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11478312 No.11478312 [Reply] [Original]

let's say i had all the money i needed to become an expat and get citizenship wherever i wanted in the world. where could i go that is uncucked and would accept me? i don't mind learning a new language

>> No.11478372

Consider yourself blessed to be living in America, you fucking cuck.

>> No.11478383
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Just follow the wiki how on google

>> No.11478384


>rest of the world

>> No.11478810

This question pops up every week. Google nomad capitalist.

>> No.11478858

If you're wealthy then you want to live in Monaco. There is no better place

>> No.11478871

America is probably the greatest singular piece of real estate that will ever exist in history. I don't understand how people would so readily forsake that for a few more shekels.

>> No.11478911
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Hahahahahaha. What can I say? I guess pigs like mud.

>> No.11478922

Am I wrong, faggot?

>> No.11478937

you haven't traveled much, have you?

>> No.11478986

America has incredibly diverse landscape dude. You can travel around the states for a year and you wouldnt have even seen a fraction of it.
Frozen wastelands across the border up north.
Desert wastelands across the border down south, tropical wastelands even further south.

>> No.11479019

But every town and city has the same McDonald's, starbucks and walmart.

>> No.11479029

Walmart is an adventure of its own bro

>> No.11479034

I bet you could find simple minded npc's like this in buttfkistan too. My desert is the best place in the world, no need to travel and see anything else, plenty of camels to fk here. That's you but coping in Amerifat.

>> No.11479035


Two kinds of people

>> No.11479063

I'm on a beach in thailand getting sucked off 24/7. Does nascar and taco bell compare?

>> No.11479103

Yes. Deal with it.

>> No.11479106

Its easy to gain citizenship in Malaysia, but you need to put $100k in one of their banks. English is spoken there

>> No.11479185

New prime minister is clamping down on visas and foriegn investment. Keep looking.

>> No.11479206

Okay, then enjoy you wood cellulose "beef burritos" with aborted fetus flavor enhancers and antifreeze mountain dew.

>> No.11479224

Enjoy getting the death penalty because some corrupt monkey cop planted aspirin on you.

>> No.11479249

>America is so terrible! I wish I could live somewhere great like Denmark or Switzerland!
t. white "anti-racist" liberal

>> No.11479288

Maybe they're tired of being surrounded by mexicans?
I used to want to leave America because it's thirdworld without the thirdworld fun like hookers and ladyboys.

>> No.11479306


The most powerful civilization earth has ever seen wont miss you. Get out.

>> No.11479309

>I used to want to leave America because it's thirdworld without the thirdworld fun like hookers and ladyboys.
I feel the exact same way, what made you want to stay?

>> No.11479312

Singapore is literally fascist and has a long enough history with Brits to not bully you like the Japanese and Chinese may. Very expensive though. There's a very bitter blackpill to take... the one where you realize America is one of the least cucked countries on the planet, outside of some expensive microstates.

>> No.11479354

This one had too much imitation cheese and flouride. Go back to watching africans playing with balls on your tel-lie-vision and relax.

>> No.11479365

China could be an up and comer.
Better start learning mandarin.

>> No.11479372

China always implodes in on itself, a little research into them will tell you this.

>> No.11479380


>> No.11479396

Because it's still a good place to make money. Money buys trips I can take and come back for more money. I've traveled long periods of time in the past and don't have as much interest in it anymore.
The us has solid salaries for software developers so I don't plan on just leaving yet. But I'm definitely trying to find ways of making more money so I have the freedom to leave this increasing shit heap more often.
That and most people anywhere are the same. The novelty of people seeming different wears off faster and faster as I interact with more people throughout the years.
Npcs are everywhere every country has them it doesn't matter.

>> No.11479502

You feel comfort in the familiarity of your prison and are afraid to step out of an unlocked cell while you still can.

>> No.11479517

You're a retard
He's making an argument about the simple fact of the incredible, unmatched worth of the land
>Largest contiguous stretch of farmland in the world
>Two large coasts with many inlets, bays, and harbors allowing for easy and safe shipping and Navy upkeep
>Uninvadable, but for maybe Canada (a low population density tundra a few hundred miles above the American border) and Mexico (a huge poor desert nation with even a shorter border than Canada)
>Great oil reserves, which are passed up in favor of even greater shale deposits
>Northerly climates, southerly climates, tropical climates, all within the same continental untied states, not to mention the outposts of Hawaii and Alaska for spying on the Chinese and Russians respectively, lol

It's like Scarlett O'Hara's father says, paraphrasing;
>"Land's the only thing that matters, because it's the only thing that lasts"

>> No.11479565

Have you ever been to memfrica? Why would you defend that? Delusion

>> No.11479584

I am.

>> No.11479629
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It's sad that you identify with what America has become and what America is and have pride in that. Sad.

