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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 1200x1200, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1147163 No.1147163 [Reply] [Original]

Ethereum pump is over, dump everything while you can.

It's been fun boys but now theres just downhill ahead.

>> No.1147166

Do it, I have some cash waiting to clear wouldn't mind a cheaper buy in. Only suckers who bought as a gamble and didn't research would sell at this point.

>> No.1147173

It was supposed to double every week. What a waste of time. Fuck you /biz/ last time I listen to advice from this board

>> No.1147174

Bump for interest

>> No.1147180
File: 107 KB, 800x676, 50a63649-e967-468a-8c80-974bbc5009c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is clueless.

This is like selling bitcoin at $10

OP is just jelly because he never bought ETH and missed all the dips.

>> No.1147182
File: 77 KB, 660x371, ease_off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> being this mad about a 5% drop

>> No.1147214

Short this bullshit coin.

>> No.1147220

This is just another pump&dump coin. You can already see the dump.

>> No.1147226

All alts are pump and dumps to get more BTC. You think anyone really cares about Ethereum or Syscoin? No, they're putting money into it so they can cash out later into Bitcoins or USD.

>> No.1147316
File: 691 KB, 250x196, FUCK WE'RE ALL DEAD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is in free fall. Get out while you can.

>> No.1147325


just kidding. if you're a pussy, stop checking the price every day and keep your mind off of ethereum for a year

>> No.1147330

ETH is fucking crashing. get the hell out of this pumpdump memecoin.

>> No.1147428

Its don't

>> No.1147456

>there are actual people who fell for this memecoin

>> No.1147472

And made some decent money from it. Now it's over, time to cash your chips and call it a day.

>> No.1147474

This. This pump&dump memecoin is dying and everyone knows that.

>> No.1147477

>being this easily shilled in to selling your sweet ethereum.

Buy the dip fags

>> No.1147489

what utterly blows my fucking mind, is how every time i made a trade, the market immediately changed direction to fuck me in the ass. literally every fucking single time. that's how i know that if i sold now in an attemp to minimize losses, murphys law would knock on my door YET AGAIN THE FUCKING COCKSUCKER and eth would start rapidly rising again.

it's even more proof that the universe conspires against me, because clearly I've gotten away with some heavy shit in my life, and now it's payback time.

So I'm just gonna hold. fuck you universe.

>> No.1147496

the universe is vast and uncaring. The only constant in your life is your own faggotry.

>> No.1147498

>spiral of negativity enforces his own negative experiences within his subjective consciousness
You are not the center of the universe.

>> No.1147500


If you're gonna buy a crypto in the hope of making money it'd idiotic to sell at a loss. You need to part with that money being totally happy to lose all of it.

If not, psychology will fuck you over.

>> No.1147502

Meh i bought ETH at some stupidly low price. I'm going to let it run for a year or two.

Pretty sure it will be worth about $50/eth

>> No.1147503

Learn the lesson from it.

So long as you learnt how to be a better trader, it was worthwhile.

I initially bought in a lot at 0.009 before the first peak.

Then it went down and down and down, and i panic sold at 0.008.

As soon as i sold, it turned around, and never has been that low again.

I was stubborn, and waited for it to drop, but it didnt. Ended up buying back in at 0.022.

Ended up making $40,000 instead of $100,000.

Fucking sucks, but i'm now a much better trader.

>> No.1147513

It's gonna be funny looking back on this thread after the bounce.

>> No.1147514

So basically you're saying you put $60000 into etherm at .022? Really who has 60 grand to just throw around on high risk gambles?

It's statements like yours that seem really incredible to me, and make me not believe anything I read here.

>> No.1147523
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>> No.1147530
File: 464 KB, 1159x732, DIP_vs_no_DIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to buy the dip, guys. We have been preparing for this.

>> No.1147534

The ethmobile is gaining speed.

>> No.1147537

That's a pretty impressive amount of BTC there, I'll admit. Doesn't prove you ever put anything into etherm though.

>> No.1147539

You wouldn't have it in ETH if you didn't want to lose money at this point. The best way to get $60k on an exchange is to grow it.

>> No.1147540

>no SYS

Do you hate making money or something?

>> No.1147571
File: 32 KB, 407x519, REKT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH just got REKT

>> No.1147580
File: 117 KB, 1435x1015, eth rekt part 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ready for another drop? It's coming

>> No.1147584

thats a great way to miss out on more eth

>> No.1147587

It's also a great way to lose a lot of money. Do not panic buy. You are not a trader. I'll give you another chart in a few minutes.

>> No.1147588

Great, the dip as predicted. Gonna buy that shit hard.

>> No.1147591

Implying you are

>> No.1147592

No, but I'm not going to FOMO into something during a race to the bottom. Keep holding onto those bags.

>> No.1147595

>not understanding fundamentals.

>> No.1147596

You're all utterly fucking retarded.

