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File: 73 KB, 740x595, 100281353-gold_bars_piles_gettyP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11498579 No.11498579 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you bought your gold, friends?
It's already starting. The USD is going to get wrecked before the end of the year. Are you ready?

>> No.11498785

Just bought another Krugerrand tonight, comfy as fuck waiting for $10000 EOY

>> No.11498855

What are the signals telling you this?

>> No.11498918

u have to be a fucking brainlet to not see the signals

>> No.11498942

imagine being so retarded you buy Metals during Qt and rising interest rates

>> No.11498982

O know the fucking signals, I wanted that anons opinion anyways though.

>> No.11499083

The 'signals' telling me this is the subject of my job actually. Real inflation and and changes in buyer's power all around the world.
Around 11th, the tipping point was passed. I've made a thread about this that got maybe two or three replies.
We're due to a sudden and very massive economical collapse very soon.
The markets have already responded to this strongly, soon your wallet also will.
In situations like this, only metals will maintain their value.
The cryptocurrencies should stabilize and maybe also rise in value, but it won't 't matter in relation to currencies which will fall into a canyon heads first.

>> No.11499168

Thanks anon. I'm watching closely, unfortunately I went all in on crypto and hold no metals. I will stock up on food, water and goods though. I expect shit to start hitting the fan by beginning of next if not end of this year. Will this shit be as bad as Argentina's last economic collapse you think? People were literally eating trash.

>> No.11499196

It's going to be controlled.
Based on the research I've done:
Expect fiat currencies to lose value as new currencies backed by metals again will be rolled out.
Metals will rise in value, and any cryptos that are selected to be part of the new system.

>> No.11499208

t.ronald paulberg

>> No.11499211

Trump has stated that the FED is his biggest enemy.
Our dollar is actually a 'federal reserve note' and not a US government dollar.
I expect him to replace them at some point.
JFK tried this and was killed.

>> No.11499212
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if you're buying now its already too late

>> No.11499220

>buying shiny rocks
Fucking boomers

>> No.11499225

No, this is just the beginning.

>> No.11499240

checked, this is definitely what Trump has in mind, whether he can actually pull it off is another question.

>> No.11499243
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>new currencies backed by metals again will be rolled out
>implying banks are going to pass the chance to implement a 100% transparent crypto (*their* crypto) based system

>> No.11499256

>will buy shiny virtual currency
>won't buy shiny physical currency

>> No.11499270

>Around 11th, the tipping point was passed. I've made a thread about this that got maybe two or three replies.

What happend?

>> No.11499291

DJI dropped 4%, everyone shit their pants and then nothing happened.

>> No.11499295

What does this mean for the average joe whos 30% cash 30% real estate and 30% boomerstocks?

>> No.11499296

Steps will definitely be taken to keep the Argentina's scenario at bay, but I wouldn't be surprised if new currencies would be rolled out at this point.
If you want to keep some of your holdings in fiat, I would unironically recommend buying into some relatively independent currency such as PLN which is very cheap at the moment.

>> No.11499321
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It had to correct at some point, whats the problem? It went up straight for 10 years, why not consolidate 1-3%?

>> No.11499324

This guy gets it.
Metals bottomed out at multiple year lows a few weeks back and are climbing back up again. I still hold fiat and crypto but have put a good portion of my wealth into gold and silver.

>> No.11499331

Shit. Why is he so intermingled with them though? Even going so far as letting his daughter marry one. Unless Trump has another 4D move up his sleeve.

>> No.11499340

I bet he will be able to, because it seems like the entire world is trying to do the same thing.
Been watching the world news... seeing a lot of parallels everywhere.

The new currencies might be cryptos.
I don't know.
You'll have to take that up with the insiders.

No idea.
If the government wanted to play nice they'd let people exchange cash for the new currency during some time window.
Stocks would probably go down if it's all based on fake money. But then good stocks would rally after the dust settles (maybe). Crypto ETFs might be an escape boat for people stuck in that system.
Real estate I'm not sure. Trump's a real estate guy so I'm sure he's gonna figure that out somehow.
But housing is way too expensive compared to what people earn these days.

>> No.11499349

Thanks anon, I hope you prosper during the shitstorm.

>> No.11499350

Hmm well I haven't looked into that too much.
I'm guessing that if he is Jewish that he represents a different faction that is against how the current group are running things.
You'd have to ask someone who knows about these jew politics, because I have no clue.

>> No.11499390

If this pans out, Trump will be the next Andrew Jackson. No wonder he hangs his picture in the oval office.

