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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 510x504, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1142261 No.1142261 [Reply] [Original]

Homestead dropping today.
Poloniex gets DDoS'd.

Did you get in on last nights dip down to $10.5?

>> No.1142269

Missed that one but I've got about $100 coming through later tonight so hopefully that makes it in time for the big dip. If not I'll just hold it as bitcoin. Either way I'm OK with my position.

>> No.1142270

wew lad

>> No.1142274

It dipped that low again? Dude I really need to code my coin bot so I don't miss these opportunities when I go asleep.

>> No.1142276

Or you can just set up limit orders on kraken. It's really easy. I was able to buy 20 at $11 last night while I was playing vidya.

>> No.1142277

Just set an order...

Yes, I bought the dip but it still feels expensive and for all the hype about Homestead today has been very dull.

>> No.1142279

Even a bot that does nothing more than "buy low sell high" would probably work with Ethereum since it seems to have so much upwards potential

>> No.1142280

I did set up limit order...at 3 EUR per coin.

>> No.1142281
File: 100 KB, 745x631, 1394049771096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw only 550 blocks until homestead

>> No.1142286

True true, what's the best exchange right now? I've narrowed it down to Poloniex or Kraken. I'm in USA. I've been out of the coin game for about 2-3 years so those exchanges didn't even exist then, I'm catching up now.

>> No.1142289

I'm american and I use kraken.

>> No.1142293

Poloniex is under DDOS attack, so it is shit. Cloudflare can't protect them. Expect to lose all of your coins in a "hack".

Kraken.com is also shady, but the best thing we got at this point.

>> No.1142295

What do you think will happen? Ready to but the dip?

>> No.1142300

wouldn't work when prices keep spiking up, you'll just be selling high and buying higher

>> No.1142303

poloniex is very transparent. mods are available to help at all times. when they got attacked information went up immediately on Twitter. they handle traffic much better than kraken does. can't fault them for getting attacked by chinks

>> No.1142306 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1142307

LOL, they are shady unknown coin exchange with no credentials, no ties with banks, no nothing.

Enjoy losing all your coins.

>> No.1142310

you're an idiot

>> No.1142315

Where is your argument?

Ad hominem does not constitute an argument.

>> No.1142326

Whens homestead?

>> No.1142327

True, I've made some ETH deposit 2 days ago and it still haven't got deposited, I already emailed support but not a single replies for the past 2 days.

>> No.1142329

>how do I use google

>> No.1142338

what would I argue against? you just sperged out and posted a bunch of unsubstantiated claims

>> No.1142339

Really? Tell me where the transparency of Poloniex is? Can you check their office, can you go and visit them?

Moderators posting in /biz/ and reddit under stupid nicknames =/= Transparecy

refute or GTFO, I guess you are sour because youre about to get skullfucked and lose all your coins in retarded shady exchange

Damn some people sure are stupid.

>> No.1142341

name one exchange that isn't shady

and coinbase doesn't count

>> No.1142342
File: 40 KB, 435x512, 1448487846906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell you fucking retards, cant you see its gonna be dumped hard by the chinks during next days?

the DDOS, the constant pumping during last week, the homestead release hype, the chinese exchange...it's all there, if you don't see its going to be dumped you deserve to be broke

>> No.1142343

I'll sell if it peaks some more and hold if it drops.

>> No.1142344

I'm not worried desu. they're only ddosing because they want to induce FUD so they can get on the train. in the end we're going to the moon regardless

>> No.1142346
File: 227 KB, 610x611, weak should fear the strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw it's actually the finex admins DDOSing polo to drive traffic to their new eth markets

>> No.1142356

I am using Google. I cannot find anything about the Homestead release date. Source anyone?

>> No.1142362

Use bitfinex you fag. They are much more reputable than polo and kraken and they aren't absolute shit at dealing with DDOS attacks. DDOSes are a fact of life for exchanges. All of them are hit by DDOS attacks. Polo is just garbage at mitigating them.

>> No.1142371


>> No.1142373

All of them are shady. That is why you don't keep your mETH on an exchange.

>> No.1142374

>Tfw i'm a neet living with dad waiting for my shipping out date and can't get in on this until my first paycheck 3 months from now

>> No.1142376

>if you don't see its going to be dumped you deserve to be broke

Explain me how I will go "broke" by Chinese dumping?

Let's see:
1) Dump comes, price gets lower, I can buy the dip

2) Eventually the price raises up again because of fundamentals

3) If the price doesn't raise, I don't gain anything, but I don't really lose anything, because I invested gamble money and can afford to wait for 20 years

4) I don't need ETH to live, so how am I going broke if it fluctuates?

>> No.1142379


>> No.1142396

>off of $600
Nah. I hope it pumps and dumps so I can get back in at an even better position. Watch the market. It's not that hard.