This is Bitcoin 2.0, the same little faggots unable to see past their noses thinking its all over because it dropped a little. Look at Bitcoin's graphs, we're over the first little bump and are going down a bit, its exactly the same fucking thing.

Stop chart chasing and trying to scrape a few ETH from selling high and buying low. Just buy and fucking hold, forget about it, then be happy in 1 year when you're loaded.

>> No.1147597

>being a salty bagholder

I opened a short on ETH at 327 get fucked.

>> No.1147600
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>> No.1147603
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>> No.1147613
File: 72 KB, 1360x460, Bitcoin graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left is the entire Bitcoin chart, right it zoomed in on the first little peak.

Looks awfully familiar doesn't it?

>> No.1147615

I'm holding ETH long term and gambling with the other altshits. ETH is the most solid alt at this moment and it has long term prospectives.

>> No.1147620
File: 78 KB, 1189x795, eth panic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for another drop.

>> No.1147622

How low you think? I'm trying to buy more at $10.

>> No.1147624

alright I'm buying eth. my first crypto. What's the easiest/quickest way for me to get my money in and buy?

>> No.1147625

Well have to see as it keeps testing lows.

>> No.1147627

Kraken.com is the way

>> No.1147629

thx m8

>> No.1147630

>buying ETH after the pump&dump
So youre basically buying worthless shit right there.

>> No.1147638

>worthless shit

>What is a dip
>What is intrinsic value
>What are fundamentals

Debil detected

>> No.1147651
File: 179 KB, 1913x1009, eth support.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this out.

>> No.1147652
File: 150 KB, 1915x1011, eth about to get rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready for a new low?

>> No.1147654

>and then I told them ETH was going to the moon

>> No.1147655

It's not a dip you fucking jelly bagholder

>> No.1147659


>> No.1147694
File: 159 KB, 1917x1005, dump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BIG dump incoming.

>> No.1147699

Sold at 10.05 (euro) when did you sell guys?

No point to ride the wave might as well jump in later again if its just a dip. If ETH is kill so be it.

If i don't touch ETH i made 150euro for a month of mining with a video card. So ye 150 euro profit not much but happy.

>> No.1147703
File: 348 KB, 3829x1017, eth dump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at that volume.

>> No.1147705
File: 160 KB, 390x379, 1445988736272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn I used my ETH for lending on Poloniex now I can't sell. A lesson for me.

>> No.1147707

Don't worry, I'll let you know when I cover my puts.

>> No.1147715


>intrinsic value

Do you actually believe this shit? There is no intrinsic value, there are no fundamentals. ETH isn't a currency, people aren't using it to buy shit. At least people wanted to buy drugs with BTC. It's a ponzi scheme, a bubble, tulip bulbs for the 21st century. The only reason anybody has ETH is because they want to speculate on it.

>> No.1147717

>ITT: People that don't know about the weekly dip, weekend pump
seriously go back and look at the pumps and dips by the day and then look at the 7 day calendar.
Whales are going to gobble this up and take this to $20 by Monday.

>> No.1147720

Go watch the charts. If it goes south of 25 it's going further. Otherwise we'll probably see a pump.

>> No.1147723

Biz full of day traders and no investors no wonder everyone is always losing money on here. Can't tell the value of an asset just try to follow hype. I'm holding long

>> No.1147728

>being an ethercuck bagholder


>> No.1147738

>What are fundamentals
>What are dips
>What is blockchain technology

Literal derp.

>> No.1147741

I got cucked once with litecoin back in 2013. Bought at like $10, watched it go up to $13 and then it crashed to the sorry state it's at today.

I'm not going to baghold my ethercuck. I'm selling, I've learned my mistakes, maybe ETH will be to you what LTC was to me

>> No.1147743


So what meme'ing is profitable these days?... I should've never stopped being an internet wanker in 2012...

>> No.1147744

Of course you got cucked, litecoin is literal btc clone, so it is useless. ETH has innovations.

>> No.1147745
File: 1.71 MB, 500x500, 1447932814179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH has innovations.

>> No.1147746

I ended up getting $200 worth at $11, I deposited $200 prior to that and am willing to buy at the current $10.xx but the confirmation is taking forever. I think I'm gonna miss it, I should have been more patient to begin with and more prepared.

>> No.1147748

Yes, it has. Or you have counterarguments maybe? Would like to hear them.

>> No.1147750
File: 1.99 MB, 400x400, 1442726543842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll never convince an ethercuck bagholder

good day

>> No.1147751

Looks like it might have hit bottom and is bouncing now.

>> No.1147752


I believe in the applications and as more are released eth will be considered a more and more legit currency/commodity

>> No.1147754

Hit the bottom, get it while you can.

>> No.1147756

but litecoin was just a coin. You're going to see more and more dapps getting press coverage which will push the price higher.

