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File: 47 KB, 500x500, EasternEuropeMap-56a39f195f9b58b7d0d2ced2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11466387 No.11466387 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me cheap countries to buy nice properties at and live like a neet.

Preferably in the EU
Provide e.g.

>> No.11466406

greece and albania.

good food, good wimminz, all year sun, everything cheap

>> No.11466419

I'm from serbia, but I think slovenia is the best choice. Haven't been there for a longer period, just passed through few time, but it seems lovely and civilized.

>> No.11466431

I'm pretty sure that all of them aside from Estonia have tons of shitty government regulations that can fuck you over and basically rob you

>> No.11466432

albania?! yeah...goatfuckers

>> No.11466472
File: 448 KB, 1600x1080, 1687744004-albanien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cherrypicking some mountain niggers who never been in a city
yeah, thats like me posting burger rednecks and say the whole usa is like that.

meanwhile im enjoying a1 seafood, crystal clear beaches and whores like pic related.

stay poor and simple minded anon

>> No.11466474
File: 15 KB, 304x288, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poland is cool.

Greece sounds way better than crime infested Albania.

Any idea on house prices?

>> No.11466491

Crimea or eastern Ukraine

>> No.11466493

Ukraine is okay in Kiev but not the cheapest. For what it's worth if you're not a local people will exploit you

>> No.11466508

>Poland is cool.

last time I checked their tax-system was a leftover from communist times.

>> No.11466515

Last time i checked they don't import shitskins to displace the locals and promote families

>> No.11466532

+ polish girls are qt

>> No.11466537

fucking lmao @ you single digit iq brainlets recommending some cold as shit hellhole with depressed ugly ass slavs

vitamin d, beaches and sun is LIFE

>> No.11466542

>Poland is cool.
They have some of the most grabby government tax kikes though.

>> No.11466547

fucking normie get out

>> No.11466559
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>enjoying sun and the ocean is normie tier
imagine being this braindead

>> No.11466563

so why do you think they let you in?

>> No.11466568

Enjoy your UV induced cancer, brainlet. I'm white, unlike you, so I'll enjoy my cloudy skies.

>> No.11466573

>t. Nigger
We make our own vitamin D ahmed

>> No.11466579

What countries in the east are good for crypto when it comes to tax then?

>> No.11466585

I never said its for me, I'm actually from Ukraine living in the states. I just wish more EU countries did that

>> No.11466588
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enjoying offing yourself because of depression or liver cerrosis like most of you subhuman slavs/northcucks

>> No.11466592

Estonia is the only legitimately business/property-friendly country in the entire region, though it's practically as Finnish as it is Slavic. That's why it also has shown nice, consistent growth relative to any of the others over the last couple decades.

>> No.11466598

>also cherrypicking, pic women
how about you show a pic of the city center, lets see your average albanian

>> No.11466612

oh boi. I'm laughing so hard. Everyone knows most of the albanians are droglords, kidnappers or a fucking organ traffickers.
Enjoy your whores anon, I bet most of them have std
(just to be clear, I'm not serb, I do not have my opinion based on the 90s war or conflict on kosovo)

>> No.11466641
File: 14 KB, 236x176, 559a3a763118033519d9c385f08296a7--ukraine-poland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then shut the fuck up when all you have to say is literally drivel you retard. also funny coincidence: ukrainians are poland's subhuman immigrant race, so I guess they'd let you in desu.

>> No.11466729

>stating facts makes me subhuman
Cool story bro

>> No.11466731

There's a youtuber called Charles Cather who did a lot of cost-of-living videos on Serbia. According to him, it's very cheap, especially in small towns. He had a 1br apartment rented for $50 USD equivalent a month.

>> No.11466733

Fuck off westcuck

>> No.11466744

>Everyone knows most of the albanians are droglords, kidnappers or a fucking organ traffickers.
??? its state level organised drug export and wont bother the regular joe. thats just balkan mentality, not any different anywhere else. you think germany is more ethical selling billions worth of guns and tanks to saudi arabia? i dont give a shit anon, i just wanna enjoy life

so where exactly did you base your opinion? ever been to albania? talked to one? no you made up your mind because of ((news))

>> No.11466748

you have the self awareness of a typical american: nobody asked about immigrants you poltarded moron

>> No.11466749

Czech Republic. All women are whores.
May be considered Central Europe, depending of the definition though

>> No.11466763

just stay out of Praha, literal tourist hellhole

>> No.11466783
File: 37 KB, 800x450, 20131111184652460734_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

central europe is just slavs coping: it is de facto eastern europe.