>> No.1142398

>using your measly bootcamp e-1 checks to buy eth

You'd be wise to put that money in a regular savings account. You gotta have a safety net first before you invest in schemes like this. You'll learn this in the military.

>> No.1142403

So generall advice: buy or sell just before homestead release in few hours?

What will happen?

>> No.1142405

You have to understand 90% of /biz/ are NEET

>> No.1142417
File: 37 KB, 200x194, glorious 7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you god for bitfinex, this kicks polo and kraken's ass. I think it also has the largest BTC volume as well.

>> No.1142419

sell, buy back in cheap. hopefully

>> No.1142420

very plausible theory , family

from a purely cost/benefit view, it definitely makes sense

>> No.1142421

161 blocks til homestead. Prepare for it!

>> No.1142423

If you don't have any yet wait. If you do. Hold unless the had a position you're willing to change. I don't see it falling past $9 again but it will likely hit $15 later today before falling to about $10 and going to the moon again.

If you have none, buy the dip.

>> No.1142424

should I buy some more before homestead?

>> No.1142427

nevermind it's gonna explode to stratosphere, then implode, and then set course for moon.

>> No.1142428

yep, do it definitely, we are in for an outbreak.

>> No.1142431
File: 50 KB, 967x851, it begins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bot is being built, pic related.
It's going to be a monstrosity. Not sure if the bad kind or good kind.

>> No.1142435

make sure to test it in historic data before you lose all your money

>> No.1142448
File: 267 KB, 600x310, cataclysmic flow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poloniex gets "DDoS'd"
>in reality they are making up some bullshit stories
>someone has run off with millions in ETH
>mfw I had $1100 in ETH ready to sell at 0.04 BTC
>mfw it will probably be all gone

>> No.1142450

60 blocks until homestead buddies.

>> No.1142452
File: 2 KB, 263x51, VXHaRaj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lads

>> No.1142454

Are we betting it will move in any particular direction?

>> No.1142457


>> No.1142458

My bet is 15 to a huge dump then stable at $16. Shit has been oddly stable at distinct dollar values.

>> No.1142462

not odd, it's how people think, people like to sell at nice whole numbers, don't you remember the dip at $10, it's a "psychological barrier".

>> No.1142463



>> No.1142466


>> No.1142468


>> No.1142469

Please tell me how this hard fork on Homestead will affect coins on my ETH wallet? Will I have to do update or something?

>> No.1142470

Makes sense. I think I'll sell at $16 if it reaches that and jump out for the inevitable dump. The only problem is the fear that you jump too early. At least it's held stable at the peaks right before the dump so you can time it nicely.

>> No.1142471


>> No.1142472



>> No.1142473


>> No.1142477



>> No.1142480

Ten blocks to go and hovering around $14. It's anyone's guess now. Not that the update will change much. Will it??

>> No.1142481

Everyone holding, get ready to sell. Everyone not holding, get ready to buy. This can go both ways, just be prepared.

>> No.1142483

I ain't selling shit nigga. Not until 15.50

>> No.1142484

Literally nothing happened.

>> No.1142486
File: 22 KB, 1024x768, TO THE MOOD LADS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1142488

man this shit doesnt happen immediately, just sit tight for the next couple of hours.

>> No.1142489


shits tight

>> No.1142490



>> No.1142491

hahah nice try, at least gibe the sauce

>> No.1142493

This guy is a liar but there is a massive dump incoming. Hold on tight.

>> No.1142494 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 202x228, bane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here i was thinking /biz/ wasnt a memeboard

>> No.1142495
File: 498 KB, 1216x1428, BUY_DIP_or_die_tryin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1142499
File: 23 KB, 364x109, homes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure am glad I have no money in this shit.

>> No.1142500

Just sold mine hoping for a drop and, of course, it is going to the moon. I always get it wrong. In any case, I won't be keeping any ETH during the night, seeing how last night I went from 50 EUR profit to fucking 5 EUR

>> No.1142501

Its going to hit 5 then hit 4 then 10 then i bought the queen and made her my puppy

>> No.1142502


>> No.1142503


>> No.1142504

at least you're following the /biz/ success strategy "buy high, sell low"

>> No.1142506

its going wayy past 15 this time boy, you really thing homestead would only make it jump 1 dollar?

>> No.1142507

What homestead does anyway?

>> No.1142508

might not be the main dump but there will be a dip at 15.

>> No.1142510

Cool crystal ball bro

>> No.1142511
File: 55 KB, 576x521, image_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw it dip to 13.80
>panic sell
>mfw it's 14.80 and climbing

>> No.1142517

climbing like crazy rn. wow

>> No.1142520

but o i am laffin

>> No.1142522

>dwarfpool has over 50% of the network
>i'm on it too, i'm not leaving


>> No.1142523

>just sold it all at 0.0366
>red bars out of nowhere
Oh it feels so good!

