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File: 9 KB, 193x262, EC61ACB7-BD92-4EA9-8A8B-F30FD68A273C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11485550 No.11485550 [Reply] [Original]

Tumour. He has an appointment with the needle first thing in the morning.

>First thought
That's sad

>Second thought
I wonder how much more crypto I can buy when I'm not paying his insurance and food costs

Pic is not my cat

>> No.11485594
File: 358 KB, 492x482, EW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're disgusting.

>> No.11485611

Cat insurance?

>> No.11485645

How? My first thought was sadness. I have emotions

Yes. It's a thing

>> No.11485672

Kill yourself. Your relatives will get your 100 bucks in your piggy bank. And you wont spend anything on food, water or rent anymore.
Bonus: you are dead

>> No.11485736

Pls no bully

>> No.11485763
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I am sad for your cat anon.

>> No.11485780

Thank you. So am I. He's my only friend. I'm to find an silver lining, and all I've got so far is, more shitcoins on payday

>> No.11485795

>being so poor your cat makes a dent on your gambling habits
Also, cat insurance? Kys

>> No.11485809

I have car insurance, but I don't vote and destroy my car on purpose if it has damage. Maybe you should ask the vet to prep an extra syringe to inject yourself with.

>> No.11485819

why the fuck do you have a cat insurance

>> No.11485823

I don't know how the word vote got in there. My point was kys.

>> No.11485824

You're a fucking disgusting piece of shit and you should kys.

This is why I hate how this whole pet ownership thing became a fad.

>Get pet to amuse self
>Make it unable to have sex/have no desire to - completely remove an inherent biological function because it makes the 'toy' more difficult to maintain
>When too expensive to maintain toy (sickness), just kill it

Rinse and repeat. Everything humans touch they destroy it. Every fucking thing.

>> No.11485834

Well I don’t blame you, that thing has to die eventually... giving it pain free death is humane in itself

>> No.11485850

Agreed on the whole sex thing, but giving it a humane death because it’s suffering, well you’re pretty fucking stupid

>> No.11485861

I didn't really read the paperwork but I believe if my cat gets stolen, they will replace it with a cat of equal or higher value. Also if he attacks someone and I get sued, it pays for my legal costs

Are you fucking retarded? What do you think it does? It's to pay vet bills. About £10 a month over 8 years and its already paid out more for tests over the last 2 months than the entire policy cost to date

>> No.11485872

The vet said that because it's spread, it's game over for him. It's the kindest way. He's suffering right now. You think I'd kill him just for funsies?

>> No.11485874

>Your cat requires an operation to remove tumor. Do you have cat insurance?

>why yes I do, for an occasion such as this

>I recommend surgery ASAP

>nah, just kill it. I'd rather accumulate Link than keep feeding him

Are you Chinese?

>> No.11485879
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>a cat of equal it higher value
Lost here

>> No.11485883

If you're not willing to take care of the pet like a part of your family, then don't fucking get a pet.

To the cat, you're a part of its 'pack'.

This whole thing is basically a 'I'll keep you alive as long as long as you provide a source of amusement to me as long as you don't get too expensive'.

Don't fucking get a pet then. Just let the damn thing be in the shelter and let it die there. Why do you have to fucking get a cat only to end up killing it once it has bonded with you? Let it just die in the damn shelter.

I can't stand humans. I honestly can't do enough to get away from this species.

>> No.11485899

I'd much rather you have the tumour.

>> No.11485904

Ohhh, in that case. I'm sorry, man. If there's literally nothing that can be done, I can see where you're coming from.

Your wording in the OP really made you sound like a douchebag though.

>> No.11485908

t. a cat

>> No.11485929

Different story. Doesn't make you less of a cunt for the way your initial post was framed. Protip: some of your inner monologue should not be shared with others.

>> No.11485940

Can you blame them though? I actually have always appreciated cats for their extreme distrust and general dislike towards humans. They can see through our BS haha.

>> No.11485954

You’re honestly a complete retard, the cat is going through pain in an inevitable death, if I was in extreme pain and knee there was no way out, I would want a humane death, ya dumb dumb

>> No.11485970

when he dies he will resent you for being this way

when you die you will have to answer

>> No.11485976

Come on if he was Chinese he'd have eaten it long ago.

>> No.11485983

Go read my last response to OP you stupid faggot.

I'd gladly pull the plug on your ass, don't worry.

>> No.11485988

t. a furry

>> No.11485992

Well my condolences then. You still may want to consider letting the vet inject you too, because you're a twat. Since you'll be right there anyway, be a man and go first.

>> No.11485999

I honestly didn't even consider anyone would euthanise a pet unless there was no option and it was terminal. I thought that was implicit

>> No.11486006

The animal is suffering so rather than give it a quick death with a needle you want it to die in pain in a shelter somewhere?
You're right there are miserable humans out there who shit things up. You're one of them.

>> No.11486029

Most pet owners cannot cover emergency expenses for themselves, much less the pets they "care" for.
Most pet owners neglect themselves and by extension neglect their pets.
When you truly care for an animal money does not cross your mind unless the price of care exceeds multiple thousands of dollars, if money crosses your mind and you think about how much you are not saving/investing because of the animal, you are poor and couldn't really afford the animal, and so the resentment you feel should be at your own foolishness.

>> No.11486043

Nah there's heaps of people who fucking put down their pets for the smallest fucking reasons. That's why I kinda lost it because I just think to myself 'why not literally just fucking go abandon it somewhere so that it atleast has a fighting chance'.