>> No.11466786

Check out vilnus.

>> No.11466845 [DELETED] 

On the prime ministers fucking command they first shot the two week old baby, then cut off the head and throw it to his mother during the war in 1999 in village djakovica. How can be a country normal is the prime minister is this man?!
Yeah, I base them on the news, and on the fact that he don't want to go to Hague to defend itself from this accusations, because he knows he cant.

>> No.11466847

Nice try, Arben. Your country is a shithole with inferior culture. There's already too many Shqiptar where I live now, I think I'll pass on that one.

>> No.11466850

>Moderate climate
>Has Sea & Mountains
>Nice looking roasties
>Great food
>Crime relatively low
>1GB Internet @home for less than 10$ (unlimited)

-roads are shit
-railroads are shitter

>> No.11466856

I'd never want to live in a country that's less than three borders away from russia.

>> No.11466913

Are they having bakeries there too?
fucking shqiptars spitting in pastry wordlwide

>> No.11466945 [DELETED] 

>Nice looking roasties
would argue with that neighbouranon

>> No.11466948

gipsies are a deal breaker


>> No.11467008


>> No.11467133

Hungary is nice

>> No.11467352

Well it's relevant considering OP is thinking about buying property. I wouldn't want to live in a country who's leadership actively allows for middle eastern scum to flood in.

>> No.11467368
File: 57 KB, 680x365, 1539899841361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Croatian island Cities.

Cities recomended:
"Bol" "Supetar" "Split"

>> No.11467486


>catholic slavs

Yeah no thanks

>> No.11468944

No, in NY they are mobsters who run pizza places, real estate and contracting companies. I actually know some very kindhearted Albanian people but they are few and far in between.

>> No.11468953

Germany is central Europe.

>> No.11468965

catholic slavs = the only successful slavs, bro.

>> No.11469003

no. it's mostly western Europe, with Lusatia being eastern Europe, because of slavs. also, parts of the ruhrpott region have become
eastern nowadays.

and by the way, on a more serious note: mitteleuropa is better description. look it up on wikipedia.

>> No.11469128

Western part of Romania (not cheap tho)

>> No.11469379

Shill me an Eastern Europe country where:
>Has hot bitches
>There are low possibilities to get stabbed for a fucking cigarette
>Hate niggers

>> No.11469392

Estonia and Lithuania

>> No.11469441
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x821, 1280px-Romi_(tigani)_Romania_2002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy in W or S Romania >>11469128
Also that isn't Romania

>> No.11469821

Czech Republic

>> No.11470526
File: 331 KB, 1600x1067, bh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever that means.
Pic from '02. Many are in scattered in the EU making bank fleecing westerners.

>> No.11470529

This. Im Estonian and i must say the IT and E-Governance system is based and really comfy to use. I wont have to leave my NEET den for anything.
go check out e-estonia dot com

>> No.11470551
File: 18 KB, 300x428, 1519759840592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eesti is unironically based to the fucking bone.
Check out Tartu.

>> No.11470557

How is Sochi/russian black sea area?

If I have relatives that would help me settle, is it worth to get a home Equity loan and sell my condo, maxed out credits and run away?

>> No.11470564

Nice subhumanish try Milos, lmao.

>> No.11470575

How would you live like a NEET in a poor Eastern European country? You'd eventually run out of money, also wouldn't you be worried about locals breaking in and killing a better off foreigner living close by?

>> No.11470577


Wow, Estonians who think Estonia is good. Never have I seen that

>> No.11470619


>> No.11470629

All the Russians buy Black sea properties in Bulgaria for some reason. So its either expensive or it sucks.

>> No.11470649

Yerevan, Armenia: safe, cheap, and clean.

>> No.11470653


Sorry, didn't see 'preferably EU'. Plovdiv, Bulgaria then.