>> No.1147757

Is anyone here actually believing that it might become a second currency like bitcoin.

I mean... for real... with analyses and shit. I mean I'm gonna hop on the P&D (tomorrow) but is anyone actually planning to hold on to these memecoins

>> No.1147758

I'm pretty comfortable either way right now, I have 53 ETH in from $10 earlier now up to 70 with the $11. wouldn't mind more at $10 though.

Thanks for keeping us updated Anon.

>> No.1147760
File: 29 KB, 494x622, tumblr_m79fjg9q0I1r6yzzjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Wall street just woke up

>> No.1147761
File: 250 KB, 518x394, 366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where can I keep updated on the latest pump and dump schedules?

>> No.1147766

Here, the home of the pump and dump!

>> No.1147771

guys tempted to sell my 350 ether i got back at $0.80. HODL OR SELL?

>> No.1147785
File: 162 KB, 1926x1010, eth bottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still testing the bottom....

>> No.1147794

I hope it crashes so hard back to 5 dollars so I can buy in tomorrow

For once I want in on the /biz/schemes. The memories of that dude telling me to buy bitcoin when it was 50 dollar still haunts me.

>> No.1147796

Yeah, we'll have to see what this market maker on polo does. They're putting a lot of volume into it to keep it up.

>> No.1147798


Hold it, that's a nice amount of ether to panic sell at a dip for...

>> No.1147810



>> No.1147811
File: 153 KB, 1889x1003, eth about to drop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's getting sold into. Going down most likely.

>> No.1147814

Just let it burn man, sell can be the only good advice now.

Buy back tomorrow:^)

>> No.1147819

So sell everything and buy back (Implying there's still a dip?)

>> No.1147821

>selling the dip

You are supposed to buy the dip, tard.

>> No.1147825
File: 3.94 MB, 615x346, 1456195198761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1147827

Damn don't remember my wallet address so I can't shapeshift any more eth from work. Gotta wait for tonight shiiiit

>> No.1147829

Nah this isnt a normal dip. The trend has reversed downward. The peaks keep getting lower and lower. I told you faggots that "china getting in" was bad. They always fuck with the market and now people are losing confidence. I'm going to wait until the overall trend reverses again because this looks like its headed back to $5.

>> No.1147841

I agree fuck gooks, dumb insects fuck up all inovation. Chart chasers and p&d are ruining everything. Ethereum is the only contract based system that is not a currency and can create any shitcoin on its network. Fuck all other except bitcoin.

>> No.1147842

Pretty much this. If you zoom out to the overall chart it's obvious.

>> No.1147844

Step back from the present ding dongs, stop thinking so short-term, you need patience. ETH has always behaved like this, zoom out and know this not a crash or an abandon ship moment. Hold your shit if not BUY the dip. If you sell you will miss out on the "moon" moment, you know, the Bitcoin going to $1.1K moment. It might not go that high but it will explode higher than ever before as it as consistently been doing for it's entire life. Don't get scared so easy, if you're in this for major dosh, you're in this for the long haul.

>> No.1147846

you're supposed to sell before a market crash and buy back at the lowest point.

...fucking children on this board. Learn2trade.

>> No.1147850
File: 156 KB, 1917x1007, eth going down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more good bounce and this bitch is going down. Get ready guys, no lube on this one.

>> No.1147851

samefag who has no fucking idea what he's saying

>> No.1147854

Cunt, you have no fucking idea. What is Ethereum ?

>> No.1147855

the sweet smell of ethercucks getting cucked in morning

>> No.1147856

Everyone waited for a dip.

>you're supposed to sell before a market crash and buy back at the lowest point.
>...fucking children on this board. Learn2trade.
Nobody can do that without a crystal ball.

But dips are pretty obvious.

>> No.1147857

Jokes on you, next your gonna tell me to buy syscoin right ?.
I'm a fucking /pol/ack your jew shit means nothing to me. Ethereum and bitcoin are all that matter.

>> No.1147858

If this thing is going moon it not going to happen for at least a year or so. You are basically telling me to miss out on a chance to double or triple my eth holdings by selling at the peak (which i did 2 days ago) and buying back in after it crashes. I dont even daytrde this but to ignore super obvious short term trends is not smart.

>> No.1147859

>implying /biz/ doesn't own crystal balls

>> No.1147860

Oops wrong comment.


>> No.1147864

I'm not disagreeing with that, If you want a some extra cash, then yeah, use the obvious short term trends to your advantage. I was talking about super moon moment, which is what I mean by "major dosh". I'll also agree that that moon moment isn't coming for a few months to year and a half.

>> No.1147865

Not even samefagging. Seriously look at the overall chart. The trend has reversed. I'm trying to help you to not do something pannicky by not waiting until this thing trends back up again before buying.

