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11465454 No.11465454 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, a late 20s loser wagecuck living with his parents
>went to my minimum wage retailcuck job today
>wore the cucky uniform and did the cucky braindead job
>saw a Stacey who was in my year at school and who used to make fun of me
>went back home, ate, mindlessly browsed the internet
>have told myself I need to work for 200 more hours to have enough money to quit my job and have savings for when I go back to London and hopefully work in a graduate level job
>have spent over £400 on junk food, Starbucks, and fast food in the past month and a half
>currently lying in bed and craving chocolate, ice cream, and sweets

I am craving junk food. A junk food binge costs about £12, or about 1.5 hours of my life.

I waste all of my free time. I spend the entire time at work mentally checked out, feeling superior to the normie cattle, telling myself I could be doing great things in my free time. But I waste it all.

Even 30 hours of work per week feels like an incredibly large amount to me.

>> No.11465492
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>> No.11465500

Use LSD and get Another perspective

>> No.11465601

this. take psychedelics and apply yourself

>> No.11465621

stop consuming sugar

>> No.11465637

I know the feel man. 30 hours is considered “part time” even though you gotta dictate most of your life around it. Wagecucking is the most soulsucking way to spend your life I dunno how people do it. I wish I could just be one of those neetbux fags that get mental illness welfare and never have to work

>> No.11466088
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>if you can't help yourself OP you won't ever make it. wake up. npc.

>> No.11466368
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>> No.11466385

>junk food addict
You are not going to make it if you can't even stop eating junk food

>> No.11466392

>for when I go back to London
There it is

>> No.11466604

if you're unironically eating sugar just kys right now to save time

>> No.11466613

I like how you have a grey ID which almost reads 'wojak'

>> No.11466614

Get it together friend, it's not impossible.