>> No.11470657
File: 62 KB, 508x614, mnam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post timestamp proving you are serious about this and I will tell you all about owning a property in Czech Republic.
t. rentier

>> No.11470713

Poland, safest country in the world.
No Muslims

>> No.11470727

What are some good sites to check out earstern-european properties?

>> No.11470741

All foreigner-targeted websites will probably give you higher prices. Its how EE does business.

>> No.11470752

Biggest site about Latvian propertys, cars ect.

>> No.11470764
File: 68 KB, 923x713, 1536434089197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't come here.
I hate people that come, start living and later complain about us.
How our system is different from where he comes and why some things are not right in his eyes.
People like you are responsible for such movements as Greenpeace, Gay rights and pc culture that are currently most talked topics around.
Fuck off.

>> No.11470765

The place is full of slavs

>> No.11470768

Kinda like this one. Or this:


>> No.11470773

It's a part of their internet strategy, I'm not saying they are shill, just look into it

>> No.11470774

Croatia , shit country awsome food women and land

>> No.11470777


>> No.11470780


Your best bet would be Bulgaria. I could share more info if interested

>> No.11470788

As a Bulgarian, our real estate is kinda overpriced right now. Especially the capital.
Could be a crash soon.

>> No.11470802

yes, could you give the site bulgarians use for housing? The foreign ones are overpriced

>> No.11470814

>Just real estate
>jobs,cars,real estate, toys,electronics,legal hookers, basically craigslist

Theres a few more that focus on real estate I think.

>> No.11470820


>> No.11470837

Did you ever try the hookers?

>> No.11470845

Estonia and Slovenia are the most civilized and clean. Slovenia is warmer. Winter are mild at worst.
I'm finnish living in Sweden. Gf is from Slovenia, so been there a bit. But desu, I'm leaning to Spain costa del sol, but would have to avoid Malaga unfortunately, love the city but getting to much immigrants... That all year summer, so fucking tired of 8-10 months of shit in the north, I never want to see snow again.

>> No.11470846

I second that. Since the interest rates on deposits are so low, many people decided to go for 100% supported bank credit and buy property, thus inflating the price of real estate.
At some point (maybe 5,10 years from now) this would backfire. A good indication for such a move would be TV commercials about bank deposits as opposed to bank redits and I start seeing popping up more often now. It's all a big ponzi...


>> No.11470848

Nah, not a fan of paying. But I've looked at the ads a few times when i was drunk.

>> No.11470852

I am bulgarian and never had to. During the past one year, I have been getting laid from Tinder exclusively...but you're after hookers, yeah you got plenty options

>> No.11470862

>Spain costa del sol
Is one of the best places in Europe imo
>That all year summer, so fucking tired of 8-10 months of shit in the north, I never want to see snow again.
Agreed, not to mention all the other stupid shit you have to deal with and how hard you get punished trying to make money
how did you meet a Slovenian gf in Finland btw?

>> No.11470869

Nah I have a gf, just curious to the quality and whether the ads are scams. I gotta say your country is really chill and the food is great. How are Bulgarian girls in general? Are they wife material or slutty?

>> No.11470879

Prices seem about right, noice.Have we finally stopped jewing foreigners?

>> No.11470884

Avoid Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria.

>> No.11470893

They arent scams since the whole thing is legal, i have a few friends that go from time to time.
Local girls vary,theres sluts but also plenty of wife material imo. Most wanna settle down and have a kid mid twenites.

>> No.11470910

That's nice, enjoy it. I think Bulgaria overall is really underrated, but I guess you prefer it that way so you are left alone.

>> No.11470913

Well, at first look, yeah there are cheap properties which are still being built though.
However shit seems way overpriced in Lozenets, Iztok, Mladost, Geo Milev, etc imo...

I'd divide bulgarian women in three categories (according to my modest experience)
1) Wife material (mostly already taken)
2) Sluts (after you either cus of looks and/or money)
3) The typical emancipated, "strong independent lady" and feminist meme-chick

>> No.11470933

Its ok. Some places are nice, some are completely depopulated shitholes like the northwest (and most of the north really).

Where do you even meet feminists here, I've seen like 3 my whole life.

