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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11477207 No.11477207 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11477244

I really don't want to. Life should be more than working in some shitty factory or retail store that you hate for 90% of your life

>> No.11477260
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>> No.11477262
File: 24 KB, 290x279, i-see-a-neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a refund on your neetbux

>> No.11477311

>clean your room
more like
>clean my factory
>clean my store
>customer just shat his pants in aisle 12, need you to mop it up because it leaked down his leg

>> No.11477312

Dumbass that's why you get a job where you work from home half the time, travel on company $ etc

>> No.11477322

literally impossible and everyone who says it isn't a shill

>> No.11477333
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You know... You could just learn a trade instead and do some freelance work.

>> No.11477346

anon no larp i would LOVE a factory job. it's so fucking hard to get though. all i seem to get are fucking hospitality gigs which i hate. i've had enough of customer facing and i literally just wanna wagecuck in a lonely, isolated place by myself doing repetitive, menial, physical tasks if i have to wagecuck..

>> No.11477358

fuck off shill

fuck off shill

>> No.11477363


>> No.11477370

60 hours a week here cucking it

>> No.11477566
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I'm trying.

>> No.11477876

You're just a lazy asshole who can only see the present.

>> No.11478157

fuck off shill

>> No.11478182

Go rot in your basement forever, kek.

>> No.11478190

Haha, jokes on you OP. I'm enlisting in the military.

>> No.11478215

fuck off, shill

>> No.11478218
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i want to be a wagecuck SO SO BAD its literally the only thing i want in life FUCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

>> No.11478269

Believe me. I want to get a job but the math doesn't add up. Living expenses too high wages too low.

>> No.11478607

Ever read animal farm? can’t remeber it’s name but you remind me a bit of the horse

>> No.11478650
File: 157 KB, 409x409, pepe-npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck off, shill
>fuck off, shill
>fuck off, shill
>fuck off, shill

>> No.11478695

Never read that book. Might read it someday.

The NEET enablers here remind me of a guy I used to know who complained about everything and everyone and gave advice and opinions on everything but could do nothing himself and had no respect for anyone but himself.

>> No.11478712

stop appropriating our memes and fuck off, shill

>> No.11479233

Fell for the technical school meme. Every job in .NET programming needs a 4 year degree. Neet for the foreseeable future.

>> No.11479281
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yeah I got a job; schooling noobs

>> No.11479624

the wagecuck meme has made my life feel so much harder

>> No.11480060

we all know you dont belong here newfag

>> No.11480098

I work in a factory.
You're never alone, and likely to be working in/around stuff that will give you cancer or worse.
Don't idealize the factory scum life, anon.

>> No.11480134

That you, golfball factory anon?
Yep, factory life is shitty. I did it for years, until an old lady coworker said, “what are you doing here? You should be in school. Don’t do what I did and get stuck here. It isn’t worth it.”

>> No.11480165

just depends what you manufacture

stay mad tho

>> No.11480183

Nah, golfball factory anon is probably dead by now.
I am aircraft factory anon. Lot's of carbon fiber and hardcore chemicals destroying my balls every day.
I wonder what I'm doing, but then I realize that nobody will hire me for any work related to my degree.
There's nothing left for those of us who won't give in to The Merchant and join the goylems. Only a miracle can save this planet now.

>> No.11480199

I ain't mad, just telling anon that factory life isn't cozy.
What factory do you work at where you are by yourself unsupervised?

>> No.11480242

I'm trying but interviewing is difficult since I'm an autist. Why would someone hire a sperg instead of a normie that has proficient communication skills?

>> No.11480274

Why aren't you just putting 40% of every paycheck into XLM so you can quit next year?

>> No.11480284

work in a clean room and repair the automation

>> No.11480350

I'm putting 5% of every check into ETH and other shitcoins. I gotta eat, so I can't gamble much.
I work in a "clean room" half of my day and it's still supervised. Good on you for landing a position where you could be running an online business from your phone, I wish I could do that...

>> No.11480365

yeah no mate an aircraft factory isn't a clean room at all

I don't mean a "clean" factory, it's literally called a clean room.

I also work on an off shift and obviously there are managers around but they aren't on my ass 24/7