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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 4 KB, 179x282, eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11467504 No.11467504 [Reply] [Original]

explain to a brainlet how many eth to stake in a node and why this is a good investment

>> No.11467530

No one knows and because there will only be one major decentralized supercomputing network.

Either that is sharded ETH or Holochain

>> No.11467536

There will probably be pools though.

>> No.11467537

Ethereum had so much potential
We used to joke about something called a 'flippening'.

>> No.11467716

ETH shorts are extremely high right now. Time to buy in before it pumps.

>> No.11467841

Eth is a mess

>> No.11469290

it'll probably be 32 eth and it's a good investment if you plan on holding the ether anyway

>> No.11469296

Eth is a mess

>> No.11469309

And what's better? What has the most people working on solutions?

>> No.11469373

32 eth to stake. good investment? maybe, but probably only for those with a large number of eth and technically proficient enough to run a distributed setup to prevent any issues.

everybody is crying about the % returns being low, but the lower the returns look, the less people willing to risk staking, and the higher the returns of those that do. obviously its better to have more stakers than less, but even the lowball amount of 1M eth staked makes ethereum already much more decentralized than it currently is in proof of work.

once again though you shouldnt expect to just walk in late buy 32 eth and make any significant income in proof of stake, ethereum is too established for huge money making opportunities like that.

>> No.11469386

literally nothing right now. see >>11455945

ethereum is so far ahead in the platform game that it just doesn't make sense to focus on anything else. better to consider other niches or technology that will be built on top of ethereum, like stablecoins. but people never learn, late adopters are still out there buying payment coins they think are going to overtake bitcoin.

>> No.11469446

>literally nothing right now.

EOS already destroyed ETH already and its basically fucking ETH hard in the ass to a point of zero recovery. Its more decentralized, its faster and its more functional. ETH wont be able to survive when the dapps wars begin. Here is a hint, the dapps wars are starting to already ramp up now and anyone who doesn't understand how it works is going to get justed hard.

>> No.11469456

Right so who is building on it and why is it being ignored by every institution?

I hold a lot of EOS but you are fucking wrong fag.

>> No.11469463

Also it isn't functional when it cost money to make an account. That isn't globally scalable like they claim. Get your head out your ass.

>> No.11469479

What's going on with the dapp wars

>> No.11469485

eos isn't on anybody's radar, don't fool yourself. it's massively centralized, broken consensus that means its already been corrupted by chinese block producers, and had a 4 billion presale making its economics very unattractive for investors.

and the metrics are showing nothing, we'll see in 12 months time, but if things carry on as they are, eos will remain completely irrelevant.

>> No.11469502

its not just the account model, its the whole ram/cpu system they've designed is ripe for exploitation as it's already been. not to mention when you have literally 21 people in control over the whole network, manipulating ram/cpu prices is trivial, as we have seen.

their key/account model is also just another unnecessary abstraction for end users and is yet another legacy carryover from daniel's old bitshares code he insists on re-using for every project.

>> No.11469521

Nothing because it cost $2-$10 to make an account and you have to pay to add resources to keep using the dapps.

It isn't free like they promised. Load a dapp, need RAM

>> No.11469532

>Right so who is building on it and why is it being ignored by every institution?

By this argument ZERO people are building on anything. Problem is, functionally ETH is fucked. A good game that isnt some fucking shitty fucking card game is going to take about a year to build. Actually good dapps take a bit of time. ETH has missed the first and second potential dev cycle for not terrible shit tier games. EOS will hit its first cycle hard as fuck on the first run up. We are just now starting to see devs with actual dev ability moving into the scene as investors are starting to toss money at them.

> I hold a lot of EOS but you are fucking wrong fag.

This is why crypto has so many problems these days. The only reason ETH gets favored here is because the fucking cult of chain link fags... The most useless shit ever.

>> No.11469551

Holy shit the absolute state. If it comes down to dapps that matter then its obvious NEO will blow both chains out when China comes back in 2020. Fuck Western cryptos

>> No.11469554
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>Its more decentralized

>> No.11469558



fake centralized scam coin with 21 nodes can’t wait for the inevitable collapse

>> No.11469572

>eos isn't on anybody's radar, don't fool yourself.

Its on mine.

> it's massively centralized, broken consensus that means its already been corrupted by chinese block producers

Chinese are corrupting literally everything right now. ETH and Bitcoin are just as fucked. No excuses. Also EOS is not any more centralized than Bitcoin or ETH.

> a 4 billion presale making its economics very unattractive for investors.

More money means people will not find it attractive kek

All false

> they've designed is ripe for exploitation

Like what? Hey did you know nothing in life is free?

>Nothing because it cost $2-$10 to make an account and you have to pay to add resources to keep using the dapps.
>It isn't free like they promised. Load a dapp, need RAM

See this is the cool part about this. You make these arguments like "oh its not free wwaaaaaahh" and then lean in the direction of fucking ETH where every transaction costs money. This is how I know you guys who dont understand EOS are cornered and fucked. Transaction fees suck ass. Staking resources are a far superior way to handle the cost of transaction fees.