>> No.11470943

>The typical emancipated, "strong independent lady" and feminist meme-chick
Oh this cancer has spread all the way there. Well compared to the west I'm sure you have much better dating oppirtunities

Do Bulgarian people have any opinion on asians btw? I know you hate niggers and gypsies but is it ok to visit with my asian gf?

>> No.11470947

Dated a feminist and the typical "strong indepedent lady" meme girl awhile back off Tinder actually.
Was mental, with constant breakdowns, surrounded by shit people and sluts and depressed as fuck. Would not recommend as it wasn't a pleasant experience. In the end we decided to stop dating at all, haven't talked to her in wks, don't plan to anw.

>> No.11470957

I don't mind asian people and frankly the only asian people I meet/know are the ones who have chinese restaurants opened around here (silly I know). I don't get to meet asians at all on the streets and I am pretty sure no one has anything against them.

>> No.11470969

Sounds horrible.

>> No.11470973

Slovenia, but its not cheap

>> No.11470979

EU is not really cheap

>> No.11470998

Cool, merci!

>> No.11471044


Fuck off, hungarofag third-world cunt.

>> No.11471063

Classic non-Estonian cope

>> No.11471081

uk fag here, im really interested in investing in european real estate for passive income.

im particularly interested in the baltics. where can i learn about this further?

>> No.11471086

romanian here
You'd be surprised, but there aren't that many gypsies left. Most of them went to other central/western european countries. That ones that are left are getting gentrified as fuck and are almost non-existent in city centers or in tight-knit rural areas. You could walk for days and not meet a single gypsy.
People seem to think that gypsies in Romania are like the niggers in the US, meaning they are a large percentage of the population and they will rob you instantly. In fact it's not like that at all. They are like 3% of the population, probably even less, and unlike niggers they are not entitled. Romania is still a racist post-communist country with almost no tolerance for gypsies chimping out. The gypsies know their place.

TL/DR: gypsies in Romania is propaganda and FUD. There are many reasons why this country is bad (corruption, poor infrastructure outside major cities, incompetence and bureaucracy), but gypsies and crime is not one of them. This whole fucking country could be turned into a 1st world country in like 10 years with the proper leadership. Romania's problems seem like peanuts compared to what countries like Sweden or Germany go through nowadays. Hell, even our external debt is like 50% of the GDP, compared to the so called 1st world countries that are like 200-300%

>> No.11471102

25 years old hungarian boomer here with multiple businesses earning around the top5% here, ask me anything

>> No.11471108

what businesses? how do you recommend i make money in hungary/europe?

>> No.11471115

alternative clothing (rock, metal, goth, punk etc), retail, crossborder wholesale and manufacturing

I dont know if I can recommend it, you didn't give me anything, what are you good at, where do you live now etc?

>> No.11471135

Costal cities in croatia are nice...everything else is shit filled with retards, so stay away. The problem with costal cities though is that properties are expensive af because of tourism so it's still shit mostly.

>> No.11471171
File: 168 KB, 770x756, 1538062839437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Estonia with a few sunny vacations a year is the best option.

Low taxes, ok government, no immigrants, cheap food, cheap real estate(although it's rising every year), low crime. Only minus is the russians(some are ok, but 90% are literally nigger tier).

>> No.11471172

Yea, get the fuck out fucking gypsies.

>> No.11471178

Wtf? What are you on?

>> No.11471192

Also be careful about Romania, the home ownership rate is 96% and it is close to impossible to live off as a landlord, unless you already are rich and can build an entire blocks of flats.

>> No.11471200

*no an before blocks, epic engrish

>> No.11471201

It's probably those Estonians who haven't travelled to other countries and seen how shit their whole system is. Like getting tickets for public transport, seeing immigrants everywhere, trying to buy a sim card and then getting 100mb internet for 10eur lmao.

>> No.11471204

Can you give an estonian housing site please?

>> No.11471240

Costa del Sol? Isn't it full of scummy low class Brits?

>> No.11471252

I'm from Lithuania, visiting Romania right now, people are very nice and warm. Religion is pretty important, no mudslimes and the women are pretty. Lithuania is similar, but too many old people, government is shit though.