>> No.1142525

Yeah, I must admit, I'm terrible with it. I bet it will start going down now when I actually bought ETH again

>> No.1142526

Thanks because I was right. It just took a massive dump.

>> No.1142528

So I currently got my ETH coins on a wallet given to me by MyEtherWaller.CX. I'm a bit unclear on how this wallet thing works. It keeps warning me I shouldn't use this is my main wallet incase something happens to the service. Should I make another ETH wallet and transfer to coins to that? Also, where do I go when I eventually wanna sell my ETH coins for money?

Thanks for any help.

>> No.1142530

Whales dumping now, prepare for THAT DIP

>> No.1142531
File: 383 KB, 1270x900, Nagafever_used_roll_picture_nagafever_rolled_image__5e9ecd8aa9c1c92399adc6bddec6d5b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1142532

Right about what? It is still high as fuck. You got not fundamentals, no technical analysis no nothing. We all know we are all just gambling here, don't pretend otherwise. I treat this shit like the lottery it is.

>> No.1142533

wheres the best place to watch ethereum price in real time?

>> No.1142539


>> No.1142540


google hangout with the nerds behind eth

>> No.1142542



>> No.1142543

Why are you telling him the wrong site?

Its really:

>> No.1142544

It keeps doing the same thing over and over, I don't know why you think that ETH is like the lottery. I know it could become unpredictable, but so far it hasn't been. Pretty easy mode desu pham.

>> No.1142547

How low have you set your buy orders guys?

>> No.1142551


>> No.1142552

I'm doing 11.90 but I'm a newb so my opinion doesn't matter much.

>> No.1142553

Wishing desperately for 13.50 or lower but it feels like it wants to stay stable at $14.50

>> No.1142555

Same, 11.50.

>> No.1142559

How low is the dip gonna go when ETH reaches $20?

>> No.1142565

Dip imminent!
$13.5 now

>> No.1142570
File: 24 KB, 1200x1200, plebcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the best platform you use to trade eth.

poloniex seems like the better choice since most of the eth trade happened there, but it got ddos'd. kraken is also pretty nice since you can buy them in eur directly.

what does /biz/ use to trade eth

>> No.1142572

I sold out, trying to figure out what point i'm gonna buy back in at

>> No.1142573

lol @ these plebs realizing the dip went all the way to 4 and then stabilised at 5$, because ethereums have no limit (they are infinite basically) and then the price will just plateau.

fukking will kek so hard.

>> No.1142576

bitifinex is boss

>> No.1142580

>because ethereums have no limit

what..? lol

>> No.1142582

infinite supply. Bitcoin has 21 million

>> No.1142583

Typical nocoiners, talking out of his ass ;)

>> No.1142586
File: 18 KB, 876x83, Hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay :)

>> No.1142593

there is not enough trading of eth on bitifinex.

i guess i should have frased the question like

>which is better kraken, or poloniex

>> No.1142596

So there just has been a large price drop. Why?
I do not see a dump anywhere in the #sold data.

>> No.1142597

I'm not seeing how it's predictable. It's slowly been crashing since last night, with the last major crash being the 10th. Why would it crash BEFORE Homestead comes out?

>> No.1142599
File: 92 KB, 624x420, you're trolololoing in heaven now moon man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>downs babby thinking this will dump down to $5 from $13-14 in a day with that buy support

>> No.1142602

>poloniex seems like the better choice

>better choice

Let's see

>No USD or EUR deposits

>Shady owners

>non transparent exchange

>"DDOS attacks".

>OOoops, our exchange got "hacked", I guess all the coins are gone now attacks

>> No.1142604

hes right, theres just not going to be many more after the switch to POS

>> No.1142606

I don't know senpai. I think $13.30 was the dip. At least until we hit $16.

>> No.1142614

Am I looking at this wrong or does Kraken only trade Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ether? Because I'm not seeing any other coins in their dropdown menu.

>> No.1142615

>Verification cannot use bank or credit card statement


>> No.1142617

ETH and bitcoin are the only ones that matter.

>> No.1142620

>implying there will be switch to POS

>> No.1142622

Every time it reaches a nice whole number in USD especially whole numbers ending in 0 or 5 like 10 and 15, a lot of people sell at once, because it's a nice easy number. Go look at the graphs and you'll see a lot of the time this is the case. I'll bet you 0.12 there will be a nice ol' drop when eth reach $20/0.05 BTC

>> No.1142624

That's kind of true but this experimental bot I'm building does something really unconventional, and to do what it does it needs to be able to trade the 7 most popular coins at least. It trades the exchange rate between coins without any regard for their USD value. It buys a coin then takes a snapshot of all other coins exchange rate with that coin, and as soon as one of those exchange rates reaches significantly higher than when the coin was bought, it switches over into that coin, and repeat forever for infinite coins.
Sounds retarded and maybe it is but it's experimental and it'll be cool to see what happens.