>> No.11469575

neo is number 2 behind ethereum for what is actually built on its platform, but eos's inflated token supply and huge presale puts its market cap significantly higher than eos.

>> No.11469584

actually the longs have overcome the shorts for a while

>> No.11469591

It is in practice. You see ETH doesnt take advantage of its decentralization because its infrastructure doesn't use the coin. They cant use it because it sucks. Any argument against this point is an argument that ETH does not need casper, plasma and the other random named bullshit updates that keep getting pushed back. They wont solve the problem anyway though. EOS is far more functional and its decentralization is superior as a result.

>> No.11469605
File: 128 KB, 1515x593, eosdapps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS is absolutely destroying ETH, specially when you consider EOS mainnet is like 3 months old. Look at pic related.

You don't even need to have a wallet to use EOS dapps, imbecile. The top dapp is an example of that.

>> No.11469612

>Holy shit the absolute state. If it comes down to dapps that matter then its obvious NEO will blow both chains out when China comes back in 2020. Fuck Western cryptos

At least when people argue over NEO there is a potential possibility that they are right. ETH is just dead in the water if it ever intends to get be used for anything actually good.

>> No.11469630

ethereum and bitcoin are fucked in the current state of proof of work. eos is fucked regardless of what it does because they've created a consensus mechanism that assumes people aren't going to cheat. why bother not coding in decentralization and instead hoping everybody plays fair?

and more money means its economically unattractive for speculators especially given how many vcs that missed out on ethereum bought a large cumulative % of all tokens for very low prices on top of b1's 10% stake.

>> No.11469640
File: 80 KB, 1366x768, EOSMasterRace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't even need to have a wallet to use EOS dapps, imbecile. The top dapp is an example of that.

Actually this is true. Novusphere allows anon posting with no need for a wallet. Its very cool. Man that fucking ruins anything on ETH. Thats so fucking brutal! ETH cant allow you to use its dapps for free like that.

How are you bag holders coping with that level of brutality? OUCH!

EOS MASTER RACE! You NPC fucks with your fucking ETH shitcoin. Only the true lord of crypto the hero of the game can avoid being an NPC.

>> No.11469659
File: 44 KB, 667x342, MasterRace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey can any of you guys here let me know if there is a good on chain message board on ETH that allows anon posting without the need for a wallet? HEY GUYS? Anyone?

ETH is a fucking NPC coin. It lacks functionality. Its slow.

> May your transaction be fast and your fees be low

>> No.11469660

eos is "destroying" ethereum with what? a bunch of gambling dapps, exchanges (most of which that aren't actually fully decentralized), and ponzis?

meanwhile ethereum is being used for all of the above, plus stabletokens, securities, fundraising for companies, and enterprise interest in the form of EAA and a couple of governments/banks trialing things on the public network.

don't delude yourself by posting vanity metrics like everybody did for bitshares. number of transactions per second is a decentralization choice, not something relevant for serious adoption, which comes regardless of scaling, as we've seen clearly in bitcoin.

>> No.11469670

EOS is the only dapps coin right now capable of taking the master race meme. Sorry you guys are struggling to keep up with the big boys. Shitcoins that cant perform are NPC garbage only to be slayed by the master race.

>> No.11469673

gimmick apps like that don't make a platform, throwing all that data onto a blockchain that everybody has so sync just doesn't work. eos gets away with it because they threw out decentralization for throughput. that's fine, but it means it fundamentally can't be used for things decentralized blockchains like btc/eth are used for, it just doesn't have the security.

>> No.11469675

>meanwhile ethereum is being used for all of the above, plus stabletokens

Its literally like arguing with a console peasent.

> WAAAHHH my console has games too WWAAAHHHHH

Yeah but in each example EOS is faster and better at doing anything you can do on ETH. EOS IS THE MASTER RACE COIN!!!

>> No.11469683

and i thought you actually thought eos was technically superior

>> No.11469696
File: 5 KB, 185x272, GloriousEOSCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eos gets away with it because they threw out decentralization

Its more decentralized though. Its far superior on this front. You are just mad that ETH is slow and fucking useless and all of its dapps would be better on EOS.

Because EOS is the master race coin. Its faster and more functional. Its easier to develop on and can do more. Staking resources is superior to transaction fees and transactions are 3 seconds rather than 4 hours.


>> No.11469701

>and i thought you actually thought eos was technically superior

Is this seriously your fucking argument. The shoe fits perfectly. Its literally identical to the argument of inferior tech. At least console peasants have a leg to stand on. Games on ETH are fucking unplayable.

>> No.11469734


Slow fucking shit transactions are not acceptable to anyone who actually wants to use the tech for something. Staking resources is INFINITELY superior to transaction fees.