>> No.11471268

Croatia, hands down

>> No.11471275

fuck off, we're full

>> No.11471291

Well, I'm about to buy a goddamn flat in Prague. Not OP tho.

I fucking wish I'd have done so 5 years ago, but I kinda had 200 $ to my name back then.

>> No.11471299


>> No.11471337

Are You having a stroke?

>> No.11471367

Lol im estonian

>> No.11471371
File: 453 KB, 1268x503, budapest_by_night_p1000929b_931a (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27 y o hungarian chadsetti here
Obv biased, but honestly think Budapest is one of the best places on earth now, I moved home recently from british hellhole. I work in commercial real estate and money is pouring in atm..
>no niggers, mudslimes
>beautiful architecture and landmarks
>full of hot women
>safe af, women can walk home at night safely
>thermal spas
>top notch nightlife
>great food, laidback atmosphere
>countryside beautiful, only downside is some parts have gypsies, that should be avoided
>no slavs, we are of unique origin in the middle of the slav ocean(btw I love poles, and have no problem with slovaks, czechs, slovens, croats, serbs only romanians tend to be gypsies but even them are ok)

>> No.11471399


>> No.11471432

because they're the smelly kids of eastern europe

>> No.11471439

good to see other bulgaria bros helping out bizanons with some tips.

while in some aspects our country is a shithole, it's definitely still underrated.

aside from Sofia, good cities to look for are Plovdiv (ancient/historical mood) or Varna (seaside, pretty chill too.) actually Varna surpassed Plovdiv a few days ago and it's the second biggest city atm.

if you go to Sofia, be sure to stick to the better neighbourhoods. one anon listed the good options, Lozenets or Iztok are my biggest recommendations.

there are quite a few shit neighbourhoods where you DON't want to be.

with ~$1.2k you can live pretty well. most young people also speak good english, as long as you're in the capital. Plovdiv/Varna will be ok too.

depending on your needs, for $350-550 you should find a nice place.


there's definitely a lot of racism, but in the city centre/better neighbourhoods you won't have any problem. asian soft culture (including kpop) have been doing well recently, so a lot of people are becoming more receptive.

definitely better than being a black person. we've had some vietnamese/chinese people living here, so most random bulgarians won't stare too much. on top of that, our tourism sector has been growing rapidly, including a moderate inflow of asian tourists.

wouldn't worry too much.

>> No.11471450

depends where
center of Prague is not the best, but it's not as bad as other popular tourist locations like Rome or Paris
outside of the center it's actually decent but the properties in Prague are expensive
anywhere outside of Prague in Czechia you can easily find an apartment for $15,000 and a house for $40,000

>> No.11471458
File: 25 KB, 615x600, steal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slavs are white

>> No.11471470

Thanks for the tips
>there are quite a few shit neighbourhoods where you DON't want to be.
Which ones? City centre/Sofia Uni area is good right?

>> No.11471485

Brit here and have travelled extensively in E. Europe.

My gf is Lithuanian so we can easily go there once Britain collapses post-Brexit.

I think Poland is one of the best choices personally. Their economy is growing fastest in Europe, cities are clean, architecture great, no brown people - really reminds me of mid-90s UK before the brown hordes started to come en masse. Language barrier is a bit of an issue but meh.

Czechia and Hungary next. Hungary feels like melting pot of ancient cultures - you can see it in the phenotypes of the people, some look Nordic some look like they just dismounted their horse off the steppes of Central Asia. Budapest is a given for quality of life. Based politics too. Czechia is great too but outside of Prague. Even though Prague is beautiful it is absolutely swamped with Anglo and gook tourists.

I've also been to Russia many times for the more adventurous of you. The biggest problem here will be beauracracy. They still have soviet mentality when it comes to paperwork so businesses and properties will be a fucking pain as a foreigner with no local regulatory or language knowledge.

>> No.11471495

What are the best areas in Tallinn?