>> No.1142632

Don't forget to include transaction fees and make your analysis more accurate than % change. Maybe an algorithm to do analysis.

>> No.1142634

sold at 15.01, bought back in at 13.80.

did.. did i just buy the dip..?

>> No.1142639
File: 77 KB, 540x960, gottagofast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you buy the dip

>> No.1142641

Nice, that's actually not a bad idea. At least I think it's not. Maybe I'm gonna try to write something similar in Python.

>> No.1142643




>> No.1142644

i mean even if it drops further i snagged up a few free eth just by pushing a button a couple of times while playing with my dick.

>> No.1142646

That´s called arbitrage and needs a ton of volume. There is non in shitcoin trading, so you will still need a quite complicated chance/risk analysis especially considering the quite high fees.

>> No.1142648

Newfag here. Could somebody post a guide or a link on how to mine

>> No.1142649

How do you know there are no arbritage possibilities with shitcoins?

>> No.1142651

Yea I'm seeing the low volume problem right now on Kraken which I was told is one of the largest exchanges but the volume being that low is hard to believe.

>> No.1142657

I've been gone for 4 years I didn't know crypto volume was so low now across the board. It was 100x higher volume 4 years ago.

>> No.1142660

There is, but as told, it is more complicated than just "buy here, sell there". If there is no volume, you will have to hold, even, if it is only for a couple of seconds. This bears a risk and needs experience and a quite complicated algo to work and will still have the chance or rather the guarantee for losses midterm.

>> No.1142676

Best side to trade/sell my eth coins?

>> No.1142685

i prefer kraken, but it has a lot of downtime. go for kraken or poloniex.

>> No.1142688
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>> No.1142714

alright new to everything here, is now a good moment to buy? i want to invest 200$ in ETH

>> No.1142724

nobody knows where this is going short term, but buying and holding for a few months would probably give you a neat profit. just buy now and check in on it next week.

>> No.1142728

True noob here

I just synced and turns out I have a bunch of ETH from the first presale. What do?

>> No.1142731
File: 57 KB, 720x540, well actually.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it may or may not, its up to the whales, but if you dont have any knowledge, just look at the charts, and remeber /biz/ "its Buys Its High and Its Sells lt Low"
all about patience

>> No.1142741

what percentage of profit do you think we will get if we wait for lets say 6 months?

100%? 1000% ?

>> No.1142748

transfer them to poloniex and sell them when you feel the time is right, make a coinbase account in the meantime to convert it to cash once it's in BTC, but that will take a few weeks

and don't trust anyone else on /biz/

how many do you have?

>> No.1142759

man, nobody except someone with a lot of insider knowledge knows this, and still its just a guessing game. I'd say it might go up to between 20-50 dollar in the next few months, all depending on if it gets any real public media hype.

>> No.1142766


>> No.1142768
File: 16 KB, 162x67, eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a lot?

>> No.1142773

We don't know, it is extremely volatile and keeps getting fucked by whales just when it seems like it's finally going up again

>> No.1142775

people should be buying this dip

>> No.1142776

No I have at least 10x 1Ltr bottles of ether at the lab where I work. GET IT?! HAHQAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA

>> No.1142777

thats like 40 000 CAD $ wtf

>> No.1142778


>> No.1142785 [DELETED] 

thats $27,000 USD, congrats you win.


>> No.1142795

thats $27,000 USD, congrats you win.

>> No.1142797



>> No.1142814

Are you implying that it won't work or the entire Ethereum team was just fucking with everyone from the start even after years of development

>> No.1142815

I just transferred my ether from my wallet to Poloniex, but it has been a few minutes and it says the ether is still in my wallet, how long does it usually take for the transaction to happen?

>> No.1142816


>> No.1142819
File: 105 KB, 828x478, 10u1z1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the moon we go, to the moon we go :D

>> No.1142820

god damn slumdog millionaire over here

>> No.1142827

Depends on the what level verification you have, I did it once when I was level 1 and it took like 30 minutes to get through the blockchain and into Polniex, and like 12 fucking hours for Poloniex to confirm the transaction lmao. But that's weird that it's still in your wallet, should leave you wallet immediately.

>> No.1142832

>Ethereum team was just fucking with everyone from the start even after years of development

Yep, there is no free lunch, they will pull a massive heist, even bigger than the Bitcoin one.

It is obvious, you just have to see the signs.

>> No.1142836
File: 76 KB, 542x500, 10u2k7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reeeeeee inspirational

>> No.1142841

>have 0.82 btc
>buy 11 eth for 0.12 btc
>buy 16 more eth for 0.44 btc
>sell 17 eth for 0.54 btc
Then sold some btc, could afford to lose it but it was just too nerve wracking for me.

>> No.1142914

did a whale just sell?

