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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 163 KB, 853x1280, 343708_02big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11489061 No.11489061 [Reply] [Original]

>finally lost my virginity to prostitute.
>thankyou ethereum.

Guys oh my God I finally did it and I think I'm going to do it again holy shit. She was amazing I think I'm in love oh my God. I was shaking when she took off her clothes and studdering when she asked me what I wanted. I told her I just want to touch a boob I had never touched it before oh my God im in love with this woman she is the one oh my God.

Biz let me tell you.I'm that guy who posted here a few weeks ago saying I was a Virgin and no driver's licence. Let me tell you what to so with your money. Go have sex right now I'm serious oh my God its amazing. I'm turning 29 in a week and I'm in love with this woman. Do I buy her a gift? I don't know I've never felt this way before holy shit

>> No.11489075

8/10 larp had a small kek

>> No.11489077
File: 65 KB, 640x774, 1523617617013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek i really hope this is a larp

>> No.11489079

You now know what true love is, I'm happy for you.

>> No.11489081

Of course dude. Next time go buy her something made of gold, or silver, silver shows passion, gold shows player. Choose what ever image you want to promote.

Make sure you don't ask for sex next time. She'll offer it on her own but even if she doesn't, paying for it but not asking for it will make you really cool in her eyes.

You got this dude, remember to send us invites to the wedding you mad lad! You made it!

>> No.11489091

This is why I'm just going to stay a virgin. I know that I'll most likely die a virgin and I've learned to live with it. I feel like I'd get addicted like OP obviously soon will be. Plus, I wouldn't want to contribute to human trafficking or get blackmailed.

>> No.11489110

I got scammed $700 and I gave them my picture and employer. I am scared just remembering it...... dammmmn it

>> No.11489131
File: 1.01 MB, 814x818, ouaip, celui là va dans ma compil' malaise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11489136

also she will prob love u more than ur money anon

>> No.11489151

OP you're the same guy posting all these pasta threads at once, aren't you

>> No.11489263

>finally lost my virginity to prostitute
>im in love with this woman

>> No.11489281

you've got to be kidding

>> No.11489287
File: 268 KB, 1200x1500, c2c87a91a13b9b757099bec5f805a697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling in love with a prostitute
Anon, I...

You know what, never mind. Grats for the sex.

>> No.11489296 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 2100x1050, barrick-gold-corp-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time go buy her something made of gold
did i just real G O L D?

buy this bitch some barrick gold stocks and she will be happy

>> No.11489312 [DELETED] 

>Next time go buy her something made of gold
did i just real G O L D?

buy this bitch some barrick gold stocks and she will be happy

>> No.11489321

>I got scammed $700 and I gave them my picture and employer.
This HAS to be larp. Are you genuinely retarded or am I for falling for this?

>> No.11489327

Nigger are you just scanning the entire board for the word "gold" to advertise your shit? That's dedication but lurk moar

>> No.11489340

>Next time go buy her something made of gold
did i just read G O L D?

buy this bitch some barrick gold stocks and she will be happy

>> No.11489360

dude i had to retype my post 3 times
i hurts

>> No.11489379

It's ok, you did your best

>> No.11489413
File: 2.33 MB, 480x360, whatdidyoujust.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pasta as old as the hills

>> No.11489465

Know why street whores and prostitutes refer to the men they see as ‘tricks’? It’s because they’re tricking a man into paying for what a real man gets for free.

I’m a wizard myself and have a bunch of hang ups that keep me from trying, but even I know that you don’t have to pay for pussy if you want it bad enough. Take a good look at all the horrendous looking, stupid people out and about with their significant others when you can work up the nerve to leave your screen.

If they can make it happen, why the shit can’t you?

>> No.11489485


Most ugly men fuck prostitues or their hands. Average looking men fuck hambeasts. Only Good-looking men (6/10+ minimum) get the sexy bitches.

>> No.11489489

Also, nice job with your holdings.

The advisor that got me into crypto bought into ether at 8$ for 1000 tokens and cashed out at 1200$ a throw.

He’s living nicely now.

>> No.11489530

I see tons of overweight men with horrible teeth and questionable hygiene out with their women, hand-In-hand, all the time. The females aren’t anything to write home about, but they have something that TS and any other incel do not; the nerve to try, the nerve to be rejected and the nerve to try again until they get what they want. Like or not, there is some woman out there willing to spend time with you and open your axe wound so you can mush the muffin.

>> No.11489565


>get what they want

Nobody wants a fat old bitch. OP wants some fine thot with a fat ass. Go be a whiteknight somewhere else

>> No.11489571

Good job dave man

>> No.11489594

> all these new fags replying to this ancient bait

>> No.11489612

Kek, I didn’t know people had their own thoughts on what constitutes attraction and partner selection. So mastirbation, or old, ugly women then? Wow, tough market.

If you think what I said was white knighting, than you’re beyond help. Quit shitting up biz and visit the robot board where you can commiserate with the other self-loathing douche nozzles that attention seek instead of being productive.

>> No.11489644

Straight G homie. Hot thots are still thots. Fat ladies... can be good friends and some people fuck their friends ig.

>> No.11489681

I wouldn’t know, haven’t had intimate contact with a female for 15 years and still haven’t felt a boob or been on a date.

Apparently that’s white knighting to some folks here.

>> No.11489725
File: 21 KB, 377x293, 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah anyone can get pussy if they really put the effort in but is it worth all the fucking games especially when the date etc can easily add up to half the price of just paying to fuck. How much is your time worth?

>> No.11489750
File: 41 KB, 500x500, Gene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Um no the third option is to pay for prime pussy. Pussy goes bad by 30. Only poorfags have to settle for used up roast beef flaps

Personally I enjoy 17-21 age bracket. 16 is even legal in my state but sadly no prostitutes in that range