>> No.11471516

Drujba, Nadejda, the Levski neighbourhoods, Krasna Polyana, Zapaden Park. wouldn't live there, especially as a foreigner. Krasna Polyana for example has a shitton of gypsies

city centre and around Sofia Uni is the bomb. pretty great, but might be a bit more expensive. remember that the city centre has older buildings - i'd check whether the pipes are ok, water pressure can run lower in some really old buildings. but generally it's a neat place.

a word of caution: stick to private clinics if you have healthcare issues, and be wary of taxi drivers. they like to scam a lot.

all in all, Bulgaria can be pretty good. i'm working towards getting some ~$300k from crypto/other investments and just chilling, as i have my own apartment.

post-soviet era to early 00s were pretty bad. over the past 5-6 years the country has been changing for the good. sure, there's a shitton of corruption still, but the progress i see is amazing.

in 5-10 years it might explode as an expat destination. lots of brits and americans have already started buying property in the countryside.

just remember to respect the locals. i have no problem with banter (generally we're good with irony), but too cocky foreigners have found themselves beaten if they go over the top with their 'i'm a murican hurr durr you guys are shithead slavs'

>> No.11471530


Please tell me you beat fat bald beer belly brits who take Ryanair flights to sunny beach

>> No.11471558

Great, this is all I need to know, thanks!
>i'm a murican hurr durr you guys are shithead slavs'
Yeah I can't stand those cocky muricans either

>> No.11471569

this has happened, lol
but i think the really sleazy fat, bald brits go to Thailand

you can also find quite a few stories of drunk tourists (mainly brits/germans) diving from hotel balconies into pools, missing and just dying

honestly, with the progress of our tourism sector, i hope to see better quality tourists too. the sea resorts can be shit, Greece has better atmosphere

nah, it's not only about americans, just generally. we know Bulgaria can be (and is) a shithole and we acknowledge it. i think it's just about basic respect to the locals in a way

no worries, anon. if you have other questions, ask away, ill be here over the next hour. other bulgaria anons might help too :)

>> No.11471574

mennyit keresel havonta nettó és mennyit dolgozol hozzá?

>> No.11471588

no, they aren't. don't lump us in with the western cowards. we don't pray to mohammed.

>> No.11471594

>i think it's just about basic respect to the locals in a way

Well if you can name any private clinics you recommend if there are healthcare issues it would be helpful

>> No.11471603


Bulgarian guy here also and has been monitoring this thread during the whole day as I am working today and bored.

Will also give my insight on any Bulgaria-related questions

>> No.11471609


Spain still is the dominant fat bald Brit destintion. Bulgaria is growing though because it's cheaper.

Croatia is getting big too. Thailand is for pedos and 20 year old thots in baggy yoga pants

>> No.11471615

Here : https://www.acibademcityclinic.bg

Visited twice, has been satisfied so far. Needless to say, I pay for everything since here this is the only way to make sure you get proper-ish treatment.

>> No.11471625

what are living costs like in Bulgaria compared to other eu countries? For example is living in sofia cheaper compared to say Berlin?

>> No.11471654

€1000-€1110 NET/month here will set you up nicely.
Average salary in the capitol is €500 NET at the moment. Since our domestic currency is not € but LEV(BGN) 1€ has twice the buying power compared to Germany(Berlin) which is in the eurozone.

>> No.11471658

rent 500 to 800 BGN (mortgage will be 1100-1500)
utilities 200 BGN (minimum)
food and stuff 600 BGN
you need transport 50-250
drugs/drinks/sex 200-2000

average home takeaway salary for the country is 800 BGN
2000 is considered good
5000 is considered rich

>> No.11471665

and €1000-1100 salary jobs are not hard to get at all. Outsourcing is kinda booming around here lately and companies are literally hungry for men power.

>> No.11471673

way cheaper

honestly, average salary in Sofia is probably around 600 euros at best. as i mentioned, starting with 1.2k usd you can live pretty comfortably. 2k usd+ is entering baller territory.

eating out has gotten more expensive, but groceries are cheap and you can prepare your own food as the apartments are usually on the larger side.

other anon mentioned a good place. Tokuda bank is also worth a look, it was started by Japan as their first post-soviet investment in Bulgarian healthcare. i've had good experiences there, not sure about recent years tho.

sea resort brits are cancer, but the brits i've seen in Sofia have been actually pretty chill. a lot of you guys can be a bit on the cold side for us, but you're great drinking buddies.