>> No.1142918

yes, sold an anus

>> No.1142924

an employee wanted some new shoes apparently.

>> No.1142948

Just sold the $1000 I put into eth a few days ago

A minor profit in all

I missed the peak right after homestead switchover but that's alright. It is now going into the reds and will keep on slipping

Should I put a buy order at like $10 before I go to bed

>> No.1142951

>Should I put a buy order at like $10 before I go to bed
Yeah, buy the dip as the statement commands.

Dip currently in process.

>> No.1142956

Jesus Christ you filthy poor how is it nervewracking to be investing less than 300 dollars worth of BTC.

>> No.1142960

is it too late to buy this shit or what? i have about 6k i can invest by the end of the week

>> No.1142961

Gentlemen, prepare for sub .0300

We are going under

>> No.1142965

there is a dip right now approaching $12.40

>> No.1142969

i can't buy for a few days at least. i sold off a few stocks and i have to wait for my funds to settle and then withdraw them to my bank account. just wondering if i should even go through the trouble at this point

>> No.1142973

ABANDON SHIP HOLY FUCK! Nah joking, I'm still holding

>> No.1142975


what's up with these pics? who is this guy?

>> No.1142980

>mfw that volatiliy, but also still holding

>> No.1142986

i don't know anything about cryptocurency or investing but I'm all about throwing my money at stuff because it seems cool at the time.

how does an idiot like me get in on this?

>> No.1142988
File: 104 KB, 960x540, 1457479559702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my buy limit order in at 12.50 just now after selling last night at 12.80 @ retarded price. Feels gut f@m

>> No.1142990
File: 178 KB, 1900x1080, dipstead_release.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you on the great DIP of 15.03?

>> No.1142992

kek i love it

>> No.1142996
File: 35 KB, 432x432, tDVwvfF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1142997
File: 274 KB, 500x500, 1455716688635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy bitcoin from coinbase()com and send it to your address @ Kraken()com

>> No.1143007

can I store Ether safely on kraken?

>> No.1143012

Fuck ETH, SYS is the deal now.

Fellas, get it. Time to make some cheese.

>> No.1143015

it's not safe to store anything on any exchange because they can get "hack" and lose your money.
Best is store in your own paper wallet.

>> No.1143017

It's a volatile market right now, but personally that's what I think makes it so fun! More opportunities! It will even out over time though. A big update was released to Ethereum today and shit is flying up and down. There are tons of cryptos though, there a people who invest in a bunch, some long term some for pump and dumps. If you're up for an ever changing market, lots of learning, 24/7 exchanges and being involved in technology of the future, join us!

>> No.1143021
File: 175 KB, 362x314, 1432422238523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been mining ETH since last night and I have no idea how this shit works. How can I check how much I've mined? I looked at the hashrates and I should have at least 1 ETH by now.

How can I get the ETH I've mined into my wallet?

>> No.1143027


>> No.1143033

300 dollars is 300 dollars

>> No.1143034


I put my address in and it shows that I'm not on there. It says it takes up to 2 hours to connect but I've been mining since 4am PST

I might have the wrong address saved, is there a way to get the right one that I'm mining on?

>> No.1143040

If the idea of losing $300 is "nerve wracking" then you shouldn't be investing in the first place.

>> No.1143042

would you put that $300 on a hand of black jack?

because that's what this is don't spend what you can't afford it

>> No.1143049


anybody ;_;

>> No.1143054

that's why I pulled out I guess
I got that btc for 80 at some point but even riding the train with free money I'd just rather have some cash

>> No.1143115

Cool I just caught a eth/usd flash dump down to 10.5 on kraken

Free money

>> No.1143123

What's your hashrate? Is your wallet synced up? It's hard to help if you don't give pics or details.

>> No.1143152

>waiting for it to dip all day
>it never dips
>"fuck it i'll buy a bitcoin's worth at marker just to get rid of this bitcoin before it plummets any further
>buy 20 ETH at ฿0.033227
>buy 10 more at $13.24
>hardcore dip not 15 minutes later
>just fuck my shit up pham

Was able to get 20 at 11.9 and then 4 at 11. Wish I hadn't pussied out and closed the buy orders I had set up earlier.
Was able to snatch up

>> No.1143156

Retard from /g/ here. What do I do if I don't know shit about investing, can I just buy and wait for it to rise? What are the chances of complete failure?

>> No.1143164

Yes. And almost certainly a bubble. But how big? That is the question.

>> No.1143230

What's up /g/entooman,

Some guys just like to buy and hold long term, I'm talkin months here, maybe even a year and a half. so it gets up to $30-$100 per ETH. Imagine buying ETH at $15 and then selling them at $100, you'd get $85 per every ETH you had.

>> No.1143271

is anyone else scared by this dude?


140 million dollars worth? i mean what the fuck. this guy has god-like power over ETH markets

>> No.1143276


Maybe he's just investing his money like you and me

Don't discriminate against those who are financially gifted

>> No.1143277

Can't wait for him to dump it.

