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1148596 No.1148596 [Reply] [Original]

US banks offer little help to small businesses who have experienced fraudulent charges.




>> No.1148715

Don't think there's much to say. If your site for robbed, who would you sue - the police for not returning your stuff? Send like issuance would be useful for this

>> No.1149311
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fraud protection? why do they help individuals and not small businesses?

>> No.1149317

And then they wonder why small businesses are dying

>> No.1149324


If a transaction hasn't been authorised by an account holder, then it shouldn't bear any legal weight. Of the three examples, the only one that shouldn't really be reimbursed is the second, and that's because the transfers were carried out by the company accountant acting on false instructions. The other two are clearly the bank's responsibility. Think of it this way - if someone walked into a bank with a false ID and cleared out your account, do you think that you ought to suffer that loss? If someone took out a credit card in your name, do you think you ought to be liable for the debt?

As a particularly important point, it's the banks that are in a position to ensure that their security is adequate. If they set up an easily bypassed system then the customer is unable to do anything to improve upon that. Forcing people to get insurance will just mean that the crime continues, while an insurance firm takes a nice payday, and banks avoid spending on security. The better method is just to make the bank liable, and give them the responsibility of either improving security, accepting the losses, or taking out insurance if that's the cheaper option.

>> No.1149328

This makes sense... But it gets more complicated.

What about in the case of malware? There is some exceedingly sophisticated malware which fools people in numerous ways. Once you get it you're pretty much fucked.

Should the bank be liable in that case? Those types of things while not the fault of the customer, have little to nothing to do with the bank. To them it appeared as just another transactions.

How about when a customer gets phished or scammed in some way or doesn't practice basic security? Is it still the banks liability or the customer's?

It's a complicated situation and I don't think it's fair for neither the bank nor the customer to eat the losses in most of these cases.

>> No.1149546

>Work on business for many years
>Finally earning profit

Is there even a fucking point anymore?

>> No.1149641

Who should eat the losses though? I completely agree with you but someone has to eat the cost of the fraud. Don't banks have insurance to cover these things?

>> No.1149649

I used to be a positive guy but I'm starting to feel the same way. Seems like for every hardworking person there 400 lazy pieces of shit and a Russian trying to steal that money.

Someone needs to serial killer scam artists.

>> No.1149659


What's the fucking point anymore?

This shit is actually terrifying for me, and the worst thing is that you're absolutely fucked if it happens.

>Work for 20 years
>Save 60% of paycheck diligently, striving for a smooth retirement
>Wake up
>Money is all gone
>Call bank and ask what the fuck
>"Sorry there's nothing we can do, tough luck pal"

What the fuck DO YOU DO?
I read the article, that's a nightmare situation.

Give me one good reason why we should work our entire lives when these people make that money in a week.

>> No.1149674

Fucking seriously

How is this shit fair

What's the point of working and investing?

>> No.1149676


You're in the wrong line of work, just start stealin' like these niggas.

>> No.1149684

They do say if you can't beat em, join em.

Seriously though this is driving me crazy.

Is there no justice in this world? You work your entire life and get 8% average returns which takes you 20-30 years to make a million.


Is there no fuckibg God?

>mfuckingface when some guy is literally on a beach right now having a threesome and drinking champagne he just stole from some poor people while they work to earn more for him to steal




>> No.1149687

you go in and shoot the fucking people
if you lose your life, they should as well

>> No.1149698

Go into where?

Travel to Nigeria and find their village?

>> No.1149708

any branch of the bank. when people start losing their lives, they are going to give a fuck. they spend millions of dollars fighting cases with 6 figure settlement please. if anything, the banks are in on the fraud.

it's one thing to have some fuck head who doesn't care about his life steal all of your stuff, it's a completely different ordeal when a business partner just gives you the shaft.

>> No.1149715

It's just fucked to think about about man.

It's actually hurting my head and making me feel depressed.

I used to think life was actual fair and there was punishment for bad deeds and reward for things like honesty, hardwork and perseverance.

Now it feels like sometimes really bad shit happens and there's nothing you can do and nothing will happen to them.

>> No.1149724
File: 16 KB, 502x321, just RoR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some pajeet hacks your credit card
>bank pays everything

>some pajeet hacks your business credit card
>bank tells you to fuck off

why is this allowed?

>> No.1149731

Build secure sites, make sure whoever does transactions isn't a digital dummy, etc.
Being one step above a wageslave takes dilligence.

>> No.1149738

No clue.

Especially considering in the first case it'd be a few thousand at most and in the second it could be hundreds of thousands

I wonder if brokers are secure from this or can Panjeet empty out your stocks and send them to Bangalore

Dude there's so much shit that's literally out of your control in these cases.

>> No.1149750

And what's worse is the laws in this country that punish people who don't go to the bank.

My grandfather saved up like $800,000 in cold hard cash in a safe from decades running a business, now that he's dead the family is pissing itself because the government are assholes and will just assume the money was gained illegally, they'll probably tax it all like 60% if they try to claim it. whats even worse is the cash is all old bills, the idiot never got them updated

But if you put it in a bank it's not safe either

fucking jews man

>> No.1149753

Feel free to never aspire to more, then.

>> No.1149765

There's no peace in the world man.

I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying.

The whole thing behind fraud is that it's near impossible to fight it as an individual.

I don't think you realise that big brokers and even the IRS/other government agencies get hacked nowadays.

>Practice all basic security measures
>Panjeet hacks something that holds your information which you hold no control over
>Goes to fucking town on it

Shit like that man.

Read the story in OP, they got into his email and fucked his shit up

>> No.1149770

life has never been fair and i don't know what made you think that.

you just may not be mentally strong enough to exist in this world.

>> No.1149774

i wouldn't be surprised if the govt was involved in all of this.

>> No.1149779

I thought there was fairness and that bad people get punished usually and working cleanly and honestly pays off in the end.

>> No.1149819
File: 25 KB, 292x227, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1453966063428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't the original purpose of a bank to safely store physical cash and valuables?

Why should digital money be different? Seems really scummy. There has to be one bank out there with small business protections

>> No.1149827

It's funny considering North America is the best in regards to consumer protection, other then a few other countries.

Most everywhere else you'd be told to suck cock no matter what happened.

>> No.1150330

The banks eat the cost of the fraud and have insurance to cover it in the situation of personal accounts, but when it comes to business accounts the rules completely change for some reason. I'm wondering why..

>> No.1150331
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Do you think they get away with it? maybe if they do it once but not if they do it regularly.

>> No.1150955

Bro many of these people, hell nearly all are from countries with incredibly lax laws for international fraud.

They KNOW they won't be extradited and KNOW nothing will happen as long as they don't affect citizens of their own country.