>> No.11479642

I don't see the point in leaving though if I can make six figures here and have some semblance of security and yes familiarity.
I don't know what else to do. I've traveled around other countries thinking people and life would be so drastically different because I'm going to a different world blah blah. It's all the same shit. Different flavors maybe but people are people. If I'm already getting established here, why soend more energy time getting established elsewhere to do the same things as I do here?

>> No.11479666

Would be great to live in SEA for a while. But I don't know how to make good money while over there.
For reference I do have a bachelor's degree and work as a software developer if someone has input from personal experience.

>> No.11479678
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It's called indeed Satan

>> No.11479679

If you're white, you can literally live any where in the world and accept a good life. I suggest living in India and fucking a lot of Indian chicks. They love the white cock. Like, if you're a 5/10 male in America, you're probably an 8/10 in India.

>> No.11479695

That's a bad thing? I mean would you rather live in some country with no McDonalds have no familiar food or a different environment but familiar restaurants to fall back on?

>> No.11479723

McNasty's is in almost every county

>> No.11479731

You mean the job posting site indeed?
I've personally so far found working remote for an American company isn't really a full-time thing because they like dragging us into the cubicle rooms.

>> No.11479752

They call Native Americans Indians but they are not the same.

>> No.11479783

Come to Krakow, Poland.

For 200k$ you get 110m2 apartment *ther's lot of foreigners here and its an academic town, so no troubles communicating
*life cheap af
*fuckload of theaters, operas, museums, clubs, striptease joints
*safe - basically should No 1 reason
*mostly IT businesses

>> No.11479805

Some good countries would be Venezuela, North Korea, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Ukraine, Nauru, Zimbabwe, Central African Republic, Sudan.All great, couldn’t go wrong

>> No.11479834

Sudan is two countries, North Korea isn't a real country (it's a boogyman pupet state). Ukraine is wonderful but it will soon become federated states.

>> No.11479845

Residency how?

>> No.11479883


0 troubles as an american

>> No.11479922

You need an undetermined duration permit approved first but I am unaware who qualifies.

>> No.11480013

Every city in Japan has the same 7/11 on every block and every city in the UK has a Tesco or something

Every country has chains in every city

>> No.11480022

There is a Sudan and a South Sudan, though South Sudan is probably worse. And Ukraine is poor and in a state of war because the CIA overthrew Yanukovych

>> No.11480089
File: 216 KB, 1024x683, 1536616846317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A poor american is a king in some countries. Why stay a wageslave?

Isn't it better to live in a country where you can buy the police than a country where the police shoot and rob you?

>> No.11480172

I've worked in China, Malaysia, and Korea. While I was working there I traveled to Japan, Phillipines, Indonesia, and Guam. I stayed in Korea for 3 years.

I liked somethings about Korea better than the US, but a lot of shit got on my nerves as well. China is absolutely out of the question for any civilized lifeform. Malaysia is OK but it's always hot as fuck and KL gets old pretty fast.

Of the places I've been Bali would probably be the most fun to spend a year in, but that's only because like surfing. Ive been back in the US for 3 years now and it's wearing on me again. I hate the fatties, the niggers, and the fact that 90% of the people I meet are fucking braindead, but at least I only have Jews jewing me and not the goddamned asians.

>> No.11480432

Indonesia is only fun as long as you don't need anything from the government or get into any trouble. As soon as you do you're fucked. Their system is unbelievably corrupt and frustrating, especially for outsiders. My wife's parents died in Indonesia and a bunch of relatives immediately swooped in and basically stole their whole estate, bribing local officials and taking advantage of the lack of laws there. What would have been a relatively simple process in the U.S. has turned into a 4-year nightmare for her.

Stay in the U.S. or another country that has rule of law.

>> No.11480964

This. Rest of the world is pretty cucked
U.S. is too but much less so

>> No.11481027

>bragging about getting sucked off by ladyboys who all have uncurable gonorrhea

>> No.11481155

bad news OP, the entire planet is shit
expatting is a meme, good chance youll be back within 2-3 years.
>t. travelled all over and lived in a bunch of different countries now back home

>> No.11481167

This. Retard doesn't realize how bad it is everywhere else

>> No.11481184

>And Ukraine is in a state of war
Which doesn't affect anyone outside of the border territories

>> No.11481193

Can't think of anywhere less cucked than the USA. Is Iceland uncucked? I heard they accepted Boby Fischer after (((they))) revoked his US citizenship.

>> No.11481223

None of that matters if it's not yours.

>> No.11481224

Cope. Americans affraid to leave their cages and trying to rationalize it.

>> No.11481276

Agree on this one.
>plenty of hiking and climbing locations a couple hours away
>cheap flights all over Europe
>tons of Eastern European college girls
If it wasn't for bad smog in winter it would be unironically one fo the comfiest places in Europe to live.
Also lately there seems to be an invasion of pajeets which is slightly alarming.
t. been to Russia, Germany, US, Japan, Switzerland for reference