>> No.1147871
File: 260 KB, 1500x996, 1458178812474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna laugh at the bagholding ethercucks a week from now when it's back to $5

>> No.1147872
File: 113 KB, 1486x612, the trend has kekked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The trend has reversed

>> No.1147873

its called dip son

Fundamentals dictate ETH will keep going up. Does not matter when.

What is there to laugh about?
Dip buying is a thing.

>> No.1147874

You not seeing it test the previous support? It could go down further. This could just be a retrace back to 27 or 28.

>> No.1147876

Thank you.

>> No.1147880

This guy has a point. The last 2 peaks are considerably lower. The trend reversal is definitely there.

>> No.1147884

*lower than the previous one

>> No.1147885


What's not to say that this has happened before, and it will slowly trend back up over time, as its done every time previous. What makes this time any different? The only thing I can think of , is this most recent jump happened very fast, so it isn't very stable, contrary to the last two rises happened gradually.

>> No.1147888

When will it be $5 again?

>> No.1147889

Dont get me wrong. I do think eventually it will trend back over time. Its just right now the upward trend has reversed momentum. I am going to wait until people have stopped panic selling and we see it return back to the original upward trend because right now it could easily continue to go down and I dont want to miss an incredible buying opportunity.

>> No.1147900

told you fags. 3.5mil, LTC's ATH.

>> No.1147901

Ethercucks getting cucked in the ass

>> No.1147908
File: 30 KB, 720x438, 1449453867645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw waited to buy into ETH

I'm gonna buy in during this huge crash and then enjoy the profits when this soars in price later, kthxbai faggots

>> No.1147910

and this is how its done.

>> No.1147911

400k satoshi within 6 months? lower?

>> No.1147914


>> No.1147918

i'm serious man, look how fast it rocketed. i first bought for 200k iirc

>> No.1147922

Ok I put in 2.5 btc at 0.0258.
Did I buy the dip?

>> No.1147938

.025ish was the bottom

screenshot this

>> No.1147947


That's when I'll buy more

>> No.1147982

Hope all you fagots bought some. Headed up to $20 by EOW

>> No.1147989

>headed to $5
Fixed. The ridiculously high bubble priced are officially over.

>> No.1147991

We can only prey

>> No.1147992
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>> No.1147994


>> No.1147998
File: 116 KB, 228x260, 1451947318010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then I told them ETH is going 2 da moon

>> No.1147999

what website is this?

>> No.1148004


Poloniex ETHBTC 3 minute chart

>> No.1148008

Get sys, xcp, dgb

>> No.1148023 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 1919x1007, eth logn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think we're going to see new lows? .0245 was my target. I'm just in it for the show now.

>> No.1148443

it was too easy. what were you thinking when shills served this "deal" to you on a silver platter? if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

take it as a learning experience and cut your losses.

>> No.1148501

Everyone who bought this week is a cuck and now I'm going to be rich when BTC goes back up because I sold days ago. Fuck you guys. BTC is king. haahahahaa.

>> No.1148547

Ethercuck is my favourite cryptokek

>> No.1148568

This. Ethercuck is by far the best cryptokek.

>> No.1148582

should I really sell my eth?
I'm up a little over what I was when I started but fuck, just a week or two ago it seemed like btc was dying and eth was the future , and now it's reversed simply because of a downtrend?
we could start a new bull run any time, couldn't we?

>> No.1148592

If you're really such a cuck at least wait until Monday, shits gonna happen over the weekend, but if you wanna listen to clueless short-term minded faggots go ahead and sell now so I can buy more for cheap.

>> No.1148595

If it's getting to your nerves then maybe. I personally wouldn't let a little downtrend psyche me out of potential gains, at the same time I'm comfortable with losing 100% of my investment as I think everyone should be, going into it any other way is setting yourself up for stress and if you're under stress you're gonna make bad choices quickly and regret them later.

tl;dr you have to make your own decision :^)

>> No.1148610

> everyone should be comfortable with losing it all

>> No.1148612

If you invest more than you're willing to lose what do you do in the event you lose it all?

>> No.1148614

I can bear the loss but it doesn't mean I have to like it. if eth is going to shit I'd definitely like to have a bunch of btc instead

>> No.1148621

For sure, I'm not saying you have to like it just that like you said you have to be willing to accept the possibility, I would go as far as to say you should expect it or treat it like your money is already gone.

That's not to say don't be smart just don't panic, too many people panic because they can't cope with loss and ironically end up losing as a result, if they just remained calm they may end up with a gain or at least break even, I've been seeing too much of that with ETH lately, panic sellers everywhere.

Just to reiterate if you think it's a bad idea to hold then by all means pull out but don't pull out without thinking about it. I'm also speaking generally not just about crypto currencies.


>> No.1148627

investing is scary ;_;

I guess I'll just hang on. I don't think eth will just disappear right after getting added to a bunch of big exchanges.

>> No.1148632

I hope things turn out well for you Anon. Hone and trust your own judgment.

