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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11467529 No.11467529 [Reply] [Original]

You meme money holders realize that this entire crypto market has been inflated on the fraction reserve system of Tether, right?

There isn't 200 billion within crypto, if we're lucky there is maybe $1-2 billion in real cash invested across all the exchanges. The rest has been bid-ask spread upticking with bots driven by the billions printed in fake Tether. Why do you think Bitfinex always leads the spread as market makers and other exchanges serve as price takers?

Tether is a derivitative of the US dollar, except unlike a normal derivative in a regulated market there is no trusted third party to audit that the actual reserve for the derivative exists. You simply have to trust Bitfinex, whose past actions and current legal structure indicate every reason not to trust them.

Crypto started off well and was at one time a real hope of taking down the current federal reserve system, but it is not that anymore. Greed and promise of quick gains in dollar terms turned it into something worse than the very thing it was meant to replace.

>> No.11467561

shooped af

>> No.11467595

holy shit that pic makes me cringe

>> No.11467606

does every dude have this haircut now?

>> No.11467637

Nobody ever said you should be able to trade your tether for USD.

You cannot trade tether straight to USD, you buy btc/eth with it and then sell the btc/eth for USD.

>> No.11467993


If that's the case then when institutional money eventually enters wouldn't that make Bitcoin and crypto moon super hard?

>> No.11468238
File: 49 KB, 247x350, 30yz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11468266

>The rest has been bid-ask spread upticking with bots driven by the billions printed in fake Tether. Why do you think Bitfinex always leads the spread as market makers and other exchanges serve as price takers
what did he mean by this?

>> No.11468276
File: 392 KB, 652x562, zoomertide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