>> No.11471706

I second this.

1000€ = $1200 = 2000BGN(LEV) are totally sufficient to live well. My salary is ~2000 BGN and I don't have any issues spending, saving % and "investing" in shitcoins every month.

>> No.11471819

this amount of money goes even further in smaller cities (Plovdiv/Varna as I mentioned, Veliko Tarnovo also worth a look)

however, i haven't lived there so i have no idea.

good salary, anon. i was earning a bit more but took a cut to ~1600 atm to do my own thing freelancing. hope i'll gradually take it to 2200 or so, it might take an year or two

>> No.11471828

Veliko Tarnovo is great. I lived there for six years before moving to Sofia.
My goal is to move back to VT one day and live there after I turn 40+. Excellent city!

Good luck with your freenlancing job!

>> No.11471910

600k netto+ceges kocsi, 9-6os, sok targyalas. Te mit csinalsz?

>> No.11471921

gospeed you too anon!
let we all make it in our own ways.

i can definitely see the appeal of just saying a fuck you to the big city and going for the more relaxed environment.

>> No.11471925


>> No.11471968
File: 21 KB, 220x170, etr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulgarians ITT.

Always wondered, what happens here?

>> No.11471989

rock metál punk emo stb ruhákat árulok nagykerben mindenkinek a közelben, román, szlovák, szerb stb kereskedőknek
átlagosan nettó 1milkát keresek havonta, nincs főnök és átlag heti 10 órát dolgozom

>> No.11472010

What happens where? I cannot make much of the pic you posted.

>> No.11472014


East Thrace / Trakya.

>> No.11472047


Well is there something supposed to be happening at the moment?
I don't understand your question. There is no armed conflict or something of the sort, if this is what you're implying.

>> No.11472062


Exactly, does literally anything happen there or is it just a bunch of turkroach huts dotted across the landscape?

>> No.11472076

A lot of bulgarian turks there afaik, the commies made them leave.

>> No.11472090


>> No.11472107


Well, the bulgarian and turkish borders are separated by a fence in order to stop the refugees and there is nothing out of the ordinary happening as far as I know. My grandmother lives in a small city 40 kms away from the bulgarian/turkish border outpost and when I go to visit everything seems quite normal. I went to Turkey a few time through that same outpost and was totally fine. Two years ago, we had some 3,000 refugees in a city in South-Eastern Bulgaria and those caused some trouble but they got sent to Central Europe awhile after lol.

>> No.11472134

russia isn't europe desu

>> No.11472136

Wrong. When that happened and the turks decided to settle back in Bulgaria, they went to the north and namely - Targovishte and Razgrad, fearing consequent extradiction if they decided to settle in the south , so close to the border. There are literally 0 turks in the south-eastern parts.

>> No.11472168

Well the wiki says there are some.
>Пoмaцитe в Изтoчнa Tpaкия (или Eвpoпeйcкa Typция) ca oкoлo 600 000 дyши.[1]}

>> No.11472191

> The area includes all the territories of the Turkish provinces of Edirne, Tekirdağ and Kırklareli, as well as those territories on the European Continent of the provinces of Çanakkale and Istanbul.

In Turkish provinces. Turks in south eastern bulgaria could be found only around Kardzhali and the region. Sorry forgot to mention that.

>> No.11472521

Danzig is pretty comfy, and near the sea.

>> No.11472525

Anywhere in Central Europe/Baltics should do desu.

>> No.11472987

Anyone experience with Odessa, Ukraine? Or Ukraine in general?

>> No.11473020

Whats taxation like in bulgaria?

>> No.11473368

protection money is 20%

>> No.11473546

for workers 45% + 20VAT
for crypto life it is just the 20% VAT
for gains it is 10%+some more + VAT

>> No.11473580

Wait what? Is the taxation not a flat 10% on everything? Do you actually have to pay 20% on crypto gains and 45% on your salary?