I'm sorry to hear about your cat though OP, I can't stand to see animals suffer, and it's definitely not nice seeing someone who was p much family suffering right in front of you.

Godspeed man and R.I.P. to the whiskered one.

>> No.11486055
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Nice, cats and all but..
>business and finance

I'm screeching internally.

>> No.11486072

You stupid motherfucking retard, I'm saying if you aren't willing to harbour the ALL the costs of adding another living thing to your life (which includes illnesses which can get serious) or you cannot afford it, you shouldn't be getting a pet in the first place.

How the fuck does it die in pain when in a shelter, shit for brains? You think they beat the animals against the wall until they're dead to kill them? It's the same fucking way that vets do it when they put down animals.

I bet if they x-rayed your skull they'd find hollow space with nothing but a turd in there.

>> No.11486087

yeah there are plenty of assholes who do that. They just cant empathize, they're sick and deranged people who need to be culled. Also, intentional animal cruelty should be a capital punishment

R.I.P. OPs cat. Sounds like you cared about him and gave him a good life.

>> No.11486095

The OP was about buying crypto with an outgoing expense that will soon be no longer an outgoing expense. Got a coin to shill?

>> No.11486099

We'll then buy Link sir!

>> No.11486109
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>he isn't a britbong with mandatory cat licences and cat insurance

>> No.11486128
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come on, mate! it's little threads like these that bring the community together. We're all feeling for OP.

>> No.11486134

Sounds like an excuse, and the talk is mostly about the cat. But guess it can stay cos it would feel like a dick move to delete it, since people seem to like it.

ICX, recently confirmation about a connection to south-korean goverment, what's not to like?

>> No.11486148

Thank you, anon. This made me feel better than all the suggestions I should an hero

>> No.11486168

Just because you were abused doesn’t mean you need to take it out on anon

>> No.11486169

My condolences OP. You made me think what it’d be like if I lost my cat and I felt very sad. He’s a bad boy but he loves to cuddle. I hope you get to see him again if such a thing is even possible.

>> No.11486185

Thanks guise. I propose we wrap the thread up here. I will buy ICX and Linky. Thanks to everyone who didn't tell me to kill myself. I'll probably spend tomorrow crying and drinking by myself, collecting cat hair from my sofa and rubbing it softly against my cheek. OP out

>> No.11486194

Any time, man. Take it easy. Give your cat a good last few hours too. Whatever he wants lol, sardines, mackerel, tuna, catnip.

Shut the fuck up before I take this rusty machete to your dick faggot. Read the whole thread first.

>> No.11486227

Kek I did you still sound like a delusional nihilistic mysanthropic retard

>> No.11486247
File: 495 KB, 1366x3240, 1472258178090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a frog.

>> No.11486250

Good thing I don't give the slightest fuck about what another person thinks about me.

Yes I'm misanthropic, and for good reason. Online is the only place where I would even come across disgusting fucks like you.

>> No.11486270

>lacks reading comprehension and tells OP to literally kill himself
>makes vulgar posts towards others
>threatens to chop dick off with machete
Nice projection there anon

>> No.11486302
File: 93 KB, 290x251, 1513887056443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking autist. Rip op's cat.

>> No.11486306

After link makes me rich I cant wait to be able to get a cat or a dog.

>> No.11486322

Just went through this, unexpectedly. It was very depressing for us. I would be lying if I said I didn't think about the financial aspect of it all. My condolences, Anon.

>> No.11486323

I meant everything I said. I don't care about your psychoanalysis of me. Go fuck yourself.

Reading back that machete line made me laugh tho..

>> No.11486326
File: 1.63 MB, 1240x1748, __yakumo_ran_touhou_drawn_by_chanta_ayatakaoisii__06a86a90d06e3f9ecd9bda991f2b9967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm somehow doubting you would be a nice guy yourself. Well at least you wanted to defend the cat...

Sleeping with cat's is nice, they are little warm purr-machines.

>> No.11486374

I'm not a nice guy. That's why I stay away from people. I have no interest in engaging them either.

I come across a few people here and there where we both vibe instantly and hit it off, but I don't like any sort of long term commitments to humans of any sort. We're all imperfect by design and therefore I want to limit that imperfection to just myself as far as I can..

>> No.11486438

But you could strive to become better and get friends.

I like to stay away from people because being with them takes up a lot of energy, also I'm very wary about people and look for red flags. All kind of cussing and aggressive behavior is a turn off. I think humans are many times kinda disgusting and untrustworthy, but still have to try and life in this world.

>> No.11486538

Thing is I'm actually not bad socially at all. If you saw me outside you wouldn't be able to tell that I hated humanity.

I can talk to people, I pull girls easy and all that jazz, but I don't like committing long term to anyone because I know that they will disappoint me. This isn't coming from a sad place, I just look at it rationally. The companionship and intimacy is not worth the lack of freedom (when it comes to intimate relationships) and the disappointment that always is a part and parcel of relationships.

I do come across people I just light up to and just truly love from the bottom of my heart literally the moment I meet them, but most of them tend to be as detached from humanity as I am.

I also cuss a lot and am very aggressive IRL, but not in a bullying way.

You seem alright though, have a good one, anon!

>> No.11486728
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You too, take care!

>> No.11486758

cringe and blue pilled

>> No.11486784

>waves around rusty blood stained machete

I'm coming for your dick, faggot.

>> No.11486795

RIP in peace OP cat...
invest the extra money wisely or else cat ghost will haunt you

>> No.11487102


Holy shit this is so cruel

But I'm laughing so much

What's wrong with me