>> No.1143279

welp, 3 hrs ago he tx'd 50,000 to polo, and it takes about that long to get all the confirmations needed. that's enough to take the order book down to 1 satoshi in 1 click

>> No.1143282

you sure it isn't just an exchange or the holdings of an exchange consortium?
>$ 58,377,500 volume per 24/h
i mean that's a solid buffer for the current volumes

i heard that a chinese investment firm bought $500,000 worth of Ether back at around $5, maybe that's them?

>> No.1143284

I actually find his existence comforting. If someone's that rich and that invested in this meme, he's gonna have more of an interest than just pumping and dumping.

>> No.1143289
File: 9 KB, 256x192, tinfoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or maybe it's satoshi so it cost him nothing, and he's gonna murder ETH out of fear for BTC

>> No.1143313
File: 114 KB, 960x960, anime and manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the Polo Cold Wallet, relax.

My current predictions are the price will not dump too hard over the next week. The supports have been really strong and distinct with buy orders catching drops and the price recovers very quickly. A huge scale dump doesn't seem likely. Trend is still bullish, probably won't see another drastic drop until $15-16 again.

>> No.1143314
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 1457878450436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1143325
File: 7 KB, 1100x88, thedip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My limit order catch the fucking dip at 10.9

>> No.1143327

>blocking out the volume

Let's see how many, faggot.

>> No.1143330


>> No.1143331

It's just lunch money anon :3

>> No.1143418

dumping pretty hard again.
come on bittrex, keep up

>> No.1143436

anyone else feel like the value is on a downtrend?
i think the hype-buying days are over. starting to think its peaked. i may cash out all my ETH very soon

>> No.1143451

I've been looking into other coins to long shot in general.

Even though XRP is looking pretty meh, I was debating grabing some of that and just holding.

>> No.1143462

ugh, i held some for a while, but they're infuriating. they kept on asking for more and more and more personal details. real name, address. then photo id. etc. i got so pissed off with it i just fucking sold the lot and won't be buying to hold again.
glad i sold them, because since then the value has plummeted.
XMR is a great bet imo. and some oldschool coins with unique features like NMC and PPC, or just LTC because it's so cheap right now and has a lot of respect. it'll probably have antique value one day if nothing else.
i don't wanna start buying loads of coins again though. i just daytrade now. until like a week ago i had 106 different coins. i decided to cash all of them out and just hold XMR and BTC. it took days, downloading all those blockchains was hellish.
UNITY is a good long-shot. i held 1btc worth, but i sold all of those too. i've sold everything, it's too chaotic holding shitloads of different coins.
fuck it. imma just buy more XMR. i'm cashing out of ETH, putting a sell up at 3.2 mil, putting half into BTC and half into XMR, not looking back.

>> No.1143470

>ugh, i held some for a while, but they're infuriating. they kept on asking for more and more and more personal details. real name, address. then photo id. etc. i got so pissed off with it i just fucking sold the lot and won't be buying to hold again.
>glad i sold them, because since then the value has plummeted.
I've literally seen this in the archives. What do you even mean who was?

>> No.1143472

>What do you even mean who was?

>> No.1143474

Who was asking for personal details.

>> No.1143476

oh, ripple labs. to use their services they insist on knowing infuriating amounts of personal details. i kept providing what they wanted, they kept asking for more and there was always a time limit imposed, so i bailed.

>> No.1143477

you're too emotional. everyone says "im gonna buy the dip!" then when it actually dips, they lose interest. don't be that guy. hype will resume in a few days.

>> No.1143478

Why would you need to use their services to hold the coins to sell them?

>> No.1143483

fucked if i know, ask them. it's not so much about maintaining anonymity, it's just a case of convenience. i just want to install.exe, grab wallet.dat and set price alarms on my android app. i got utterly sick of their shit.

>> No.1143485

oh but i mean if you just store on an exchange you won't need to do any of this. i never store coins on exchanges unless i intend to daytrade. to get ripple off an exchange you have to use their unbearable service.

>> No.1143513

>you're too emotional. everyone says "im gonna buy the dip!" then when it actually dips, they lose interest. don't be that guy. hype will resume in a few days.
dude i've bought nearly every time it dipped, but then sold again. no way am i holding ETH, its volatility is crazy, nobody understands wtf ETH actually does they just buy the hype, and there's not a single cryptocurrency which has risen this fast, which hasn't then crashed even faster. not one, not once, never. i hold 10 ETH 'just incase', but that's it. not getting any deeper into this thing. a lot of people are gonna get burned, and having been burned a hundred times before with cryptos, i'm not gonna be one of them.
every person in this thread is buying ETH either because they're like me and want more BTC, or like most normies, and want FIAT. nobody actually wants ETH for ETH.
as for the hype resuming in a few days? why? i called the top at LTC's ATH of around 3.5 million weeks ago, have repeatedly said so in these threads, and it's happening now. current price is sub 3, i'm selling just over 3 and bailing. cryptos are like fruit flies. ETH is over aside from a few more days of the price being propped up by daytraders, and a few unpredictable pumps months/years from now. imma rely on instinct, been playing this crypto game for 4 years now and i'm telling you, ETH has peaked.