>> No.1148685

I almost don't feel anything.

I have like 20k EUR in these coins, BTC, ETH, now gambling with some alts and I don't feel any connection to them or anything. It's just numbers on screen.

>> No.1148687

I've seen your screenshots /biz/ most of you only have < 300 ETH. Don't panic sell over a 48 hour dip on a chump change investment you spergs.

>> No.1148699

i hear you man. if you want to get rid of them i'll provide my wallet address

>> No.1148704


Yeah i mean you can give me 3 or 4 numbers

highly appreaciated

>> No.1148754


Holy shit, gj mate. Spare any change for the broke nigga who wants his first ETH fix?


>> No.1148763

what are the eth lending rates like on kraken and finex?

>> No.1148922

same here dude, some people just don't fear risk and I think that is an advantage.

>> No.1148936

I'm a retarded faggot, how do I buy eth?

>> No.1148941

You can suck it out of this hose, friend. No charge.

>> No.1148945
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>> No.1148958

I don't think we'll figure out the price for ETH until POS. Maybe it will be worth something, maybe I wasted the money I put into it.

>> No.1148965

While the faggots are crying I'll be buying. I can't wait to see how big this dip is, hopefully it'll go below $8.

>> No.1149040


dude the shills were right! if this hadn't been my very first experience of my life trading or handling cryptocurrencies, i'd have been smart enough to capitalize when ETH was at 15,50$. But being a total noob I figured if I sold now, I would walk out with profits proportional to my investment, and that's it.

I had no idea how this whole buy high - sell low cycle works and how you basically try to grow and level up your poloniex bucks like it was some kind of pokemon. I had the mindset of it being a one time opportunity.

Good learning experience though. I'm glad I'm getting into this game early (27 isn't early but it's earlier than 35).

>> No.1149042


the 'shills' were right is what I wanted to say. and I was there looking at the chart live as it rose and rose and listening to this on repeat


>> No.1149044

Isn't proof of stake going to cause the price to drop a lot? I don't actually know the answer, I'm just going off something I read somewhere.

>> No.1149046


it no doubt made me a better trader. well it made me 'any' kind of trader, prior to this experience i was complete retard didn't know how any of this stuff works.

are you sure those number are accurate though anon? who has that kind of money sitting around to daytrade with.

>> No.1149050


jesus, alright. you better be an old fart or i'll get to feel like a big failure here.

>> No.1149063

So you guys are shorting or not? I don't think it will fall fast enough to short.

>> No.1149065
File: 80 KB, 600x900, kapelusz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted to do short on that piss of shit Etherum
>exchange btc 3 hours ago
>still no bitcoins that i bought with "fast trade"

I could earn a lot since it already went 20% and will more, but fuck it i am going for sleep. mark my words

>> No.1149077


>> No.1149154

I want to buy ETH with my 20 btc.
I want to remain anonymous.

What can I do?

>> No.1149164
File: 19 KB, 526x130, ethcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adios coiners

>> No.1149320

So I assume you are shorting on margin?

>> No.1149355

Who's pushing down on ETH at the moment? Just 10's of thousands of sell orders of 0.3 ETH incrementally lower and lower with a few panic sellers interspersed.

Feels like someones artificially driving it down getting it ready for another pump.

>> No.1149363

The only news i can find on it seem's to point to large mining contracts have just happened, because of the homestead release, and seems to keep driving the price down. I can't see a reason for it continuously dropping so i'll place my faith in it and hold

>> No.1149366

Im holding 235 that i need @ 0.0255 to break even at the moment. Im tempted to drop another 2-4 BTC in.

>> No.1149372
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>> No.1149376

A dip? It's more like a fucking crater..

>> No.1149378

waiting to buy in when its under €1 or sooner.

>> No.1149387

So what happens when the US wakes up?

>> No.1149393
File: 245 KB, 622x457, crew cabin of the ethereum shuttle disaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back to single digits

>> No.1149398
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Back to $7. You heard it here first folks

>> No.1149400

just look at the charts. if you have the slightest clue about technical analysis you can tell that it's going DOWN. and the fundamentals in ethereum aren't there either, it's all a speculative bubble

>> No.1149403

$6-7 is a nice target for short-term traders

>> No.1149427

That buy wall that just got rekt lol

>> No.1149429

I'm willing to bet 50% of the poloniex trollbox are also 4chan faggots. Also holy shit hang on tight.

>> No.1149432

They are. The meme-spouting shit on there copy-pasted from here

>> No.1149434

Most definitely, I see shit straight from /biz/ and /pol/ all the time.

>> No.1149435

Wait second.. Eth is going down? Are you sure?

>> No.1149436

if you are from 4chan, kindly try to stfu in that trollbox, the conversation used to be a lot more pro than it is now. almost everyone here is hopeless

>> No.1149438

it has gone down and will go down

>> No.1149440
File: 66 KB, 1018x443, to da moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you flip the chart upside down, it's actually doing pretty well.

