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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11475442 No.11475442 [Reply] [Original]

Any 30+ anons here?

I’m turning 23 in December. Everyone I know either lives at home or splits rent with their significant other/roommates. Nobody can afford a 1 bedroom apartment to themselves, and this is talking about several different cities.

Was this the case when you were around my age?

>> No.11475478

AC/DC man... I remember watching them in '79 when Bon was still alive

>> No.11475489

No. Went to bording school at 16 and never mobed back in with my parents afterwards. Worked as a mailman to pay for my student apartment atarting age 19.

>> No.11475494
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>> No.11475501

That’s when we started to realize we were getting royally cucked by the financial and political system.

>> No.11475569
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>30 years old
>3 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment all to myself
>still saving over 50% of post-tax income

>> No.11475619

> mfw 20 years old
> $1100 a month 1 bedroom apartment
> do whatever the fuck I want all day

>> No.11475620

10 years ago was the recession. They had it harder

>> No.11475629

i just turned 30 and can confirm life officially ended 2 months ago.

>> No.11475645

I'm 30 and most people my age still can't afford their own place

However a lot have started having kids and getting married recently

>> No.11475651

26, but bought my own 200k house at 24 with a 25% deposit after working constantly
I am one of very few, and even as a young person who landed well paying jobs as an early age it was still a struggle for me
system is fucked

>> No.11475655

I'm 31 and no. The average rent I paid throughout my twenties was around $300. Now I can't find a place for less than $900.

>> No.11475666

I have a 3 bedroom and 3 bath apartment that I pay $700 for each month. I live with my SO but I pay the living expenses and she uses her paycheck for her student loans/car note.

>> No.11475680
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Nigga in 1970 a house cost 1-3 years pay. Of course it wasn't like this. The boomer meme isn't a meme - its fucking true. The last few generations completely fucked everyone from gen x downward.

The craziest part about this is wondering how high the housing market will go. I can't imagine that the generation after us will have to split studio apartments with other people to afford to live. There has to be a massive deflation of housing prices in the next 10-20 years. Society will literally not be able to function otherwise, it will collapse.

>> No.11475734

That's par the course your age. Stay at home to avoid shitty roomates or learning that living with friends can suck ass. Save up until your 28 or so before looking at living on your own. In the meantime cook as many meals for yourself as possible and do any chores you can laundry etc. so you wont be a fucking baby and unable to live independently.

>> No.11475821

kill yourselves.

>> No.11476948

35 anon here, when i was your age housing prices were through the roof.

I lived with my parents until the market crashed and bought a house at 29.

The house was a short sale and bought it for half what it was worth in the peak of housing bubble.

>> No.11476979

I was homeless lmao

>> No.11477149

I’m 27 and have a studio in a nice area in Philly lol.

>> No.11477250

i'm 24, have a 10-hour job from 6 something to 4, make 11.50 an hour with overtime on Fridays and am planning on saving up to buy a house with my brother to live in with him. I was going to finish college but i have remedial math and can't afford to pay for it anymore.

when i was young i saw my mother only had to pay 500 for the big house we lived in and only realized now it was because of control rent. The USA really needs to pass a law to stop landlords from raising rent so fucking high

>> No.11477276

I bought my own house by myself at 22, which was two years ago, fgt

>> No.11477294

how much and whats the best place to buy one?

i wanna know everything before i buy one.

>> No.11477331

142k at the time with 10% down.
Depends where you live in the US. I’d honestly wait til housing prices go back down before buying.

>> No.11477361

Bought a house when i was 25 because i chose the right major.