>> No.1143529

Has anyone withdrew usd from any of these exchanges? Is wiring the only option? I think it costs $30 a wire for my bank and I would like to minimize this. How can I convert btc -> usd in the cheapest way possible?

>> No.1143531
File: 316 KB, 600x392, CTESdk8XAAANtif.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deposit ETH
>320 confirmation to deposit
>1.5-2 hrs
>miss the top

why even crypto nemore

>> No.1143533

Depending on your exchange they can send you a cheque for the amount. Free but takes 5-7 days, thats how it used to work on Canadian exchanges.

>> No.1143535


Which one? Is it just canadian?

>> No.1143545

Vault of Satoshi (till 2015) used to do that for sure, all the other ones should send cheques as well.

>> No.1143547

You've got the mainstream media reporting about this new ethereum-based ridesharing app, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Finance-fags and technology really don't mix....

>> No.1143555

I was held up by circle's weekly limit myself, wanted to invest $500 at $10, only managed $300 at $10.10 by the time it was all deposited, I have $200 in my kraken account right now and I'm not sure what to do. Maybe a buy order at 10 again but it doesn't seem likely to go that low to me, maybe a little above if that.

>> No.1143667
File: 219 KB, 454x218, 92maOfk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw it drops

>> No.1143709

I see many of you retards are still holding for no reason, when you could have multiplied your eth by selling at pumps and buying the dips. You are dumb.

>> No.1143719

Finance and technology don't mix? That's brilliant, man.

Show me mainstream media giving any shit about etherm. I googled ethereum rideshare and got nothing but cryptocoin news sites, reddit, and fake pr newswire shit.

So many lies and liars in etherm threads.

Beware. Around shills.. never chill lol.

>> No.1143724

Its called Arcade City and yahoo finance did report it

>> No.1143730

PRNewswire. Not a legit source imo.

>> No.1143731

>Arcade City

Finance and technology mix great, but cryptos attract alot of tech-illiterate moneytards.

>> No.1143738
File: 154 KB, 600x338, sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it news, or is it an ad? Can you tell the difference?

>> No.1144496

>tfw I withdrew all my ETH last week

Feels good to be safe

>> No.1144528

Theres huge bullish news coming in the coming weeks.

>> No.1144534

You mean huge bullshit news. Hype and hot air, that's what your castle's built on.

>> No.1144557

My bot is now 620 lines of code and I estimate it is only 46% complete. This is more typing and reading than I bargained for, but the progress is steady. I will be very, very pissed off if it is not profitable. I know how to make the bot, but I do not know how to make it profitable.

>> No.1144766
File: 37 KB, 746x497, janitor_13909135_8col.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't figure out how to limit order until it was too late

>> No.1144802

I'm sick of this "buy the dip" meme. I buy at the top. You know why? To encourage upward growth. Its called confidence, try it sometime you sissy.

>> No.1144886

Pretty sloppy code looks like.

>> No.1144932

this, at least if you have a decent amount of money. like in the fingerprint cards stock, it really needs the support of a lot of buyers to break through critical "barrier" levels, and then the "dip-buyers" that sell at that level get rekt

>> No.1144968

Going up again... Hope you bought back in!

>> No.1144984


my body is ready

>> No.1144994

Never sold, will only sell some when above $100

>> No.1145009

You hold them bags, soldier, you hold em real good!

>> No.1145139

Last chance to buy this dip! Predicting an increase over the next three hours.

>> No.1145156

what if i buy this eth shit for 20€ and wait a couple years?

>> No.1145189
File: 299 KB, 982x744, Vitalik Krangarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Vitalik gonna conduct this train to the moon!

>> No.1145202


What kind of bot? algo trading on polo?

>> No.1145401
File: 152 KB, 1024x844, classy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy high sell low, stay classy familiares

>> No.1145409

it's a valid strategy to buy when there's upward momentum

>> No.1145527

have any anons put their magic internet coins into the rubixi machine yet?

>> No.1146045

What kind of bot is it jesus explain more!

>> No.1146125

Can anyone send me some ether?
Buying some soon, but need to wait for my shit to be verified, and faucets aren't doing it for me.
Any amount you can spare is fine

>> No.1146136

yeah sure, do u also want wealthfare and refuse to work?

>> No.1146161

>Still owning ETH
Dump them asap, ETH is finished.
we pumping SYS now

>> No.1146180

Not that, I just can't get on this ride fast enough, I'm mining on my shitty laptop at a terrible hashrate already, I just want a small amount so I can finally make contracts.

