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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 700 KB, 2592x4608, IMG-20181023-WA0062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11497363 No.11497363 [Reply] [Original]

I live next to the most expensive house in the world ($2billion USD) antilla. A.m.a.


>> No.11497379

Which coins are you holding?

>> No.11497400

Link of course sir, and Myst. My family is worth 18 million USD too btw, nowhere near any real rich guys but still comfy. Have a nice sea view too.

>> No.11497818 [DELETED] 

Can you help out a fellow jeet get 10k stack, only have 5k. Even a few hundred will suffice.

>> No.11497827

poo coin, loo protocol, stink chain

>> No.11497831

how do you poo in the street with so many floors in the building?

>> No.11497835 [DELETED] 


>> No.11497860
File: 551 KB, 1536x2048, 1537564691145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinks 18 million is almost poorhouse levels....kys fag.

>> No.11497889

Lol $18 million is pretty fucking rich in any part of the world, and $100 million tier in India. Op humble bragging

>> No.11497893

And you have the poorest phone in the world

>> No.11497902

I'd pay 2 billion not to live in India.

>> No.11497916

Nope, where I live in Malabar hills, $10 million USD will get you a 2000 sqft apartment. Check it out I'm not even kidding.


RS. 2lakh is about $3k USD.

>> No.11497932

Same here buddy, if it wasn't for the family business I would split this shithole and never look back at this hellscape filled with street shitting animals that bury their own newborn infant daughters

>> No.11497935

you are even worse than this indian for believing there is a 2bln usd property in poo land

>> No.11497947

malabar hills is a separate country?

>> No.11497970

lol there really is faggot

>> No.11497977

What kind of girl can you get in India with that kind of money?

>> No.11497991
File: 20 KB, 266x355, 432_Park_Avenue,_March_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the cost of two of these buildings (in NY).

>I highly doubt it

>> No.11498004
File: 375 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181023-231556__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel dumbass learn to Google

>> No.11498021

desu, we got some really extravagant rich pajeets in this country

>> No.11498029

damn. that thing is legit. +respect to Pajeets for this one

>> No.11498033

He could have got really ripped off on construction.

>> No.11498048

why did they make it look like shit from the outside lol

>> No.11498051

It would be hard to really enjoy a place like that when there are people literally dying in the streets below you. Unless you are a sociopath.

>> No.11498089

>some pajeet paid 2 billion for a jenga stacked apartment overlooking the shit filled streets of Mumbai
KEK, even with all that money they can’t leave the shit filled streets and move somewhere nice. Truly are subhumans.

>> No.11498101
File: 1.27 MB, 878x686, dfhgdfgdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you live here, OP?

>> No.11498119

Yeah it's always been a mystery to me because I find it unlikely that they're sociopaths considering they're really god fearing people, they donate tons of money to temples.And it's not like any other religion that enables you to do a lot of crap, hinduism comes with loads of moral faggotry with it and if you're a firm believer (they are, it seems so), this kind of a lifestyle is borderline sinful

>> No.11498120

That's sort of close lol

>> No.11498186
File: 1.30 MB, 2592x4608, IMG-20181013-WA0041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any girl I want? As long as she is from my caste, religion, but not my tribe, also she is ready to give dowry, etc etc otherwise I get killed by my parents or the police

>> No.11498219

look at that fucking foot jesus christ

>> No.11498224

>Unless you are a sociopath.
It's called a human being

>> No.11498226

Can you post some examples of how they look?

>> No.11498236

>construction cost of a skyscraper is equal to the price of a single appartment in the skyscraper
I live next to the most expensive house in the world ($2billion USD) antilla. A.m.a.
>most expensive house
learn how to properly express concepts in english
can this bpard properly understand english?

>> No.11498239

dayum. millionaire phones don't have a notch.

>> No.11498257

and do u conform to this reality ? that would be pretty fucking shit and something i wouldn't do for any amount of money

>> No.11498258

Holy fuck
>Peak pajeet

>> No.11498268

No man, hindusim is worse than Islam, the worst religion. My family is Hindu so I know. Hindus bury their own infant daughters alive just because daughters are a liability. This is such a widespread practice that the government spends hundreds of millions of USD per year telling people not to bury their kids alive. There are cannibals called ahoris that will eat your dead relatives while you are not looking and the police won't touch them, there are faith militants called the bajrag dal that will rape little children in their free time but will beat you to death if you hold your own wife's hand in public. Hindus also burn widows etc, people will tell you it's not happening anymore but just Google it, happens everyday. I could write a 5000 page novel and it won't be enough.

Look up beti bachao

>> No.11498284

Lol you dumbass that entire scyscraper is the house, 5 people live there with their 600 servants hahah

>> No.11498286


Why does this photo look like u drew it with oil paint? Also. The photo here>>11498004

Doesn't look like ur photo. Am i tripping?

>> No.11498287

must suck to be normal in that country

>> No.11498292

>indian comes to 4chan to inform us indians are barbaric

Don't worry we know.

>> No.11498295

yeah dude i know lol. I'm just saying these two things do not line up, hinduism is extremely fucking archaic I'm not say it isn't, just that this kind of a lifestyle isn't encouraged.