>> No.1149450

Do you think it's going to go up, down, sideways or in fucking circles?

>> No.1149452

Will you go down, if I give you a little

Eth ?

>> No.1149455
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>> No.1149470

well I just sold 200 of my Ether ;__;

Still have more just in case it bounces back but at least I made an overall profit.

>> No.1149477

>Selling the dip

You were supposed to buy the dip dumb fuck.

>> No.1149484

>as it as consistently been doing for it's entire life
until it doesn't,
got in at 11€ - have another order @7...
we'll see, as always its just a little pocket money gamble for me as i am not NEET

>> No.1149486

What stage of grief are you in?
I say bargaining.

>> No.1149487


Yeah thats great advice until it goes lower than what I bought it for and then never recovers you silly boy.

>> No.1149497

no grief :)
put 200 euros into it, no pain here, a little gambling for fun.
on the other side, i need the stock market to hit it hard this year so i can start buying all those sweet etfs ...

>> No.1149499

This seems good to me, the changes are much more dramatic than they've been, instead of changing in tens of cents we're changing in dollars. Bigger disparity, quicker gains.

>> No.1149500

How long are we supposed to hold those ETH?

>> No.1149503

Well, at least it has market cap of Bitcoin I think.

>> No.1149505
File: 89 KB, 500x500, deth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hold your ETH.. till death.


>> No.1149509

during the other big dips bitcoin has always gone up in price but even thats dropping, whats going on

>> No.1149511


>> No.1149512

tsk tsk can't even cash out to BTC now without losing. Thanks for your donation. Play again.

>> No.1149513
File: 102 KB, 364x319, aajk - Copy (3) - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is always a dip

>> No.1149514

should i invest in ethereum now or wait for it to become useable?

>> No.1149516

never. it has dETH

>> No.1149518

As predicted, dip is happening after homestead release. I will be buying in at trend reversal (just need to check MACD).

>> No.1149519
File: 83 KB, 250x250, Deth_star1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's no dip..

>> No.1149520
File: 134 KB, 1094x1354, Screen Shot 2016-03-18 at 14.09.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is totally a DIP as you see the big rend candles, as soon as it shows reversal, I'm buying the fuck in.

If mETH reaches BTC marketcap, which is realistic, it will cost about 50$ per coin MINIMUM.

If it reaches 1/3rd of that, you would be stupid not to buy the obvious dip.

And why will it reach it?

Because fundamentals are solid.

>> No.1149522

it's more than just a dip, it's a complete trend reversal

reaching BTC marketcap is not realistic at all

the "fundamentals" are nothing but hype. shills have no clue about the technical details and what it could be used for. fintech companies are using their own block chain stuff, not ethereum.

>> No.1149523
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I went long at 0.033 and 0.028 and lost like $200, now longed at 0.0215 and it's going up

>> No.1149524

Yes its dying

And i sold it at 34 haha you fuckhole retards get used to sucking cock fur a living

>> No.1149530

I bet you're just the life of the party.

>> No.1149532
File: 122 KB, 558x340, Booty_Warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the strength in ethereum comes in decentralized nodes that can never be taken down
>let's increase our overhead by hosting our own nodes, mining our own blocks and simultaneously killing the one thing that makes it worth while
No, you're the one that doesn't understand anything. All that's happening now is day traders are getting cucked and China is buying in cheap as fuck. Stay quiet when it's back to .04btc champ.

>> No.1149534

Oh man look at the history, every previous point with candles that big it's shot up afterwards and the candles are bigger now than they were before. I'm excited to see what happens in the next few days.

This guy gets it. One of the biggest appeals to ETH is that your service will run with or without you, ideally you'd want it to run without you, let other people handle the load while you get all the credit and recognition.

>> No.1149536

Vitalik is smoking some of the mETH away. You better buy the dip or stay pleb forever.

>> No.1149537

>your service
literally what service? it might have some niche uses for smart contracts, but it's mostly useless.

>> No.1149538

lol welcome to babbys first pump and dump scheme, don't tell me you guys actually believed the story?

This shit has been going on for decades in the speculative stock game, they've just found a new sucker market, the clueless nerds with a little bit of cash who think they're warren buffet investors who are 'holding for the long term'

just think to yourself why are you holding eth, to sell at a later date for profit, that is the only reason and that is exactly what everyone else is doing.

>> No.1149543

I love that in every dip niggas can't stop yelling about how ether is finished until it hits an even higher value out of the dip. Then They're either not to be found or begging for a way to buy in.

Nigga, .01 is your chance. Buy now!

>> No.1149547

Yeah, exactly what they said during first pump of BTC from 1$ to 30$.

Guys who sold back then must be killing themselves now.

