> No.1150156



Then you wonder why we call you guys ethercucks

>> No.1150157

It takes long to confirm BTC, because BTC has its faults and Blockchain is lagging. That is why money is bleeding out of BTC and into ETH. Because ETH fixes all of these problems.

>> No.1150160

Ad hominems are not arguments.

Counterarguments to fundamentals or GTFO

>> No.1150163

how do i buy eth with usd on kraken then

>> No.1150164

>dont say things I dont like!
Sure thing, cuck.

>> No.1150165

Do you have the counterarguments? Still waiting.

>> No.1150168

>I'm still waiting
Being a cuck you should be accustomed to that.

>> No.1150191

LOL, he doesn't. I win :)

>> No.1150201

How di I know to how much € I bought ETH. I've bought 4 times since monday and want to write down how much I bought to wich price. But it sonly shows up in bitcoin.

>> No.1150209

Congratulations anon! You win! What does he win, folks? A brand new chip warmer!!!

...oh you use a toaster oven to warm your chips? I don't know... maybe just give it to your wife's son, then.

>> No.1150301

Use mathematics.

>> No.1150392

my NIGGA we get so rich DUDE

>> No.1150405

Lost your ass on ETH? You fucking pathetic faggot. Fuck off and shill some place else no one here is going to cover your dumb ass loses cryptocunt

>> No.1150415

How do people lose money on ETH and why is everyone accusing those who have ETH of losing money. If you bought in over the months that this has been spammed you should have made money. Ethereum has, and continues to be, spammed on this board. It's to show bitcoin elitist that this isn't just another alt coin, and to not let your memes be dreams.

>> No.1150422

>Lost your ass on ETH?

No, I bought on at 4 EUR.

Stay mad, no coiner pleb.

>> No.1150761
File: 73 KB, 850x479, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's meet for a game of boules first thing. Tu tires ou tu pointes?

Thread theme: http://youtu.be/AwD7FTk4Aos