>> No.11498307

You have no idea. I have so much money but I live in a prison

>> No.11498308

he's not making this up btw, its all real.
google "mukesh ambani"

>> No.11498311

Fucking brainlet

>> No.11498312

still wrong, its a 400 mil $ house then, 2bln / 5, its still not a single house, or do they live all together as 1 family?

>> No.11498325

why don't you go on sexcapades to south east asia or europe, no one has to fucking know. Unless you're still in school/ college lol

>> No.11498327

Dad mom and their two kids and grandma you literal retard. How hard is it to google?

>> No.11498332

It's one family moron, Jesus you are dense

>> No.11498340

And you still shit in the street somehow?

>> No.11498342

also how do u plan on cashing out kek most of these major exchanges are dead in the water

>> No.11498358

overplayed and cringe

>> No.11498379

this meme used to be funny but then you people ruined it by using it as a response to being shown as the brainlet you are. Kind of calling a nigger a nigger angrily after he's done fucking your wife and sister

>> No.11498383

how do you and you and the rest of you street shitters with money live with the fact that your country and people are absolutely shit tier poo loo rubbish?

>> No.11498420

>being a nationalist in 2018
I'd leave India if I had anywhere close to 18 mil, take that collectivist filth to /pol/

>> No.11498426

Impossible, if my family knew I would really get killed. My uncle fell in love with this village girl and married her, she was our caste, our religion, not our tribe, educated, fair, a virgin, pious, etc and still my uncle "disappeared" with his wife. Nobody talks about it but I know he was killed by our family. He was a nice guy man.

>> No.11498441

Never heard of this place before. Interesting

>> No.11498473

A girl like this would be easy.

>> No.11498494
File: 133 KB, 788x1144, Screenshot_20181023-235217__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.11498512

mind telling what caste it is that u are

>> No.11498530
File: 185 KB, 939x1261, Screenshot_20180919-130448__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rejected this girl for marriage, my family wants me to get married and I can't say I don't want to get married since I will be able to have regular sex without the threat of murder. Rejected her because she was being a bitch.

Indian women only want money

>> No.11498544

We can go browner.

>> No.11498558


>> No.11498559

Pretty hot. How hairy are they?

>> No.11498584

Man Indians are so fucking cucked. I'm Sri Lankan and it blows my mind how the vast majority of Indians I come across have no lives of their own beyond having their parents vicariously living through them.

I never understood how you guys ever come to terms with going through your entire lives essentially living out the wishes of someone else. Literally blows my fucking mind. Why even be alive at that point?

>> No.11498632

>2 billion for a shitty 27fl building
how the fuck can one building cost that much when the motherfucking Burj Khalifa cost $1.5 billon??

>> No.11498666

No at all, only the roadshitter garbage Gene animals are hairy, higher caste girls are rarely ugly or hairy or dark. Even the ones who are hairy will get laser hair removal. No problem there

>> No.11498670

Someone jelly lmao.

>> No.11498683

It's the land, and the building is 60 floors just that every floor is 20ft high

>> No.11498713
File: 126 KB, 1080x1169, Screenshot_20181024-000956__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11498749

what is your net worth mane. As in all the assets to your name, including property

>> No.11498821

Nothing is in my name, that's why I stole from my family business and bought crypto. Everything is owned by my grandpa. He will kill his own kids so you know what kind of guy he is. Killed my uncle just because he married a girl of his choice instead of getting an arranged marriage. I would kill him if I got the chance too, it's kill or be killed in my family. Same for all rich families in India.

>> No.11498888

Ok though, real talk, what type of girl could I get in India being an attractive white guy?

>> No.11498905

Also... you have to answer me because I got quad lucky 8's

>> No.11498936

Any girl you want. Just go on tinder in India and have your pick.

>> No.11498964

Have you heard of chain link Anon? Do you understand what it does? You don't need an exchange anymore.

>> No.11498987

Honestly, I love indian girls too. Like slightly browner Greek girls, which is my weakness. I should emigrate.

>> No.11499003

You want to move here hahahaha go right ahead.

>> No.11499085

I have a lot of money, like Indian girls, and have absolutely no qualms about leaving a 40lb pile of hot soft shit on any sidewalk. I think this is my purpose.

>> No.11499124

same, mine wont kill me but disown me for sure

>> No.11499142

do you mind showing us? the first ones were really pretty.
how easy is it for people to tell the difference between different castes and tribes? that story about your uncle makes me sad man

>> No.11499166

kill him, Lakshmi. Kill him with your bare hands

>> No.11499185

I can't post any more girls I know lol. But they all looks pretty hot. Thanks for the uncle thing. He was a good man.

>> No.11499226

yeah i get that.
so what would happen if your grandpa had a little accident?

>> No.11499258

My uncles and dad would try to kill each other for the money lol

>> No.11499265

Golden cage :( at least you can travel, or help your community, friends etc :)

>> No.11499338

wow. i hope for the sake of your close ones that you are a more compassionate person. at least it seems like it.
can you say how your family got that money? what do you do?

>> No.11499359

Hows the wage there ? What about employment ? Can you get a decent job when out of university ? And what about prices compared to the west ? Gas price and basic groceries ?