>> No.11499401

I'll try to describe it in a simplest way possible. Average real inflation surpassed the 'inflation' tenfold.
First and foremost, forex markets aren't exactly tight, there are in-between pair changes that in the long run add up to a 'lost value' that pretty much goes nowhere and creates a black hole. This black hole is now big enough to suck up some major celestial bodies.
You don't have to be a mathematician though to see this happening. If the average inflation of a currency pair is reported at let's say 1% but you can buy 10% less for the same price in comparison with the analysis entry point, that's the situation we're looking at right now.
Why does the 'tenfold' matter? Because markets, believe it or not, tend to react very emotionally, it's an actual psychological tipping point.

>> No.11499412

>Shit. Why is he so intermingled with them though? Even going so far as letting his daughter marry one.

You cant get in the Manhattan real estate market without being a Jew. It's literally impossible. he had to sell out his daughter to gain their trust, then he will do to the Jews what they have done to the West for centuries... if not millenia

What time-frame do you expect this to go down?

>> No.11499424

Really nigga? Do you just base all your economic assessments based on what Trump says? The economy is doing absolute shit right now real quick.

>> No.11499437
File: 57 KB, 855x577, 2018_10_23_12_33_56_US10Y_U.S._10_Year_Treasury_Stock_Quote_and_News_CNBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should our eyes be on this chart?

>> No.11499448

Would be one for the ages.

I expect big things to start happening over the next few weeks and months.
But also I think the people in power aren't just going to pull the rug out on the whole world. Maybe a few years for a full unwinding of the old system? Plenty of time to jump onto the new ship and still make profit from doing so.
Just keep your eyes and ears open.

>> No.11499462

No I do not, and yes it is. I wanted economics anon's input though.

>> No.11499466

Sitting on a troy pound of gold. My body is ready.

krugerrands are based af

>> No.11499486
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Lol, gold? What the fuck kind of use does gold have in the modern world except being sold to other dickheads who think it actually has a fucking use?
Things people need to survive and thrive is what has value in this world.

>> No.11499490
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Seems like gold is becoming sexy again.
Good luck anons.

>> No.11499510

Hey OP I was looking to buy gold is APMEX ok to buy from?

>> No.11499512
File: 10 KB, 299x168, images (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol, gold? What the fuck kind of use does gold have in the modern world

As he types from his PC which uses gold plated conductors to send the 0s and 1s needed to create this shitpost

>> No.11499531


yes but buy from their ebay page they hook it up more there

>> No.11499609

Your gold bars are probably tungsten wrapped in gold foil L M A O


>> No.11499615

should I exclusively buy AEs? or are bars okay

>> No.11499616

Thanks /biz bro

>> No.11499650

how did you calculate average real inflation?

>> No.11499700

What's the best investment to make during this time? I'm a relative poorfag with about $30k liquid cash. Silver? BTC?

>> No.11499701

Look at the lost value between multiple currency pairs by cross referencing them.

>> No.11499755

My original post was a joke but seriously: how do you not get fucked buy getting sent tungsten bars wrapped in gold foil?

>> No.11499770

Gold, silver, BTC, and stocks like WM, defense stocks, oil stocks, consumer staples. beer, weed stocks might survive a recession

>> No.11499791

Where would a European buy and sell gold ?

>> No.11499818

Should I buy physical gold and silver, or buy bonds? Bonds are more fungible, but maybe the security of physical ownership might actually come into play here?

>> No.11499839

Physical. Dont buy bonds, you won't get your money back. Bonds are basically a black hole at this point

>> No.11499844

I'm usually buying straight from the mint, I believe this greatly decreases the chance of someone meddling with the product.

>> No.11499873

silver gets even more wild during PM rallies.
also you can get more oz of silver
if you're a poorfag you can easily buy at least 10 oz of silver but you couldn't afford just 1 oz of gold.
silver is ridiculously undervalued.

>> No.11500018

Do you have any other information for us based anon? Blogs we can read up on this? Other ways we can educate ourselves on how to succeed in the coming dark ages?

>> No.11500070

That's why you should only buy coins, and then test them with acoustic frequencies or speed test.

>> No.11500076

I’m looking to buy silver, any recommendations like how krugerrand gold is good.

>> No.11500091

Just bought another 20 oz of silver. Good luck bois

>> No.11500097

APMEX is ok, but there are cheaper deals out there if you plan to purchase with CC. If you're using a check, then APMEX is pretty good deal.

For silver, either American Silver Eagles or APMEX rounds.

>> No.11500125

Is this why institutions are trying to flock to btc? In order to not take the heat from losing all the 401k funds in the upcoming shitstorm? I know they are not that altruistic and they've been accumulating otc, but the timing of the etf, bakkt, fidelity makes me wonder..

>> No.11500126
File: 89 KB, 1435x639, dgx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGX is a solid ERC20 to have to retain the value of gold. Stablecoin fully backed and redeemable for physical gold.

Good way to have the value of Gold available for DEX trading and on a Ledger in your own possession. (can travel with it and can't be frozen)

>> No.11500173
File: 218 KB, 980x776, demonocracy-gold-all_gold_in_the_world-reserves-cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that all the gold ever mined would only comprise a cube of 21 meters


>> No.11500210

also thought about that but why buy it.