>just think to yourself why are you holding eth, to sell at a later date for profit, that is the only reason and that is exactly what everyone else is doing.

Actually, I'm holding it, so I can use it on the dApps as well.

You know, we prepared for the DIP for a reason.

>> No.1149551

I don't really know if that's what people said at all.. that ain't how I remember it. I'd like to see something backing that statement up.

>> No.1149555

Check bitcoin historic data and find reddit posts that line up with early dips.

>> No.1149559

Yeah, nope. How about you do it, since you're making the claim.

>> No.1149580

Check my ID dummy. I'm not him.

>> No.1149584

literally delusional

even if it makes it out of this """"""""dip"""""""" i'm sure as hell not interested in """"""""investing"""""""" in this shit or any other shitcoin for that matter

>> No.1149591

sure whatever, go make happy 1% returns on your S&P index fund ;)

>> No.1149594

All I remember from the bitcoin days was everyone screaming
>backed by NOTHING
>99999999 BTC for a slice of pizza
I thought it was a very interesting idea and there was a 50/50 chance of it taking off, I would have been comfortable putting my money into it and I regret not trusting myself then, listening to everyone else at that time feels like it was a mistake.

I do remember people posting threads on /g/ every time the price when down
>people actually lost money on this
>literally only good for buying drugs
>you're all going to jail
etc. every time there was any bad news at all around it.

I see potential in this technology and I'm not going to let myself get spooked by minor dips or speculations from people one way or another. I'm investing in the tech not the hype/detraction, banking on either of those feels like a big and hasty mistake.

That being said I'm not going to pretend like I don't listen in or play around with predictions, I just don't let them influence my market decisions heavily.

>> No.1149605

this was the key to bitcoins success though, it had an active and immediate market of people buying it to purchase drugs which could support any price increase because they were factored in to the drug purchases live.

The only people buying eth at the moment are people who want to sell it when it goes to the moooon!

>> No.1149612


You're not investing, you're gambling. Investing is when you hold onto an asset for a long period of time, years. If you want more excitement go to a casino.

>> No.1149619

index funds are shit if you have the time to put into researching individual stocks

but speculating in ethereum is even shittier

>> No.1149621

I think you should wait until a tech comes along that can't be manipulated and used as a pump and dump. What that would look like, I don't know, but when I see that, then I'll be willing to invest. Not until then.

>> No.1149627


The only research that would truly help for individual stock picking is insider knowledge. And that happens to be illegal. The math is proven that index funds work out in the long term.

Sure, you could have picked Visa 5 years ago and made a 300% return, or maybe you picked Mastercard and only made a 50%. But if you picked a 'credit card Index' you would have made a 100% or so return and have been fine, without the risk that you chose poorly.

>> No.1149644

ok retard

literally a monkey could beat the index with extremely high probability. and index funds have additional detrimental effects like fees and lending out your stocks to short sellers (and the interest goes straight into their pockets - not to you).

please keep that shit out of this thread

>> No.1149663

You're not wrong but I don't feel like ETH shouldn't be considered some kind of BTC replacement/competitor, it can be used like that for sure but it also has other applications and is more designed as a fuel for services.

Looking at other emerging technologies I am pretty excited, you could make a nice silk road replacement with IPFS+ETH that couldn't be shut down, you could really do that with any kind of idea, market, or service and you'd have some service that exists on its own fueled only by ETH and bandwidth. The potential to create services like this seems big since you don't have to rely on individuals or single points of failure, no matter what happens if you make a good service it will stick around, as long as it's around people will have to exchange ETH which in turn should be good for it as a whole.

There are certainly other things like this cropping up but this one shows the most promise, it seems very sound and thought out while also having an alright amount of interest for its intended purpose this early on.

What do you think about that, I'm a little tired so I could be talking nonsense.

You're also not wrong but that's the risk in this, you buy in before the popularity spike because it will be cheaper now than it will be while it's taking off. It's certainly a more sound investment if you're buying on the rise than before it, for me personally I am confident enough in it to dive in, maybe it will bite me in the ass.

>> No.1149666

>but I don't feel like ETH shouldn't be considered
but I don't feel like ETH should be considered*

>> No.1149671

>a fuel for services
literally what services

you're always vaguely talking about "services". what are some ethereum-related services that i as a software developer can work on.

ethereum seems boring as shit seriously and limited in what it can be used for

>> No.1149680

A fuel for services that can probably just be implemented for free. I mean that's as far as I can tell, the situation.

>> No.1149690

Decentralized applications.

You could make a pirate bay alternative that literally can never be taken down. That alone would attract millions of people.

Decentralized trackers to go with the actual search site

Alternative to torrent peer to peer that charges gas as a cost of downloading run by content companies like record labels or movie studios that let's then get a cut of the unstoppable file sharing trend.

>> No.1149694

How do you feel it's limited? I can't recommend any kind of design decisions to you without a general idea of what you want to create or tell you how to get around limitations you feel it imposes if I don't know what you feel is limiting.

