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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1146977 No.1146977 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people fall for the long term investing meme?

Did they get tricked by Vanguard shills?

Lmao I hope no one here seriously "long term invests" or God forbid, dollar cost averages.

Enjoy your 3% gains while most daytraders make TRIPLE that per week at good times. Just go to the robinhood generals you Vanguardcucks, people are making huge off stockpicking, and you try to claim it's "unsustainable"


>> No.1146982

Hold on, let me get my popcorn.

>> No.1146985
File: 1.21 MB, 2000x2200, 1437089970315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait faggot

But you've activated my trap card

>> No.1146990

>iHaz samefags a b8 thread so he can respond to it with the same redundant posts he has been posting for a couple years
>then he samefags some more about how OP (who is really iFag) gets BTFO by "the real iFag" (iFag) by making some more posts by iFag lovers (also iFag)


>> No.1147001

What are you talking about?

Who is "ihaz" and how is it relevant?

I'm a regular poster in the robinhood generals and I've been impressed by how much money everyone is making. I used to think buying VOO was a good idea, not anymore.

>> No.1147017
File: 165 KB, 640x610, 1420223090080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been impressed by how much money everyone is making

>> No.1147018

>inb4 iFag who hasnt posted here in weeks mysteriously shows up in this exact thread
Kek. Stahp. You had me at "vangaurd".

>> No.1147024

Who the fuck is "ifag"?

I don't get it, is that some new meme on here? I'll admit, I don't usually come on /biz/ or post threads. I'm usually only in robinhood general or some of the cryptothreads.

It's really crazy that some people made so much off those things!! I've bought a few of the stocks recommended and so far I haven't made much money but I have faith.

Are you a longterm investing cuck by any chance?

>> No.1147028

iFag is the biggest faggot on this board but you already knew that. Also, this is clearly a b8 thread.

>> No.1147033

How is it a bait thead?

Are you trying to say Vanguard ISNT a meme?

Explain yourself right now. If it isn't a meme then how come professional investors beat the market regularly by huge margins?

>> No.1147035
File: 52 KB, 479x523, 1434415711327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been impressed by how much money everyone is making.

>> No.1147039

>>I've been impressed by how much money everyone is making.

Yeah and? Some people have quadrupled their money from some cryptocurrencies or things like $ASTI on here.

Way better returns than just waiting until 65 to withdraw your shitty vanguard fund.

>> No.1147041

The sad thing is, I'm sure you don't have index funds or any money in the market. You're purely here to shill something

>> No.1147044

Fuck off iFag. Now I know for sure it is you. Stop being a little samefagging bitch. Its getting old.

>> No.1147045
File: 54 KB, 478x602, ASTI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things like $ASTI

>> No.1147051
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>quadrupled their money

>> No.1147052

Of course not, I use the robinhood app. Why would I waste money on fees?

I'm still waiting. Explain how index funds aren't a meme.

Most investors I know beat the market by tons.

Shorting it of course.

>> No.1147057
File: 55 KB, 716x724, M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I use the robinhood app
pick one

>> No.1147068

iHaznt is parodying what he thinks a daytrader is. What's dumb is there are very very few people here that disagree that vangaurd index funds are good, low risk investments. He is on a one fag crusade to somehow educate /biz/ on concepts that are so basic that they dont even need repeating.

>> No.1147076

I don't know who ihaz is and I am certainly not him.

I'm just trying to understand goes through VanguardShills minds. So far no one has been able to explain why indexing strategies are better, all I've had was being called some "ihaz" who doesn't even seem to agree with my opinion.

>> No.1147078


>Definitely not ihaz: The Post

>> No.1147084

Bullshit. You defend your position with the most retarded responses you can think of to make it look like anyone who doesnt invest in vangaurd funds is a jackass. You have to be more subtle next time faggot.

>> No.1147086

Take off your tinfoil fedoras for a moment and realize that I'm just trying to understand.

I'm with you guys, I'm a daytrader and robinhood enthusiast myself. No need to get hostile.

>> No.1147093
File: 85 KB, 210x210, 1423806999583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a daytrader and robinhood enthusiast
pick one

>> No.1147092


>> No.1147095

Wannabe Warren Buffett's detected
fucking kek

>> No.1147099


See how easy that was? I can do it too. Did I win the argument now?

>> No.1147113

>iFag detection complete.

>> No.1147120


>> No.1147122


>Five different people couldn't possibly have deduced that I was ihaz shitting up this board, even though I do it every other mother fucking day

>> No.1147124

Oh I'm sorry was I blocking out the 10th daily Ethereum/SYS thread today?

>> No.1147140

>I use a meme app with limited features because $3 commissions would eat up half of my profit

Sad. When Robinhood lets you short penny stocks and turn your account multiple times a day at 2:1 leverage let me know

>> No.1147152

We dont really care if you post idiot. You are certainly free to post and you are entitled to your opinion. Its the fact that you cant ever be genuine even ONE TIME. Either you create a b8 thread to talk about vangaurd index funds AGAIN or you tripfag in multiple threads and then samefag to make it seem like everyone desperately needs your advice or at other times you are bragging about how much money you have. You shit up every single thread you post in.

Obviously I'm not the only one who thinks this. I actually dont samefag, unlike you.

>> No.1147155

I'm not iHaz you fucking retard

>> No.1147167

I made 65% off ASTI last week. Suck my balls. All you see is a downward trend cause you're so fucking farsighted. I see volatility

>> No.1147168

Multiple people in this thread know otherwise. You act like you don't post here enough for people to spot you a mile away. Even retards know that vangaurd index funds don't produce 3% gains. There was only like 2 people in this thread that fell for your weak attempt at bait.

>> No.1147176

Go away iHaz. I can spot your posting style a million miles away

>> No.1147188

>I made 65% off ASTI last week
Hey, that means a lot!
65% of what?

>> No.1147191


He's saying that he made $2 proft

>> No.1147193
File: 7 KB, 236x213, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good stock picks only when i'm not browsing /biz/
>missed out on AQXP and CPXX

>> No.1147196

It's almost as if it's entirely random.

>> No.1147225

have you ever thought of, uhmm, dunno, maybe not having a writing style exactly like every scam found on the internet to make people even consider not just taking your shit for obvious retarded shill?

i mean, srsly, are you even trying or ... ?

>> No.1147230

>huge off stockpicking, and you try to claim it's "unsustainable"

big and sustainable are not the same thing. at all.
iHaz, why u so stoopid?

>> No.1147260

65% of $200

Basically took $50 profit and got some free stock