>> No.1146222

tried telling you plebs.


buy XMR. and be patient.

also watch out for bobsurplus, he's all over ETH and he can destroy markets with a click of his mouse.

>> No.1146241

How do the people that have a shitload of coins not just crash the price completely and when they dump it?

>> No.1146242

what is going to happen with monero? I only buy cryptos that are mentioned by some fortune 500 company like Microsoft.

>> No.1146274

legitimate anonymity.
i'm this dude:


>> No.1146392

buy some rads niggas

u gon be rich

>> No.1146434

ETH is godlike for a crypto.

ETH is my long term hold. sys is my short term pump and dump

>> No.1146443

ETH is just a /biz/ troll right? I have $200 in ether and will put in $500 more on Friday. If it is but a ruse I'm falling for it hard.

>> No.1146448

same mane

>> No.1146457

no, ETH is likely going to overtake bitcoin in market cap in a few short months.

after the BTC halving is a flop and more and more good news comes from ETH there will be a wholesale run to ETH

>> No.1146467

Why is ETH going to overtake bitcoin in market cap? I'm a layman when it comes to crypto so forgive me.

>> No.1146479

Do you know whether it's going to go up, down, sideways or in fucking circles?

>> No.1146485

Why? because Ethereum will have many big applications running on it, all requiring ETH to run

slock.it, digix, augur, are the three biggest ones, and there are many more. each one of these startups have their own VC funding and marketing departments. and if even ONE becomes mainstream or popular or looks like it will fill a niche, the price of ETH will go through the roof due to speculative demand.

>> No.1146487

can you explain why you want to make smart contracts, do you make a return for each contract you execute or something?

>> No.1146488

it's doing a barrel roll to shake off the faggots who don't believe, then it's going to rocket to the moon!

>> No.1146494

Back again, I've decided to get into cloud mining, which company should I go for?
So far, all companies seem somewhat unreputable.

>> No.1146497
File: 1.19 MB, 800x450, danhardyrespectfulnod.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's doing a barrel roll to shake off the faggots who don't believe, then it's going to rocket to the moon!

I like this analysis.

>> No.1146509

genesis mining.

i bought a year ETH mining in december and it's already paid for itself after 2 months. everything now is free money

>> No.1146510
File: 660 KB, 1106x1012, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw it never goes past $15 again

>> No.1146547

Back in december? Wasn't it around 17 bucks per MH then? Would 44 per MH (I bought 2) still be profitable?

>> No.1146549
File: 70 KB, 725x483, 1457213769064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it feels like that now but when the pump starts you'll be glad you're on the train

>> No.1146556

Should I put almost all my money ($3,000) into ETH?

>> No.1146563

Oh, by the way, when I try to allocate my power to ethhash, it reverts back to sha256, what's up with that?
Do I need to set any specific settings to mine ether? I already bought the dagger-hashimoto thing.

>> No.1146567

smart contracts automatically execute the terms of the contract. this means it could one day replace lawyers and banks.

>> No.1146572

yeah why not. $3000 is a pittance in the general scheme of things. And you could double it in a month.

>> No.1146582

This. I feel like Eth is done. Its been a fun ride gentlemen but there is just no news left to hype this up. Everything is already priced in.

>> No.1146585

No. This ride is over. Please unfasten your seatbelts and put the armrests back in an upright position.

>> No.1146587

Nevermind, turns out you can indivdually set settings, all the power is in ethash.

>> No.1146734

they shill hard on places like 4chan

>> No.1146739

it's entirely unproven and shills are just making vary vague statements and are completely unable to bring up any technical details. fintech companies are using their own block chain technology, not ethereum. it's a gigantic meme.

>> No.1146827


>> No.1146840

So is SYS just a meme coin or is there potential to make money with it

>> No.1146866

same like everything else, it's just pump and dump

>> No.1146870


You can't possibly know for certain.

The technology is interesting. If you see potential in the technology and commercial appeal, 3k is nothing.

>> No.1147126

not right now. I think people are dumping ETH for the rest of the week and going onto other oppurtunities. it is a fast market and they don't play around.

>> No.1147436



>> No.1147448

I base my market decisions on posts like these. Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says. Time to buy in and hold long.

>> No.1147590

Don't invest money you can't afford to lose.

>> No.1147593

I've seen the hype of ETH get beyond the business and technology platforms - am I still on time to hop on or should I wait for a dip?

Alternatively, what are some good (online) ETH wallets and buy platforms (that take paypal and or bank cards - EU)

>> No.1147690

if you believe in fundamentals now is a pretty good time as it lost 30% in 24h

>> No.1147706

Too bad it'll take a few days before the transfer is into my kraken account

>> No.1148449

i told you eth is shit, cocksuckers