>> No.11469770

>decentralized blockchains like btc/eth are used for, it just doesn't have the security.

This is a massively bullshit argument too. Its like you want to be an NPC peasant just so you can justify being completely fucking sub tier. The reason you think ETH is more decentralized is because its never actually used for anything. The ultimate truth is that the ideal solution is to aim for the correct amount of decentrality without cucking the coin into hell and back. EOS has the proper balance while ETH is peasant levels of garbage tier useless shit. All so it can offer exactly the same thing EOS can do but better.

You ETH NPC peasants are fucking worthless. Its frankly disgusting.

>> No.11470818
File: 9 KB, 250x196, 1512470591518s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daps wars


Oh the retards...

>> No.11470857

Hi anon. So basically are you saying there is not much gain potential for someone buying ETH right now? Genuinely interested, thanks

>> No.11470892
File: 15 KB, 240x159, EOSLaughsAtYou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are literally so fucking stupid you are denying the fucking thread you posted ins existence. Dapps wars are already upon us right now in this very thread!! Like a fucking ETH NPC peasant who believes in fucking shit slow and expensive transactions.

You are so fucked HAHAHA
ETH has no good dapps, literally zero good dapps. And people like me are going completely trash you shitcoin to death in full on meme glorious hilarity to a point where you look like a fucking moron for even attempting to fight back.

Shitty slow and worthless coins are NEVER going to survive in the wake of the one true master race. The master race will be mobilized in full force soon to crush your slow and shitty worthless fucking coins.

>> No.11470895

That face reminds me of Dagoth Ur

>> No.11470920

How new are you EOS fags anyway???

This was biitshares tory all over again.

They colected 4 bilion on same shitty anrativem you know every big palyer (coinbase,binnance etc) is building infrastructure on eth?

>> No.11470934

>Dapps wars are already upon

Omfg you are reterded AHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.11470948
File: 2.90 MB, 290x189, 145968473.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you mention that. Morrowind can have its inventory system run on a fully decentralized setup on EOS. It would be butter.

But ETH could never do this without a FUCKING SIDE CHAIN!! HAHAHAHAHA

>Omfg you are reterded AHAHAHAHAHAHA


>> No.11470955

It's on his radar goys! Look out!

>Imagine actually believing anything you've just typed.

>> No.11470963

EOS couldn't even exist without raising money on Ethereum. Lmao. What a joke.

>> No.11470965

checkmate EOS fags

>> No.11470990

kek, fake volume to lure noobs like you
> https://twitter.com/panekkkk/status/1042410006673547265?s=19

>> No.11471052
File: 940 KB, 1152x720, 1507313540459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are newfag i can tell because you dont know this is bitshares2.0 with 4 bilions lol

You are poorfag because you fell for daps and next ethereum narative

Im not even ETH maximalist I do understand its problems but there is reason industy is betting on eth you moron why do you think binance/coinbase etc are building they future platforms on it?

Only shit working today is built on eth...eos did tis ico on eth...jeasus...

>> No.11471062
File: 2 KB, 125x92, 1512324628722s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And problem is i have is:

subject is staking on ethereum...than just infinite number of eosfag shills....

gtfo build some daps for dap wasrs upon us fag

>> No.11471065

Butt hurt response +1
Butt hurt response +1
More butt hurt response +1
>kek, fake volume to lure noobs like you
Butt hurt +1

hmm Seems like you guys agree with me on my points because you seem to have no arguments to deal with the fact that staking for resources is superior to transaction fees. Fast transactions are king. A proper balance of decentralization is superior to knee capping the coin just in case aliens from outer space might want to freeze your account.

>> No.11471095

>gtfo build some daps for dap wasrs upon us fag

Oh sorry was this a safe space? I understand ETH maximalists feel pretty threatened these days.

Its funny seeing ETH people in need of a safe space though. Are you going to ban me from your subreddit now?

>Only shit working today is built on eth...eos did tis ico on eth...jeasus...

What brain dead argument is EOS owes ETH respect because EOS used ETH for the ICO? Like what kind of garbage argument. That makes zero sense to even mention in the context of what coin has superior functionality.

>> No.11471121

I have some amazing advice on how to greatly improve ETH without too much effort. Use EOS as a side chain for everything ETH cant handle! Problem solved! No more debates needed!

- EOS Master Race

>> No.11471223
File: 52 KB, 600x334, 1510601209928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EOS Master Race
>Its funny seeing ETH people in need of a safe space though
>Shitty slow and worthless coins are NEVER going to survive
>Shitty slow and worthless coins are NEVER going to survive

+some pc msterrace memes

we all can tell you are some neet poorfag no worry I bet you have less than 1 btc in game or worse

Enjoy your delusion bro

>> No.11471237

cause EOS is going anywhere with it's RAM price and how much the app devs have to spend on including new users.
every app dev would be fucking broke if they saw any form on mainstream usage