>> No.11499366
File: 756 KB, 926x870, 7 miss universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to south America

you will be a king and fit in very well

south America is very calm just go south like Uruguay or Paraguay
7 miss universe titles

south America has brown and blue people

whatever floats your boat

>Alessandra Ambrosio

>> No.11499391

Median income is $100 USD. An average engineer with a master's degree earns about $400 USD a month. You would need to spend $100 on rent. If you live with 6-7 roommates in a city. Another $100 on food and $50-70 on travel. Eating out is out of the question.

>> No.11499421

Can't say. But it's not anything illegal. Our business is related to kids/education. It's just this country, it makes you hate everyone and everything.

>> No.11499537

i can only imagine. rat race x100 on expert level.

>> No.11499702

post more SA beauties

>> No.11499715

>it's kill or be killed in my family

based desu

>> No.11499747


>SA beauties

she looks like my girlfriend's fat Mexican mom

no gracias.

>> No.11499799

>OP is an elite pajeet
Please buy my bags sir.

>> No.11499809

OP, I live in the USA and there's a significant Indian presence in my area.

Most of the men are chill and talk, but their daughters tend to hide in their houses and the older Indian women (generally wearing Saris (hopefully I got that right)) don't even look at me if I say hello to them. Any cultural reason why that may be the case?

>> No.11499992

Did you not read the thread??? They'd probably get honor killed by their husband's and fathers for speaking to you

>> No.11500157

I did read it, but if that's the case, then that's jacked up for even saying hello.

>> No.11500271

so many different lives/realities in the world, what you think is strange could be normal for another

makes me wonder what sort of reality is stranger than I can fathom in my sheltered average life. What if all those crazy conspiracy theories are true and I'm just too sheltered to find it possible?

>> No.11500318
File: 510 KB, 448x761, SA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean Adriana lima sure>>11499747
this post is for you bucko

south America has 7 miss universe titles

south America is not central America

south America has the best women food and weather


>> No.11500354
File: 131 KB, 1080x1349, 1525213530553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be a catch-22 being a rich pajeet like OP.

On the one hand you're richer than I'll ever be. On the other hand, I get to fuck as many girls as I want. White, black, brown, pajeet, asian, poor, wealthy, slutty and classy. I've fucked them all. It'd be strange being tied down by family and tradition, but I guess that's a price to pay for having all the money you'll ever need.

>> No.11500366

Very true. I know a good bit of what I do is considered weird by other culture standards.

Reminds me of a mental illness in the DSM (I forgot the name) where one of the criteria is not following cultural norms. Literally doing something considered bizzare your side of the world, but normal in a different part is considered criteria for diagnosis.

>> No.11500368
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, sa dummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask why tom brady married a SA

ask why victorias secret models are SA

>travel sir

>> No.11500388

careful this one is central and she was born a twig

90% of her body is plastic

SA women are born with the best bodies and face

central America and north America lack, women food and weather . just lambos everywhere

you pick

if you still dont get it you wont make it

>> No.11500418


>> No.11500434

Silicon Valley is Heaven on Earth. Gorgeous mutt women everywhere I turn. Gorgeous White women, and women of all races everywhere...

And I hate Liberals.

Califonia > Most States except Texas. But I melt hard for SA Women.

>> No.11500507

>An average engineer with a master's degree earns about $400 USD a month

Kek. I am a Mumbai Pajeet too. I have a bachelors and making 3.5 time that per month. Negotiate harder or stay poor.

Also OP you sound like you are from a very orthodox family.
Is your family running some kind of popular tuition class?

>> No.11500534

It's worth the cost of living in Silicon Valley for you?

Can vouch for SA

>> No.11500540

Gtfo of here you panhandling nigger

>> No.11500743

wtf post your gf's mom

>> No.11500769

Go to samsung theme and change those icons pajeet.

>> No.11500891

what do you think of my portfolio pls r8:

LINK 15k
RLX 550k
UBEX 45k
0xBTC 10k
0xLTC 20k
0xGOLD 1k

pls advise srsly wat to buy into pls anon and thx

>> No.11501077

We're all living a good lifestyle here in the west with loads of superfluous shit while people are dying and starving all over the world, he's not more sociopathic than any of us, only more honest maybe.

Also nice thread, best of luck to you OP.

>> No.11501313
File: 11 KB, 183x275, 5455232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0x anything
literally Shudra tier

>> No.11501330

ca is nice but if your rich

no way if you make under 500k

its like Rio de Janeiro

favelas coming to a town near you

>> No.11501339

Drip the Ox coins, buy link.

>> No.11501375

dcr omoon

>> No.11501405

Sounds like India is a shithole.

>> No.11501447

So you are saying the lighter the person the higher the caste in general?

>> No.11501470

Pretty sure Pakistan does the same. (Throwing away baby girls that is, dunno about burying them alive)

>> No.11501491


I can't tell if this is a painting or a really shitty photograph

>> No.11501732


Fuck off we're full


>> No.11501853

Please help stop the pollution coming from India, literally destroying our oceans.

Even if you did something then I could respect you even if you’re Indian