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1148236 No.1148236 [Reply] [Original]

>Implying your meme degree is going to beat this

>> No.1148240

>Large paychecks, which sit comfortably in the six-figure range, are handed out almost immediately; professionals who have less than five years' experience report earning a median of $164K per year.

>> No.1148254

What about intensively studying for almost a decade + a quarter million in debt?

Also being a doctor is hectic as fuck. Enjoy long and stressful work.

That's assuming you even get into a medical school let alone complete it

>> No.1148271

Too bad working in medicine sucks dick. Long hours, retard patients and law suits. Both my parents are doctors and do nothing but work and buy boats and shit that they never use. Still, they are pretty well off.

>> No.1148278

What superior alternatives do you recommend?

>> No.1148286

Pls gibs monies anon

>> No.1148302


>> No.1148306

I can't imagine my job satisfaction as a doctor would be as high as it is now unless I was in research. Like, being a physician? I'd kill myself. Brb essentially having a trade job

>> No.1148311

>being in school until your early 30's
>having $250k in student debt
>working six days a week, plus being on call on your "day off"
Nah, I'll pass.

>> No.1148356

>In med school
>27 years old
>All my friends and even my younger brother are working for a while
>Long hours and terrible patients all day

pls stahp ;_;

>> No.1148361

Yeah? Do you regret your decision?

>> No.1148413
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>Plenty of med schools in the Caribbean. Chillax while studying.
>Plenty of programs that will repay your debt after a period of service.
>Many small rural towns need clinic doctors so bad they will be upwards of $400,000 a year for you to live and work there.
>Can just be a small town general practitioner writing scripts and referring to specialists.
>Won't have to work hard hours in an ER/ spend extra years specializing.
>Can go home at the end of the day

It's like you guys cant think from multiple perspectives.

>> No.1148911


What the fuck. I thought those were like 3rd world-tier

>> No.1148942

>a quarter million in debt

It's like you don't even go to med school in Australia

That being said you have to like med, I think critical care is great and I'm in my final year of med school

Shits gonna be cash senpai

>> No.1149173
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Not true, by the way. My uncle went to one of those Caribbean private med schools. He finished it and is a doctor now, but can only work in Texas and maybe a few other US states because most states have laws against those shit med schools. a few years ago he and a few other doctors tried to start up a 'fancy' care center hospital thing in Dallas, TX but there were so few clientele he's pretty much bankrupt. lucky for him he married a fucking brain surgeon so i think they are still doing okay. if you're trying to be a doctor for any other reason other than absolutely loving it, just quit. Honestly you are better off spending those 10 years of accumulating debt and of schooling and applying all the dedication to practically any other valid profession and you will work less, be in less debt and have more money.

>> No.1149185
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They're frowned upon by establishment med schools, but I know a girl that went to one. Has a job as an MD just fine.

They are islands owned by France and Uk, so technically you're going to a "European" grade school as far as I know.

If you want to do something basic like a general practitioner I don't see the problem with med school in the Caribbean. Maybe they don't have the best neurosurgeon program or something but that why you research wtf you want to do.

>> No.1149204

Hey what should i study,accounting or economics?

(i have a thread if u want to look)

>> No.1149207

I know two people who went to Ross. Lost track of them, but look for one that enters you into US residencies.

>> No.1149210
File: 1.65 MB, 800x7795, Deceptive-Salary-of-Doctors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1149232


3 cent apple?????
whos your supplier ????


>> No.1149240

If you need to fall back on a salary, it means your portfolio is failing you.

>> No.1149248

Teachers work more than one hour per day.

That said, I think they failed to account for the fact that teachers generally work about ten hours a day unofficially, but officially work (and get paid for) six.

>> No.1149286

but how do I into financial independence

>> No.1149852


>> No.1150822


>> No.1150827

>wanting to work 70+ hours a week
no one goes into medicine just to make money

>> No.1150831

Can confirm. An MD or JD is a guaranteed ticket to the 1%. Now the .1% and .01% is trickier.

>> No.1150846

I make $190k three years out of undergrad with my meme CS degree. And I have no student loan debt. And I didn't spend 5 years in residency working 80 hour work weeks for $50k.

Unless you're going to be a fucking cardiac surgeon or something there's no point in becoming a doctor in this day and age.

>> No.1150849

All these fuckheads concerned with high incomes

When will they learn its all about capital gains

>> No.1150897

I make well over 200k as an actuary. Guess what happens when I make a mistake? Nothing. I correct my math error and move on. Your boss doesn't even care because our work is all guessing anyway.

Guess what happens when a doctor makes a mistake. Grandma's dead. Your wife's dead. Your toddler's dead.

>> No.1150956

I would rather kill a toddler than do math for a living

>> No.1150961

I would too but nobody pays you much to kill toddlers unfortunately.

>> No.1150966

Enlighten me.

>> No.1150989

I'd rather kill myself than have to deal with illness and death all day.
Not to mention your job will be replaced by AI within a few decades.

>> No.1150995

What kind of maths do actuaries need

>> No.1151000

Tons and tons of statistics.

>> No.1151004

actuary undergraduate coursework is no joke

>> No.1151007

wat about calculus

>> No.1151008

>not getting at least one masters before entering the workforce

>> No.1151109

i have my bachelors, you don't need anything more to be an actuary. 10 years ago you didn't even need a college degree.

>> No.1151111

meh, i used to do my college coursework drunk. all that matters is studying for the professional exams anyway.

>> No.1151359

How accurate is Payscale supposed to be?