>> No.11473940

Az nagyon baba, gratulalok! Hogy jott az otlet? Itthon gyartatsz videken?
Van itthonra esetleg velem is megoszthato jo otleted?
Nekem akad boven, de egyelore a forrasgyujtes fazisaban vagyok

>> No.11473951

Az nagyon baba, gratulalok! Hogy jott az otlet? Itthon gyartatsz videken?
Van itthonra esetleg velem is megoszthato jo otleted?
Nekem akad boven, de egyelore a forrasgyujtes fazisaban vgyk

>> No.11474143

Romania cheap af. Pussy cheap. Internet cheap. Pussy is 10$ max, internet cheaper. Food very cheap, you can eat from trash can free. Party cheap af

>> No.11474155

You what? 10 flat tax, and some health/retirement shit. But even with them its not 45% deff.

>> No.11474176

Its 10% on stock gains and divvies for sure, i know cause im paying it. Also bulgarian company divvies are free of tax.
Dunno bout crypto. If its treated like commodities it would be the 20% VAT but i doubt that.

>> No.11474180

look at your payslip, remember all the social bullshit is just tax !!!

the EU everything you buy is 20% more expensive, and gasoline is 50% more !

on salary you have 10 + 35 social


Read the constitution, Bulgaria is a social state !

>> No.11474190

Eh, some of the retirement money doesnt go to that black hole NOI, it goes to the private funds.
Their gains havent been amazing but they are doing ok so far.

>> No.11474208

you fuckwit
the private mandatory retirement is 1%, the rest is stolen outright
Look at the data again out of these 1% you pay 10% of the sum for management !

>> No.11474213
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>> No.11474248

Can I get a link to that 10% info? Cause I have some big name ETFs and CEFs and im paying world class managers ~2%, id be pretty mad if im paying some Ganyo 10%.

>> No.11474253

>10 + 35 social
The 35 social is limited to the first 400 euros, the rest is regressive (paying only the 10%).

>> No.11474276

So I just looked, it is flat 10% and then you have to pay some social security but calculated from like max 1k/month. So no way you pay much more than 10%, at least not on capital gains. I mean they cant force you to pay social bullshit on capital gains

>> No.11474278


>> No.11474300

social ceiling was just increased to 3000 BGN

If you are to sell any asset it is 10%, general tax is 10% capital gains is 10% that is low, compared to other EU shitholes

As long as you are not a worker, you effective tax is 10% outright and 20%+ for consumption.

>> No.11474306

Basically this

>> No.11474311

>Taкca въpхy peaлизиpaнaтa гoдишнa дoхoднocт, кoятo дocтигa дo 10%
Thats on any gains made. Not great but not too bad either. I thought its 10% on all assets.

>> No.11474315


Imagine the decryption algorithms a Magyar's brain must run to understand these Hun runes

>> No.11474642

I see
well at least compared to the western/northern shitholes with 50%income tax, 30%CGT and 25% consumption tax you have it pretty good

>> No.11474984


>> No.11475087

Definitely not the Czech Republic. Our housing market is fucked. Small, one bedroom flats go for almost $100k in bigger towns and well over $100k in Prague. My house is worth $400k in this fucked up market.

>> No.11475181
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but what about taxes, liberty and whiteness?
on a scale from 1 to ten how white are you?

>> No.11475190

same in hungary

>> No.11475248

I'm from Slovenia, we don't want you here.

In albania you will get robbed within the first week, probably killed also.

Anyway, i'd suggest Croatia probably cuz of the beaches, Greece is also amazing. Both seem fine as far as living quality goes.
Special shoutout to Montenegreo, best food i've ever eaten and cheap af, but people shit on the street and you will also get robbed.
Been to a few other places, it's all fine but nothing really stands out.
As far as whores are concerned it's not that popular around here, it's more of a Poland/Ukraine thing i guess.

>> No.11475278

continued from >>11475248
About whiteness, the further southeast you go the browner people get, thats about it.

>> No.11475343 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 234x172, Screenshot 2018-10-21 at 22.44.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm from Slovenia
>Definitely not the Czech Republic. Our housing market

expat or larper?

>> No.11475368 [DELETED] 

not same guy

>> No.11475394

>Slovak here, I love BUDA but i hate your overinflated currency bro :(

>> No.11475475

any nice bulgarian div stocks?

>> No.11475715
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jóestét magyarok

>> No.11475715,1 [INTERNAL] 