I'm not trying to be vague, I'm trying to be broad since you can make any service you wish, I don't feel like the future of this tech depends on any one particular service and there isn't a pre-established thing you have to conform to, you're at liberty to create whatever you can come up with using their language. As such I'm saying "services" not "*a particular named service*", sorry if I'm not being clear just ask me to clarify a bit and I'll try.

As >>1149532 said, doing so removes the whole appeal. If you're using your own machines and depend on those as well as the currencies they generate then you're removing the whole distributed aspect of it, as soon as your fail your service does too, the whole point is to not be reliant on your own network but on the entire public eth network. As a result this opens up opportunity for individuals to create reliable services despite not having big networks of their own, a service can succeed on merit alone without the original developer depending on creating and maintaining infrastructure alongside it.

>> No.1149695

The strength of ethereum is decentralization. What incentive do users have for running your application through their node for free? In theory it's possible but nobody would do it without incentive.

>> No.1149707

>as soon as your fail your service does too
"fail" as in become unreachable or any other technical problem, once your network breaks down your service is no longer reliable, it was never reliable to begin with since it was never decentralized, even if you add in more clients it would never be as big as the public network, there's no incentive to do it yourself when you can leverage the platform.

The whole reason it's possible at all is simply for testing. You can test a service with your funny money before shipping it for real and using real ETH.

>> No.1149719

Nobody knows, least of all stock brokers.


>> No.1149754

>no major application has ever been taken down by ddos
>no app that upsets established industries with the support of foreign governments that shouldn't have local influence has ever been taken down
>nobody has ever gone to jail for running said applications
>no revolutions have recently been fought in countries where blocking access to a single point of entry was the government's last ditch effort

What is Napster
What is the pirate bay
What is blocking twitter during the Arab spring
What is China blocking use of facebook

Come on son. Think harder. All of these popular things can benefit from versions that can't be taken down or blocked at a single point.

>> No.1149766


>> No.1149789
File: 38 KB, 600x380, centralized-decentralized-distributed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't Napster depend on an introducer server? While the transactions where p2p the service itself was not, much like soulseek today. Regardless they certainly had to distribute the software itself through a central system like a website.

The piratebay is anything but decentralized, I think it's partially distributed but still relies on a single entry point which nullifies the whole thing.
Twitter, again, single entry point via http and dns.

Blocking internet service is the only one I can give you but it's not relevant to ETH, eth's public network is worldwide and not limited to specific geography. Nothing can prevent the government from shutting down internet access but the likelihood of that in first world countries should be low. Regardless there are totally ways around it, meshnets were formed in those countries with external internet nodes for them to use. Meshnet technology is a whole separate thing that is growing on its own and compliments ETH, if meshnets take off it only means peers will be more reachable and thus the eth network will be more reliable.

All of these are problems of centralized or even distributed networks, the solution is not decentralized or distributed but both.

I could develop and application, publish it to an IPNS hash and tell people to grab it, the application could connect through whatever and utilize eth transactions, no need to rely on any central thing.

Do you see any issues with that?

>> No.1149800
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>not putting money into pepecoin and falling for eth still cause it made you money once.

>> No.1149806

That's the point. Those things all rely on single entry and can be taken down simply by a powerful government demanding the domain be revoked. The US government can huff and puff all they like but a pirate bay hosted on the ethereum network wouldn't come down until the users all agreed to stop hosting it on their nodes.

I'm agreeing with you.

>> No.1149813

>Blocking internet service is the only one I can give you but it's not relevant to ETH
Correction, not specific to ETH. If a government removes internet service and you rely on services that use the internet for transport you're boned no matter what. You're not accessing eth services but you're not accessing anything else either.

The other thing here too is it being distributed you just have to contact peers that you need, which is where meshnets come in, even without internet if you have some connection to other peers who in turn have access to other peers you can implement message passing, that may already be a part of this but I need to look at it more closely. It seems like something they'd do since it only reinforces the unstoppable, highly reliable service thing they're going for.

Woops my fault. I'm not on my game right now to be honest. A little busy but I like talking about this stuff, it's very exciting to me to see these system actually being realized, like you can use them right now and it's not just whitepapers or theories, it's real software you can use now and it actually works as described.

>> No.1149826

No worries. It excites me too. I'm in software myself so seeing new tech with actual application both in the future and in past situations that could have been avoided with it sounds fucking awesome. It's kind of like when you realize that 90% of old horror movies make no sense when cellphones exist so new horror movies always have you magically lose signal.
The only way to stop these future applications is too shut down the entire internet for your nation. The "calling somebody Hitler" response of dealing with a movement. I can't wait to see who does it first.

>> No.1149885

Ok, I admit I panicked after repeatedly telling people in previous threads not to panic.

>> No.1150651
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moon time.