>> No.11500222

Is it worth me buying a house? When can I expect this collapse to happen?

I was going to buy a house outright in April but if this collapse happens should I bother?

Also, in this post apocalypse, what will 5 grams of gold, a few peices of silver and a gold ring fetch me?

>> No.11500257

You're a fucking idiot. Gold is going to make new highs. Buying now is as good as you're going to get.

>> No.11500274

youre the fucking idiot for buying metals in one of the few times in history the USD gains strength

Thats why banks short on you dumbasses

>> No.11500306

All the signs point to waiting to buy a house anon. From what I understand, interest rates are higher than a few years ago yet they are still lower than pre 2008 collapse rates. Even so, house purchases are dropping.

>> No.11500351

Just a way to retain the value of gold, as hedge against inflation and potential investment... But have it in your possession.

And have it as an ERC20 that can be traded via DEX.

You'll likely never cash it out physically but you could and therefore someone else can. And therefore it should retain its worth to 1 gram of Gold.

You have to trust the company DIGIX to keep 1-1 backing and be trustworthy. They have audits and appear to be at the current time.

>> No.11500403

Just put £11 in gold.

I'm more of a silver man myself. It's my view that silver is probably what the average man would use in day to day transactions in a post national currency situation.

>> No.11500437

He’s trying to get the chinks to start dumping their gold to support their currency. For (((reasons)))

>> No.11500445

Looking at American Eagle Coin BU (Lot of 20) Gonna pull the trigger thank you anon

>> No.11500510

the price of basic commodities such as dried food, black beans, red lentils, has doubled in the last three months

>> No.11500546

I would be surprised if BTC is a safe haven in such an event, honestly. Its too abstract and speculative still imo, but who knows

>> No.11500592

Sauce on that? THe CPI has not increased much

>> No.11500594

The couple of percantages swing is "too late"?
I came here, thinking u guys knew what u were talking about lol. Market is easy to read, i already doubled my shit this year (lost some last week tho).

>> No.11500601

"any cryptos that are selected to be part of the new system"
who does that selection?
protip: its you and me and all of us

>> No.11500634

Great. get ready for the pajeets shilling their BCH and EOS and shit to the Fed

>> No.11500641

You think so? Let's see. My horses are on the top three, specially keeping my eye peeled on XRP. I have a feeling the US will pick it over BTC.

>> No.11500658
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I bought silver oz bars. How fucked am I?

>> No.11500683
File: 1.71 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks just bought 4k

>> No.11500703

Silver is probably going to 10-12 dollars per ounce so...

>> No.11500713

why silver worth so little?

>> No.11500736

OK I am interested. But I am a brainlet and can't figure out how to make this work. Do i need to use kyber swap or something? I've never done that before, does someone have a link with basic instructions on how to make this happen?
(dgx website not an option)

>> No.11500741

Right before it goes to 1000-1200 an oz

>> No.11500772

Too much supply. Silver is everywhere like a western roastie in her late teens.

Gold is the quality Stacy

>> No.11500781

well for one thing, its a completely speculative investment (pays nothing) that already had a bubble in 2016.

Some tards might say: Its a hedge against the dollar! but since the dollar is rising on interest rates, theres 0 reason to own metals until 2020

>> No.11500798

it isn't gold in every single fucking pc you mongodongo

>> No.11500812

Also, if it's eth based.... I am a little confused, isnt the coin simply backed by ETH mining? In which case, the value of ETH is also backed somewhat by DGX & gold. Why buy DGX directly, shouldn't ETH be at LEAST as valuable as dgx? I don't understand.
Also wasn't this that project vitalik helped advise? some russian overlord type dudes that wanted to start their own coin, and he was like okay but whey do that just ETH infrastructure and launch your token on our platform. Which makes sense and all, and the coin's existence should absolutely be there...but I don't really understand why it should be absolutely necessary to own the physical token as opposed to say ETH itself. for instance, even if we assume crypto crash happens and allETh tokens crash, dgx still is backed by gold, and then by definition ETH would still be supported somewhat by DGX, and since there are relatively limited ETH, eth would also have to increase in value to just be able to buy the DGX token, even if that's literally eth's only function at that point.
I don't know, it seems shortcut would be to buy ETH. which is a lot easier to do for US anons than this token. obviously it would fluctuate a lot more, and it gives the eth team the same abilities as the FED -- but I would think in the long run the number of times overall value of ETH > DGX would be higher than the number of times the value of ETH < DGX. Perhaps not though.
Any thoughts?

>> No.11500829


>> No.11501528
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>money is stupid
>bartering for every transaction is better

>> No.11501545

silver will moon harder than gold

>> No.11501600
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